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synced 2025-03-04 06:50:45 +00:00
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package node
import (
logging "github.com/ipfs/go-log/v2"
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
basichost "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/host/basic"
quic "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/transport/quic"
libp2pwebtransport "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p/p2p/transport/webtransport"
manet "github.com/multiformats/go-multiaddr/net"
// Default UserAgent
const UserAgent string = "go-waku"
// Default minRelayPeersToPublish
const defaultMinRelayPeersToPublish = 0
const DefaultMaxConnectionsPerIP = 5
type WakuNodeParameters struct {
hostAddr *net.TCPAddr
maxConnectionsPerIP int
clusterID uint16
dns4Domain string
advertiseAddrs []multiaddr.Multiaddr
multiAddr []multiaddr.Multiaddr
addressFactory basichost.AddrsFactory
privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
libP2POpts []libp2p.Option
peerstore peerstore.Peerstore
prometheusReg prometheus.Registerer
circuitRelayMinInterval time.Duration
circuitRelayBootDelay time.Duration
enableNTP bool
ntpURLs []string
enableWS bool
wsPort int
enableWSS bool
wssPort int
tlsConfig *tls.Config
logger *zap.Logger
logLevel logging.LogLevel
enableRelay bool
enableFilterLightNode bool
enableFilterFullNode bool
filterOpts []filter.Option
pubsubOpts []pubsub.Option
lightpushOpts []lightpush.Option
minRelayPeersToPublish int
maxMsgSizeBytes int
enableStore bool
messageProvider legacy_store.MessageProvider
enableRendezvousPoint bool
rendezvousDB *rendezvous.DB
maxPeerConnections int
peerStoreCapacity int
enableDiscV5 bool
udpPort uint
discV5bootnodes []*enode.Node
discV5autoUpdate bool
enablePeerExchange bool
enableRLN bool
rlnRelayMemIndex *uint
rlnRelayDynamic bool
rlnSpamHandler func(message *pb.WakuMessage, topic string) error
rlnETHClientAddress string
keystorePath string
keystorePassword string
rlnTreePath string
rlnMembershipContractAddress common.Address
keepAliveInterval time.Duration
enableLightPush bool
connNotifCh chan<- PeerConnection
topicHealthNotifCh chan<- peermanager.TopicHealthStatus
storeFactory storeFactory
type WakuNodeOption func(*WakuNodeParameters) error
// Default options used in the libp2p node
var DefaultWakuNodeOptions = []WakuNodeOption{
WithCircuitRelayParams(2*time.Second, 3*time.Minute),
// MultiAddresses return the list of multiaddresses configured in the node
func (w WakuNodeParameters) MultiAddresses() []multiaddr.Multiaddr {
return w.multiAddr
// Identity returns a libp2p option containing the identity used by the node
func (w WakuNodeParameters) Identity() config.Option {
return libp2p.Identity(*w.GetPrivKey())
// TLSConfig returns the TLS config used for setting up secure websockets
func (w WakuNodeParameters) TLSConfig() *tls.Config {
return w.tlsConfig
// AddressFactory returns the address factory used by the node's host
func (w WakuNodeParameters) AddressFactory() basichost.AddrsFactory {
return w.addressFactory
// WithLogger is a WakuNodeOption that adds a custom logger
func WithLogger(l *zap.Logger) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.logger = l
return nil
// WithLogLevel is a WakuNodeOption that sets the log level for go-waku
func WithLogLevel(lvl zapcore.Level) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.logLevel = logging.LogLevel(lvl)
return nil
// WithPrometheusRegisterer configures go-waku to use reg as the Registerer for all metrics subsystems
func WithPrometheusRegisterer(reg prometheus.Registerer) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
if reg == nil {
return errors.New("registerer cannot be nil")
params.prometheusReg = reg
return nil
// WithDNS4Domain is a WakuNodeOption that adds a custom domain name to listen
func WithDNS4Domain(dns4Domain string) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.dns4Domain = dns4Domain
previousAddrFactory := params.addressFactory
params.addressFactory = func(inputAddr []multiaddr.Multiaddr) (addresses []multiaddr.Multiaddr) {
addresses = append(addresses, inputAddr...)
