mirror of synced 2025-02-25 12:35:17 +00:00
2018-06-13 15:39:39 -04:00

1271 lines
39 KiB

'use strict';
//import inherits = require('inherits');
//import networks = require('./networks.json');
import { getAddress } from '../utils/address';
import { BigNumber, bigNumberify, BigNumberish } from '../utils/bignumber';
import { getContractAddress } from '../utils/contract-address';
import { Arrayish, hexlify, hexStripZeros, isHexString, stripZeros } from '../utils/convert';
import { toUtf8String } from '../utils/utf8';
import { decode as rlpDecode, encode as rlpEncode } from '../utils/rlp';
import { namehash } from '../utils/namehash';
import { getNetwork, Network } from './networks';
import { resolveProperties } from '../utils/properties';
import * as errors from '../utils/errors';
function copyObject(obj) {
var result = {};
for (var key in obj) { result[key] = obj[key]; }
return result;
// Exported Types
export type BlockTag = string | number;
export type Block = {
hash: string,
parentHash: string,
number: number,
timestamp: number,
nonce: string,
difficulty: string,
gasLimit: BigNumber,
gasUsed: BigNumber,
miner: string,
extraData: string,
transactions: Array<string>
export type TransactionRequest = {
to?: string | Promise<string>,
from?: string | Promise<string>,
nonce?: number | string | Promise<number | string>,
gasLimit?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,
gasPrice?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,
data?: Arrayish | Promise<Arrayish>,
value?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,
chainId?: number | Promise<number>,
export type TransactionResponse = {
blockNumber?: number,
blockHash?: string,
hash: string,
to?: string,
from?: string,
nonce?: number,
gasLimit?: BigNumber,
gasPrice?: BigNumber,
data?: string,
value: BigNumber,
chainId?: number,
r?: string,
s?: string,
v?: number,
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export type TransactionReceipt = {
contractAddress?: string,
transactionIndex?: number,
root?: string,
gasUsed?: BigNumber,
logsBloom?: string,
blockHash?: string,
transactionHash?: string,
logs?: Array<Log>,
blockNumber?: number,
cumulativeGasUsed?: BigNumber,
status?: number // @TOOD: Check 0 or 1?
export type Filter = {
fromBlock?: BlockTag,
toBlock?: BlockTag,
address?: string,
topics?: Array<any>
// @TODO: Some of these are not options; force them?
export type Log = {
blockNumber?: number,
blockHash?: string,
transactionIndex?: number,
removed?: boolean,
address: string,
data?: string,
topics?: Array<string>,
transactionHash?: string,
logIndex?: number,
// Request and Response Checking
// @TODO: not any?
function check(format: any, object: any): any {
var result = {};
for (var key in format) {
try {
var value = format[key](object[key]);
if (value !== undefined) { result[key] = value; }
} catch (error) {
error.checkKey = key;
error.checkValue = object[key];
throw error;
return result;
type CheckFunc = (value: any) => any;
function allowNull(check: CheckFunc, nullValue?: any): CheckFunc {
return (function(value: any) {
if (value == null) { return nullValue; }
return check(value);
function allowFalsish(check: CheckFunc, replaceValue): CheckFunc {
return (function(value) {
if (!value) { return replaceValue; }
return check(value);
function arrayOf(check: CheckFunc): CheckFunc {
return (function(array: any): Array<any> {
if (!Array.isArray(array)) { throw new Error('not an array'); }
var result = [];
array.forEach(function(value) {
return result;
function checkHash(hash: any): string {
if (typeof(hash) === 'string' && isHexString(hash, 32)) {
return hash;
errors.throwError('invalid hash', errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { arg: 'hash', value: hash });
return null;
function checkNumber(number): number {
return bigNumberify(number).toNumber();
// Returns the difficulty as a number, or if too large (i.e. PoA network) null
function checkDifficulty(value: BigNumberish): number {
let v = bigNumberify(value);
try {
return v.toNumber();
} catch (error) { }
return null;
function checkBoolean(value): boolean {
if (typeof(value) === 'boolean') { return value; }
if (typeof(value) === 'string') {
