
473 lines
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package mysql
import (
// Row is a type for result row. It contains values for any column of received row.
// If row is a result of ordinary text query, its element can be
// []byte slice, contained result text or nil if NULL is returned.
// If it is a result of prepared statement execution, its element field can be:
// intX, uintX, floatX, []byte, Date, Time, time.Time (in Local location) or nil.
type Row []interface{}
// Bin gets the nn-th value and returns it as []byte ([]byte{} if NULL).
func (tr Row) Bin(nn int) (bin []byte) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// bin = []byte{}
case []byte:
bin = data
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprint(buf, data)
bin = buf.Bytes()
// Str gets the nn-th value and returns it as string ("" if NULL).
func (tr Row) Str(nn int) (str string) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// str = ""
case []byte:
str = string(data)
case time.Time:
str = TimeString(data)
case time.Duration:
str = DurationString(data)
str = fmt.Sprint(data)
const _MAX_INT = int64(int(^uint(0) >> 1))
const _MIN_INT = -_MAX_INT - 1
// IntErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as int (0 if NULL). Returns error if
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) IntErr(nn int) (val int, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case int32:
val = int(data)
case int16:
val = int(data)
case uint16:
val = int(data)
case int8:
val = int(data)
case uint8:
val = int(data)
case []byte:
val, err = strconv.Atoi(string(data))
case int64:
if data >= _MIN_INT && data <= _MAX_INT {
val = int(data)
} else {
err = strconv.ErrRange
case uint32:
if int64(data) <= _MAX_INT {
val = int(data)
} else {
err = strconv.ErrRange
case uint64:
if data <= uint64(_MAX_INT) {
val = int(data)
} else {
err = strconv.ErrRange
err = os.ErrInvalid
// Int gets the nn-th value and returns it as int (0 if NULL). Panics if conversion is
// impossible.
func (tr Row) Int(nn int) (val int) {
val, err := tr.IntErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceInt gets the nn-th value and returns it as int. Returns 0 if value is NULL or
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceInt(nn int) (val int) {
val, _ = tr.IntErr(nn)
const _MAX_UINT = uint64(^uint(0))
// UintErr gets the nn-th value and return it as uint (0 if NULL). Returns error if
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) UintErr(nn int) (val uint, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case uint32:
val = uint(data)
case uint16:
val = uint(data)
case uint8:
val = uint(data)
case []byte:
var v uint64
v, err = strconv.ParseUint(string(data), 0, 0)
val = uint(v)
case uint64:
if data <= _MAX_UINT {
val = uint(data)
} else {
err = strconv.ErrRange
case int8, int16, int32, int64:
v := reflect.ValueOf(data).Int()
if v >= 0 && uint64(v) <= _MAX_UINT {
val = uint(v)
} else {
err = strconv.ErrRange
err = os.ErrInvalid
// Uint gets the nn-th value and returns it as uint (0 if NULL). Panics if conversion is
// impossible.
func (tr Row) Uint(nn int) (val uint) {
val, err := tr.UintErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceUint gets the nn-th value and returns it as uint. Returns 0 if value is NULL or
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceUint(nn int) (val uint) {
val, _ = tr.UintErr(nn)
// DateErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as Date (0000-00-00 if NULL). Returns error
// if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) DateErr(nn int) (val Date, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case Date:
val = data
case []byte:
val, err = ParseDate(string(data))
// Date is like DateErr but panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Date(nn int) (val Date) {
val, err := tr.DateErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceDate is like DateErr but returns 0000-00-00 if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceDate(nn int) (val Date) {
val, _ = tr.DateErr(nn)
// TimeErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as time.Time in loc location (zero if NULL)
// Returns error if conversion is impossible. It can convert Date to time.Time.
func (tr Row) TimeErr(nn int, loc *time.Location) (t time.Time, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case time.Time:
if loc == time.Local {
t = data
} else {
y, mon, d := data.Date()
h, m, s := data.Clock()
t = time.Date(y, mon, d, h, m, s, t.Nanosecond(), loc)
case Date:
t = data.Time(loc)
case []byte:
t, err = ParseTime(string(data), loc)
// Time is like TimeErr but panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Time(nn int, loc *time.Location) (val time.Time) {
val, err := tr.TimeErr(nn, loc)
if err != nil {
// ForceTime is like TimeErr but returns 0000-00-00 00:00:00 if conversion is
// impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceTime(nn int, loc *time.Location) (val time.Time) {
val, _ = tr.TimeErr(nn, loc)
// LocaltimeErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as time.Time in Local location
// (zero if NULL). Returns error if conversion is impossible.
