#include "main.h" #include "base64.h" #include "libgowaku.h" #include "nxjson.c" #include #include char *alicePrivKey = "0x4f012057e1a1458ce34189cb27daedbbe434f3df0825c1949475dec786e2c64e"; char *alicePubKey = "0x0440f05847c4c7166f57ae8ecaaf72d31bddcbca345e26713ca9e26c93fb8362ddcd5ae7" "f4533ee956428ad08a89cd18b234c2911a3b1c7fbd1c0047610d987302"; char *bobPrivKey = "0xb91d6b2df8fb6ef8b53b51b2b30a408c49d5e2b530502d58ac8f94e5c5de1453"; char *bobPubKey = "0x045eef61a98ba1cf44a2736fac91183ea2bd86e67de20fe4bff467a71249a8a0c05f795d" "d7f28ced7c15eaa69c89d4212cc4f526ca5e9a62e88008f506d850cccd"; void on_error(int ret, const char *result, void *user_data) { if (ret == 0) { return; } printf("function execution failed. Returned code: %d, %s\n", ret, result); exit(1); } void on_response(int ret, const char *result, void *user_data) { if (ret != 0) { printf("function execution failed. Returned code: %d, %s\n", ret, result); exit(1); } if (user_data == NULL) return; char **data_ref = (char **)user_data; size_t len = strlen(result); if (*data_ref != NULL) free(*data_ref); *data_ref = malloc(len * sizeof(char) + 1); strcpy(*data_ref, result); } void callBack(int ret, const char *signal, void *user_data) { // This callback will be executed each time a new message is received // Example signal: /*{ "nodeId":1, "type":"message", "event":{ "pubsubTopic":"/waku/2/default-waku/proto", "messageID":"0x6496491e40dbe0b6c3a2198c2426b16301688a2daebc4f57ad7706115eac3ad1", "wakuMessage":{ "payload":"BPABASUqWgRkgp73aW/FHIyGtJDYnStvaQvCoX9MdaNsOH39Vet0em6ipZc3lZ7kK9uFFtbJgIWfRaqTxSRjiFOPx88gXt1JeSm2SUwGSz+1gh2xTy0am8tXkc8OWSSjamdkEbXuVgAueLxHOnV3xlGwYt7nx2G5DWYqUu1BXv4yWHPOoiH2yx3fxX0OajgKGBwiMbadRNUuAUFPRM90f+bzG2y22ssHctDV/U6sXOa9ljNgpAx703Q3WIFleSRozto7ByNAdRFwWR0RGGV4l0btJXM7JpnrYcVC24dB0tJ3HVWuD0ZcwOM1zTL0wwc0hTezLHvI+f6bHSzsFGcCWIlc03KSoMjK1XENNL4dtDmSFI1DQCGgq09c2Bc3Je3Ci6XJHu+FP1F1pTnRzevv2WP8FSBJiTXpmJXdm6evB7V1Xxj4QlzQDvmHLRpBOL6PSttxf1Dc0IwC6BfZRN5g0dNmItNlS2pcY1MtZLxD5zpj", "contentTopic":"ABC", "version":1, "timestamp":1647826358000000000 } } }*/ if (ret != 0) { printf("function execution failed. Returned code: %d\n", ret); exit(1); } const nx_json *json = nx_json_parse((char *)signal, 0); const char *type = nx_json_get(json, "type")->text_value; if (strcmp(type, "message") == 0) { const nx_json *wakuMsgJson = nx_json_get(nx_json_get(json, "event"), "wakuMessage"); const char *contentTopic = nx_json_get(wakuMsgJson, "contentTopic")->text_value; if (strcmp(contentTopic, "/example/1/default/rfc26") == 0) { char *msg = utils_extract_wakumessage_from_signal(wakuMsgJson); // Decode a message using asymmetric encryption char *decodedMsg = NULL; waku_decode_asymmetric(msg, bobPrivKey, on_response, (void *)&decodedMsg); const nx_json *dataJson = nx_json_parse(decodedMsg, 0); const char *pubkey = nx_json_get(dataJson, "pubkey")->text_value; const char *base64data = nx_json_get(dataJson, "data")->text_value; size_t data_len = b64_decoded_size(base64data); unsigned char *data = malloc(data_len); b64_decode(base64data, data, data_len); printf(">>> Received \"%s\" from %s\n", data, pubkey); free(msg); free(decodedMsg); free(data); fflush(stdout); } } nx_json_free(json); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // configJSON can be NULL too to use defaults. Any value not defined will have // a default set char *configJSON = "{\"host\": \"\", \"port\": 60000, " "\"logLevel\":\"error\", \"store\":true}"; void* ctx = waku_new(configJSON, on_error, NULL); // Set callback to be executed each time a message is received waku_set_event_callback(ctx, callBack); // Start the node, enabling the waku protocols waku_start(ctx, on_error, NULL); // Obtain the node's peerID char *peerID = NULL; waku_peerid(ctx, on_response, (void *)&peerID); printf("PeerID: %s\n", peerID); // Obtain the node's multiaddresses char *addresses = NULL; waku_listen_addresses(ctx, on_response, (void *)&addresses); printf("Addresses: %s\n", addresses); // Build a content topic char *contentTopic = NULL; waku_content_topic("example", "1", "default", "rfc26", on_response, (void *)&contentTopic); printf("Content Topic: %s\n", contentTopic); // Obtain the default pubsub topic char *defaultPubsubTopic = NULL; waku_default_pubsub_topic(on_response, (void *)&defaultPubsubTopic); printf("Default pubsub topic: %s\n", defaultPubsubTopic); // To use dns discovery, and retrieve nodes from a enrtree url char *discoveredNodes = NULL; waku_dns_discovery(ctx, "enrtree://AO47IDOLBKH72HIZZOXQP6NMRESAN7CHYWIBNXDXWRJRZWLODKII6@test.wakuv2.nodes.status.im", "", 0, on_response, (void *)&discoveredNodes); printf("Discovered nodes: %s\n", discoveredNodes); // Connect to a node waku_connect(ctx, "/dns4/node-01.do-ams3.wakuv2.test.statusim.net/tcp/30303/" "p2p/16Uiu2HAmPLe7Mzm8TsYUubgCAW1aJoeFScxrLj8ppHFivPo97bUZ", 0, on_response, NULL); // To see a store query in action: // char query[1000]; // sprintf(query, // "{\"pubsubTopic\":\"%s\", \"pagingOptions\":{\"pageSize\": 40, " // "\"forward\":false}}", // pubsubTopic); // char *query_result = NULL; // waku_store_query(query, NULL, 0, on_response, (void*)&query_result); // printf("%s\n", query_result); char contentFilter[1000]; sprintf(contentFilter, "{\"pubsubTopic\":\"%s\",\"contentTopics\":[\"%s\"]}", defaultPubsubTopic, contentTopic); waku_relay_subscribe(ctx, contentFilter, on_error, NULL); int i = 0; int version = 1; while (i < 5) { i++; char wakuMsg[1000]; unsigned char plain_text[] = "Hello World!"; char *msgPayload = b64_encode(&plain_text[0], 12); // Build the waku message sprintf(wakuMsg, "{\"payload\":\"%s\",\"contentTopic\":\"%s\",\"timestamp\":%" PRIu64 "}", msgPayload, contentTopic, nowInNanosecs()); free(msgPayload); // Use asymmetric encryption to encrypt the waku message char *encodedMessage = NULL; waku_encode_asymmetric(wakuMsg, bobPubKey, alicePrivKey, on_response, (void *)&encodedMessage); // Broadcast via waku relay char *messageID = NULL; waku_relay_publish(ctx, encodedMessage, defaultPubsubTopic, 0, on_response, (void *)&messageID); printf("MessageID: %s\n", messageID); sleep(1); } // To retrieve messages from local store, set store:true in the node // config, and use waku_store_local_query // char query2[1000]; // sprintf(query2, // "{\"pubsubTopic\":\"%s\", \"pagingOptions\":{\"pageSize\": 40, " // "\"forward\":false}}", // pubsubTopic); // char *local_result = NULL; // waku_store_local_query(query2, on_response, (void*)&local_result); // printf("%s\n", local_result); // Stop the node's execution waku_stop(ctx, on_response, NULL); // Release resources allocated to waku waku_free(ctx, on_response, NULL); // TODO: free all char* return 0; }