if (value === 'true') { return true; }
if (value === 'false') { return false; }
throw new Error('invaid boolean - ' + value);
function checkUint256(uint256): string {
if (!isHexString(uint256)) {
throw new Error('invalid uint256');
while (uint256.length < 66) {
uint256 = '0x0' + uint256.substring(2);
return uint256;
function checkString(string) {
if (typeof(string) !== 'string') { throw new Error('invalid string'); }
return string;
function checkBlockTag(blockTag: BlockTag): string {
if (blockTag == null) { return 'latest'; }
if (blockTag === 'earliest') { return '0x0'; }
if (blockTag === 'latest' || blockTag === 'pending') {
return blockTag;
if (typeof(blockTag) === 'number') {
return hexStripZeros(hexlify(blockTag));
if (isHexString(blockTag)) { return hexStripZeros(blockTag); }
throw new Error('invalid blockTag');
var formatBlock = {
hash: checkHash,
parentHash: checkHash,
number: checkNumber,
timestamp: checkNumber,
nonce: allowNull(hexlify),
difficulty: checkDifficulty,
gasLimit: bigNumberify,
gasUsed: bigNumberify,
miner: getAddress,
extraData: hexlify,
//transactions: allowNull(arrayOf(checkTransaction)),
transactions: allowNull(arrayOf(checkHash)),
//transactionRoot: checkHash,
//stateRoot: checkHash,
//sha3Uncles: checkHash,
//logsBloom: hexlify,
function checkBlock(block) {
if (block.author != null && block.miner == null) {
block.miner = block.author;
return check(formatBlock, block);
var formatTransaction = {
hash: checkHash,
blockHash: allowNull(checkHash, null),
blockNumber: allowNull(checkNumber, null),
transactionIndex: allowNull(checkNumber, null),
from: getAddress,
gasPrice: bigNumberify,
gasLimit: bigNumberify,
to: allowNull(getAddress, null),
value: bigNumberify,
nonce: checkNumber,
data: hexlify,
r: allowNull(checkUint256),
s: allowNull(checkUint256),
v: allowNull(checkNumber),
creates: allowNull(getAddress, null),
raw: allowNull(hexlify),
export function checkTransactionResponse(transaction) {
// Rename gas to gasLimit
if (transaction.gas != null && transaction.gasLimit == null) {
transaction.gasLimit = transaction.gas;
// Some clients (TestRPC) do strange things like return 0x0 for the
// 0 address; correct this to be a real address
if (transaction.to && bigNumberify(transaction.to).isZero()) {
transaction.to = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
// Rename input to data
if (transaction.input != null && transaction.data == null) {
transaction.data = transaction.input;
// If to and creates are empty, populate the creates from the transaction
if (transaction.to == null && transaction.creates == null) {
transaction.creates = getContractAddress(transaction);
if (!transaction.raw) {
// Very loose providers (e.g. TestRPC) don't provide a signature or raw
if (transaction.v && transaction.r && transaction.s) {
var raw = [
(transaction.to || "0x"),
stripZeros(hexlify(transaction.value || '0x')),
hexlify(transaction.data || '0x'),
stripZeros(hexlify(transaction.v || '0x')),
transaction.raw = rlpEncode(raw);
var result = check(formatTransaction, transaction);
var networkId = transaction.networkId;
if (isHexString(networkId)) {
networkId = bigNumberify(networkId).toNumber();
if (typeof(networkId) !== 'number' && result.v != null) {
networkId = (result.v - 35) / 2;
if (networkId < 0) { networkId = 0; }
networkId = parseInt(networkId);
if (typeof(networkId) !== 'number') { networkId = 0; }
result.networkId = networkId;
// 0x0000... should actually be null
if (result.blockHash && result.blockHash.replace(/0/g, '') === 'x') {
result.blockHash = null;
return result;
var formatTransactionRequest = {
from: allowNull(getAddress),
nonce: allowNull(checkNumber),
gasLimit: allowNull(bigNumberify),
gasPrice: allowNull(bigNumberify),
to: allowNull(getAddress),
value: allowNull(bigNumberify),
data: allowNull(hexlify),
function checkTransactionRequest(transaction) {
return check(formatTransactionRequest, transaction);
var formatTransactionReceiptLog = {
transactionLogIndex: allowNull(checkNumber),
transactionIndex: checkNumber,
blockNumber: checkNumber,
transactionHash: checkHash,
address: getAddress,
topics: arrayOf(checkHash),
data: hexlify,
logIndex: checkNumber,
blockHash: checkHash,
