#!/bin/bash # # Fathom Installer script # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Defaults SERVER_PORT="9000" # Port for Fathom server # Check if running as root if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run the Fathom installer as root (to install the necessary NGINX & systemd files)" exit fi echo "Welcome to the Fathom quick installer. Press CTRL-C at any time to abort." function download_fathom() { # Download latest version of the Fathom application echo "Downloading Fathom" wget -O fathom https://usesfathom.com/downloads/fathom-latest # Move Fathom to $PATH so we can run the command from anywhere chmod +x fathom mv fathom /usr/local/bin/fathom FATHOM_PATH=$(command -v fathom) echo "Fathom installed to $FATHOM_PATH" echo "" } function new_site_dir() { read -p "Where would you like to store your new Fathom instance? (default: new-fathom): " SITE_DIR if [[ "$SITE_DIR" == "" ]]; then SITE_DIR="new-fathom" fi; SITE_DIR_ABS="$PWD/$SITE_DIR" if [ -d "$SITE_DIR" ]; then read -p "Warning: $SITE_DIR_ABS already exists. Are you sure? (y/N): " CONTINUE if [ "$CONTINUE" != "y" ]; then exit 0; fi fi; if [ ! -e "$SITE_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$SITE_DIR" chmod 755 "$SITE_DIR" fi; cd "$SITE_DIR" echo "" } function setup_config() { # Ask for configuration values echo "Choose database engine:" echo " 1) SQLite (default)" if [ "$(command -v mysql)" ]; then echo " 2) MySQL" fi; read DATABASE_CHOICE if [ "$DATABASE_CHOICE" == "1" ] || [ "$DATABASE_CHOICE" == "" ]; then DATABASE="sqlite3" fi; if [ "$DATABASE_CHOICE" == "2" ]; then DATABASE="mysql" fi; # set filename if using sqlite3 if [ "$DATABASE" == "sqlite3" ]; then DATABASE_NAME="fathom.db" fi; # or ask for credentials if using postgres or mysql if [ "$DATABASE" == "mysql" ] || [ "$DATABASE" == "postgres" ]; then echo "Enter your $DATABASE credentials: " read -p " Database user: " DATABASE_USER read -p " Database password: " DATABASE_PASSWORD read -p " Database name (default: fathom): " DATABASE_NAME if [ "$DATABASE_NAME" == "" ]; then DATABASE_NAME="fathom" fi; echo "Creating database $DATABASE_NAME" mysql --user="$DATABASE_USER" --password="$DATABASE_PASSWORD" --execute="CREATE DATABASE $DATABASE_NAME;" # TODO: Add Postgres support fi; # Create configuration file TEMPLATE=$(cat <<-END FATHOM_DEBUG=false FATHOM_SERVER_ADDR=":$SERVER_PORT" FATHOM_DATABASE_DRIVER="$DATABASE" FATHOM_DATABASE_NAME="$DATABASE_NAME" FATHOM_DATABASE_USER="$DATABASE_USER" FATHOM_DATABASE_PASSWORD="$DATABASE_PASSWORD" FATHOM_DATABASE_HOST="" FATHOM_SECRET="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890" END ) echo "$TEMPLATE" > "config.env" echo "Created configuration file: $SITE_DIR_ABS/config.env" echo "Success! You can now run Fathom using \`fathom --config=$SITE_DIR_ABS/config.env server\`" echo "" } function new_fathom_user() { echo "Create user account: " read -p " Email address: " USER_EMAIL read -p " Password: " USER_PASSWORD fathom --config="$SITE_DIR_ABS/config.env" register --email="$USER_EMAIL" --password="$USER_PASSWORD" echo "" } function new_nginx_server() { read -p "Server name (full domain): " SERVER_NAME if [ "$SERVER_NAME" == "" ]; then exit 0; fi # Make sure we're not overwriting existing server blocks if [ -e "/etc/nginx/sites-available/$SERVER_NAME" ]; then read -p "Warning: /etc/nginx/sites-available/$SERVER_NAME already exists. Are you sure? (y/N): " CONTINUE if [ "$CONTINUE" != "y" ]; then exit 0; fi fi; TEMPLATE=$(cat <<-END server { server_name $SERVER_NAME; location / { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For \$remote_addr; proxy_set_header Host \$host; proxy_pass$SERVER_PORT; } } END ) echo "$TEMPLATE" > "/etc/nginx/sites-available/$SERVER_NAME" ln -s "/etc/nginx/sites-available/$SERVER_NAME" "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/$SERVER_NAME" || true nginx -t service nginx reload echo "" } function new_systemctl_service() { echo "" # Use server name or ask for new service name SERVICE_NAME="$SERVER_NAME" if [ "$SERVICE_NAME" == "" ]; then read -p "Service name: " SERVICE_NAME fi; # Make sure we're not overwriting existing service files if [ -e "/etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME.service" ]; then read -p "Warning: /etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME.service already exists. Are you sure? (y/N): " CONTINUE if [ "$CONTINUE" != "y" ]; then exit 0; fi fi; TEMPLATE=$(cat <<-END [Unit] Description=Fathom service for $SERVICE_NAME Requires=network.target After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=$USER Restart=always ExecStart=$FATHOM_PATH --config=$SITE_DIR_ABS/config.env server SyslogIdentifier=$SERVICE_NAME [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target END ) echo "$TEMPLATE" > "/etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME.service" systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable "$SERVICE_NAME" systemctl start "$SERVICE_NAME" echo "Success! Service $SERVICE_NAME created & started." echo "You can manually start the service using systemctl start $SERVICE_NAME" echo "" } function new_cerbot_cert() { certbot --nginx -d "$SERVER_NAME" echo "" } # Download Fathom if command does not exist FATHOM_PATH="$(command -v fathom)" if [ "$FATHOM_PATH" != "" ]; then echo "Fathom detected in $FATHOM_PATH" echo "Installed: $(fathom --version)" read -p "Download latest Fathom anyway? (Y/n): " CONTINUE fi if [ "$FATHOM_PATH" == "" ] || [ "$CONTINUE" != "n" ]; then download_fathom fi; new_site_dir setup_config new_fathom_user # Ask to setup new NGINX server block if [ "$(command -v nginx)" ]; then read -p "NGINX detected. Create a new server block? (Y/n): " CONTINUE if [ "$CONTINUE" != "n" ]; then new_nginx_server fi; fi; # Ask to setup new Systemctl service file if [ "$(command -v systemctl)" ]; then read -p "Systemctl detected. Create a new service? (Y/n): " CONTINUE if [ "$CONTINUE" != "n" ]; then new_systemctl_service fi fi; # Ask to request new LetsEncrypt certificate if [ "$SERVER_NAME" != "" ] && [ "$(command -v certbot)" ]; then read -p "LetsEncrypt detected. Request SSL certificate for $SERVER_NAME? (Y/n): " CONTINUE if [ "$CONTINUE" != "n" ]; then new_cerbot_cert fi fi; # Try to be helpful if [ "$SERVER_NAME" != "" ] && [ "$SERVICE_NAME" != "" ]; then echo "Success! You should now see Fathom running on $SERVER_NAME" exit 0 fi;