--- slug: # title: #/GOWAKU-BINDINGS name: Go-Waku v2 C Bindings status: draft tags: go-waku editor: Richard Ramos contributors: --- This specification describes the API for consuming go-waku when built as a dynamic or static library # libgowaku.h ## General ### JSONResponse All the API functions return a `JSONResponse` unless specified otherwise. `JSONResponse` is a `char *` whose format depends on whether the function was executed sucessfully or not: ```js // On failure: { "error": "the error message" } // On success: { "result": ... } // result format depends on the function response ``` ## Events Asynchronous events require a callback to be registered. An example of an asynchronous event that might be emitted is receiving a message. When an event is emitted, this callback will be triggered receiving a json string with the following format: ```js { "type": "message", // type of signal being emitted. Currently only "message" is available "event": ... // format depends on the type of signal. In the case of "message", a waku message can be expected here } ``` ### `extern void waku_set_event_callback(void* cb)` Register callback to act as signal handler and receive application signals, which are used to react to asyncronous events in waku. **Parameters** 1. `void* cb`: callback that will be executed when an async event is emitted. The function signature for the callback should be `void myCallback(char* signalJSON)` ## Node management ### `extern char* waku_new(char* configJSON)` Initialize a go-waku node. **Parameters** 1. `char* configJSON`: JSON string containing the options used to initialize a go-waku node. It can be `NULL` to use defaults. All the keys from the configuration are optional. If a key is `undefined`, or `null`, a default value will be set ```js // example config: { "host": "", "port": 60000, "advertiseAddr": "", "nodeKey": "0x123...567", "keepAliveInterval": 20, "relay": true, "minPeersToPublish": 0 } ``` - `host` - `String` (optional): Listening IP address. Default `` - `port` - `Number` (optional): Libp2p TCP listening port. Default `60000`. Use `0` for random - `advertiseAddr` - `String` (optional): External address to advertise to other nodes. - `nodeKey` - `String` (optional): secp256k1 private key in Hex format (`0x123...abc`). Default random - `keepAliveInterval` - `Number` (optional): Interval in seconds for pinging peers to keep the connection alive. Default `20` - `relay` - `Boolean` (optional): Enable relay protocol. Default `true` - `minPeersToPublish` - `Number` (optional). The minimum number of peers required on a topic to allow broadcasting a message. Default `0` **Returns** `JSONResponse` with a NULL `result`. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_start()` Initialize a go-waku node mounting all the protocols that were enabled during the waku node initialization. **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing a null `result` if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_stop()` Stops a go-waku node **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing a null `result` if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_peerid()` Obtain the peer ID of the go-waku node. **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the peer ID (base58 encoded) if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_listen_addresses()` Obtain the multiaddresses the wakunode is listening to **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing an array of multiaddresses if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise ## Connecting to peers ### `extern char* waku_add_peer(char* address, char* protocolID)` Add node multiaddress and protocol to the wakunode peerstore **Parameters** 1. `char* address`: multiaddress of the peer being added 2. `char* protocolID`: protocol supported by the peer **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the peer ID (base58 encoded) of the peer that was added if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_connect(char* address, int ms)` Connect to peer at multiaddress. **Parameters** 1. `char* address`: multiaddress of the peer being dialed 2. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` with a null `result` if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_connect_peerid(char* id, int ms)` Connect to peer using peerID. **Parameters** 1. `char* peerID`: peerID to dial. The peer must be already known. It must have been added before with `waku_add_peer` or previously dialed with `waku_dial_peer` 2. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` with a null `result` if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_disconnect(char* peerID)` Disconnect a peer using its peerID. **Parameters** 1. `char* peerID`: peerID to disconnect. **Returns** `JSONResponse` with a null `result` if the function executes successfully. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_peer_cnt()` Obtain number of connected peers **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing an `int` with the number of connected peers. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_peers()` Retrieve the list of peers known by the go-waku node **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing a list of peers. An `error` message otherwise. The list of peers has this format: ```js { "result":[ ... { "peerID":"16Uiu2HAmJb2e28qLXxT5kZxVUUoJt72EMzNGXB47RedcBafeDCBA", "protocols":[ "/ipfs/id/1.0.0", "/vac/waku/relay/2.0.0", "/ipfs/ping/1.0.0", ... ], "addrs":[ "/ip4/", ... ], "connected":true } ] } ``` ## Waku Relay ### `extern char* waku_content_topic(char* applicationName, unsigned int applicationVersion, char* contentTopicName, char* encoding)` Create a content topic string according to [RFC 23](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/23/) **Parameters** 1. `char* applicationName` 2. `unsigned int applicationVersion` 3. `char* contentTopicName` 4. `char* encoding`: depending on the payload, use `proto`, `rlp` or `rfc26` **Returns** `char *` containing a content topic formatted according to [RFC 23](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/23/) ``` /{application-name}/{version-of-the-application}/{content-topic-name}/{encoding} ``` -- ### `extern char* waku_pubsub_topic(char* name, char* encoding)` Create a pubsub topic string according to [RFC 23](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/23/) **Parameters** 1. `char* name` 2. `char* encoding`: depending on the payload, use `proto`, `rlp` or `rfc26` **Returns** `char *` containing a content topic formatted according to [RFC 23](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/23/) ``` /waku/2/{topic-name}/{encoding} ``` --- ### `extern char* waku_default_pubsub_topic()` Returns the default pubsub topic used for exchanging waku messages defined in [RFC 10](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/10/) **Returns** `char *` containing the default pubsub topic: ``` /waku/2/default-waku/proto ``` --- ### `extern char* waku_relay_publish(char* messageJSON, char* topic, int ms)` Publish a message using waku relay. **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 3. `char* topic`: pubsub topic. Set to `NULL` to use the default pubsub topic 4. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the message ID. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_relay_publish_enc_asymmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* publicKey, char* optionalSigningKey, int ms)` Publish a message encrypted with a secp256k1 public key using waku relay **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* topic`: pubsub topic. Set to `NULL` to use the default pubsub topic 3. `char* publicKey`: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 public key. 4. `char* optionalSigningKey`: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise 5. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the message ID. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_relay_publish_enc_symmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* symmetricKey, char* optionalSigningKey, int ms)` Publish a message encrypted with a 32 bytes symmetric key using waku relay **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* topic`: pubsub topic. Set to `NULL` to use the default pubsub topic 3. `char* symmetricKey`: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a 32 bytes symmetric key 4. `char* optionalSigningKey`: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise 5. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the message ID. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_enough_peers(char* topic)` Determine if there are enough peers to publish a message on a topic. **Parameters** 1. `char* topic`: pubsub topic to verify. Use `NULL` to verify the number of peers in the default pubsub topic **Returns** `JSONResponse` with a boolean indicating if there are enough peers or not. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_relay_subscribe(char* topic)` Subscribe to a WakuRelay topic to receive messages. **Parameters** 1. `char* topic`: pubsub topic to subscribe to. Use `NULL` for subscribing to the default pubsub topic **Returns** `JSONResponse` with a null result. An `error` message otherwise **Events** When a message is received, a ``"message"` event` is emitted containing the message, and pubsub topic in which the message was received. Here's an example event that could be received: ```js { "type":"message", "event":{ "pubsubTopic":"/waku/2/default-waku/proto", "messageID":"0x6496491e40dbe0b6c3a2198c2426b16301688a2daebc4f57ad7706115eac3ad1", "wakuMessage":{ "payload":"...", // base64 encoded message. Use waku_decode_data to decode "contentTopic":"ABC", "version":1, "timestamp":1647826358000000000 // in nanoseconds } } } ``` --- ### `extern char* waku_relay_unsubscribe(char* topic)` Closes the subscription to a pubsub topic. **Parameters** 1. `char* topic`: pubsub topic to unsubscribe from. Use `NULL` for unsubscribe from the default pubsub topic **Returns** `JSONResponse` with null `response` if successful. An `error` message otherwise ## Waku LightPush ### `extern char* waku_lightpush_publish(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* peerID, int ms)` Publish a message using waku lightpush. **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* topic`: pubsub topic. Set to `NULL` to use the default pubsub topic 3. `char* peerID`: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the lightpush protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node 4. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the message ID. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_lightpush_publish_enc_asymmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* publicKey, char* optionalSigningKey, char* peerID, int ms)` Publish a message encrypted with a secp256k1 public key using waku lightpush **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* topic`: pubsub topic. Set to `NULL` to use the default pubsub topic 3. `char* publicKey`: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 public key. 4. `char* optionalSigningKey`: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise 5. `char* peerID`: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the lightpush protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node 6. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the message ID. An `error` message otherwise --- ### `extern char* waku_lightpush_publish_enc_symmetric(char* messageJSON, char* topic, char* symmetricKey, char* optionalSigningKey, char* peerID, int ms)` Publish a message encrypted with a 32 bytes symmetric key using waku relay **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"", // base64 encoded payload. waku_utils_base64_encode can be used for this "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* topic`: pubsub topic. Set to `NULL` to use the default pubsub topic 3. `char* symmetricKey`: hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a 32 bytes symmetric key 4. `char* optionalSigningKey`: optional hex string prefixed with "0x" containing a valid secp256k1 private key for signing the message. Use NULL otherwise 5. `char* peerID`: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the lightpush protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node 6. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the message ID. An `error` message otherwise ## Waku Store ### `extern char* waku_store_query(char* queryJSON, char* peerID, int ms)` Query historic messages using waku store protocol. **Parameters** 1. `char* queryJSON`: json string containing the query. If the message length is greater than 0, this function should be executed again, setting the `cursor` attribute with the cursor returned in the response ```js { "pubsubTopic": "...", // optional string "startTime": 1234, // optional, unix epoch time in nanoseconds "endTime": 1234, // optional, unix epoch time in nanoseconds "contentFilters": [ // optional { "contentTopic": "..." }, ... ], "pagingOptions": { // optional pagination information "pageSize": 40, // number "cursor": { // optional "digest": ..., "receiverTime": ..., "senderTime": ..., "pubsubTopic" ..., }, "forward": true, // sort order } } ``` 2. `char* peerID`: should contain the ID of a peer supporting the store protocol. Use NULL to automatically select a node 3. `int ms`: max duration in milliseconds this function might take to execute. If the function execution takes longer than this value, the execution will be canceled and an error returned. Use `0` for unlimited duration **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing the store response. An `error` message otherwise ```js { "result": { "messages": [ ... ], // array of waku messages "pagingOptions": { // optional pagination information "pageSize": 40, // number "cursor": { // optional "digest": ..., "receiverTime": ..., "senderTime": ..., "pubsubTopic" ..., }, "forward": true, // sort order } } } ``` ## Decrypting messages ### `extern char* waku_decode_symmetric(char* messageJSON, char* symmetricKey)` Decrypt a message using a symmetric key **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"...", // encrypted payload encoded in base64. "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* symmetricKey`: 32 byte symmetric key **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing a `DecodedPayload`. An `error` message otherwise ```js { "result": { "pubkey": "0x......", // pubkey that signed the message (optional) "signature": "0x....", // message signature (optional) "data": "...", // decrypted message payload encoded in base64 "padding": "...", // base64 encoded padding } } ``` ### `extern char* waku_decode_asymmetric(char* messageJSON, char* privateKey)` Decrypt a message using a secp256k1 private key **Parameters** 1. `char* messageJSON`: json string containing the [Waku Message](https://rfc.vac.dev/spec/14/) ```js { "payload":"...", // encrypted payload encoded in base64. "contentTopic: "...", "version": 1, "timestamp": 1647963508000000000 // Unix timestamp in nanoseconds } ``` 2. `char* privateKey`: secp256k1 private key **Returns** `JSONResponse` containing a `DecodedPayload`. An `error` message otherwise ```js { "result": { "pubkey": "0x......", // pubkey that signed the message (optional) "signature": "0x....", // message signature (optional) "data": "...", // decrypted message payload encoded in base64 "padding": "...", // base64 encoded padding } } ``` ## Waku Message Utils ### `extern char* waku_utils_base64_encode(char* data)` Encode a byte array to base64 useful for creating the payload of a waku message in the format understood by `waku_relay_publish` **Parameters** 1. `char* data`: byte array to encode **Returns** A `char *` containing the base64 encoded byte array --- ### `extern char* waku_utils_base64_decode(char* data)` Decode a base64 string (useful for reading the payload from waku messages) **Parameters** 1. `char* data`: base64 encoded byte array to decode **Returns** `JSONResponse` with the decoded payload. An `error` message otherwise. The decoded payload has this format: --- ### `extern void waku_utils_free(char* data)` Frees a char* since all strings returned by gowaku are allocated in the C heap using malloc. **Parameters** 1. `char* data`: variable to free # Copyright Copyright and related rights waived via [CC0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/).