function checkTransactionReceiptLog(log) {
return check(formatTransactionReceiptLog, log);
var formatTransactionReceipt = {
contractAddress: allowNull(getAddress, null),
transactionIndex: checkNumber,
root: allowNull(checkHash),
gasUsed: bigNumberify,
logsBloom: allowNull(hexlify),
blockHash: checkHash,
transactionHash: checkHash,
logs: arrayOf(checkTransactionReceiptLog),
blockNumber: checkNumber,
cumulativeGasUsed: bigNumberify,
status: allowNull(checkNumber)
function checkTransactionReceipt(transactionReceipt) {
//var status = transactionReceipt.status;
//var root = transactionReceipt.root;
var result = check(formatTransactionReceipt, transactionReceipt);
result.logs.forEach(function(entry, index) {
if (entry.transactionLogIndex == null) {
entry.transactionLogIndex = index;
if (transactionReceipt.status != null) {
result.byzantium = true;
return result;
function checkTopics(topics) {
if (Array.isArray(topics)) {
topics.forEach(function(topic) {
} else if (topics != null) {
return topics;
var formatFilter = {
fromBlock: allowNull(checkBlockTag, undefined),
toBlock: allowNull(checkBlockTag, undefined),
address: allowNull(getAddress, undefined),
topics: allowNull(checkTopics, undefined),
function checkFilter(filter) {
return check(formatFilter, filter);
var formatLog = {
blockNumber: allowNull(checkNumber),
blockHash: allowNull(checkHash),
transactionIndex: checkNumber,
removed: allowNull(checkBoolean),
address: getAddress,
data: allowFalsish(hexlify, '0x'),
topics: arrayOf(checkHash),
transactionHash: checkHash,
logIndex: checkNumber,
function checkLog(log) {
return check(formatLog, log);
// Defer Promises
type AllowNullFunc = () => boolean;
type ExecuteFunc = () => Promise<any>
function stallPromise(allowNullFunc: AllowNullFunc, executeFunc: ExecuteFunc): Promise<any> {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var attempt = 0;
function check() {
executeFunc().then(function(result) {
// If we have a result, or are allowed null then we're done
if (result || allowNullFunc()) {
// Otherwise, exponential back-off (up to 10s) our next request
} else {
var timeout = 500 + 250 * Math.trunc(Math.random() * (1 << attempt));
if (timeout > 10000) { timeout = 10000; }
setTimeout(check, timeout);
}, function(error) {
// Event Serializeing
function recurse(object, convertFunc) {
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
var result = [];
object.forEach(function(object) {
result.push(recurse(object, convertFunc));
return result;
return convertFunc(object);
function getEventString(object) {
try {
return 'address:' + getAddress(object);
} catch (error) { }
if (object === 'block') {
return 'block';
} else if (object === 'pending') {
return 'pending';
} else if (isHexString(object)) {
if (object.length === 66) {
return 'tx:' + object;
} else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
object = recurse(object, function(object) {
if (object == null) { object = '0x'; }
return object;
try {
return 'topic:' + rlpEncode(object);
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('invalid event - ' + object);
function parseEventString(string) {
if (string.substring(0, 3) === 'tx:') {
return {type: 'transaction', hash: string.substring(3)};
} else if (string === 'block') {
return {type: 'block'};
} else if (string === 'pending') {
return {type: 'pending'};
} else if (string.substring(0, 8) === 'address:') {
return {type: 'address', address: string.substring(8)};
} else if (string.substring(0, 6) === 'topic:') {
try {
var object = rlpDecode(string.substring(6));
object = recurse(object, function(object) {
if (object === '0x') { object = null; }
return object;
return {type: 'topic', topic: object};
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('invalid event string');
// Provider Object
/* @TODO:
type Event = {
eventName: string,
listener: any, // @TODO: Function any: any
type: string,
export class Provider {
private _network: Network;
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
// string => Event
private _events: any;
protected _emitted: any;
private _pollingInterval: number;
private _poller: any; // @TODO: what does TypeScript thing setInterval returns?