// It can convert Date to time.Time.
func (tr Row) LocaltimeErr(nn int) (t time.Time, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case time.Time:
t = data
case Date:
t = data.Time(time.Local)
case []byte:
t, err = ParseTime(string(data), time.Local)
// Localtime is like LocaltimeErr but panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Localtime(nn int) (val time.Time) {
val, err := tr.LocaltimeErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceLocaltime is like LocaltimeErr but returns 0000-00-00 00:00:00 if conversion is
// impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceLocaltime(nn int) (val time.Time) {
val, _ = tr.LocaltimeErr(nn)
// DurationErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as time.Duration (0 if NULL). Returns error
// if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) DurationErr(nn int) (val time.Duration, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
case time.Duration:
val = data
case []byte:
val, err = ParseDuration(string(data))
err = fmt.Errorf("Can't convert `%v` to time.Duration", data)
// Duration is like DurationErr but panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Duration(nn int) (val time.Duration) {
val, err := tr.DurationErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceDuration is like DurationErr but returns 0 if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceDuration(nn int) (val time.Duration) {
val, _ = tr.DurationErr(nn)
// BoolErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as bool. Returns error
// if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) BoolErr(nn int) (val bool, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case int8:
val = (data != 0)
case int32:
val = (data != 0)
case int16:
val = (data != 0)
case int64:
val = (data != 0)
case uint8:
val = (data != 0)
case uint32:
val = (data != 0)
case uint16:
val = (data != 0)
case uint64:
val = (data != 0)
case []byte:
var v int64
v, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(data), 0, 64)
val = (v != 0)
err = os.ErrInvalid
// Bool is like BoolErr but panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Bool(nn int) (val bool) {
val, err := tr.BoolErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceBool is like BoolErr but returns false if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceBool(nn int) (val bool) {
val, _ = tr.BoolErr(nn)
// Int64Err gets the nn-th value and returns it as int64 (0 if NULL). Returns error if
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Int64Err(nn int) (val int64, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case int64, int32, int16, int8:
val = reflect.ValueOf(data).Int()
case uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8:
u := reflect.ValueOf(data).Uint()
if u > math.MaxInt64 {
err = strconv.ErrRange
} else {
val = int64(u)
case []byte:
val, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(data), 10, 64)
err = os.ErrInvalid
// Int64 gets the nn-th value and returns it as int64 (0 if NULL).
// Panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Int64(nn int) (val int64) {
val, err := tr.Int64Err(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceInt64 gets the nn-th value and returns it as int64. Returns 0 if value is NULL or
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceInt64(nn int) (val int64) {
val, _ = tr.Int64Err(nn)
// Uint64Err gets the nn-th value and returns it as uint64 (0 if NULL). Returns error if
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Uint64Err(nn int) (val uint64, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8:
val = reflect.ValueOf(data).Uint()
case int64, int32, int16, int8:
i := reflect.ValueOf(data).Int()
if i < 0 {
err = strconv.ErrRange
} else {
val = uint64(i)
case []byte:
val, err = strconv.ParseUint(string(data), 10, 64)
err = os.ErrInvalid
// Uint64 gets the nn-th value and returns it as uint64 (0 if NULL).
// Panic if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Uint64(nn int) (val uint64) {
val, err := tr.Uint64Err(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceUint64 gets the nn-th value and returns it as uint64. Returns 0 if value is NULL or
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceUint64(nn int) (val uint64) {
val, _ = tr.Uint64Err(nn)
// FloatErr gets the nn-th value and returns it as float64 (0 if NULL). Returns error if
// conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) FloatErr(nn int) (val float64, err error) {
switch data := tr[nn].(type) {
case nil:
// nop
case float64, float32:
val = reflect.ValueOf(data).Float()
case int64, int32, int16, int8:
i := reflect.ValueOf(data).Int()
if i >= 2<<53 || i <= -(2<<53) {
err = strconv.ErrRange
} else {
val = float64(i)
case uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8:
u := reflect.ValueOf(data).Uint()
if u >= 2<<53 {
err = strconv.ErrRange
} else {
val = float64(u)
case []byte:
val, err = strconv.ParseFloat(string(data), 64)
err = os.ErrInvalid
// Float gets the nn-th value and returns it as float64 (0 if NULL).
// Panics if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) Float(nn int) (val float64) {
val, err := tr.FloatErr(nn)
if err != nil {
// ForceFloat gets the nn-th value and returns it as float64. Returns 0 if value is NULL or
// if conversion is impossible.
func (tr Row) ForceFloat(nn int) (val float64) {
val, _ = tr.FloatErr(nn)