#!/bin/bash echo "Running pre commit hook" ## this will retrieve all of the .go files that have been ## changed since the last commit STAGED_GO_FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only -- '*.go') ## we can check to see if this is empty if [[ $STAGED_GO_FILES == "" ]]; then echo "No Go Files to Update" else for file in $STAGED_GO_FILES; do ## format our file go fmt $file ## add any potential changes from our formatting to the ## commit git add $file done fi if go mod tidy -v 2>&1 | grep -q 'updates to go.mod needed'; then exit 1 fi git diff --exit-code go.* &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "go.mod or go.sum differs, please re-add it to your commit" exit 1 fi