private _lastBlockNumber: number;
// string => BigNumber
private _balances: any;
* Sub-classing notes
* - If the network is standard or fully specified, ready will resolve
* - Otherwise, the sub-class must assign a Promise to ready
constructor(network: string | Network) {
//if (!(this instanceof Provider)) { throw new Error('missing new'); }
network = getNetwork(network);
if (network) {
this._network = network;
// Sub-classes MAY re-assign a Promise if a standard network name is provided
this.ready = Promise.resolve(this._network);
} else {
// Sub-classes MUST re-assign a Promise to "ready" that returns a Network
this.ready = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { });
this._lastBlockNumber = -2;
// Balances being watched for changes
this._balances = {};
// Events being listened to
this._events = {};
this._pollingInterval = 4000;
// We use this to track recent emitted events; for example, if we emit a "block" of 100
// and we get a `getBlock(100)` request which would result in null, we should retry
// until we get a response. This provides devs with a consistent view. Similarly for
// transaction hashes.
this._emitted = { block: this._lastBlockNumber };
private _doPoll() {
this.getBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => {
// If the block hasn't changed, meh.
if (blockNumber === this._lastBlockNumber) { return; }
if (this._lastBlockNumber === -2) { this._lastBlockNumber = blockNumber - 1; }
// Notify all listener for each block that has passed
for (var i = this._lastBlockNumber + 1; i <= blockNumber; i++) {
if (this._emitted.block < i) {
this._emitted.block = i;
// Evict any transaction hashes or block hashes over 12 blocks
// old, since they should not return null anyways
Object.keys(this._emitted).forEach((key) => {
if (key === 'block') { return; }
if (this._emitted[key] > i + 12) {
delete this._emitted[key];
this.emit('block', i);
// Sweep balances and remove addresses we no longer have events for
var newBalances: any = {};
// Find all transaction hashes we are waiting on
Object.keys(this._events).forEach((eventName) => {
var event = parseEventString(eventName);
if (event.type === 'transaction') {
this.getTransaction(event.hash).then((transaction) => {
if (!transaction || transaction.blockNumber == null) { return; }
this._emitted['t:' + transaction.hash.toLowerCase()] = transaction.blockNumber;
this.emit(event.hash, transaction);
} else if (event.type === 'address') {
if (this._balances[event.address]) {
newBalances[event.address] = this._balances[event.address];
this.getBalance(event.address, 'latest').then(function(balance) {
var lastBalance = this._balances[event.address];
if (lastBalance && balance.eq(lastBalance)) { return; }
this._balances[event.address] = balance;
this.emit(event.address, balance);
} else if (event.type === 'topic') {
fromBlock: this._lastBlockNumber + 1,
toBlock: blockNumber,
topics: event.topic
}).then((logs) => {
if (logs.length === 0) { return; }
logs.forEach((log) => {
this._emitted['b:' + log.blockHash.toLowerCase()] = log.blockNumber;
this._emitted['t:' + log.transactionHash.toLowerCase()] = log.blockNumber;
this.emit(event.topic, log);
this._lastBlockNumber = blockNumber;
this._balances = newBalances;
resetEventsBlock(blockNumber) {
this._lastBlockNumber = this.blockNumber;
get network() {
return this._network;
getNetwork(): Promise<Network> {
return this.ready;
get blockNumber(): number {
if (this._lastBlockNumber < 0) { return null; }
return this._lastBlockNumber;
get polling() {
return (this._poller != null);
set polling(value) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (value && !this._poller) {
