
467 lines
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package kingpin
//go:generate go run ./cmd/genvalues/main.go
import (
// NOTE: Most of the base type values were lifted from:
// http://golang.org/src/pkg/flag/flag.go?s=20146:20222
// Value is the interface to the dynamic value stored in a flag.
// (The default value is represented as a string.)
// If a Value has an IsBoolFlag() bool method returning true, the command-line
// parser makes --name equivalent to -name=true rather than using the next
// command-line argument, and adds a --no-name counterpart for negating the
// flag.
type Value interface {
String() string
Set(string) error
// Getter is an interface that allows the contents of a Value to be retrieved.
// It wraps the Value interface, rather than being part of it, because it
// appeared after Go 1 and its compatibility rules. All Value types provided
// by this package satisfy the Getter interface.
type Getter interface {
Get() interface{}
// Optional interface to indicate boolean flags that don't accept a value, and
// implicitly have a --no-<x> negation counterpart.
type boolFlag interface {
IsBoolFlag() bool
// Optional interface for arguments that cumulatively consume all remaining
// input.
type remainderArg interface {
IsCumulative() bool
// Optional interface for flags that can be repeated.
type repeatableFlag interface {
IsCumulative() bool
type accumulator struct {
element func(value interface{}) Value
typ reflect.Type
slice reflect.Value
// Use reflection to accumulate values into a slice.
// target := []string{}
// newAccumulator(&target, func (value interface{}) Value {
// return newStringValue(value.(*string))
// })
func newAccumulator(slice interface{}, element func(value interface{}) Value) *accumulator {
typ := reflect.TypeOf(slice)
if typ.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic("expected a pointer to a slice")
return &accumulator{
element: element,
typ: typ.Elem().Elem(),
slice: reflect.ValueOf(slice),
func (a *accumulator) String() string {
out := []string{}
s := a.slice.Elem()
for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {
out = append(out, a.element(s.Index(i).Addr().Interface()).String())
return strings.Join(out, ",")
func (a *accumulator) Set(value string) error {
e := reflect.New(a.typ)
if err := a.element(e.Interface()).Set(value); err != nil {
return err
slice := reflect.Append(a.slice.Elem(), e.Elem())
return nil
func (a *accumulator) Get() interface{} {
return a.slice.Interface()
func (a *accumulator) IsCumulative() bool {
return true
func (b *boolValue) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true }
// -- time.Duration Value
type durationValue time.Duration
func newDurationValue(p *time.Duration) *durationValue {
return (*durationValue)(p)
func (d *durationValue) Set(s string) error {
v, err := time.ParseDuration(s)
*d = durationValue(v)
return err
func (d *durationValue) Get() interface{} { return time.Duration(*d) }
func (d *durationValue) String() string { return (*time.Duration)(d).String() }
// -- map[string]string Value
type stringMapValue map[string]string
func newStringMapValue(p *map[string]string) *stringMapValue {
return (*stringMapValue)(p)
var stringMapRegex = regexp.MustCompile("[:=]")
func (s *stringMapValue) Set(value string) error {
parts := stringMapRegex.Split(value, 2)
if len(parts) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected KEY=VALUE got '%s'", value)
(*s)[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return nil
func (s *stringMapValue) Get() interface{} {
return (map[string]string)(*s)
func (s *stringMapValue) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", map[string]string(*s))
func (s *stringMapValue) IsCumulative() bool {
return true
// -- net.IP Value
type ipValue net.IP
func newIPValue(p *net.IP) *ipValue {
return (*ipValue)(p)
func (i *ipValue) Set(value string) error {
if ip := net.ParseIP(value); ip == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not an IP address", value)
} else {
*i = *(*ipValue)(&ip)
return nil
func (i *ipValue) Get() interface{} {
return (net.IP)(*i)
func (i *ipValue) String() string {
return (*net.IP)(i).String()
// -- *net.TCPAddr Value
type tcpAddrValue struct {
addr **net.TCPAddr
func newTCPAddrValue(p **net.TCPAddr) *tcpAddrValue {
return &tcpAddrValue{p}
func (i *tcpAddrValue) Set(value string) error {
if addr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("tcp", value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid TCP address: %s", value, err)
} else {
*i.addr = addr
return nil
func (t *tcpAddrValue) Get() interface{} {
return (*net.TCPAddr)(*t.addr)
func (i *tcpAddrValue) String() string {
return (*i.addr).String()
// -- existingFile Value
type fileStatValue struct {
path *string
predicate func(os.FileInfo) error
func newFileStatValue(p *string, predicate func(os.FileInfo) error) *fileStatValue {
