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synced 2025-01-20 10:40:12 +00:00
Fixes #19
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549 lines
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package store
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log"
libp2pProtocol "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/protocol"
ma "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr"
var log = logging.Logger("wakustore")
const WakuStoreProtocolId = libp2pProtocol.ID("/vac/waku/store/2.0.0-beta3")
const MaxPageSize = 100 // Maximum number of waku messages in each page
const ConnectionTimeout = 10 * time.Second
const DefaultContentTopic = "/waku/2/default-content/proto"
var (
ErrNoPeersAvailable = errors.New("no suitable remote peers")
ErrInvalidId = errors.New("invalid request id")
func minOf(vars ...int) int {
min := vars[0]
for _, i := range vars {
if min > i {
min = i
return min
func paginateWithIndex(list []IndexedWakuMessage, pinfo *pb.PagingInfo) (resMessages []IndexedWakuMessage, resPagingInfo *pb.PagingInfo) {
// takes list, and performs paging based on pinfo
// returns the page i.e, a sequence of IndexedWakuMessage and the new paging info to be used for the next paging request
cursor := pinfo.Cursor
pageSize := pinfo.PageSize
dir := pinfo.Direction
if pageSize == 0 { // pageSize being zero indicates that no pagination is required
return list, pinfo
if len(list) == 0 { // no pagination is needed for an empty list
return list, &pb.PagingInfo{PageSize: 0, Cursor: pinfo.Cursor, Direction: pinfo.Direction}
msgList := make([]IndexedWakuMessage, len(list))
_ = copy(msgList, list) // makes a copy of the list
sort.Slice(msgList, func(i, j int) bool { // sorts msgList based on the custom comparison proc indexedWakuMessageComparison
return indexedWakuMessageComparison(msgList[i], msgList[j]) == -1
initQuery := false
if cursor == nil {
initQuery = true // an empty cursor means it is an initial query
switch dir {
case pb.PagingInfo_FORWARD:
cursor = list[0].index // perform paging from the begining of the list
case pb.PagingInfo_BACKWARD:
cursor = list[len(list)-1].index // perform paging from the end of the list
foundIndex := findIndex(msgList, cursor)
if foundIndex == -1 { // the cursor is not valid
return nil, &pb.PagingInfo{PageSize: 0, Cursor: pinfo.Cursor, Direction: pinfo.Direction}
var retrievedPageSize, s, e int
var newCursor *pb.Index // to be returned as part of the new paging info
switch dir {
case pb.PagingInfo_FORWARD: // forward pagination
remainingMessages := len(msgList) - foundIndex - 1
if initQuery {
remainingMessages = remainingMessages + 1
foundIndex = foundIndex - 1
// the number of queried messages cannot exceed the MaxPageSize and the total remaining messages i.e., msgList.len-foundIndex
retrievedPageSize = minOf(int(pageSize), MaxPageSize, remainingMessages)
s = foundIndex + 1 // non inclusive
e = foundIndex + retrievedPageSize
newCursor = msgList[e].index // the new cursor points to the end of the page
case pb.PagingInfo_BACKWARD: // backward pagination
remainingMessages := foundIndex
if initQuery {
remainingMessages = remainingMessages + 1
foundIndex = foundIndex + 1
// the number of queried messages cannot exceed the MaxPageSize and the total remaining messages i.e., foundIndex-0
retrievedPageSize = minOf(int(pageSize), MaxPageSize, remainingMessages)
s = foundIndex - retrievedPageSize
e = foundIndex - 1
newCursor = msgList[s].index // the new cursor points to the begining of the page
// retrieve the messages
for i := s; i <= e; i++ {
resMessages = append(resMessages, msgList[i])
resPagingInfo = &pb.PagingInfo{PageSize: uint64(retrievedPageSize), Cursor: newCursor, Direction: pinfo.Direction}
func paginateWithoutIndex(list []IndexedWakuMessage, pinfo *pb.PagingInfo) (resMessages []*pb.WakuMessage, resPinfo *pb.PagingInfo) {
// takes list, and performs paging based on pinfo
// returns the page i.e, a sequence of WakuMessage and the new paging info to be used for the next paging request
indexedData, updatedPagingInfo := paginateWithIndex(list, pinfo)
for _, indexedMsg := range indexedData {
resMessages = append(resMessages, indexedMsg.msg)
resPinfo = updatedPagingInfo
func (w *WakuStore) FindMessages(query *pb.HistoryQuery) *pb.HistoryResponse {
result := new(pb.HistoryResponse)
// data holds IndexedWakuMessage whose topics match the query
var data []IndexedWakuMessage
for _, indexedMsg := range w.messages {
// temporal filtering
// check whether the history query contains a time filter
if query.StartTime != 0 && query.EndTime != 0 {
if indexedMsg.msg.Timestamp < query.StartTime || indexedMsg.msg.Timestamp > query.EndTime {
// filter based on content filters
// an empty list of contentFilters means no content filter is requested
if len(query.ContentFilters) != 0 {
match := false
for _, cf := range query.ContentFilters {
if cf.ContentTopic == indexedMsg.msg.ContentTopic {
match = true
if !match {
// filter based on pubsub topic