this._poller = setInterval(this._doPoll.bind(this), this.pollingInterval);
} else if (!value && this._poller) {
this._poller = null;
}, 0);
get pollingInterval() {
return this._pollingInterval;
set pollingInterval(value: number) {
if (typeof(value) !== 'number' || value <= 0 || Math.trunc(value) != value) {
throw new Error('invalid polling interval');
this._pollingInterval = value;
if (this._poller) {
this._poller = setInterval(() => { this._doPoll() }, this._pollingInterval);
// @TODO: Add .poller which must be an event emitter with a 'start', 'stop' and 'block' event;
// this will be used once we move to the WebSocket or other alternatives to polling
waitForTransaction(transactionHash: string, timeout?: number): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
var self = this;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var timer = null;
function complete(transaction) {
if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); }
self.once(transactionHash, complete);
if (typeof(timeout) === 'number' && timeout > 0) {
timer = setTimeout(function() {
self.removeListener(transactionHash, complete);
reject(new Error('timeout'));
}, timeout);
getBlockNumber(): Promise<number> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return this.perform('getBlockNumber', { }).then((result) => {
var value = Math.trunc(result);
if (value != result) { throw new Error('invalid response - getBlockNumber'); }
return value;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return this.perform('getGasPrice', { }).then((result) => {
return bigNumberify(result);
getBalance(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<BigNumber> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ addressOrName: addressOrName, blockTag: blockTag }).then(({ addressOrName, blockTag }) => {
return this.resolveName(addressOrName).then((address) => {
var params = { address: address, blockTag: checkBlockTag(blockTag) };
return this.perform('getBalance', params).then((result) => {
return bigNumberify(result);
getTransactionCount(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<number> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ addressOrName: addressOrName, blockTag: blockTag }).then(({ addressOrName, blockTag }) => {
return this.resolveName(addressOrName).then((address) => {
var params = { address: address, blockTag: checkBlockTag(blockTag) };
return this.perform('getTransactionCount', params).then((result) => {
var value = parseInt(result);
if (value != result) { throw new Error('invalid response - getTransactionCount'); }
return value;
getCode(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ addressOrName: addressOrName, blockTag: blockTag }).then(({ addressOrName, blockTag }) => {
return this.resolveName(addressOrName).then((address) => {
var params = {address: address, blockTag: checkBlockTag(blockTag)};
return this.perform('getCode', params).then((result) => {
return hexlify(result);
getStorageAt(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, position: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>, blockTag: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ addressOrName: addressOrName, position: position, blockTag: blockTag }).then(({ addressOrName, position, blockTag }) => {
return this.resolveName(addressOrName).then((address) => {
var params = {
address: address,
blockTag: checkBlockTag(blockTag),
position: hexStripZeros(hexlify(position)),
return this.perform('getStorageAt', params).then((result) => {
return hexlify(result);
// @TODO: Shold this return the full tx instead of the hash? If so, that requires
// the inclusion of secp256k1, which might be overkill for many applications...
