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package gowaku
import (
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
pubsub "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub"
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
// WakuConfig contains all the configuration settings exposed to users of mobile and c libraries
type WakuConfig struct {
Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"`
Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"`
AdvertiseAddress *string `json:"advertiseAddr,omitempty"`
NodeKey *string `json:"nodeKey,omitempty"`
LogLevel *string `json:"logLevel,omitempty"`
KeepAliveInterval *int `json:"keepAliveInterval,omitempty"`
EnableRelay *bool `json:"relay"`
RelayTopics []string `json:"relayTopics,omitempty"`
GossipSubParams *GossipSubParams `json:"gossipsubParams,omitempty"`
2023-06-22 18:55:51 +00:00
EnableLegacyFilter *bool `json:"legacyFilter,omitempty"`
MinPeersToPublish *int `json:"minPeersToPublish,omitempty"`
EnableDiscV5 *bool `json:"discV5,omitempty"`
DiscV5BootstrapNodes []string `json:"discV5BootstrapNodes,omitempty"`
DiscV5UDPPort *uint `json:"discV5UDPPort,omitempty"`
EnableStore *bool `json:"store,omitempty"`
DatabaseURL *string `json:"databaseURL,omitempty"`
RetentionMaxMessages *int `json:"storeRetentionMaxMessages,omitempty"`
RetentionTimeSeconds *int `json:"storeRetentionTimeSeconds,omitempty"`
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
DNS4DomainName string `json:"dns4DomainName,omitempty"`
Websockets *WebsocketConfig `json:"websockets,omitempty"`
// WebsocketConfig contains all the settings required to setup websocket support in waku
type WebsocketConfig struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
Port *int `json:"port,omitempty"`
Secure bool `json:"secure,omitempty"`
CertPath string `json:"certPath"`
KeyPath string `json:"keyPath"`
var defaultHost = ""
var defaultPort = 60000
var defaultKeepAliveInterval = 20
var defaultEnableRelay = true
var defaultMinPeersToPublish = 0
2023-06-22 18:55:51 +00:00
var defaultEnableLegacyFilter = false
var defaultEnableDiscV5 = false
var defaultDiscV5UDPPort = uint(9000)
var defaultLogLevel = "INFO"
var defaultEnableStore = false
var defaultDatabaseURL = "sqlite3://store.db"
var defaultRetentionMaxMessages = 10000
var defaultRetentionTimeSeconds = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 // 30d
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
var defaultWSPort = 60001
var defaultWSSPort = 6443
var defaultWSHost = ""
// GossipSubParams defines all the gossipsub specific parameters.
type GossipSubParams struct {
// overlay parameters.
// D sets the optimal degree for a GossipSub topic mesh. For example, if D == 6,
// each peer will want to have about six peers in their mesh for each topic they're subscribed to.
// D should be set somewhere between Dlo and Dhi.
D *int `json:"d,omitempty"`
// Dlo sets the lower bound on the number of peers we keep in a GossipSub topic mesh.
// If we have fewer than Dlo peers, we will attempt to graft some more into the mesh at
// the next heartbeat.
Dlo *int `json:"d_low,omitempty"`
// Dhi sets the upper bound on the number of peers we keep in a GossipSub topic mesh.
// If we have more than Dhi peers, we will select some to prune from the mesh at the next heartbeat.
Dhi *int `json:"d_high,omitempty"`
// Dscore affects how peers are selected when pruning a mesh due to over subscription.
// At least Dscore of the retained peers will be high-scoring, while the remainder are
// chosen randomly.
Dscore *int `json:"d_score,omitempty"`
// Dout sets the quota for the number of outbound connections to maintain in a topic mesh.
// When the mesh is pruned due to over subscription, we make sure that we have outbound connections
// to at least Dout of the survivor peers. This prevents sybil attackers from overwhelming
// our mesh with incoming connections.
// Dout must be set below Dlo, and must not exceed D / 2.
Dout *int `json:"dOut,omitempty"`
// gossip parameters
// HistoryLength controls the size of the message cache used for gossip.
