CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID := c09efa7c67c269bfdc6f8a356785d8f7ed55c9dc2b9a1d07b78c384f55c4e527 GO_HTML_COV := ./coverage.html GO_TEST_OUTFILE := ./c.out CC_PREFIX := SHELL := bash # the shell used internally by Make GOBIN ?= $(shell which go) .PHONY: all build lint test coverage build-example static-library dynamic-library test-c test-c-template mobile-android mobile-ios ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT) # is Windows_NT on XP, 2000, 7, Vista, 10... detected_OS := Windows else detected_OS := $(strip $(shell uname)) endif ifeq ($(detected_OS),Darwin) GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT := dylib ifeq ("$(shell sysctl -nq hw.optional.arm64)","1") # Building on M1 is still not supported, so in the meantime we crosscompile to amd64 GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_CFLAGS=CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 endif else ifeq ($(detected_OS),Windows) # on Windows need `--export-all-symbols` flag else expected symbols will not be found in libgowaku.dll GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_CGO_LDFLAGS := CGO_LDFLAGS="-Wl,--export-all-symbols" GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT := dll else GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT := so GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_CGO_LDFLAGS := CGO_LDFLAGS="-Wl,-soname," endif GIT_COMMIT = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) VERSION = $(shell cat ./VERSION) UID := $(shell id -u) GID := $(shell id -g) BUILD_FLAGS ?= $(shell echo "-ldflags='\ -X$(GIT_COMMIT) \ -X$(VERSION)'") ANDROID_TARGET ?= 23 # control rln code compilation ifeq ($(RLN), true) BUILD_TAGS := gowaku_rln endif all: build deps: lint-install build: ${GOBIN} build -tags="${BUILD_TAGS}" $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o build/waku ./cmd/waku chat2: pushd ./examples/chat2 && \ ${GOBIN} build -tags="gowaku_rln" -o ../../build/chat2 . && \ popd vendor: ${GOBIN} mod tidy lint-install: curl -sfL | \ bash -s -- -b $(shell ${GOBIN} env GOPATH)/bin v1.50.0 lint: @echo "lint" @golangci-lint --exclude=SA1019 run ./... --deadline=5m test: ${GOBIN} test ./waku/... -coverprofile=${GO_TEST_OUTFILE}.tmp cat ${GO_TEST_OUTFILE}.tmp | grep -v ".pb.go" > ${GO_TEST_OUTFILE} ${GOBIN} tool cover -html=${GO_TEST_OUTFILE} -o ${GO_HTML_COV} _before-cc: CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=${CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID} ./coverage/cc-test-reporter before-build _after-cc: GIT_COMMIT=$(git log | grep -m1 -oE '[^ ]+$') CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID=${CC_TEST_REPORTER_ID} ./coverage/cc-test-reporter after-build --prefix ${CC_PREFIX} test-ci: _before-cc test _after-cc generate: ${GOBIN} generate ./waku/v2/protocol/pb/generate.go ${GOBIN} generate ./waku/persistence/migrations/sql ${GOBIN} generate ./waku/v2/protocol/rln/contracts/generate.go ${GOBIN} generate ./waku/v2/protocol/rln/doc.go coverage: ${GOBIN} test -count 1 -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... ${GOBIN} tool cover -html=coverage.out -o=coverage.html # build a docker image for the fleet docker-image: DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG ?= latest docker-image: DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME ?= statusteam/go-waku:$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) docker-image: docker build --tag $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) \ --build-arg="GIT_COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD)" . build-example-basic2: cd examples/basic2 && $(MAKE) build-example-chat-2: cd examples/chat2 && $(MAKE) build-example-filter2: cd examples/filter2 && $(MAKE) build-example-c-bindings: cd examples/c-bindings && $(MAKE) build-example: build-example-basic2 build-example-chat-2 build-example-filter2 build-example-c-bindings static-library: @echo "Building static library..." ${GOBIN} build \ -buildmode=c-archive \ -tags="${BUILD_TAGS}" \ -o ./build/lib/libgowaku.a \ ./library/ @echo "Static library built:" @ls -la ./build/lib/libgowaku.* dynamic-library: @echo "Building shared library..." $(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_CFLAGS) $(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_CGO_LDFLAGS) ${GOBIN} build \ -buildmode=c-shared \ -tags="${BUILD_TAGS}" \ -o ./build/lib/libgowaku.$(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT) \ ./library/ ifeq ($(detected_OS),Linux) cd ./build/lib && \ ls -lah . && \ mv ./libgowaku.$(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT) ./libgowaku.$(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT).0 && \ ln -s ./libgowaku.$(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT).0 ./libgowaku.$(GOBIN_SHARED_LIB_EXT) endif @echo "Shared library built:" @ls -la ./build/lib/libgowaku.* mobile-android: @echo "Android target: ${ANDROID_TARGET} (override with ANDROID_TARGET var)" gomobile init && \ ${GOBIN} get -d && \ gomobile bind -v -target=android -androidapi=${ANDROID_TARGET} -ldflags="-s -w" -tags="${BUILD_TAGS}" $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o ./build/lib/gowaku.aar ./mobile @echo "Android library built:" @ls -la ./build/lib/*.aar ./build/lib/*.jar mobile-ios: gomobile init && \ ${GOBIN} get -d && \ gomobile bind -target=ios -ldflags="-s -w" -tags="nowatchdog ${BUILD_TAGS}" $(BUILD_FLAGS) -o ./build/lib/Gowaku.xcframework ./mobile @echo "IOS library built:" @ls -la ./build/lib/*.xcframework install-xtools: ${GOBIN} install install-bindata: ${GOBIN} install install-gomobile: install-xtools ${GOBIN} install ${GOBIN} install build-linux-pkg: docker build --build-arg UID=${UID} --build-arg GID=${GID} -f ./scripts/linux/Dockerfile -t statusteam/gowaku-linux-pkgs:latest . ./scripts/linux/ ls -la ./build/*.rpm ./build/*.deb TEST_MNEMONIC="swim relax risk shy chimney please usual search industry board music segment" start-ganache: docker run -p 8545:8545 --name ganache-cli --rm -d trufflesuite/ganache-cli:latest -m ${TEST_MNEMONIC} stop-ganache: docker stop ganache-cli test-onchain: BUILD_TAGS += include_onchain_tests test-onchain: ${GOBIN} test -v -count 1 -tags="${BUILD_TAGS}"