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ signedTransaction: signedTransaction }).then(({ signedTransaction }) => {
var params = { signedTransaction: hexlify(signedTransaction) };
return this.perform('sendTransaction', params).then((result) => {
result = hexlify(result);
if (result.length !== 66) { throw new Error('invalid response - sendTransaction'); }
return result;
call(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<string> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties(transaction).then((transaction) => {
return this._resolveNames(transaction, [ 'to', 'from' ]).then((transaction) => {
var params = { transaction: checkTransactionRequest(transaction) };
return this.perform('call', params).then((result) => {
return hexlify(result);
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest) {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties(transaction).then((transaction) => {
return this._resolveNames(transaction, [ 'to', 'from' ]).then((transaction) => {
var params = {transaction: checkTransactionRequest(transaction)};
return this.perform('estimateGas', params).then((result) => {
return bigNumberify(result);
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string | Promise<BlockTag | string>): Promise<Block> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ blockHashOrBlockTag: blockHashOrBlockTag }).then(({ blockHashOrBlockTag }) => {
try {
var blockHash = hexlify(blockHashOrBlockTag);
if (blockHash.length === 66) {
return stallPromise(() => {
return (this._emitted['b:' + blockHash.toLowerCase()] == null);
}, () => {
return this.perform('getBlock', {blockHash: blockHash}).then((block) => {
if (block == null) { return null; }
return checkBlock(block);
} catch (error) { }
try {
var blockTag = checkBlockTag(blockHashOrBlockTag);
return stallPromise(() => {
if (isHexString(blockTag)) {
var blockNumber = parseInt(blockTag.substring(2), 16);
return blockNumber > this._emitted.block;
return true;
}, () => {
return this.perform('getBlock', { blockTag: blockTag }).then((block) => {
if (block == null) { return null; }
return checkBlock(block);
} catch (error) { }
throw new Error('invalid block hash or block tag');
getTransaction(transactionHash: string): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ transactionHash: transactionHash }).then(({ transactionHash }) => {
var params = { transactionHash: checkHash(transactionHash) };
return stallPromise(() => {
return (this._emitted['t:' + transactionHash.toLowerCase()] == null);
}, () => {
return this.perform('getTransaction', params).then((result) => {
if (result != null) { result = checkTransactionResponse(result); }
return result;
getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ transactionHash: transactionHash }).then(({ transactionHash }) => {
var params = { transactionHash: checkHash(transactionHash) };
return stallPromise(() => {
return (this._emitted['t:' + transactionHash.toLowerCase()] == null);
}, () => {
return this.perform('getTransactionReceipt', params).then((result) => {
if (result != null) { result = checkTransactionReceipt(result); }
return result;
getLogs(filter: Filter): Promise<Array<Log>>{
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties(filter).then((filter) => {
return this._resolveNames(filter, ['address']).then((filter) => {
var params = { filter: checkFilter(filter) };
return this.perform('getLogs', params).then((result) => {
return arrayOf(checkLog)(result);
getEtherPrice(): Promise<number> {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return this.perform('getEtherPrice', {}).then((result) => {
// @TODO: Check valid float
return result;
_resolveNames(object, keys) {
var promises = [];
var result = copyObject(object);
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if (result[key] === undefined) { return; }
promises.push(this.resolveName(result[key]).then(function(address) {
result[key] = address;
}, this);
return Promise.all(promises).then(function() { return result; });
_getResolver(name) {
// Get the resolver from the blockchain
return this.getNetwork().then((network) => {
// No ENS...