// The message cache will remember messages for HistoryLength heartbeats.
HistoryLength *int `json:"historyLength,omitempty"`
// HistoryGossip controls how many cached message ids we will advertise in
// IHAVE gossip messages. When asked for our seen message IDs, we will return
// only those from the most recent HistoryGossip heartbeats. The slack between
// HistoryGossip and HistoryLength allows us to avoid advertising messages
// that will be expired by the time they're requested.
// HistoryGossip must be less than or equal to HistoryLength to
// avoid a runtime panic.
HistoryGossip *int `json:"historyGossip,omitempty"`
// Dlazy affects how many peers we will emit gossip to at each heartbeat.
// We will send gossip to at least Dlazy peers outside our mesh. The actual
// number may be more, depending on GossipFactor and how many peers we're
// connected to.
Dlazy *int `json:"dLazy,omitempty"`
// GossipFactor affects how many peers we will emit gossip to at each heartbeat.
// We will send gossip to GossipFactor * (total number of non-mesh peers), or
// Dlazy, whichever is greater.
GossipFactor *float64 `json:"gossipFactor,omitempty"`
// GossipRetransmission controls how many times we will allow a peer to request
// the same message id through IWANT gossip before we start ignoring them. This is designed
// to prevent peers from spamming us with requests and wasting our resources.
GossipRetransmission *int `json:"gossipRetransmission,omitempty"`
// heartbeat interval
// HeartbeatInitialDelayMs is the short delay before the heartbeat timer begins
// after the router is initialized.
HeartbeatInitialDelayMs *int `json:"heartbeatInitialDelayMs,omitempty"`
// HeartbeatIntervalSeconds controls the time between heartbeats.
HeartbeatIntervalSeconds *int `json:"heartbeatIntervalSeconds,omitempty"`
// SlowHeartbeatWarning is the duration threshold for heartbeat processing before emitting
// a warning; this would be indicative of an overloaded peer.
SlowHeartbeatWarning *float64 `json:"slowHeartbeatWarning,omitempty"`
// FanoutTTLSeconds controls how long we keep track of the fanout state. If it's been
// FanoutTTLSeconds since we've published to a topic that we're not subscribed to,
// we'll delete the fanout map for that topic.
FanoutTTLSeconds *int `json:"fanoutTTLSeconds,omitempty"`
// PrunePeers controls the number of peers to include in prune Peer eXchange.
// When we prune a peer that's eligible for PX (has a good score, etc), we will try to
// send them signed peer records for up to PrunePeers other peers that we
// know of.
PrunePeers *int `json:"prunePeers,omitempty"`
// PruneBackoffSeconds controls the backoff time for pruned peers. This is how long
// a peer must wait before attempting to graft into our mesh again after being pruned.
// When pruning a peer, we send them our value of PruneBackoff so they know
// the minimum time to wait. Peers running older versions may not send a backoff time,
// so if we receive a prune message without one, we will wait at least PruneBackoff
// before attempting to re-graft.
PruneBackoffSeconds *int `json:"pruneBackoffSeconds,omitempty"`
// UnsubscribeBackoffSeconds controls the backoff time to use when unsuscribing
// from a topic. A peer should not resubscribe to this topic before this
// duration.
UnsubscribeBackoffSeconds *int `json:"unsubscribeBackoffSeconds,omitempty"`
// Connectors controls the number of active connection attempts for peers obtained through PX.
Connectors *int `json:"connectors,omitempty"`
// MaxPendingConnections sets the maximum number of pending connections for peers attempted through px.
MaxPendingConnections *int `json:"maxPendingConnections,omitempty"`
// ConnectionTimeoutSeconds controls the timeout for connection attempts.
ConnectionTimeoutSeconds *int `json:"connectionTimeoutSeconds,omitempty"`
// DirectConnectTicks is the number of heartbeat ticks for attempting to reconnect direct peers
// that are not currently connected.