// an empty pubsub topic means no pubsub topic filter is requested
if query.PubsubTopic != "" {
if indexedMsg.pubsubTopic != query.PubsubTopic {
// Some criteria matched
data = append(data, indexedMsg)
result.Messages, result.PagingInfo = paginateWithoutIndex(data, query.PagingInfo)
return result
type MessageProvider interface {
GetAll() ([]*protocol.Envelope, error)
Put(cursor *pb.Index, pubsubTopic string, message *pb.WakuMessage) error
type IndexedWakuMessage struct {
msg *pb.WakuMessage
index *pb.Index
pubsubTopic string
type WakuStore struct {
MsgC chan *protocol.Envelope
messages []IndexedWakuMessage
messagesMutex sync.Mutex
storeMsgs bool
msgProvider MessageProvider
h host.Host
func NewWakuStore(shouldStoreMessages bool, p MessageProvider) *WakuStore {
wakuStore := new(WakuStore)
wakuStore.MsgC = make(chan *protocol.Envelope)
wakuStore.msgProvider = p
wakuStore.storeMsgs = shouldStoreMessages
return wakuStore
func (store *WakuStore) SetMsgProvider(p MessageProvider) {
store.msgProvider = p
func (store *WakuStore) Start(h host.Host) {
store.h = h
if !store.storeMsgs {
log.Info("Store protocol started (messages aren't stored)")
store.h.SetStreamHandler(WakuStoreProtocolId, store.onRequest)
go store.storeIncomingMessages()
if store.msgProvider == nil {
log.Info("Store protocol started (no message provider)")
envelopes, err := store.msgProvider.GetAll()
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not load DBProvider messages")
for _, env := range envelopes {
idx, err := computeIndex(env.Message())
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not calculate message index", err)
store.messages = append(store.messages, IndexedWakuMessage{msg: env.Message(), index: idx, pubsubTopic: env.PubsubTopic()})
log.Info("Store protocol started")
func (store *WakuStore) storeIncomingMessages() {
for envelope := range store.MsgC {
index, err := computeIndex(envelope.Message())
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not calculate message index", err)
store.messages = append(store.messages, IndexedWakuMessage{msg: envelope.Message(), index: index, pubsubTopic: envelope.PubsubTopic()})
if store.msgProvider == nil {
err = store.msgProvider.Put(index, envelope.PubsubTopic(), envelope.Message()) // Should the index be stored?
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not store message", err)
func (store *WakuStore) onRequest(s network.Stream) {
defer s.Close()
historyRPCRequest := &pb.HistoryRPC{}
writer := protoio.NewDelimitedWriter(s)
reader := protoio.NewDelimitedReader(s, 64*1024)
err := reader.ReadMsg(historyRPCRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Error("error reading request", err)
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%s: Received query from %s", s.Conn().LocalPeer(), s.Conn().RemotePeer()))
historyResponseRPC := &pb.HistoryRPC{}
historyResponseRPC.RequestId = historyRPCRequest.RequestId
historyResponseRPC.Response = store.FindMessages(historyRPCRequest.Query)
err = writer.WriteMsg(historyResponseRPC)
if err != nil {
log.Error("error writing response", err)
} else {
log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("%s: Response sent to %s", s.Conn().LocalPeer().String(), s.Conn().RemotePeer().String()))
func computeIndex(msg *pb.WakuMessage) (*pb.Index, error) {
data, err := msg.Marshal()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
digest := sha256.Sum256(data)
return &pb.Index{
Digest: digest[:],
ReceivedTime: float64(time.Now().UnixNano()),
}, nil
func indexComparison(x, y *pb.Index) int {
// compares x and y
// returns 0 if they are equal
// returns -1 if x < y
// returns 1 if x > y
var timecmp int = 0 // TODO: ask waku team why Index ReceivedTime is is float?
if x.ReceivedTime > y.ReceivedTime {
timecmp = 1
} else if x.ReceivedTime < y.ReceivedTime {
timecmp = -1
digestcm := bytes.Compare(x.Digest, y.Digest)
if timecmp != 0 {
return timecmp // timestamp has a higher priority for comparison
return digestcm
func indexedWakuMessageComparison(x, y IndexedWakuMessage) int {
// compares x and y
// returns 0 if they are equal
// returns -1 if x < y
// returns 1 if x > y
return indexComparison(x.index, y.index)
func findIndex(msgList []IndexedWakuMessage, index *pb.Index) int {
// returns the position of an IndexedWakuMessage in msgList whose index value matches the given index
// returns -1 if no match is found
for i, indexedWakuMessage := range msgList {
if bytes.Compare(indexedWakuMessage.index.Digest, index.Digest) == 0 && indexedWakuMessage.index.ReceivedTime == index.ReceivedTime {
return i
return -1
func (store *WakuStore) AddPeer(p peer.ID, addrs []ma.Multiaddr) error {
for _, addr := range addrs {
store.h.Peerstore().AddAddr(p, addr, peerstore.PermanentAddrTTL)
err := store.h.Peerstore().AddProtocols(p, string(WakuStoreProtocolId))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (store *WakuStore) selectPeer() *peer.ID {
// @TODO We need to be more stratigic about which peers we dial. Right now we just set one on the service.
