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synced 2025-02-22 07:58:19 +00:00
cpp: Replace literals implementation with constexpr functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -255,108 +255,72 @@ namespace literals
namespace internal
template <typename T, T...>
struct sequence
constexpr size_t length(const char* s) noexcept
template <uint8_t... Bytes>
using byte_sequence = sequence<uint8_t, Bytes...>;
template <char... Chars>
using char_sequence = sequence<char, Chars...>;
template <typename, typename>
struct concatenate;
template <uint8_t... Bytes1, uint8_t... Bytes2>
struct concatenate<byte_sequence<Bytes1...>, byte_sequence<Bytes2...>>
using type = byte_sequence<Bytes1..., Bytes2...>;
template <uint8_t D>
constexpr uint8_t parse_hex_digit() noexcept
static_assert((D >= '0' && D <= '9') || (D >= 'a' && D <= 'f') || (D >= 'A' && D <= 'F'),
"literal must be hexadecimal integer");
return static_cast<uint8_t>(
(D >= '0' && D <= '9') ? D - '0' : (D >= 'a' && D <= 'f') ? D - 'a' + 10 : D - 'A' + 10);
return (*s != '\0') ? length(s + 1) + 1 : 0;
template <typename>
struct parse_digits;
template <uint8_t Digit1, uint8_t Digit2>
struct parse_digits<byte_sequence<Digit1, Digit2>>
constexpr int from_hex(char c) noexcept
using type = byte_sequence<static_cast<uint8_t>(parse_hex_digit<Digit1>() << 4) |
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') ? c - ('a' - 10) :
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') ? c - ('A' - 10) : c - '0';
template <uint8_t Digit1, uint8_t Digit2, uint8_t... Rest>
struct parse_digits<byte_sequence<Digit1, Digit2, Rest...>>
constexpr uint8_t byte(const char* s, size_t i) noexcept
using type = typename concatenate<typename parse_digits<byte_sequence<Digit1, Digit2>>::type,
typename parse_digits<byte_sequence<Rest...>>::type>::type;
return static_cast<uint8_t>((from_hex(s[2 * i]) << 4) | from_hex(s[2 * i + 1]));
template <typename T>
T from_hex(const char*) noexcept;
template <typename, typename>
struct parse_literal;
template <typename T, char Prefix1, char Prefix2, char... Literal>
struct parse_literal<T, char_sequence<Prefix1, Prefix2, Literal...>>
template <>
constexpr bytes32 from_hex<bytes32>(const char* s) noexcept
static_assert(Prefix1 == '0' && Prefix2 == 'x', "literal must be in hexadecimal notation");
static_assert(sizeof...(Literal) == sizeof(T) * 2, "literal must match the result type size");
return {
{{byte(s, 0), byte(s, 1), byte(s, 2), byte(s, 3), byte(s, 4), byte(s, 5), byte(s, 6),
byte(s, 7), byte(s, 8), byte(s, 9), byte(s, 10), byte(s, 11), byte(s, 12), byte(s, 13),
byte(s, 14), byte(s, 15), byte(s, 16), byte(s, 17), byte(s, 18), byte(s, 19), byte(s, 20),
byte(s, 21), byte(s, 22), byte(s, 23), byte(s, 24), byte(s, 25), byte(s, 26), byte(s, 27),
byte(s, 28), byte(s, 29), byte(s, 30), byte(s, 31)}}};
template <uint8_t... Bytes>
static constexpr T create_from(byte_sequence<Bytes...>) noexcept
return T{{{Bytes...}}};
static constexpr T get() noexcept
return create_from(typename parse_digits<byte_sequence<Literal...>>::type{});
template <typename T, char Digit>
struct parse_literal<T, char_sequence<Digit>>
template <>
constexpr address from_hex<address>(const char* s) noexcept
static_assert(Digit == '0', "only 0 is allowed as a single digit literal");
static constexpr T get() noexcept { return {}; }
return {
{{byte(s, 0), byte(s, 1), byte(s, 2), byte(s, 3), byte(s, 4), byte(s, 5), byte(s, 6),
byte(s, 7), byte(s, 8), byte(s, 9), byte(s, 10), byte(s, 11), byte(s, 12), byte(s, 13),
byte(s, 14), byte(s, 15), byte(s, 16), byte(s, 17), byte(s, 18), byte(s, 19)}}};
template <typename T, char... Literal>
constexpr T parse() noexcept
template <typename T>
constexpr T from_literal(const char* s)
return parse_literal<T, char_sequence<Literal...>>::get();
return (s[0] == '0' && s[1] == '\0') ?
T{} :
!(s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x') ?
throw "literal must be in hexadecimal notation" :
(length(s + 2) != sizeof(T) * 2) ? throw "literal must match the result type size" :
from_hex<T>(s + 2);
} // namespace internal
/// Literal for evmc::address.
template <char... Literal>
constexpr address operator"" _address() noexcept
constexpr address operator""_address(const char* s) noexcept
return internal::parse<address, Literal...>();
return internal::from_literal<address>(s);
/// Literal for evmc::bytes32.
template <char... Literal>
constexpr bytes32 operator"" _bytes32() noexcept
constexpr bytes32 operator""_bytes32(const char* s) noexcept
return internal::parse<bytes32, Literal...>();
return internal::from_literal<bytes32>(s);
} // namespace literals
using namespace literals;
/// Alias for evmc_make_result().
constexpr auto make_result = evmc_make_result;
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