hostAddrMA, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr("/dns4/" + params.dns4Domain)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid dns4 address: %s", err.Error()))
tcp, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/tcp/%d", params.hostAddr.Port))
addresses = append(addresses, hostAddrMA.Encapsulate(tcp))
if params.enableWS || params.enableWSS {
if params.enableWSS {
// WSS is deprecated in https://github.com/multiformats/multiaddr/pull/109
wss, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/tcp/%d/wss", params.wssPort))
addresses = append(addresses, hostAddrMA.Encapsulate(wss))
tlsws, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/tcp/%d/tls/ws", params.wssPort))
addresses = append(addresses, hostAddrMA.Encapsulate(tlsws))
} else {
ws, _ := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/tcp/%d/ws", params.wsPort))
addresses = append(addresses, hostAddrMA.Encapsulate(ws))
if previousAddrFactory != nil {
return previousAddrFactory(addresses)
return addresses
return nil
// WithHostAddress is a WakuNodeOption that configures libp2p to listen on a specific address
func WithHostAddress(hostAddr *net.TCPAddr) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.hostAddr = hostAddr
hostAddrMA, err := manet.FromNetAddr(hostAddr)
if err != nil {
return err
params.multiAddr = append(params.multiAddr, hostAddrMA)
return nil
// WithAdvertiseAddresses is a WakuNodeOption that allows overriding the address used in the waku node with custom value
func WithAdvertiseAddresses(advertiseAddrs ...multiaddr.Multiaddr) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.advertiseAddrs = advertiseAddrs
return WithMultiaddress(advertiseAddrs...)(params)
// WithExternalIP is a WakuNodeOption that allows overriding the advertised external IP used in the waku node with custom value
func WithExternalIP(ip net.IP) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
oldAddrFactory := params.addressFactory
params.addressFactory = func(inputAddr []multiaddr.Multiaddr) (addresses []multiaddr.Multiaddr) {
addresses = append(addresses, inputAddr...)
ipType := "/ip4/"
if utils.IsIPv6(ip.String()) {
ipType = "/ip6/"
hostAddrMA, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(ipType + ip.String())
if err != nil {
panic("Could not build external IP")
addrSet := make(map[string]multiaddr.Multiaddr)
for _, addr := range inputAddr {
_, rest := multiaddr.SplitFirst(addr)
addr := hostAddrMA.Encapsulate(rest)
addrSet[addr.String()] = addr
for _, addr := range addrSet {
addresses = append(addresses, addr)
if oldAddrFactory != nil {
return oldAddrFactory(addresses)
} else {
return addresses
return nil
// WithMultiaddress is a WakuNodeOption that configures libp2p to listen on a list of multiaddresses
func WithMultiaddress(addresses ...multiaddr.Multiaddr) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.multiAddr = append(params.multiAddr, addresses...)
return nil
// WithPrivateKey is used to set an ECDSA private key in a libp2p node
func WithPrivateKey(privKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.privKey = privKey
return nil
// WithClusterID is used to set the node's ClusterID
func WithClusterID(clusterID uint16) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.clusterID = clusterID
return nil
// WithMaxConnectionsPerIP sets the max number of allowed peers from the same IP
func WithMaxConnectionsPerIP(limit int) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.maxConnectionsPerIP = limit
return nil
// WithNTP is used to use ntp for any operation that requires obtaining time
// A list of ntp servers can be passed but if none is specified, some defaults
// will be used
func WithNTP(ntpURLs ...string) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
if len(ntpURLs) == 0 {
ntpURLs = timesource.DefaultServers
params.enableNTP = true
params.ntpURLs = ntpURLs
return nil
// GetPrivKey returns the private key used in the node
func (w *WakuNodeParameters) GetPrivKey() *crypto.PrivKey {
privKey := crypto.PrivKey(utils.EcdsaPrivKeyToSecp256k1PrivKey(w.privKey))
return &privKey
// WithLibP2POptions is a WakuNodeOption used to configure the libp2p node.
// This can potentially override any libp2p config that was set with other
// WakuNodeOption
func WithLibP2POptions(opts ...libp2p.Option) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.libP2POpts = opts
return nil
func WithPeerStore(ps peerstore.Peerstore) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.peerstore = ps
return nil
// WithWakuRelay enables the Waku V2 Relay protocol. This WakuNodeOption
// accepts a list of WakuRelay gossipsub option to setup the protocol
func WithWakuRelay(opts ...pubsub.Option) WakuNodeOption {
return WithWakuRelayAndMinPeers(defaultMinRelayPeersToPublish, opts...)
