
840 lines
19 KiB

// Package native is a thread unsafe engine for MyMySQL.
package native
import (
type serverInfo struct {
prot_ver byte
serv_ver []byte
thr_id uint32
scramble [20]byte
caps uint16
lang byte
// MySQL connection handler
type Conn struct {
proto string // Network protocol
laddr string // Local address
raddr string // Remote (server) address
user string // MySQL username
passwd string // MySQL password
dbname string // Database name
net_conn net.Conn // MySQL connection
rd *bufio.Reader
wr *bufio.Writer
info serverInfo // MySQL server information
seq byte // MySQL sequence number
unreaded_reply bool
init_cmds []string // MySQL commands/queries executed after connect
stmt_map map[uint32]*Stmt // For reprepare during reconnect
// Current status of MySQL server connection
status mysql.ConnStatus
// Maximum packet size that client can accept from server.
// Default 16*1024*1024-1. You may change it before connect.
max_pkt_size int
// Timeout for connect
timeout time.Duration
dialer mysql.Dialer
// Return only types accepted by godrv
narrowTypeSet bool
// Store full information about fields in result
fullFieldInfo bool
// Debug logging. You may change it at any time.
Debug bool
// Create new MySQL handler. The first three arguments are passed to net.Bind
// for create connection. user and passwd are for authentication. Optional db
// is database name (you may not specify it and use Use() method later).
func New(proto, laddr, raddr, user, passwd string, db ...string) mysql.Conn {
my := Conn{
proto: proto,
laddr: laddr,
raddr: raddr,
user: user,
passwd: passwd,
stmt_map: make(map[uint32]*Stmt),
max_pkt_size: 16*1024*1024 - 1,
timeout: 2 * time.Minute,
fullFieldInfo: true,
if len(db) == 1 {
my.dbname = db[0]
} else if len(db) > 1 {
panic("mymy.New: too many arguments")
return &my
func (my *Conn) Credentials() (user, passwd string) {
return my.user, my.passwd
func (my *Conn) NarrowTypeSet(narrow bool) {
my.narrowTypeSet = narrow
func (my *Conn) FullFieldInfo(full bool) {
my.fullFieldInfo = full
// Creates new (not connected) connection using configuration from current
// connection.
func (my *Conn) Clone() mysql.Conn {
var c *Conn
if my.dbname == "" {
c = New(my.proto, my.laddr, my.raddr, my.user, my.passwd).(*Conn)
} else {
c = New(my.proto, my.laddr, my.raddr, my.user, my.passwd, my.dbname).(*Conn)
c.max_pkt_size = my.max_pkt_size
c.timeout = my.timeout
c.Debug = my.Debug
return c
// If new_size > 0 sets maximum packet size. Returns old size.
func (my *Conn) SetMaxPktSize(new_size int) int {
old_size := my.max_pkt_size
if new_size > 0 {
my.max_pkt_size = new_size
return old_size
// SetTimeout sets timeout for Connect and Reconnect
func (my *Conn) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
my.timeout = timeout
// NetConn return internall net.Conn
func (my *Conn) NetConn() net.Conn {
return my.net_conn
type timeoutError struct{}
func (e *timeoutError) Error() string { return "i/o timeout" }
func (e *timeoutError) Timeout() bool { return true }
func (e *timeoutError) Temporary() bool { return true }
type stringAddr struct {
net, addr string
func (a stringAddr) Network() string { return a.net }
func (a stringAddr) String() string { return a.addr }
var DefaultDialer mysql.Dialer = func(proto, laddr, raddr string,
timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error) {
if proto == "" {
proto = "unix"
if strings.IndexRune(raddr, ':') != -1 {
proto = "tcp"
// Make a connection
d := &net.Dialer{Timeout: timeout}
if laddr != "" {
var err error
switch proto {
case "tcp", "tcp4", "tcp6":
d.LocalAddr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr(proto, laddr)
case "unix":
d.LocalAddr, err = net.ResolveTCPAddr(proto, laddr)
err = net.UnknownNetworkError(proto)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return d.Dial(proto, raddr)
func (my *Conn) SetDialer(d mysql.Dialer) {
my.dialer = d
func (my *Conn) connect() (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
my.net_conn = nil
if my.dialer != nil {
my.net_conn, err = my.dialer(my.proto, my.laddr, my.raddr, my.timeout)
if err != nil {
my.net_conn = nil
if my.net_conn == nil {
my.net_conn, err = DefaultDialer(my.proto, my.laddr, my.raddr, my.timeout)
if err != nil {
my.net_conn = nil
my.rd = bufio.NewReader(my.net_conn)
my.wr = bufio.NewWriter(my.net_conn)
// Initialisation
res := my.getResult(nil, nil)
if res == nil {
// Try old password
res = my.getResult(nil, nil)
if res == nil {
return mysql.ErrAuthentication
// Execute all registered commands
for _, cmd := range my.init_cmds {
// Send command
my.sendCmdStr(_COM_QUERY, cmd)
// Get command response
res := my.getResponse()
// Read and discard all result rows
row := res.MakeRow()
for res != nil {
// Only read rows if they exist
if !res.StatusOnly() {
//read each row in this set
for {
err = res.getRow(row)
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
// Move to the next result
if res, err = res.nextResult(); err != nil {
// Establishes a connection with MySQL server version 4.1 or later.
