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/// EVM-C -- C interface to Ethereum Virtual Machine
/// ## High level design rules
/// 1. Pass function arguments and results by value.
/// This rule comes from modern C++ and tries to avoid costly alias analysis
/// needed for optimization. As the result we have a lots of complex structs
/// and unions. And variable sized arrays of bytes cannot be passed by copy.
/// 2. The EVM operates on integers so it prefers values to be host-endian.
/// On the other hand, LLVM can generate good code for byte swaping.
/// The interface also tries to match host application "natural" endianess.
/// I would like to know what endianess you use and where.
/// ## Terms
/// 1. EVM -- an Ethereum Virtual Machine instance/implementation.
/// 2. Host -- an entity controlling the EVM. The Host requests code execution
/// and responses to EVM queries by callback functions.
/// @defgroup EVMC EVM-C
/// @{
#ifndef EVM_H
#define EVM_H
#include <stdint.h> // Definition of int64_t, uint64_t.
#include <stddef.h> // Definition of size_t.
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// BEGIN Python CFFI declarations
enum {
/// The EVM-C ABI version number of the interface declared in this file.
2016-08-25 14:03:22 +00:00
/// Opaque structure representing execution context managed by the Host.
/// The Host MAY pass the pointer to the Host execution context to
/// ::evm_execute_fn. The EVM MUST pass the same pointer back to the Host in
/// every callback function.
struct evm_context {};
2017-01-18 22:26:48 +00:00
/// Big-endian 256-bit integer.
/// 32 bytes of data representing big-endian 256-bit integer. I.e. bytes[0] is
/// the most significant byte, bytes[31] is the least significant byte.
/// This type is used to transfer to/from the VM values interpreted by the user
/// as both 256-bit integers and 256-bit hashes.
struct evm_uint256be {
/// The 32 bytes of the big-endian integer or hash.
uint8_t bytes[32];
2016-08-22 17:26:37 +00:00
/// Big-endian 160-bit hash suitable for keeping an Ethereum address.
/// TODO: Rename to "address".
struct evm_uint160be {
/// The 20 bytes of the hash.
uint8_t bytes[20];
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/// The kind of call-like instruction.
enum evm_call_kind {
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EVM_CALL = 0, ///< Request CALL.
EVM_DELEGATECALL = 1, ///< Request DELEGATECALL. The value param ignored.
EVM_CALLCODE = 2, ///< Request CALLCODE.
EVM_CREATE = 3, ///< Request CREATE. Semantic of some params changes.
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enum evm_flags {
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2017-01-12 15:45:14 +00:00
struct evm_message {
struct evm_uint160be address;
struct evm_uint160be sender;
struct evm_uint256be value;
const uint8_t* input;
size_t input_size;
struct evm_uint256be code_hash;
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int64_t gas;
int32_t depth;
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enum evm_call_kind kind;
uint32_t flags;
2017-01-12 15:45:14 +00:00
2017-01-17 11:22:53 +00:00
struct evm_tx_context {
struct evm_uint256be tx_gas_price;
struct evm_uint160be tx_origin;
struct evm_uint160be block_coinbase;
int64_t block_number;
int64_t block_timestamp;
int64_t block_gas_limit;
struct evm_uint256be block_difficulty;
typedef void (*evm_get_tx_context_fn)(struct evm_tx_context* result,
struct evm_context* context);
typedef void (*evm_get_block_hash_fn)(struct evm_uint256be* result,
struct evm_context* context,
int64_t number);
/// The execution result code.
enum evm_result_code {
2016-08-25 10:48:54 +00:00
EVM_SUCCESS = 0, ///< Execution finished with success.
EVM_FAILURE = 1, ///< Generic execution failure.
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EVM_REVERT = 7, ///< Execution terminated with REVERT opcode.
2017-04-25 15:01:46 +00:00
/// EVM implementation internal error.
/// FIXME: We should rethink reporting internal errors. One of the options
/// it to allow using any negative value to represent internal errors.
struct evm_result; ///< Forward declaration.
/// Releases resources assigned to an execution result.
/// This function releases memory (and other resources, if any) assigned to the
/// specified execution result making the result object invalid.
/// @param result The execution result which resource are to be released. The
/// result itself it not modified by this function, but becomes
/// invalid and user should discard it as well.
typedef void (*evm_release_result_fn)(struct evm_result const* result);
2016-08-25 10:11:24 +00:00
/// The EVM code execution result.
struct evm_result {
/// The execution result code.
/// FIXME: Rename to 'status' or 'status_code'.
enum evm_result_code code;
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/// The amount of gas left after the execution.
/// If evm_result::code is not ::EVM_SUCCESS nor ::EVM_REVERT
/// the value MUST be 0.
int64_t gas_left;
/// The reference to output data.
/// The output contains data coming from RETURN opcode (iff evm_result::code
/// field is ::EVM_SUCCESS) or from REVERT opcode.
