split large IWANT / IHAVE messages, add unit test

This commit is contained in:
Yusef Napora 2020-05-05 20:18:33 -04:00 committed by vyzo
parent 4427c3def7
commit cb02a50cd8
2 changed files with 215 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -939,10 +939,14 @@ func fragmentRPC(rpc *RPC, limit int) ([]*RPC, error) {
// outRPC returns the current RPC message if it will fit sizeToAdd more bytes
// otherwise, it will create a new RPC message and add it to the list.
// if withCtl is true, the new RPC message will have a non-nil empty Control message.
// if withCtl is true, the returned message will have a non-nil empty Control message.
outRPC := func(sizeToAdd int, withCtl bool) *RPC {
current := rpcs[len(rpcs)-1]
if current.Size()+sizeToAdd < limit {
// check if we can fit the new data, plus an extra byte for the protobuf field tag
if current.Size()+sizeToAdd+1 < limit {
if withCtl && current.Control == nil {
current.Control = &pb.ControlMessage{}
return current
var ctl *pb.ControlMessage
@ -982,9 +986,6 @@ func fragmentRPC(rpc *RPC, limit int) ([]*RPC, error) {
// we need to split up the control messages into multiple RPCs
// add a blank rpc message to the end of the list, then use outRPC to get or create
// RPC messages to fit each control message
rpcs = append(rpcs, &RPC{RPC: pb.RPC{Control: &pb.ControlMessage{}}, from: rpc.from})
for _, graft := range ctl.Graft {
out := outRPC(graft.Size(), true)
out.Control.Graft = append(out.Control.Graft, graft)
@ -993,17 +994,56 @@ func fragmentRPC(rpc *RPC, limit int) ([]*RPC, error) {
out := outRPC(prune.Size(), true)
out.Control.Prune = append(out.Control.Prune, prune)
// An individual IWANT or IHAVE message could be larger than the limit if we have
// a lot of message IDs. fragmentMessageIds will split them into buckets that
// fit within the limit, with some overhead for the control messages themselves
for _, iwant := range ctl.Iwant {
out := outRPC(iwant.Size(), true)
out.Control.Iwant = append(out.Control.Iwant, iwant)
const protobufOverhead = 6
idBuckets := fragmentMessageIds(iwant.MessageIDs, limit-protobufOverhead)
for _, ids := range idBuckets {
iwant := &pb.ControlIWant{MessageIDs: ids}
out := outRPC(iwant.Size(), true)
out.Control.Iwant = append(out.Control.Iwant, iwant)
for _, ihave := range ctl.Ihave {
out := outRPC(ihave.Size(), true)
out.Control.Ihave = append(out.Control.Ihave, ihave)
const protobufOverhead = 6
idBuckets := fragmentMessageIds(ihave.MessageIDs, limit-protobufOverhead)
for _, ids := range idBuckets {
ihave := &pb.ControlIHave{MessageIDs: ids}
out := outRPC(ihave.Size(), true)
out.Control.Ihave = append(out.Control.Ihave, ihave)
return rpcs, nil
func fragmentMessageIds(msgIds []string, limit int) [][]string {
// account for two bytes of protobuf overhead per array element
const protobufOverhead = 2
out := [][]string{{}}
var currentBucket int
var bucketLen int
for i := 0; i < len(msgIds); i++ {
size := len(msgIds[i]) + protobufOverhead
if size > limit {
// pathological case where a single message ID exceeds the limit.