func (my *Conn) Connect() (err error) {
if my.net_conn != nil {
return mysql.ErrAlredyConn
return my.connect()
// Check if connection is established
func (my *Conn) IsConnected() bool {
return my.net_conn != nil
func (my *Conn) closeConn() (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
// Always close and invalidate connection, even if
// COM_QUIT returns an error
defer func() {
err = my.net_conn.Close()
my.net_conn = nil // Mark that we disconnect
// Close the connection
// Close connection to the server
func (my *Conn) Close() (err error) {
if my.net_conn == nil {
return mysql.ErrNotConn
if my.unreaded_reply {
return mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
return my.closeConn()
// Close and reopen connection.
// Ignore unreaded rows, reprepare all prepared statements.
func (my *Conn) Reconnect() (err error) {
if my.net_conn != nil {
// Close connection, ignore all errors
// Reopen the connection.
if err = my.connect(); err != nil {
// Reprepare all prepared statements
var (
new_stmt *Stmt
new_map = make(map[uint32]*Stmt)
for _, stmt := range my.stmt_map {
new_stmt, err = my.prepare(stmt.sql)
if err != nil {
// Assume that fields set in new_stmt by prepare() are indentical to
// corresponding fields in stmt. Why can they be different?
stmt.id = new_stmt.id
stmt.rebind = true
new_map[stmt.id] = stmt
// Replace the stmt_map
my.stmt_map = new_map
// Change database
func (my *Conn) Use(dbname string) (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if my.net_conn == nil {
return mysql.ErrNotConn
if my.unreaded_reply {
return mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
// Send command
my.sendCmdStr(_COM_INIT_DB, dbname)
// Get server response
my.getResult(nil, nil)
// Save new database name if no errors
my.dbname = dbname
func (my *Conn) getResponse() (res *Result) {
res = my.getResult(nil, nil)
if res == nil {
my.unreaded_reply = !res.StatusOnly()
// Start new query.
// If you specify the parameters, the SQL string will be a result of
// fmt.Sprintf(sql, params...).
// You must get all result rows (if they exists) before next query.
func (my *Conn) Start(sql string, params ...interface{}) (res mysql.Result, err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if my.net_conn == nil {
return nil, mysql.ErrNotConn
if my.unreaded_reply {
return nil, mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
if len(params) != 0 {
sql = fmt.Sprintf(sql, params...)
// Send query
my.sendCmdStr(_COM_QUERY, sql)
// Get command response
res = my.getResponse()
func (res *Result) getRow(row mysql.Row) (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if res.my.getResult(res, row) != nil {
return io.EOF
return nil
// Returns true if more results exixts. You don't have to call it before
// NextResult method (NextResult returns nil if there is no more results).
func (res *Result) MoreResults() bool {
return res.status&mysql.SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS != 0
// Get the data row from server. This method reads one row of result set
// directly from network connection (without rows buffering on client side).
// Returns io.EOF if there is no more rows in current result set.
func (res *Result) ScanRow(row mysql.Row) error {
if row == nil {
return mysql.ErrRowLength
if res.eor_returned {
return mysql.ErrReadAfterEOR
if res.StatusOnly() {
// There is no fields in result (OK result)
res.eor_returned = true
return io.EOF
err := res.getRow(row)
if err == io.EOF {
res.eor_returned = true
if !res.MoreResults() {
res.my.unreaded_reply = false
return err
// Like ScanRow but allocates memory for every row.
// Returns nil row insted of io.EOF error.
func (res *Result) GetRow() (mysql.Row, error) {
return mysql.GetRow(res)
func (res *Result) nextResult() (next *Result, err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if res.MoreResults() {
next = res.my.getResponse()
// This function is used when last query was the multi result query or
// procedure call. Returns the next result or nil if no more resuts exists.
// Statements within the procedure may produce unknown number of result sets.