/// The memory containing the output data is owned by EVM and has to be
/// freed with evm_result::release().
uint8_t const* output_data;
/// The size of the output data.
size_t output_size;
2016-07-20 12:15:04 +00:00
/// The pointer to a function releasing all resources associated with
/// the result object.
/// This function pointer is optional (MAY be NULL) and MAY be set by
/// the EVM implementation. If set it MUST be used by the user to
/// release memory and other resources associated with the result object.
/// After the result resources are released the result object
/// MUST NOT be used any more.
/// The suggested code pattern for releasing EVM results:
/// @code
/// struct evm_result result = ...;
/// if (result.release)
/// result.release(&result);
/// @endcode
/// @note
/// It works similarly to C++ virtual destructor. Attaching the release
/// function to the result itself allows EVM composition.
evm_release_result_fn release;
/// Reserved data that MAY be used by a evm_result object creator.
/// This reserved 24 bytes extends the size of the evm_result to 64 bytes
/// (full cache line).
/// An EVM implementation MAY use this memory to keep additional data
/// when returning result from ::evm_execute_fn.
/// The host application MAY use this memory to keep additional data
/// when returning result of performed calls from ::evm_call_fn.
void* context; ///< A pointer for storing external objects.
uint8_t data[24]; ///< 24 bytes of reserved data.
} reserved;
/// Check account existence callback function
/// This callback function is used by the EVM to check if
/// there exists an account at given address.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
2017-05-05 16:56:36 +00:00
/// @param address The address of the account the query is about.
/// @return 1 if exists, 0 otherwise.
typedef int (*evm_account_exists_fn)(struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_uint160be* address);
/// Get storage callback function.
/// This callback function is used by an EVM to query the given contract
/// storage entry.
/// @param[out] result The returned storage value.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
/// @param address The address of the contract.
/// @param key The index of the storage entry.
typedef void (*evm_get_storage_fn)(struct evm_uint256be* result,
struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_uint160be* address,
const struct evm_uint256be* key);
2017-06-08 10:00:04 +00:00
/// Set storage callback function.
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/// This callback function is used by an EVM to update the given contract
/// storage entry.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
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/// @param address The address of the contract.
/// @param key The index of the storage entry.
/// @param value The value to be stored.
typedef void (*evm_set_storage_fn)(struct evm_context* context,
2017-06-08 10:00:04 +00:00
const struct evm_uint160be* address,
const struct evm_uint256be* key,
const struct evm_uint256be* value);
/// Get balance callback function.
/// This callback function is used by an EVM to query the balance of the given
/// address.
/// @param[out] result The returned balance value.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
/// @param address The address.
typedef void (*evm_get_balance_fn)(struct evm_uint256be* result,
struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_uint160be* address);
/// Get code callback function.
/// This callback function is used by an EVM to get the code of a contract of
/// given address.
2017-08-18 12:09:55 +00:00
/// @param[out] result_code The pointer to the contract code. This argument is
/// optional. If NULL is provided, the host MUST only
/// return the code size.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
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/// @param address The address of the contract.
/// @return The size of the code.
typedef size_t (*evm_get_code_fn)(const uint8_t** result_code,
struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_uint160be* address);
/// Selfdestruct callback function.
/// This callback function is used by an EVM to SELFDESTRUCT given contract.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
/// @param address The address of the contract to be selfdestructed.
/// @param beneficiary The address where the remaining ETH is going to be
2017-06-08 12:12:52 +00:00
/// transferred.
typedef void (*evm_selfdestruct_fn)(struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_uint160be* address,
const struct evm_uint160be* beneficiary);
/// Log callback function.
/// This callback function is used by an EVM to inform about a LOG that happened
/// during an EVM bytecode execution.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
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/// @param address The address of the contract that generated the log.
/// @param data The pointer to unindexed data attached to the log.
/// @param data_size The length of the data.
/// @param topics The pointer to the array of topics attached to the log.
/// @param topics_count The number of the topics. Valid values are between
/// 0 and 4 inclusively.
typedef void (*evm_log_fn)(struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_uint160be* address,
const uint8_t* data,
size_t data_size,
2017-06-08 12:12:52 +00:00
const struct evm_uint256be topics[],
size_t topics_count);
/// Pointer to the callback function supporting EVM calls.
/// @param[out] result Call result.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context.
/// @see ::evm_context.
/// @param msg Call parameters.
typedef void (*evm_call_fn)(struct evm_result* result,
struct evm_context* context,
const struct evm_message* msg);
/// The Host interface.
/// The set of all callback functions expected by EVM instances. This is C
/// realisation of OOP interface (only virtual methods, no data).
/// Host implementations SHOULD create constant singletons of this (similarly
/// to vtables) to lower the maintenance and memory management cost.
struct evm_host {
evm_account_exists_fn account_exists;
evm_get_storage_fn get_storage;
evm_set_storage_fn set_storage;
evm_get_balance_fn get_balance;
evm_get_code_fn get_code;
evm_selfdestruct_fn selfdestruct;
evm_call_fn call;
evm_get_tx_context_fn get_tx_context;
evm_get_block_hash_fn get_block_hash;
evm_log_fn log;
struct evm_instance; ///< Forward declaration.