return &fileStatValue{
path: p,
predicate: predicate,
func (e *fileStatValue) Set(value string) error {
if s, err := os.Stat(value); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("path '%s' does not exist", value)
} else if err != nil {
return err
} else if err := e.predicate(s); err != nil {
return err
*e.path = value
return nil
func (f *fileStatValue) Get() interface{} {
return (string)(*f.path)
func (e *fileStatValue) String() string {
return *e.path
// -- os.File value
type fileValue struct {
f **os.File
flag int
perm os.FileMode
func newFileValue(p **os.File, flag int, perm os.FileMode) *fileValue {
return &fileValue{p, flag, perm}
func (f *fileValue) Set(value string) error {
if fd, err := os.OpenFile(value, f.flag, f.perm); err != nil {
return err
} else {
*f.f = fd
return nil
func (f *fileValue) Get() interface{} {
return (*os.File)(*f.f)
func (f *fileValue) String() string {
if *f.f == nil {
return "<nil>"
return (*f.f).Name()
// -- url.URL Value
type urlValue struct {
u **url.URL
func newURLValue(p **url.URL) *urlValue {
return &urlValue{p}
func (u *urlValue) Set(value string) error {
if url, err := url.Parse(value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid URL: %s", err)
} else {
*u.u = url
return nil
func (u *urlValue) Get() interface{} {
return (*url.URL)(*u.u)
func (u *urlValue) String() string {
if *u.u == nil {
return "<nil>"
return (*u.u).String()
// -- []*url.URL Value
type urlListValue []*url.URL
func newURLListValue(p *[]*url.URL) *urlListValue {
return (*urlListValue)(p)
func (u *urlListValue) Set(value string) error {
if url, err := url.Parse(value); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid URL: %s", err)
} else {
*u = append(*u, url)
return nil
func (u *urlListValue) Get() interface{} {
return ([]*url.URL)(*u)
func (u *urlListValue) String() string {
out := []string{}
for _, url := range *u {
out = append(out, url.String())
return strings.Join(out, ",")
// A flag whose value must be in a set of options.
type enumValue struct {
value *string
options []string
func newEnumFlag(target *string, options ...string) *enumValue {
return &enumValue{
value: target,
options: options,
func (a *enumValue) String() string {
return *a.value
func (a *enumValue) Set(value string) error {
for _, v := range a.options {
if v == value {
*a.value = value
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("enum value must be one of %s, got '%s'", strings.Join(a.options, ","), value)
func (e *enumValue) Get() interface{} {
return (string)(*e.value)
// -- []string Enum Value
type enumsValue struct {
value *[]string
options []string
func newEnumsFlag(target *[]string, options ...string) *enumsValue {
return &enumsValue{
value: target,
options: options,
func (s *enumsValue) Set(value string) error {
for _, v := range s.options {
if v == value {
*s.value = append(*s.value, value)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("enum value must be one of %s, got '%s'", strings.Join(s.options, ","), value)
func (e *enumsValue) Get() interface{} {
return ([]string)(*e.value)
func (s *enumsValue) String() string {
return strings.Join(*s.value, ",")
func (s *enumsValue) IsCumulative() bool {
return true
// -- units.Base2Bytes Value
type bytesValue units.Base2Bytes
func newBytesValue(p *units.Base2Bytes) *bytesValue {
return (*bytesValue)(p)
func (d *bytesValue) Set(s string) error {
v, err := units.ParseBase2Bytes(s)
*d = bytesValue(v)
return err
func (d *bytesValue) Get() interface{} { return units.Base2Bytes(*d) }
func (d *bytesValue) String() string { return (*units.Base2Bytes)(d).String() }
func newExistingFileValue(target *string) *fileStatValue {
return newFileStatValue(target, func(s os.FileInfo) error {
if s.IsDir() {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is a directory", s.Name())
return nil
func newExistingDirValue(target *string) *fileStatValue {
return newFileStatValue(target, func(s os.FileInfo) error {
if !s.IsDir() {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is a file", s.Name())
return nil
func newExistingFileOrDirValue(target *string) *fileStatValue {
return newFileStatValue(target, func(s os.FileInfo) error { return nil })
type counterValue int
func newCounterValue(n *int) *counterValue {
return (*counterValue)(n)
func (c *counterValue) Set(s string) error {
return nil
func (c *counterValue) Get() interface{} { return (int)(*c) }
func (c *counterValue) IsBoolFlag() bool { return true }
func (c *counterValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", *c) }
func (c *counterValue) IsCumulative() bool { return true }
func resolveHost(value string) (net.IP, error) {
if ip := net.ParseIP(value); ip != nil {
return ip, nil
} else {
if addr, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", value); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return addr.IP, nil