log.Warnf("message ID length %d exceeds limit %d, removing from outgoing gossip", size, limit)
bucketLen += size
if bucketLen > limit {
out = append(out, []string{})
bucketLen = size
out[currentBucket] = append(out[currentBucket], msgIds[i])
return out
func (gs *GossipSubRouter) heartbeatTimer() {
select {

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@ -1853,3 +1853,169 @@ func (iwe *iwantEverything) handleStream(s network.Stream) {
func TestFragmentRPCFunction(t *testing.T) {
p := peer.ID("some-peer")
topic := "test"
rpc := &RPC{from: p}
limit := 1024
mkMsg := func(size int) *pb.Message {
msg := &pb.Message{}
msg.Data = make([]byte, size-4) // subtract the protobuf overhead, so msg.Size() returns requested size
return msg
ensureBelowLimit := func(rpcs []*RPC) {
for _, r := range rpcs {
if r.Size() > limit {
t.Fatalf("expected fragmented RPC to be below %d bytes, was %d", limit, r.Size())
// it should not fragment if everything fits in one RPC
rpc.Publish = []*pb.Message{}
rpc.Publish = []*pb.Message{mkMsg(10), mkMsg(10)}
results, err := fragmentRPC(rpc, limit)
if err != nil {
if len(results) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected single RPC if input is < limit, got %d", len(results))
// if there's a message larger than the limit, we should fail
rpc.Publish = []*pb.Message{mkMsg(10), mkMsg(limit * 2)}
results, err = fragmentRPC(rpc, limit)
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("expected an error if a message exceeds limit, got %d RPCs instead", len(results))
// if the individual messages are below the limit, but the RPC as a whole is larger, we should fragment
nMessages := 100
msgSize := 200
truth := true
rpc.Subscriptions = []*pb.RPC_SubOpts{
Subscribe: &truth,
Topicid: &topic,
rpc.Publish = make([]*pb.Message, nMessages)
for i := 0; i < nMessages; i++ {
rpc.Publish[i] = mkMsg(msgSize)
results, err = fragmentRPC(rpc, limit)
if err != nil {
msgsPerRPC := limit / msgSize
expectedRPCs := nMessages / msgsPerRPC
if len(results) != expectedRPCs {
t.Fatalf("expected %d RPC messages in output, got %d", expectedRPCs, len(results))
var nMessagesFragmented int
var nSubscriptions int
for _, r := range results {
nMessagesFragmented += len(r.Publish)
nSubscriptions += len(r.Subscriptions)
if nMessagesFragmented != nMessages {
t.Fatalf("expected fragemented RPCs to contain same number of messages as input, got %d / %d", nMessagesFragmented, nMessages)
if nSubscriptions != 1 {
t.Fatal("expected subscription to be present in one of the fragmented messages, but not found")
// if we're fragmenting, and the input RPC has control messages,
// the control messages should be in a separate RPC at the end
// reuse RPC from prev test, but add a control message
rpc.Control = &pb.ControlMessage{
Graft: []*pb.ControlGraft{{TopicID: &topic}},
Prune: []*pb.ControlPrune{{TopicID: &topic}},
Ihave: []*pb.ControlIHave{{MessageIDs: []string{"foo"}}},
Iwant: []*pb.ControlIWant{{MessageIDs: []string{"bar"}}},
results, err = fragmentRPC(rpc, limit)
if err != nil {
// we expect one more RPC than last time, with the final one containing the control messages
expectedCtrl := 1
expectedRPCs = (nMessages / msgsPerRPC) + expectedCtrl
if len(results) != expectedRPCs {
t.Fatalf("expected %d RPC messages in output, got %d", expectedRPCs, len(results))
ctl := results[len(results)-1].Control
if ctl == nil {
t.Fatal("expected final fragmented RPC to contain control messages, but .Control was nil")
// since it was not altered, the original control message should be identical to the output control message
originalBytes, err := rpc.Control.Marshal()
if err != nil {
receivedBytes, err := ctl.Marshal()
if err != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(originalBytes, receivedBytes) {
t.Fatal("expected control message to be unaltered if it fits within one RPC message")
// if the control message is too large to fit into a single RPC, it should be split into multiple RPCs
nTopics := 5 // pretend we're subscribed to multiple topics and sending IHAVE / IWANTs for each
messageIdSize := 32
msgsPerTopic := 100 // enough that a single IHAVE or IWANT will exceed the limit
rpc.Control.Ihave = make([]*pb.ControlIHave, nTopics)
rpc.Control.Iwant = make([]*pb.ControlIWant, nTopics)
for i := 0; i < nTopics; i++ {
messageIds := make([]string, msgsPerTopic)
for m := 0; m < msgsPerTopic; m++ {
mid := make([]byte, messageIdSize)
messageIds[m] = string(mid)
rpc.Control.Ihave[i] = &pb.ControlIHave{MessageIDs: messageIds}
rpc.Control.Iwant[i] = &pb.ControlIWant{MessageIDs: messageIds}
results, err = fragmentRPC(rpc, limit)
if err != nil {
minExpectedCtl := rpc.Control.Size() / limit
minExpectedRPCs := (nMessages / msgsPerRPC) + minExpectedCtl
if len(results) < minExpectedRPCs {
t.Fatalf("expected at least %d total RPCs (at least %d with control messages), got %d total", expectedRPCs, expectedCtrl, len(results))
// Test the pathological case where a single gossip message ID exceeds the limit.
// It should not be present in the fragmented messages, but smaller IDs should be
giantIdBytes := make([]byte, limit*2)
rpc.Control = &pb.ControlMessage{
Iwant: []*pb.ControlIWant{
{MessageIDs: []string{"hello", string(giantIdBytes)}},
results, err = fragmentRPC(rpc, limit)
if err != nil {
if len(results) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 RPC, got %d", len(results))
if len(results[0].Control.Iwant) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 IWANT, got %d", len(results[0].Control.Iwant))
if results[0].Control.Iwant[0].MessageIDs[0] != "hello" {
t.Fatalf("expected small message ID to be included unaltered, got %s instead",