#include #include #include #include "evm.h" struct evm_uint256be balance(struct evm_env* env, struct evm_uint160be address) { struct evm_uint256be ret = {.bytes = {1, 2, 3, 4}}; return ret; } struct evm_uint160be address(struct evm_env* env) { struct evm_uint160be ret = {.bytes = {1, 2, 3, 4}}; return ret; } static void query(union evm_variant* result, struct evm_env* env, enum evm_query_key key, const union evm_variant* arg) { printf("EVM-C: QUERY %d\n", key); switch (key) { case EVM_GAS_LIMIT: result->int64 = 314; break; case EVM_BALANCE: result->uint256be = balance(env, arg->address); break; case EVM_ADDRESS: result->address = address(env); break; default: result->int64 = 0; } } static void update(struct evm_env* env, enum evm_update_key key, const union evm_variant* arg1, const union evm_variant* arg2) { printf("EVM-C: UPDATE %d\n", key); } static int64_t call( struct evm_env* _opaqueEnv, enum evm_call_kind _kind, int64_t _gas, const struct evm_uint160be* _address, const struct evm_uint256be* _value, uint8_t const* _inputData, size_t _inputSize, uint8_t* _outputData, size_t _outputSize ) { printf("EVM-C: CALL %d\n", _kind); return EVM_CALL_FAILURE; } /// Example how the API is supposed to be used. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct evm_factory factory = examplevm_get_factory(); if (factory.abi_version != EVM_ABI_VERSION) return 1; // Incompatible ABI version. struct evm_instance* jit = factory.create(query, update, call); uint8_t const code[] = "Place some EVM bytecode here"; const size_t code_size = sizeof(code); struct evm_uint256be code_hash = {.bytes = {1, 2, 3,}}; uint8_t const input[] = "Hello World!"; struct evm_uint256be value = {{1, 0, 0, 0}}; struct evm_uint160be addr = {{0, 1, 2,}}; int64_t gas = 200000; struct evm_message msg = {addr, addr, value, input, sizeof(input), gas, 0}; struct evm_result result = jit->execute(jit, NULL, EVM_HOMESTEAD, code_hash, code, code_size, msg); printf("Execution result:\n"); if (result.code != EVM_SUCCESS) { printf(" EVM execution failure: %d\n", result.code); } else { printf(" Gas used: %ld\n", gas - result.gas_left); printf(" Gas left: %ld\n", result.gas_left); printf(" Output size: %zd\n", result.output_size); printf(" Output: "); size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < result.output_size; i++) { printf("%02x ", result.output_data[i]); } printf("\n"); } if (result.release) result.release(&result); jit->destroy(jit); }