If you now run `fathom server` then Fathom will start serving up a website on port 9000 using a SQLite database file named `fathom.db`. If that port is exposed then you should now see your Fathom instance running by browsing to `http://server-ip-address-here:9000`.
Check out the [configuration file documentation](Configuration.md) for all possible configuration values, eg if you want to use MySQL or Postgres instead.
> This step is optional. If you don't register any users, your Fathom dashboard will be public and you won't be able to add sites via the web interface.
Create a new file in `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/my-fathom-site` with the following contents. Replace `my-fathom-site.com` with the domain you would like to use for accessing your Fathom installation.
server {
server_name my-fathom-site.com;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Test your NGINX configuration and reload NGINX.
nginx -t
service nginx reload
If you now run `fathom server` again, you should be able to access your Fathom installation by browsing to `http://my-fathom-site.com`.
## Automatically starting Fathom on boot
To ensure the Fathom web server keeps running whenever the system reboots, we should use a process manager. Ubuntu 16.04 and later ship with Systemd.
Create a new file called `/etc/systemd/system/my-fathom-site.service` with the following contents. Replace `$USER` with your actual username.
Description=Starts the fathom server
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fathom server
Reload the Systemd configuration & enable our service so that Fathom is automatically started whenever the system boots.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable my-fathom-site
You should now be able to manually start your Fathom web server by issuing the following command.
systemctl start my-fathom-site
## Tracking snippet
To start tracking pageviews, copy the tracking snippet shown in your Fathom dashboard to all pages of the website you want to track.
### SSL certificate
With [Certbot](https://certbot.eff.org/docs/) for LetsEncrypt installed, adding an SSL certificate to your Fathom installation is as easy as running the following command.