/// Creates the EVM instance.
/// Creates and initializes an EVM instance by providing the information
/// about runtime callback functions.
/// @param host Pointer to an EVM Host controlling the created EVM
/// instance. MUST NOT be null.
/// @return Pointer to the created EVM instance.
typedef struct evm_instance* (*evm_create_fn)(const struct evm_host* host);
/// Destroys the EVM instance.
/// @param evm The EVM instance to be destroyed.
typedef void (*evm_destroy_fn)(struct evm_instance* evm);
/// Configures the EVM instance.
/// Allows modifying options of the EVM instance.
/// Options:
/// - code cache behavior: on, off, read-only, ...
/// - optimizations,
/// @param evm The EVM instance to be configured.
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/// @param name The option name. NULL-terminated string. Cannot be NULL.
/// @param value The new option value. NULL-terminated string. Cannot be NULL.
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/// @return 1 if the option set successfully, 0 otherwise.
typedef int (*evm_set_option_fn)(struct evm_instance* evm,
char const* name,
char const* value);
/// EVM compatibility mode aka chain mode.
2016-11-22 16:39:15 +00:00
/// The names for the last two hard forks come from Python implementation.
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enum evm_revision {
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/// Generates and executes machine code for given EVM bytecode.
/// All the fun is here. This function actually does something useful.
/// @param instance A EVM instance.
/// @param context The pointer to the Host execution context to be passed
/// to callback functions. @see ::evm_context.
/// @param mode EVM compatibility mode.
/// @param code_hash A hash of the bytecode, usually Keccak. The EVM uses it
/// as the code identifier. A EVM implementation is able to
/// hash the code itself if it requires it, but the host
/// application usually has the hash already.
/// @param code Reference to the bytecode to be executed.
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/// @param code_size The length of the bytecode.
/// @param gas Gas for execution. Min 0, max 2^63-1.
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/// @param input Reference to the input data.
/// @param input_size The size of the input data.
/// @param value Call value.
/// @return All execution results.
typedef struct evm_result (*evm_execute_fn)(struct evm_instance* instance,
struct evm_context* context,
2017-08-18 16:32:26 +00:00
enum evm_revision mode,
const struct evm_message* msg,
uint8_t const* code,
size_t code_size);
/// Status of a code in VM. Useful for JIT-like implementations.
enum evm_code_status {
/// The code is uknown to the VM.
/// The code has been compiled and is available in memory.
/// The compiled version of the code is available in on-disk cache.
/// Get information the status of the code in the VM.
typedef enum evm_code_status
(*evm_get_code_status_fn)(struct evm_instance* instance,
2017-08-18 16:32:26 +00:00
enum evm_revision mode,
uint32_t flags,
struct evm_uint256be code_hash);
/// Request preparation of the code for faster execution. It is not required
/// to execute the code but allows compilation of the code ahead of time in
/// JIT-like VMs.
typedef void (*evm_prepare_code_fn)(struct evm_instance* instance,
2017-08-18 16:32:26 +00:00
enum evm_revision mode,
uint32_t flags,
struct evm_uint256be code_hash,
uint8_t const* code,
size_t code_size);
/// The EVM instance.
/// Defines the base struct of the EVM implementation.
struct evm_instance {
/// Pointer to function destroying the EVM instance.
evm_destroy_fn destroy;
/// Pointer to function executing a code by the EVM instance.
evm_execute_fn execute;
/// Optional pointer to function returning a status of a code.
/// If the VM does not support this feature the pointer can be NULL.
evm_get_code_status_fn get_code_status;
/// Optional pointer to function compiling a code.
/// If the VM does not support this feature the pointer can be NULL.
evm_prepare_code_fn prepare_code;
/// Optional pointer to function modifying VM's options.
/// If the VM does not support this feature the pointer can be NULL.
evm_set_option_fn set_option;
/// The EVM instance factory.
/// Provides ABI protection and method to create an EVM instance.
struct evm_factory {
/// EVM-C ABI version implemented by the EVM factory and instance.
/// For future use to detect ABI incompatibilities. The EVM-C ABI version
/// represented by this file is in ::EVM_ABI_VERSION.
int abi_version;
/// Pointer to function creating and initializing the EVM instance.
evm_create_fn create;
// END Python CFFI declarations
/// Example of a function creating uninitialized instance of an example VM.
/// Each EVM implementation is obligated to provided a function returning
/// an EVM instance.
/// The function has to be named as `<vm-name>_get_factory(void)`.
/// @return EVM instance.
struct evm_factory examplevm_get_factory(void);
2016-08-23 10:58:09 +00:00
#if __cplusplus
#endif // EVM_H
/// @}