// The final result from the procedure is a status result that includes no
// result set (Result.StatusOnly() == true) .
func (res *Result) NextResult() (mysql.Result, error) {
if !res.MoreResults() {
return nil, nil
res, err := res.nextResult()
return res, err
// Send MySQL PING to the server.
func (my *Conn) Ping() (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if my.net_conn == nil {
return mysql.ErrNotConn
if my.unreaded_reply {
return mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
// Send command
// Get server response
my.getResult(nil, nil)
func (my *Conn) prepare(sql string) (stmt *Stmt, err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
// Send command
my.sendCmdStr(_COM_STMT_PREPARE, sql)
// Get server response
stmt, ok := my.getPrepareResult(nil).(*Stmt)
if !ok {
return nil, mysql.ErrBadResult
if len(stmt.params) > 0 {
// Get param fields
if len(stmt.fields) > 0 {
// Get column fields
// Prepare server side statement. Return statement handler.
func (my *Conn) Prepare(sql string) (mysql.Stmt, error) {
if my.net_conn == nil {
return nil, mysql.ErrNotConn
if my.unreaded_reply {
return nil, mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
stmt, err := my.prepare(sql)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Connect statement with database handler
my.stmt_map[stmt.id] = stmt
// Save SQL for reconnect
stmt.sql = sql
return stmt, nil
// Bind input data for the parameter markers in the SQL statement that was
// passed to Prepare.
// params may be a parameter list (slice), a struct or a pointer to the struct.
// A struct field can by value or pointer to value. A parameter (slice element)
// can be value, pointer to value or pointer to pointer to value.
// Values may be of the folowind types: intXX, uintXX, floatXX, bool, []byte,
// Blob, string, Time, Date, Time, Timestamp, Raw.
func (stmt *Stmt) Bind(params ...interface{}) {
stmt.rebind = true
if len(params) == 1 {
// Check for struct binding
pval := reflect.ValueOf(params[0])
kind := pval.Kind()
if kind == reflect.Ptr {
// Dereference pointer
pval = pval.Elem()
kind = pval.Kind()
typ := pval.Type()
if kind == reflect.Struct &&
typ != timeType &&
typ != dateType &&
typ != timestampType &&
typ != rawType {
// We have a struct to bind
if pval.NumField() != stmt.param_count {
if !pval.CanAddr() {
// Make an addressable structure
v := reflect.New(pval.Type()).Elem()
pval = v
for ii := 0; ii < stmt.param_count; ii++ {
stmt.params[ii] = bindValue(pval.Field(ii))
stmt.binded = true
// There isn't struct to bind
if len(params) != stmt.param_count {
for ii, par := range params {
pval := reflect.ValueOf(par)
if pval.IsValid() {
if pval.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
// Dereference pointer - this value i addressable
pval = pval.Elem()
} else {
// Make an addressable value
v := reflect.New(pval.Type()).Elem()
pval = v
stmt.params[ii] = bindValue(pval)
stmt.binded = true
// Execute prepared statement. If statement requires parameters you may bind
// them first or specify directly. After this command you may use GetRow to
// retrieve data.
func (stmt *Stmt) Run(params ...interface{}) (res mysql.Result, err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if stmt.my.net_conn == nil {
return nil, mysql.ErrNotConn
if stmt.my.unreaded_reply {
return nil, mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
// Bind parameters if any
if len(params) != 0 {
} else if stmt.param_count != 0 && !stmt.binded {
// Send EXEC command with binded parameters
// Get response
r := stmt.my.getResponse()
r.binary = true
res = r
// Destroy statement on server side. Client side handler is invalid after this
// command.
func (stmt *Stmt) Delete() (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if stmt.my.net_conn == nil {
return mysql.ErrNotConn
if stmt.my.unreaded_reply {
return mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
// Allways delete statement on client side, even if
// the command return an error.
defer func() {
// Delete statement from stmt_map
delete(stmt.my.stmt_map, stmt.id)
// Invalidate handler
*stmt = Stmt{}
// Send command
stmt.my.sendCmdU32(_COM_STMT_CLOSE, stmt.id)
// Resets a prepared statement on server: data sent to the server, unbuffered
// result sets and current errors.
func (stmt *Stmt) Reset() (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if stmt.my.net_conn == nil {
return mysql.ErrNotConn
if stmt.my.unreaded_reply {
return mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
// Next exec must send type information. We set rebind flag regardless of
// whether the command succeeds or not.
stmt.rebind = true
// Send command
stmt.my.sendCmdU32(_COM_STMT_RESET, stmt.id)
// Get result
stmt.my.getResult(nil, nil)
// Send long data to MySQL server in chunks.
// You can call this method after Bind and before Exec. It can be called
// multiple times for one parameter to send TEXT or BLOB data in chunks.
// pnum - Parameter number to associate the data with.
// data - Data source string, []byte or io.Reader.
// pkt_size - It must be must be greater than 6 and less or equal to MySQL
// max_allowed_packet variable. You can obtain value of this variable
// using such query: SHOW variables WHERE Variable_name = 'max_allowed_packet'
// If data source is io.Reader then (pkt_size - 6) is size of a buffer that
// will be allocated for reading.
