# Description This is a minimal REST API intended for use with a Continuous Integration system for managing comments on GitHub. The problem this solves is posting comments in a PR from multiple builds without spamming the comment section. Instead we post just one comment with a table and continue to update it. # Example Comment --- ### Jenkins Builds | :grey_question: | Commit | :hash: | Finished (UTC) | Duration | Platform | Result | |-|-|-|-|-|-|-| | :x: | a088572b | [#3](https://example.org) | 2018-12-21 12:13:18 | ~12 min | `android` | [:page_facing_up:`log`](https://example.org) | | :heavy_check_mark: | a088572b | [#3](https://example.org) | 2018-12-21 12:13:53 | ~12 min | `ios` | [:package:`api`](https://example.org) | | :heavy_check_mark: | a088572b | [#3](https://example.org) | 2018-12-21 12:13:34 | ~12 min | `android` | [:package:`apk`](https://example.org) [:calling:](https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=400x400&chld=L%7C%0A0&chl=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.org) | | :heavy_check_mark: | a088572b | [#3](https://example.org) | 2018-12-21 12:14:44 | ~12 min | `windows` | [:package:`exe`](https://example.org) | | :interrobang: | a088572b | [#3](https://example.org) | 2018-12-21 12:15:37 | ~13 min | `macos` | [:page_facing_up:`log`](https://example.org) | | :heavy_multiplication_x: | a088572b | [#3](https://example.org) | 2018-12-21 12:16:40 | ~12 min | `linux` | [:package:`pkg`](https://unknown.example.org/path/package) | --- # API It exposes 3 calls: * `GET /builds/:repo/:pr` - Return all known builds for given PR in repo. * `POST /builds/:repo/:pr` - Add a new build result and update the PR comment. * `POST /builds/:repo/:pr/refresh` - Re-render the comment for given PR ID. * `DELETE /builds/:repo/:pr` - Delete all known builds for given PR ID in repo. * `POST /comments` - Show currently managed comments in PRs. By default it listens on `localhost:8000`. # Usage ``` $ cat << EOF { "id": 1, "commit": "7367f3d5", "success": true, "platform": "linux", "duration": "~15 min", "url": "https://ci.status.im/job/status-react/job/prs/job/linux/job/PR-7123/1/", "pkg_url": "https://status-im-prs.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/StatusIm-181212-211210-5157d2-pr.AppImage" } EOF >> /tmp/body/json $ curl -s -XPOST http://localhost:8000/builds/my-repo/7123 -d@/tmp/body.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json' { "status": "ok" } $ curl -s -XPOST http://localhost:8000/builds/my-repo/7123/refresh { "status": "ok" } ``` You can also check all PRs the application knows about: ``` $ curl -s http://localhost:8000/comments { "count": 2, "comments": [ { "pr": "7000", "comment_id": 446940840 }, { "pr": "7084", "comment_id": 446779864 } ] } ``` # Configuration There are few environment variables you can set: * `LISTEN_PORT` - Self explanatory. (Default: `8000`) * `DB_SAVE_INTERVAL` - How often database is written to disk. (Default: `5000`) * `DB_PATH` - Path where the [LokiJS](http://lokijs.org/#/) DB file is stored. (Default: `/tmp/builds.db`) * `GH_TOKEN` - Required for GitHub API access. * `GH_REPO_OWNER` - Name of owner of repo to manage. * `GH_REPO_NAMES` - Whitelist of names of GitHub repos to manage. (Empty means all) # Building * `yarn run start` - For production use. * `yarn run devel` - For development use. * `yarn run default` - For building use. * `yarn run release` - To create and push the docker image use.