# Cable: CMake Bootstrap Library. # Copyright 2018 Pawel Bylica. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file. if(cable_build_type_included) return() endif() set(cable_build_type_included TRUE) macro(cable_set_build_type) if(NOT PROJECT_IS_NESTED) # Do this configuration only in the top project. if(PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "cable_set_build_type() can be used before project()") endif() cmake_parse_arguments(build_type "" DEFAULT CONFIGURATION_TYPES ${ARGN}) if(CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) if(build_type_CONFIGURATION_TYPES) set( CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES ${build_type_CONFIGURATION_TYPES} CACHE STRING "Available configurations for multi-configuration generators" FORCE ) endif() cable_log("Configurations: ${CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES}") else() if(build_type_DEFAULT AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE ${build_type_DEFAULT} CACHE STRING "Build type for single-configuration generators" FORCE ) endif() cable_log("Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") endif() endif() endmacro()