package main import ( "context" "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" mrand "math/rand" "net" "net/http" "os" "time" "" logging "" "" "" "" ) var DefaultContentTopic string = "/toy-chat/2/huilong/proto" func main() { mrand.Seed(time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()) nickFlag := flag.String("nick", "", "nickname to use in chat. will be generated if empty") fleetFlag := flag.String("fleet", "", "Select the fleet to connect to. (, wakuv2.test)") contentTopicFlag := flag.String("contenttopic", DefaultContentTopic, "content topic to use for the chat") nodeKeyFlag := flag.String("nodekey", "", "private key for this node. will be generated if empty") staticNodeFlag := flag.String("staticnode", "", "connects to a node. will get a random node from if empty") relayFlag := flag.Bool("relay", true, "enable relay protocol") storeNodeFlag := flag.String("storenode", "", "connects to a store node to retrieve messages. will get a random node from if empty") port := flag.Int("port", 0, "port. Will be random if 0") payloadV1Flag := flag.Bool("payloadV1", false, "use Waku v1 payload encoding/encryption. default false") filterFlag := flag.Bool("filter", false, "enable filter protocol") filterNodeFlag := flag.String("filternode", "", "multiaddr of peer to to request content filtering of messages") lightPushFlag := flag.Bool("lightpush", false, "enable lightpush protocol") lightPushNodeFlag := flag.String("lightpushnode", "", "Multiaddr of peer to to request lightpush of published messages") keepAliveFlag := flag.Int64("keep-alive", 300, "interval in seconds for pinging peers to keep the connection alive.") flag.Parse() hostAddr, _ := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("", *port)) if *fleetFlag != "" && *fleetFlag != "wakuv2.test" { fmt.Println("Invalid fleet. Valid values are and wakuv2.test") return } // use the nickname from the cli flag, or a default if blank nodekey := *nodeKeyFlag if len(nodekey) == 0 { var err error nodekey, err = randomHex(32) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Could not generate random key") return } } prvKey, err := crypto.HexToECDSA(nodekey) ctx := context.Background() opts := []node.WakuNodeOption{ node.WithPrivateKey(prvKey), node.WithHostAddress([]net.Addr{hostAddr}), node.WithWakuStore(false, true), node.WithKeepAlive(time.Duration(*keepAliveFlag) * time.Second), } if *relayFlag { opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuRelay()) } if *filterFlag { opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuFilter()) } if *lightPushFlag || *lightPushNodeFlag != "" { *lightPushFlag = true // If a lightpushnode was set and lightpush flag was false opts = append(opts, node.WithLightPush()) } wakuNode, err := node.New(ctx, opts...) if err != nil { fmt.Print(err) return } if *lightPushNodeFlag != "" && *lightPushFlag { wakuNode.AddLightPushPeer(*lightPushNodeFlag) } if *filterNodeFlag != "" && *filterFlag { wakuNode.AddFilterPeer(*filterNodeFlag) } // use the nickname from the cli flag, or a default if blank nick := *nickFlag if len(nick) == 0 { nick = defaultNick(wakuNode.Host().ID()) } // join the chat chat, err := NewChat(ctx, wakuNode, wakuNode.Host().ID(), *contentTopicFlag, *payloadV1Flag, *lightPushFlag, nick) if err != nil { panic(err) } // Display panic level to reduce log noise lvl, err := logging.LevelFromString("panic") if err != nil { panic(err) } logging.SetAllLoggers(lvl) ui := NewChatUI(ctx, chat) // Connect to a static node or use random node from go func() { time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) staticnode := *staticNodeFlag storenode := *storeNodeFlag var fleetData []byte if len(staticnode) == 0 || len(storenode) == 0 { fleetData = getFleetData() } if len(staticnode) == 0 { ui.displayMessage(fmt.Sprintf("No static peers configured. Choosing one at random from %s fleet...", *fleetFlag)) staticnode = getRandomFleetNode(fleetData, *fleetFlag) } err = wakuNode.DialPeer(staticnode) if err != nil { ui.displayMessage("Could not connect to peer: " + err.Error()) return } else { ui.displayMessage("Connected to peer: " + staticnode) } if len(storenode) == 0 { ui.displayMessage(fmt.Sprintf("No store node configured. Choosing one at random from %s fleet...", *fleetFlag)) storenode = getRandomFleetNode(fleetData, *fleetFlag) } storeNodeId, err := wakuNode.AddStorePeer(storenode) if err != nil { ui.displayMessage("Could not connect to storenode: " + err.Error()) return } else { ui.displayMessage("Connected to storenode: " + storenode) } time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond) ui.displayMessage("Querying historic messages") tCtx, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctx, 5*time.Second) response, err := wakuNode.Query(tCtx, []string{*contentTopicFlag}, 0, 0, store.WithAutomaticRequestId(), store.WithPeer(*storeNodeId), store.WithPaging(true, 0)) if err != nil { ui.displayMessage("Could not query storenode: " + err.Error()) } else { chat.displayMessages(response.Messages) } }() //draw the UI if err = ui.Run(); err != nil { printErr("error running text UI: %s", err) } wakuNode.Stop() // TODO: filter unsubscribeAll } // Generates a random hex string with a length of n func randomHex(n int) (string, error) { bytes := make([]byte, n) if _, err := rand.Read(bytes); err != nil { return "", err } return hex.EncodeToString(bytes), nil } // printErr is like fmt.Printf, but writes to stderr. func printErr(m string, args ...interface{}) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, m, args...) } // defaultNick generates a nickname based on the $USER environment variable and // the last 8 chars of a peer ID. func defaultNick(p peer.ID) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", os.Getenv("USER"), shortID(p)) } // shortID returns the last 8 chars of a base58-encoded peer id. func shortID(p peer.ID) string { pretty := p.Pretty() return pretty[len(pretty)-8:] } func getFleetData() []byte { url := "" httpClient := http.Client{ Timeout: time.Second * 2, } req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } res, getErr := httpClient.Do(req) if getErr != nil { log.Fatal(getErr) } if res.Body != nil { defer res.Body.Close() } body, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if readErr != nil { log.Fatal(readErr) } return body } func getRandomFleetNode(data []byte, fleetId string) string { var result map[string]interface{} json.Unmarshal(data, &result) fleets := result["fleets"].(map[string]interface{}) fleet := fleets[fleetId].(map[string]interface{}) waku := fleet["waku"].(map[string]interface{}) var wakunodes []string for v := range waku { wakunodes = append(wakunodes, v) break } randKey := wakunodes[mrand.Intn(len(wakunodes))] return waku[randKey].(string) }