DirectConnectTicks *uint64 `json:"directConnectTicks,omitempty"`
// DirectConnectInitialDelaySeconds is the initial delay before opening connections to direct peers
DirectConnectInitialDelaySeconds *int `json:"directConnectInitialDelaySeconds,omitempty"`
// OpportunisticGraftTicks is the number of heartbeat ticks for attempting to improve the mesh
// with opportunistic grafting. Every OpportunisticGraftTicks we will attempt to select some
// high-scoring mesh peers to replace lower-scoring ones, if the median score of our mesh peers falls
// below a threshold (see https://godoc.org/github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-pubsub#PeerScoreThresholds).
OpportunisticGraftTicks *uint64 `json:"opportunisticGraftTicks,omitempty"`
// OpportunisticGraftPeers is the number of peers to opportunistically graft.
OpportunisticGraftPeers *int `json:"opportunisticGraftPeers,omitempty"`
// If a GRAFT comes before GraftFloodThresholdSeconds has elapsed since the last PRUNE,
// then there is an extra score penalty applied to the peer through P7.
GraftFloodThresholdSeconds *int `json:"graftFloodThresholdSeconds,omitempty"`
// MaxIHaveLength is the maximum number of messages to include in an IHAVE message.
// Also controls the maximum number of IHAVE ids we will accept and request with IWANT from a
// peer within a heartbeat, to protect from IHAVE floods. You should adjust this value from the
// default if your system is pushing more than 5000 messages in HistoryGossip heartbeats;
// with the defaults this is 1666 messages/s.
MaxIHaveLength *int `json:"maxIHaveLength,omitempty"`
// MaxIHaveMessages is the maximum number of IHAVE messages to accept from a peer within a heartbeat.
MaxIHaveMessages *int `json:"maxIHaveMessages,omitempty"`
// Time to wait for a message requested through IWANT following an IHAVE advertisement.
// If the message is not received within this window, a broken promise is declared and
// the router may apply bahavioural penalties.
IWantFollowupTimeSeconds *int `json:"iWantFollowupTimeSeconds,omitempty"`
2023-03-14 10:38:56 +00:00
// configures when a previously seen message ID can be forgotten about
SeenMessagesTTLSeconds *int `json:"seenMessagesTTLSeconds"`
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
func getConfig(configJSON string) (WakuConfig, error) {
var config WakuConfig
if configJSON != "" {
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(configJSON), &config)
if err != nil {
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return WakuConfig{}, err
if config.Host == nil {
config.Host = &defaultHost
if config.EnableRelay == nil {
config.EnableRelay = &defaultEnableRelay
2023-06-22 18:55:51 +00:00
if config.EnableLegacyFilter == nil {
config.EnableLegacyFilter = &defaultEnableLegacyFilter
if config.EnableDiscV5 == nil {
config.EnableDiscV5 = &defaultEnableDiscV5
if config.Host == nil {
config.Host = &defaultHost
if config.Port == nil {
config.Port = &defaultPort
if config.DiscV5UDPPort == nil {
config.DiscV5UDPPort = &defaultDiscV5UDPPort
if config.KeepAliveInterval == nil {
config.KeepAliveInterval = &defaultKeepAliveInterval
if config.MinPeersToPublish == nil {
config.MinPeersToPublish = &defaultMinPeersToPublish
if config.LogLevel == nil {
config.LogLevel = &defaultLogLevel
if config.EnableStore == nil {
config.EnableStore = &defaultEnableStore
if config.DatabaseURL == nil {
config.DatabaseURL = &defaultDatabaseURL
if config.RetentionMaxMessages == nil {
config.RetentionMaxMessages = &defaultRetentionMaxMessages
if config.RetentionTimeSeconds == nil {
config.RetentionTimeSeconds = &defaultRetentionTimeSeconds