if (!network.ensAddress) {
'network does support ENS',
{ operation: 'ENS', network: network.name }
// keccak256('resolver(bytes32)')
var data = '0x0178b8bf' + namehash(name).substring(2);
var transaction = { to: network.ensAddress, data: data };
return this.call(transaction).then((data) => {
// extract the address from the data
if (data.length != 66) { return null; }
return getAddress('0x' + data.substring(26));
resolveName(name: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string> {
// If it is a promise, resolve it then recurse
if (name instanceof Promise) {
return name.then((addressOrName) => {
return this.resolveName(addressOrName);
// If it is already an address, nothing to resolve
try {
return Promise.resolve(getAddress(name));
} catch (error) { }
var self = this;
var nodeHash = namehash(name);
// Get the addr from the resovler
return this._getResolver(name).then(function(resolverAddress) {
// keccak256('addr(bytes32)')
var data = '0x3b3b57de' + nodeHash.substring(2);
var transaction = { to: resolverAddress, data: data };
return self.call(transaction);
// extract the address from the data
}).then(function(data) {
if (data.length != 66) { return null; }
var address = getAddress('0x' + data.substring(26));
if (address === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000') { return null; }
return address;
lookupAddress(address: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string> {
if (address instanceof Promise) {
return address.then((address) => {
return this.lookupAddress(address);
address = getAddress(address);
var name = address.substring(2) + '.addr.reverse'
var nodehash = namehash(name);
var self = this;
return this._getResolver(name).then(function(resolverAddress) {
if (!resolverAddress) { return null; }
// keccak('name(bytes32)')
var data = '0x691f3431' + nodehash.substring(2);
var transaction = { to: resolverAddress, data: data };
return self.call(transaction);
}).then(function(data) {
// Strip off the "0x"
data = data.substring(2);
// Strip off the dynamic string pointer (0x20)
if (data.length < 64) { return null; }
data = data.substring(64);
if (data.length < 64) { return null; }
var length = bigNumberify('0x' + data.substring(0, 64)).toNumber();
data = data.substring(64);
if (2 * length > data.length) { return null; }
var name = toUtf8String('0x' + data.substring(0, 2 * length));
// Make sure the reverse record matches the foward record
return self.resolveName(name).then(function(addr) {
if (addr != address) { return null; }
return name;
doPoll() {
perform(method: string, params: any): Promise<any> {
errors.throwError(method + ' not implemented', errors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, { operation: method });
return null;
_startPending(): void {
console.log('WARNING: this provider does not support pending events');
_stopPending(): void {
on(eventName, listener): Provider {
var key = getEventString(eventName);
if (!this._events[key]) { this._events[key] = []; }
this._events[key].push({eventName: eventName, listener: listener, type: 'on'});
if (key === 'pending') { this._startPending(); }
this.polling = true;
return this;
once(eventName, listener): Provider {
var key = getEventString(eventName);
if (!this._events[key]) { this._events[key] = []; }
this._events[key].push({eventName: eventName, listener: listener, type: 'once'});
if (key === 'pending') { this._startPending(); }
this.polling = true;
return this;
emit(eventName, ...args): boolean {
let result = false;
var key = getEventString(eventName);
//var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var listeners = this._events[key];
if (!listeners) { return result; }
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
var listener = listeners[i];
if (listener.type === 'once') {
listeners.splice(i, 1);
try {
listener.listener.apply(this, args);
result = true;
} catch (error) {
console.log('Event Listener Error: ' + error.message);
if (listeners.length === 0) {
delete this._events[key];
if (key === 'pending') { this._stopPending(); }
if (this.listenerCount() === 0) { this.polling = false; }
return result;
// @TODO: type EventName
listenerCount(eventName?: any): number {
if (!eventName) {
var result = 0;
for (var key in this._events) {
result += this._events[key].length;
return result;
var listeners = this._events[getEventString(eventName)];
if (!listeners) { return 0; }
return listeners.length;
// @TODO: func
listeners(eventName): Array<any> {
var listeners = this._events[getEventString(eventName)];
if (!listeners) { return []; }
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
return result;
removeAllListeners(eventName): Provider {
delete this._events[getEventString(eventName)];
if (this.listenerCount() === 0) { this.polling = false; }
return this;
removeListener(eventName, listener): Provider {
var eventNameString = getEventString(eventName);
var listeners = this._events[eventNameString];
if (!listeners) { return this; }
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (listeners[i].listener === listener) {
listeners.splice(i, 1);
if (listeners.length === 0) {
return this;
function inheritable(parent) {
return function(child) {
inherits(child, parent);
defineProperty(child, 'inherits', inheritable(child));
defineProperty(Provider, 'inherits', inheritable(Provider));
function(child) {
inherits(child, Provider);
child.inherits = function(grandchild) {
inherits(grandchild, child)
//defineProperty(Provider, 'networks', networks);
defineProperty(Provider, '_formatters', {
checkTransactionResponse: checkTransaction
module.exports = Provider;