2023-07-07 10:10:21 -04:00

156 lines
5.4 KiB

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "libgowaku.h"
#include "nxjson.c"
#include "main.h"
char *alicePrivKey = "0x4f012057e1a1458ce34189cb27daedbbe434f3df0825c1949475dec786e2c64e";
char *alicePubKey = "0x0440f05847c4c7166f57ae8ecaaf72d31bddcbca345e26713ca9e26c93fb8362ddcd5ae7f4533ee956428ad08a89cd18b234c2911a3b1c7fbd1c0047610d987302";
char *bobPrivKey = "0xb91d6b2df8fb6ef8b53b51b2b30a408c49d5e2b530502d58ac8f94e5c5de1453";
char *bobPubKey = "0x045eef61a98ba1cf44a2736fac91183ea2bd86e67de20fe4bff467a71249a8a0c05f795dd7f28ced7c15eaa69c89d4212cc4f526ca5e9a62e88008f506d850cccd";
void callBack(char *signal)
// This callback will be executed each time a new message is received
// Example signal:
const nx_json *json = nx_json_parse(signal, 0);
const char *type = nx_json_get(json, "type")->text_value;
if (strcmp(type, "message") == 0)
char* msg = utils_extract_wakumessage_from_signal(json);
char *decodedMsg = waku_decode_asymmetric(msg, bobPrivKey);
if(isError(decodedMsg)) {
const nx_json *dataJson = nx_json_parse(decodedMsg, 0);
const char *pubkey = nx_json_get(nx_json_get(dataJson, "result"), "pubkey")->text_value;
const char *base64data = nx_json_get(nx_json_get(dataJson, "result"), "data")->text_value;
char *data = waku_utils_base64_decode((char*)base64data);
printf(">>> Received \"%s\" from %s\n", utils_get_str(data), pubkey);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *response;
char *configJSON = "{\"host\": \"\", \"port\": 60000, \"logLevel\":\"error\", \"store\":true}";
response = waku_new(configJSON); // configJSON can be NULL too to use defaults
if (isError(response))
return 1;
response = waku_start(); // Start the node, enabling the waku protocols
if (isError(response))
return 1;
response = waku_peerid(); // Obtain the node peerID
if (isError(response))
return 1;
char *nodePeerID = utils_get_str(response);
printf("PeerID: %s\n", nodePeerID);
response = waku_connect("/dns4/node-01.gc-us-central1-a.wakuv2.test.statusim.net/tcp/30303/p2p/16Uiu2HAmJb2e28qLXxT5kZxVUUoJt72EMzNGXB47Rxx5hw3q4YjS", 0); // Connect to a node
if (isError(response))
printf("Could not connect to node: %s\n", response);
// To use dns discovery, and retrieve nodes from a enrtree url
response = waku_dns_discovery("enrtree://AOGECG2SPND25EEFMAJ5WF3KSGJNSGV356DSTL2YVLLZWIV6SAYBM@test.waku.nodes.status.im", "", 0); // Discover Nodes
if (isError(response))
return 1;
printf("Discovered nodes: %s\n", response);
// To see a store query in action:
char query[1000];
sprintf(query, "{\"pubsubTopic\":\"%s\", \"pagingOptions\":{\"pageSize\": 40, \"forward\":false}}", waku_default_pubsub_topic());
response = waku_store_query(query, NULL, 0);
if (isError(response))
return 1;
response = waku_relay_subscribe(NULL);
if (isError(response))
return 1;
int i = 0;
int version = 1;
while (i < 5)
char wakuMsg[1000];
char *msgPayload = waku_utils_base64_encode("Hello World!");
char *contentTopic = waku_content_topic("example", 1, "default", "rfc26");
sprintf(wakuMsg, "{\"payload\":\"%s\",\"contentTopic\":\"%s\",\"timestamp\":%"PRIu64"}", msgPayload, contentTopic, nowInNanosecs());
response = waku_relay_publish_enc_asymmetric(wakuMsg, NULL, bobPubKey, alicePrivKey, 0); // Broadcast via waku relay a message encrypting it with Bob's PubK, and signing it with Alice PrivK
// response = waku_lightpush_publish_enc_asymmetric(wakuMsg, NULL, NULL, bobPubKey, alicePrivKey, 0); // Broadcast via waku lightpush a message encrypting it with Bob's PubK, and signing it with Alice PrivK
if (isError(response))
return 1;
// char *messageID = utils_get_str(response);
// free(messageID);
// To retrieve messages from local store, set store:true in the node config, and use waku_store_local_query
char query[1000];
sprintf(query, "{\"pubsubTopic\":\"%s\", \"pagingOptions\":{\"pageSize\": 40, \"forward\":false}}", waku_default_pubsub_topic());
response = waku_store_local_query(query);
if (isError(response))
return 1;
response = waku_stop();
if (isError(response))
return 1;
return 0;