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
if config.Websockets == nil {
config.Websockets = &WebsocketConfig{}
if config.Websockets.Host == "" {
config.Websockets.Host = defaultWSHost
if config.Websockets.Port == nil {
if config.Websockets.Secure {
config.Websockets.Port = &defaultWSSPort
} else {
config.Websockets.Port = &defaultWSPort
if config.Websockets.CertPath == "" && config.Websockets.Secure {
return WakuConfig{}, errors.New("certPath is required")
if config.Websockets.KeyPath == "" && config.Websockets.Secure {
return WakuConfig{}, errors.New("keyPath is required")
return config, nil
2023-07-06 18:20:16 +00:00
func getSeenTTL(cfg WakuConfig) time.Duration {
2023-03-14 10:38:56 +00:00
if cfg.GossipSubParams == nil || *cfg.GossipSubParams.SeenMessagesTTLSeconds == 0 {
return pubsub.TimeCacheDuration
return time.Duration(*cfg.GossipSubParams.SeenMessagesTTLSeconds)
func GetGossipSubParams(cfg *GossipSubParams) pubsub.GossipSubParams {
params := pubsub.DefaultGossipSubParams()
if cfg.D != nil {
params.D = *cfg.D
if cfg.Dlo != nil {
params.Dlo = *cfg.Dlo
if cfg.Dhi != nil {
params.Dhi = *cfg.Dhi
if cfg.Dscore != nil {
params.Dscore = *cfg.Dscore
if cfg.Dout != nil {
params.Dout = *cfg.Dout
if cfg.HistoryLength != nil {
params.HistoryLength = *cfg.HistoryLength
if cfg.HistoryGossip != nil {
params.HistoryGossip = *cfg.HistoryGossip
if cfg.Dlazy != nil {
params.Dlazy = *cfg.Dlazy
if cfg.GossipFactor != nil {
params.GossipFactor = *cfg.GossipFactor
if cfg.GossipRetransmission != nil {
params.GossipRetransmission = *cfg.GossipRetransmission
if cfg.HeartbeatInitialDelayMs != nil {
params.HeartbeatInitialDelay = time.Duration(*cfg.HeartbeatInitialDelayMs) * time.Millisecond
if cfg.HeartbeatIntervalSeconds != nil {
params.HeartbeatInterval = time.Duration(*cfg.HeartbeatIntervalSeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.SlowHeartbeatWarning != nil {
params.SlowHeartbeatWarning = *cfg.SlowHeartbeatWarning
if cfg.FanoutTTLSeconds != nil {
params.FanoutTTL = time.Duration(*cfg.FanoutTTLSeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.PrunePeers != nil {
params.PrunePeers = *cfg.PrunePeers
if cfg.PruneBackoffSeconds != nil {
params.PruneBackoff = time.Duration(*cfg.PruneBackoffSeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.UnsubscribeBackoffSeconds != nil {
params.UnsubscribeBackoff = time.Duration(*cfg.UnsubscribeBackoffSeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.Connectors != nil {
params.Connectors = *cfg.Connectors
if cfg.MaxPendingConnections != nil {
params.MaxPendingConnections = *cfg.MaxPendingConnections
if cfg.ConnectionTimeoutSeconds != nil {
params.ConnectionTimeout = time.Duration(*cfg.ConnectionTimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.DirectConnectTicks != nil {
params.DirectConnectTicks = *cfg.DirectConnectTicks
if cfg.DirectConnectInitialDelaySeconds != nil {
params.DirectConnectInitialDelay = time.Duration(*cfg.DirectConnectInitialDelaySeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.OpportunisticGraftTicks != nil {
params.OpportunisticGraftTicks = *cfg.OpportunisticGraftTicks
if cfg.OpportunisticGraftPeers != nil {
params.OpportunisticGraftPeers = *cfg.OpportunisticGraftPeers
if cfg.GraftFloodThresholdSeconds != nil {
params.GraftFloodThreshold = time.Duration(*cfg.GraftFloodThresholdSeconds) * time.Second
if cfg.MaxIHaveLength != nil {
params.MaxIHaveLength = *cfg.MaxIHaveLength
if cfg.MaxIHaveMessages != nil {
params.MaxIHaveMessages = *cfg.MaxIHaveMessages
if cfg.IWantFollowupTimeSeconds != nil {
params.IWantFollowupTime = time.Duration(*cfg.IWantFollowupTimeSeconds) * time.Second
return params