// Ideally depending on the query and our set of peers we take a subset of ideal peers.
// This will require us to check for various factors such as:
// - which topics they track
// - latency?
// - default store peer?
// Selects the best peer for a given protocol
var peers peer.IDSlice
for _, peer := range store.h.Peerstore().Peers() {
protocols, err := store.h.Peerstore().SupportsProtocols(peer, string(WakuStoreProtocolId))
if err != nil {
log.Error("error obtaining the protocols supported by peers", err)
return nil
if len(protocols) > 0 {
peers = append(peers, peer)
if len(peers) >= 1 {
// TODO: proper heuristic here that compares peer scores and selects "best" one. For now the first peer for the given protocol is returned
return &peers[0]
return nil
var brHmacDrbgPool = sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} {
seed := make([]byte, 48)
_, err := rand.Read(seed)
if err != nil {
return hmacdrbg.NewHmacDrbg(256, seed, nil)
func GenerateRequestId() []byte {
rng := brHmacDrbgPool.Get().(*hmacdrbg.HmacDrbg)
defer brHmacDrbgPool.Put(rng)
randData := make([]byte, 32)
if !rng.Generate(randData) {
//Reseed is required every 10,000 calls
seed := make([]byte, 48)
_, err := rand.Read(seed)
if err != nil {
err = rng.Reseed(seed)
if err != nil {
//only happens if seed < security-level
if !rng.Generate(randData) {
log.Error("could not generate random request id")
return randData
type HistoryRequestParameters struct {
selectedPeer peer.ID
requestId []byte
timeout *time.Duration
cursor *pb.Index
pageSize uint64
asc bool
s *WakuStore
type HistoryRequestOption func(*HistoryRequestParameters)
func WithPeer(p peer.ID) HistoryRequestOption {
return func(params *HistoryRequestParameters) {
params.selectedPeer = p
func WithAutomaticPeerSelection() HistoryRequestOption {
return func(params *HistoryRequestParameters) {
p := params.s.selectPeer()
params.selectedPeer = *p
func WithRequestId(requestId []byte) HistoryRequestOption {
return func(params *HistoryRequestParameters) {
params.requestId = requestId
func WithAutomaticRequestId() HistoryRequestOption {
return func(params *HistoryRequestParameters) {
params.requestId = GenerateRequestId()
func WithCursor(c *pb.Index) HistoryRequestOption {
return func(params *HistoryRequestParameters) {
params.cursor = c
func WithPaging(asc bool, pageSize uint64) HistoryRequestOption {
return func(params *HistoryRequestParameters) {
params.asc = asc
params.pageSize = pageSize
func DefaultOptions() []HistoryRequestOption {
return []HistoryRequestOption{
WithPaging(true, 0),
func (store *WakuStore) Query(ctx context.Context, q *pb.HistoryQuery, opts ...HistoryRequestOption) (*pb.HistoryResponse, error) {
params := new(HistoryRequestParameters)
params.s = store
for _, opt := range opts {
if params.selectedPeer == "" {
return nil, ErrNoPeersAvailable
if len(params.requestId) == 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidId
if params.cursor != nil {
q.PagingInfo.Cursor = params.cursor
if params.asc {
q.PagingInfo.Direction = pb.PagingInfo_FORWARD
} else {
q.PagingInfo.Direction = pb.PagingInfo_BACKWARD
q.PagingInfo.PageSize = params.pageSize
connOpt, err := store.h.NewStream(ctx, params.selectedPeer, WakuStoreProtocolId)
if err != nil {
log.Info("failed to connect to remote peer", err)
return nil, err
defer connOpt.Close()
defer connOpt.Reset()
historyRequest := &pb.HistoryRPC{Query: q, RequestId: hex.EncodeToString(params.requestId)}
writer := protoio.NewDelimitedWriter(connOpt)
reader := protoio.NewDelimitedReader(connOpt, 64*1024)
err = writer.WriteMsg(historyRequest)
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not write request", err)
return nil, err
historyResponseRPC := &pb.HistoryRPC{}
err = reader.ReadMsg(historyResponseRPC)
if err != nil {
log.Error("could not read response", err)
return nil, err
return historyResponseRPC.Response, nil
// TODO: queryWithAccounting