// If you have data source of type string or []byte in one piece you may
// properly set pkt_size and call this method once. If you have data in
// multiple pieces you can call this method multiple times. If data source is
// io.Reader you should properly set pkt_size. Data will be readed from
// io.Reader and send in pieces to the server until EOF.
func (stmt *Stmt) SendLongData(pnum int, data interface{}, pkt_size int) (err error) {
defer catchError(&err)
if stmt.my.net_conn == nil {
return mysql.ErrNotConn
if stmt.my.unreaded_reply {
return mysql.ErrUnreadedReply
if pnum < 0 || pnum >= stmt.param_count {
return mysql.ErrWrongParamNum
if pkt_size -= 6; pkt_size < 0 {
return mysql.ErrSmallPktSize
switch dd := data.(type) {
case io.Reader:
buf := make([]byte, pkt_size)
for {
nn, ee := dd.Read(buf)
if nn != 0 {
stmt.my.sendLongData(stmt.id, uint16(pnum), buf[0:nn])
if ee == io.EOF {
if ee != nil {
return ee
case []byte:
for len(dd) > pkt_size {
stmt.my.sendLongData(stmt.id, uint16(pnum), dd[0:pkt_size])
dd = dd[pkt_size:]
stmt.my.sendLongData(stmt.id, uint16(pnum), dd)
case string:
for len(dd) > pkt_size {
dd = dd[pkt_size:]
stmt.my.sendLongData(stmt.id, uint16(pnum), []byte(dd))
return mysql.ErrUnkDataType
// Returns the thread ID of the current connection.
func (my *Conn) ThreadId() uint32 {
return my.info.thr_id
// Register MySQL command/query to be executed immediately after connecting to
// the server. You may register multiple commands. They will be executed in
// the order of registration. Yhis method is mainly useful for reconnect.
func (my *Conn) Register(sql string) {
my.init_cmds = append(my.init_cmds, sql)
// See mysql.Query
func (my *Conn) Query(sql string, params ...interface{}) ([]mysql.Row, mysql.Result, error) {
return mysql.Query(my, sql, params...)
// See mysql.QueryFirst
func (my *Conn) QueryFirst(sql string, params ...interface{}) (mysql.Row, mysql.Result, error) {
return mysql.QueryFirst(my, sql, params...)
// See mysql.QueryLast
func (my *Conn) QueryLast(sql string, params ...interface{}) (mysql.Row, mysql.Result, error) {
return mysql.QueryLast(my, sql, params...)
// See mysql.Exec
func (stmt *Stmt) Exec(params ...interface{}) ([]mysql.Row, mysql.Result, error) {
return mysql.Exec(stmt, params...)
// See mysql.ExecFirst
func (stmt *Stmt) ExecFirst(params ...interface{}) (mysql.Row, mysql.Result, error) {
return mysql.ExecFirst(stmt, params...)
// See mysql.ExecLast
func (stmt *Stmt) ExecLast(params ...interface{}) (mysql.Row, mysql.Result, error) {
return mysql.ExecLast(stmt, params...)
// See mysql.End
func (res *Result) End() error {
return mysql.End(res)
// See mysql.GetFirstRow
func (res *Result) GetFirstRow() (mysql.Row, error) {
return mysql.GetFirstRow(res)
// See mysql.GetLastRow
func (res *Result) GetLastRow() (mysql.Row, error) {
return mysql.GetLastRow(res)
// See mysql.GetRows
func (res *Result) GetRows() ([]mysql.Row, error) {
return mysql.GetRows(res)
// Escapes special characters in the txt, so it is safe to place returned string
// to Query method.
func (my *Conn) Escape(txt string) string {
return mysql.Escape(my, txt)
func (my *Conn) Status() mysql.ConnStatus {
return my.status
type Transaction struct {
// Starts a new transaction
func (my *Conn) Begin() (mysql.Transaction, error) {
_, err := my.Start("START TRANSACTION")
return &Transaction{my}, err
// Commit a transaction
func (tr Transaction) Commit() error {
_, err := tr.Start("COMMIT")
tr.Conn = nil // Invalidate this transaction
return err
// Rollback a transaction
func (tr Transaction) Rollback() error {
_, err := tr.Start("ROLLBACK")
tr.Conn = nil // Invalidate this transaction
return err
func (tr Transaction) IsValid() bool {
return tr.Conn != nil
// Binds statement to the context of transaction. For native engine this is
// identity function.
func (tr Transaction) Do(st mysql.Stmt) mysql.Stmt {
if s, ok := st.(*Stmt); !ok || s.my != tr.Conn {
panic("Transaction and statement doesn't belong to the same connection")
return st
func init() {
mysql.New = New