package main /* #include #include */ import "C" import ( "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/rand" "encoding/base64" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net" "time" "unsafe" "" "" "" "" p2pproto "" "" "" "" "" ) var wakuNode *node.WakuNode var ErrWakuNodeNotReady = errors.New("go-waku not initialized") func randomHex(n int) (string, error) { bytes := make([]byte, n) if _, err := rand.Read(bytes); err != nil { return "", err } return hex.EncodeToString(bytes), nil } func main() {} type WakuConfig struct { Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"` AdvertiseAddress *string `json:"advertiseAddr,omitempty"` NodeKey *string `json:"nodeKey,omitempty"` KeepAliveInterval *int `json:"keepAliveInterval,omitempty"` EnableRelay *bool `json:"relay"` MinPeersToPublish *int `json:"minPeersToPublish"` } var DefaultHost = "" var DefaultPort = 60000 var DefaultKeepAliveInterval = 20 var DefaultEnableRelay = true var DefaultMinPeersToPublish = 0 func getConfig(configJSON *C.char) (WakuConfig, error) { var config WakuConfig if configJSON != nil { err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(C.GoString(configJSON)), &config) if err != nil { return WakuConfig{}, err } } if config.Host == nil { config.Host = &DefaultHost } if config.EnableRelay == nil { config.EnableRelay = &DefaultEnableRelay } if config.Host == nil { config.Host = &DefaultHost } if config.Port == nil { config.Port = &DefaultPort } if config.KeepAliveInterval == nil { config.KeepAliveInterval = &DefaultKeepAliveInterval } if config.MinPeersToPublish == nil { config.MinPeersToPublish = &DefaultMinPeersToPublish } return config, nil } //export waku_new // Initialize a waku node. Receives a JSON string containing the configuration // for the node. It can be NULL. Example configuration: // ``` // {"host": "", "port": 60000, "advertiseAddr": "", "nodeKey": "0x123...567", "keepAliveInterval": 20, "relay": true} // ``` // All keys are optional. If not specified a default value will be set: // - host: IP address. Default // - port: TCP port to listen. Default 60000. Use 0 for random // - advertiseAddr: External IP // - nodeKey: secp256k1 private key. Default random // - keepAliveInterval: interval in seconds to ping all peers // - relay: Enable WakuRelay. Default `true` // This function will return a nodeID which should be used in all calls from this API that require // interacting with the node. func waku_new(configJSON *C.char) *C.char { if wakuNode != nil { return makeJSONResponse(errors.New("go-waku already initialized. stop it first")) } config, err := getConfig(configJSON) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } hostAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", *config.Host, *config.Port)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } var prvKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey if config.NodeKey != nil { prvKey, err = crypto.HexToECDSA(*config.NodeKey) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } } else { key, err := randomHex(32) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } prvKey, err = crypto.HexToECDSA(key) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } } opts := []node.WakuNodeOption{ node.WithPrivateKey(prvKey), node.WithHostAddress(hostAddr), node.WithKeepAlive(time.Duration(*config.KeepAliveInterval) * time.Second), } if *config.EnableRelay { opts = append(opts, node.WithWakuRelayAndMinPeers(*config.MinPeersToPublish)) } ctx := context.Background() w, err := node.New(ctx, opts...) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } wakuNode = w return makeJSONResponse(nil) } //export waku_start // Starts the waku node func waku_start() *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } if err := wakuNode.Start(); err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } return makeJSONResponse(nil) } //export waku_stop // Stops a waku node func waku_stop() *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } wakuNode.Stop() wakuNode = nil return makeJSONResponse(nil) } //export waku_peerid // Obtain the peer ID of the waku node func waku_peerid() *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } return prepareJSONResponse(wakuNode.ID(), nil) } //export waku_listen_addresses // Obtain the multiaddresses the wakunode is listening to func waku_listen_addresses() *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } var addresses []string for _, addr := range wakuNode.ListenAddresses() { addresses = append(addresses, addr.String()) } return prepareJSONResponse(addresses, nil) } //export waku_add_peer // Add node multiaddress and protocol to the wakunode peerstore func waku_add_peer(address *C.char, protocolID *C.char) *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } ma, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(C.GoString(address)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } peerID, err := wakuNode.AddPeer(ma, p2pproto.ID(C.GoString(protocolID))) return prepareJSONResponse(peerID, err) } //export waku_connect // Connect to peer at multiaddress. if ms > 0, cancel the function execution if it takes longer than N milliseconds func waku_connect(address *C.char, ms *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } var ctx context.Context var cancel context.CancelFunc if ms > 0 { ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(int(ms))*time.Millisecond) defer cancel() } else { ctx = context.Background() } err := wakuNode.DialPeer(ctx, C.GoString(address)) return makeJSONResponse(err) } //export waku_connect_peerid // Connect to known peer by peerID. if ms > 0, cancel the function execution if it takes longer than N milliseconds func waku_connect_peerid(peerID *C.char, ms *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } var ctx context.Context var cancel context.CancelFunc pID, err := peer.Decode(C.GoString(peerID)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } if ms > 0 { ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(int(ms))*time.Millisecond) defer cancel() } else { ctx = context.Background() } err = wakuNode.DialPeerByID(ctx, pID) return makeJSONResponse(err) } //export waku_disconnect // Close connection to a known peer by peerID func waku_disconnect(peerID *C.char) *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } pID, err := peer.Decode(C.GoString(peerID)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } err = wakuNode.ClosePeerById(pID) return makeJSONResponse(err) } //export waku_peer_cnt // Get number of connected peers func waku_peer_cnt() *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } return prepareJSONResponse(wakuNode.PeerCount(), nil) } //export waku_content_topic // Create a content topic string according to RFC 23 func waku_content_topic(applicationName *C.char, applicationVersion C.uint, contentTopicName *C.char, encoding *C.char) *C.char { return C.CString(protocol.NewContentTopic(C.GoString(applicationName), uint(applicationVersion), C.GoString(contentTopicName), C.GoString(encoding)).String()) } //export waku_pubsub_topic // Create a pubsub topic string according to RFC 23 func waku_pubsub_topic(name *C.char, encoding *C.char) *C.char { return prepareJSONResponse(protocol.NewPubsubTopic(C.GoString(name), C.GoString(encoding)).String(), nil) } //export waku_default_pubsub_topic // Get the default pubsub topic used in waku2: /waku/2/default-waku/proto func waku_default_pubsub_topic() *C.char { return C.CString(protocol.DefaultPubsubTopic().String()) } func getTopic(topic *C.char) string { result := "" if topic != nil { result = C.GoString(topic) } else { result = protocol.DefaultPubsubTopic().String() } return result } //export waku_set_event_callback // Register callback to act as signal handler and receive application signal // (in JSON) which are used o react to asyncronous events in waku. The function // signature for the callback should be `void myCallback(char* signalJSON)` func waku_set_event_callback(cb unsafe.Pointer) { setEventCallback(cb) } type SubscriptionMsg struct { MessageID string `json:"messageID"` PubsubTopic string `json:"pubsubTopic"` Message *pb.WakuMessage `json:"wakuMessage"` } func toSubscriptionMessage(msg *protocol.Envelope) *SubscriptionMsg { return &SubscriptionMsg{ MessageID: hexutil.Encode(msg.Hash()), PubsubTopic: msg.PubsubTopic(), Message: msg.Message(), } } //export waku_peers // Retrieve the list of peers known by the waku node func waku_peers() *C.char { if wakuNode == nil { return makeJSONResponse(ErrWakuNodeNotReady) } peers, err := wakuNode.Peers() return prepareJSONResponse(peers, err) } func unmarshalPubkey(pub []byte) (ecdsa.PublicKey, error) { x, y := elliptic.Unmarshal(secp256k1.S256(), pub) if x == nil { return ecdsa.PublicKey{}, errors.New("invalid public key") } return ecdsa.PublicKey{Curve: secp256k1.S256(), X: x, Y: y}, nil } //export waku_decode_symmetric // Decode a waku message using a 32 bytes symmetric key. The key must be a hex encoded string with "0x" prefix func waku_decode_symmetric(messageJSON *C.char, symmetricKey *C.char) *C.char { var msg pb.WakuMessage err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(C.GoString(messageJSON)), &msg) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } if msg.Version == 0 { return prepareJSONResponse(msg.Payload, nil) } else if msg.Version > 1 { return makeJSONResponse(errors.New("unsupported wakumessage version")) } keyInfo := &node.KeyInfo{ Kind: node.Symmetric, } keyInfo.SymKey, err = hexutil.Decode(C.GoString(symmetricKey)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } payload, err := node.DecodePayload(&msg, keyInfo) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } response := struct { PubKey string `json:"pubkey"` Signature string `json:"signature"` Data []byte `json:"data"` Padding []byte `json:"padding"` }{ PubKey: hexutil.Encode(crypto.FromECDSAPub(payload.PubKey)), Signature: hexutil.Encode(payload.Signature), Data: payload.Data, Padding: payload.Padding, } return prepareJSONResponse(response, err) } //export waku_decode_asymmetric // Decode a waku message using a secp256k1 private key. The key must be a hex encoded string with "0x" prefix func waku_decode_asymmetric(messageJSON *C.char, privateKey *C.char) *C.char { var msg pb.WakuMessage err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(C.GoString(messageJSON)), &msg) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } if msg.Version == 0 { return prepareJSONResponse(msg.Payload, nil) } else if msg.Version > 1 { return makeJSONResponse(errors.New("unsupported wakumessage version")) } keyInfo := &node.KeyInfo{ Kind: node.Asymmetric, } keyBytes, err := hexutil.Decode(C.GoString(privateKey)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } keyInfo.PrivKey, err = crypto.ToECDSA(keyBytes) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } payload, err := node.DecodePayload(&msg, keyInfo) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } response := struct { PubKey string `json:"pubkey"` Signature string `json:"signature"` Data []byte `json:"data"` Padding []byte `json:"padding"` }{ PubKey: hexutil.Encode(crypto.FromECDSAPub(payload.PubKey)), Signature: hexutil.Encode(payload.Signature), Data: payload.Data, Padding: payload.Padding, } return prepareJSONResponse(response, err) } //export waku_utils_base64_decode // Decode a base64 string (useful for reading the payload from waku messages) func waku_utils_base64_decode(data *C.char) *C.char { b, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(C.GoString(data)) if err != nil { return makeJSONResponse(err) } return prepareJSONResponse(string(b), nil) } //export waku_utils_base64_encode // Encode data to base64 (useful for creating the payload of a waku message in the // format understood by waku_relay_publish) func waku_utils_base64_encode(data *C.char) *C.char { str := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(C.GoString(data))) return C.CString(string(str)) } //export waku_utils_free // Frees a char* since all strings returned by gowaku are allocated in the C heap using malloc. func waku_utils_free(data *C.char) { } // TODO: // connected/disconnected