'use strict'; import { h, Component } from 'preact'; import * as numbers from '../lib/numbers.js'; import Client from '../lib/client.js'; import { bind } from 'decko'; class CountWidget extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { value: "-", loading: false, } } componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, newState) { if(newProps.before == this.props.before && newProps.after == this.props.after) { return; } this.fetchData(newProps.before, newProps.after); } // TODO: Move to component of its own @bind countUp(toValue) { const duration = 1000; const easeOutQuint = function (t) { return 1+(--t)*t*t*t*t }; const setState = this.setState.bind(this); const startValue = isFinite(this.state.value) ? this.state.value : 0; const diff = toValue - startValue; let startTime = performance.now(); const tick = function(t) { let progress = Math.min(( t - startTime ) / duration, 1); let newValue = startValue + (easeOutQuint(progress) * diff); setState({ value: newValue, }) if(progress < 1) { window.requestAnimationFrame(tick); } } window.requestAnimationFrame(tick); } @bind fetchData(before, after) { this.setState({ loading: true }) Client.request(`${this.props.endpoint}?before=${before}&after=${after}`) .then((d) => { // request finished; check if timestamp range is still the one user wants to see if( this.props.before != before || this.props.after != after ) { return; } this.setState({ loading: false, }) this.countUp(d); }) } render(props, state) { let formattedValue = "-"; if(isFinite(state.value)) { switch(props.format) { case "percentage": formattedValue = numbers.formatPercentage(state.value) break; default: case "number": formattedValue = numbers.formatWithComma(Math.round(state.value)) break; case "duration": formattedValue = numbers.formatDuration(state.value) break; } } return (
) } } export default CountWidget