import { http, log } from "../deps.ts"; import { verify } from "./crypto.ts"; import filterWebhook from "./filter.ts"; import * as util from "./util.ts"; export default async function handle(req: Request): Promise { if (req.method !== "POST") { throw http.createHttpError(405); } // split url into parts const url = new URL(req.url); const [, id, token] = url.pathname.split("/"); const signature = url.searchParams.get("sig"); if (!id || !token || !signature) { throw http.createHttpError(400); } // verify signature if (!(await verify(`${id}/${token}`, signature))) { throw http.createHttpError(403); } // extract data const urlConfig = getUrlConfig(url.searchParams); const data = await req.text(); const json = JSON.parse(data); // do the thing const filterReason = filterWebhook(req.headers, json, urlConfig); if (filterReason !== null) { return new Response(`Ignored by webhook filter (reason: ${filterReason})`, { status: 203 }); } return await sendWebhook(id, token, req.headers, data); } function getUrlConfig(params: URLSearchParams): UrlConfig { const config: UrlConfig = {}; for (const [key, value] of params) { switch (key) { case "sig": continue; case "allowBranches": config.allowBranches = value.split(","); break; case "hideTags": config.hideTags = util.parseBool(value); break; default: throw http.createHttpError(418, `Unknown config option: ${key}`); } } return config; } async function sendWebhook( id: string, token: string, headers: HeadersInit, body: string, ): Promise { const url = `${id}/${token}/github?wait=1`;`Sending webhook request to ${url}`); const req = new Request(url, { method: "POST", headers: headers, body: body, }); return await fetch(req); }