// WithWakuRelayAndMinPeers enables the Waku V2 Relay protocol. This WakuNodeOption
// accepts a min peers require to publish and a list of WakuRelay gossipsub option to setup the protocol
func WithWakuRelayAndMinPeers(minRelayPeersToPublish int, opts ...pubsub.Option) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableRelay = true
params.pubsubOpts = opts
params.minRelayPeersToPublish = minRelayPeersToPublish
return nil
func WithMaxMsgSize(maxMsgSizeBytes int) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.maxMsgSizeBytes = maxMsgSizeBytes
return nil
func WithMaxPeerConnections(maxPeers int) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.maxPeerConnections = maxPeers
return nil
func WithPeerStoreCapacity(capacity int) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.peerStoreCapacity = capacity
return nil
// WithDiscoveryV5 is a WakuOption used to enable DiscV5 peer discovery
func WithDiscoveryV5(udpPort uint, bootnodes []*enode.Node, autoUpdate bool) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableDiscV5 = true
params.udpPort = udpPort
params.discV5bootnodes = bootnodes
params.discV5autoUpdate = autoUpdate
return nil
// WithPeerExchange is a WakuOption used to enable Peer Exchange
func WithPeerExchange() WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enablePeerExchange = true
return nil
// WithWakuFilter enables the Waku Filter V2 protocol for lightnode functionality
func WithWakuFilterLightNode() WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableFilterLightNode = true
return nil
// WithWakuFilterFullNode enables the Waku Filter V2 protocol full node functionality.
// This WakuNodeOption accepts a list of WakuFilter options to setup the protocol
func WithWakuFilterFullNode(filterOpts ...filter.Option) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableFilterFullNode = true
params.filterOpts = filterOpts
return nil
// WithWakuStore enables the Waku V2 Store protocol and if the messages should
// be stored or not in a message provider.
func WithWakuStore() WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableStore = true
return nil
// WithWakuStoreFactory is used to replace the default WakuStore with a custom
// implementation that implements the store.Store interface
func WithWakuStoreFactory(factory storeFactory) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.storeFactory = factory
return nil
// WithMessageProvider is a WakuNodeOption that sets the MessageProvider
// used to store and retrieve persisted messages
func WithMessageProvider(s legacy_store.MessageProvider) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
if s == nil {
return errors.New("message provider can't be nil")
params.messageProvider = s
return nil
// WithLightPush is a WakuNodeOption that enables the lightpush protocol
func WithLightPush(lightpushOpts ...lightpush.Option) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableLightPush = true
params.lightpushOpts = lightpushOpts
return nil
// WithKeepAlive is a WakuNodeOption used to set the interval of time when
// each peer will be ping to keep the TCP connection alive
func WithKeepAlive(t time.Duration) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.keepAliveInterval = t
return nil
func WithConnectionNotification(ch chan<- PeerConnection) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.connNotifCh = ch
return nil
// WithWebsockets is a WakuNodeOption used to enable websockets support
func WithWebsockets(address string, port int) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableWS = true
params.wsPort = port
wsMa, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%d/%s", address, port, "ws"))
if err != nil {
return err
params.multiAddr = append(params.multiAddr, wsMa)
return nil
// WithRendezvous is a WakuOption used to set the node as a rendezvous
// point, using an specific storage for the peer information
func WithRendezvous(db *rendezvous.DB) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableRendezvousPoint = true
params.rendezvousDB = db
return nil
// WithSecureWebsockets is a WakuNodeOption used to enable secure websockets support
func WithSecureWebsockets(address string, port int, certPath string, keyPath string) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.enableWSS = true
params.wssPort = port
wsMa, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/%d/%s", address, port, "wss"))
if err != nil {
return err
params.multiAddr = append(params.multiAddr, wsMa)
certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certPath, keyPath)
if err != nil {
return err
params.tlsConfig = &tls.Config{
Certificates: []tls.Certificate{certificate},
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
return nil
func WithCircuitRelayParams(minInterval time.Duration, bootDelay time.Duration) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.circuitRelayBootDelay = bootDelay
params.circuitRelayMinInterval = minInterval
return nil
func WithTopicHealthStatusChannel(ch chan<- peermanager.TopicHealthStatus) WakuNodeOption {
return func(params *WakuNodeParameters) error {
params.topicHealthNotifCh = ch
return nil
// Default options used in the libp2p node
var DefaultLibP2POptions = []libp2p.Option{
libp2p.Muxer("/yamux/1.0.0", yamux.DefaultTransport),
libp2p.ConnectionManager(newConnManager(200, 300, connmgr.WithGracePeriod(0))),
func newConnManager(lo int, hi int, opts ...connmgr.Option) *connmgr.BasicConnMgr {
mgr, err := connmgr.NewConnManager(lo, hi, opts...)
if err != nil {
panic("could not create ConnManager: " + err.Error())
return mgr