WSPortint`long:"ws-port" description:"Libp2p TCP listening port for websocket connection (0 for random)" default:"9001"`
WSAddressstring`long:"ws-address" description:"Listening address for websocket connections" default:""`
NodeKeystring`long:"nodekey" description:"P2P node private key as hex. Can also be set with GOWAKU-NODEKEY env variable (default random)"`
KeyFilestring`long:"key-file" description:"Path to a file containing the private key for the P2P node" default:"./nodekey"`
GenerateKeybool`long:"generate-key" description:"Generate private key file at path specified in --key-file"`
Overwritebool`long:"overwrite" description:"When generating a keyfile, overwrite the nodekey file if it already exists"`
StaticNodes[]string`long:"static-node" description:"Multiaddr of peer to directly connect with. Option may be repeated"`
KeepAliveint`long:"keep-alive" default:"20" description:"Interval in seconds for pinging peers to keep the connection alive."`
UseDBbool`long:"use-db" description:"Use SQLiteDB to persist information"`
DBPathstring`long:"dbpath" default:"./store.db" description:"Path to DB file"`
AdvertiseAddressstring`long:"advertise-address" default:"" description:"External address to advertise to other nodes (overrides --address and --ws-address flags)"`
ShowAddressesbool`long:"show-addresses" description:"Display listening addresses according to current configuration"`
LogLevelstring`short:"l" long:"log-level" description:"Define the logging level, supported strings are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, DPANIC, PANIC, FATAL, and their lower-case forms." default:"INFO"`