SHELL = /bin/bash .PHONY: test # these tests run in isolation by calling go test -run=... or the equivalent. ISOLATED_TESTS = TestControl_Isolated \ TestSystemDriven_Isolated \ TestHeapDriven_Isolated \ TestCgroupsDriven_Create_Isolated \ TestCgroupsDriven_Docker_Isolated test: test-binary test-docker test-binary: go test -v ./... # run all the non-isolated tests. # foreach does not actually execute each iteration; it expands the text, and it's executed all at once # that's why we use && true, to shorcircuit if a test fails. $(foreach name,$(ISOLATED_TESTS),TEST_ISOLATED=1 go test -v$(name) ./... && ) true test-docker: docker docker run --memory=32MiB --memory-swap=32MiB -e TEST_DOCKER_MEMLIMIT=33554432 raulk/watchdog:latest $(foreach name,$(ISOLATED_TESTS),docker run \ --memory=32MiB --memory-swap=32MiB \ -e TEST_ISOLATED=1 \ -e TEST_DOCKER_MEMLIMIT=33554432 \ raulk/watchdog:latest /root/watchdog.test -test.v$(name) ./... && ) true docker: docker build -f ./Dockerfile.test -t raulk/watchdog:latest .