mirror of synced 2025-02-25 04:25:16 +00:00

448 lines
11 KiB

// Bytes
export type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike<number>;
// BigNumber
export abstract class BigNumber {
abstract fromTwos(value: number): BigNumber;
abstract toTwos(value: number): BigNumber;
abstract add(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
abstract sub(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
abstract div(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
abstract mul(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
abstract mod(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
abstract pow(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
abstract maskn(value: number): BigNumber;
abstract eq(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
abstract lt(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
abstract lte(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
abstract gt(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
abstract gte(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
abstract isZero(): boolean;
abstract toNumber(): number;
abstract toString(): string;
abstract toHexString(): string;
export type BigNumberish = BigNumber | string | number | Arrayish;
// Connection
export type ConnectionInfo = {
url: string,
user?: string,
password?: string,
allowInsecure?: boolean
export interface OnceBlockable {
once(eventName: "block", handler: () => void): void;
export type PollOptions = {
timeout?: number,
floor?: number,
ceiling?: number,
interval?: number,
onceBlock?: OnceBlockable
// Crypto
export type SupportedAlgorithms = 'sha256' | 'sha512';
export interface Signature {
r: string;
s: string;
recoveryParam: number;
v?: number;
// Network
export type Network = {
name: string,
chainId: number,
ensAddress?: string,
export type Networkish = Network | string | number;
// ABI Coder
export type CoerceFunc = (type: string, value: any) => any;
export type ParamType = {
name?: string,
type: string,
indexed?: boolean,
components?: Array<any>
// @TODO: should this just be a combined Fragment?
export type EventFragment = {
type: string
name: string,
anonymous: boolean,
inputs: Array<ParamType>,
export type FunctionFragment = {
type: string
name: string,
constant: boolean,
inputs: Array<ParamType>,
outputs: Array<ParamType>,
payable: boolean,
stateMutability: string,
// Transactions
export type UnsignedTransaction = {
to?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumberish;
gasPrice?: BigNumberish;
data?: Arrayish;
value?: BigNumberish;
chainId?: number;
export interface Transaction {
hash?: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce: number;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasPrice: BigNumber;
data: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
// Blockchain
export type BlockTag = string | number;
export interface Block {
hash: string;
parentHash: string;
number: number;
timestamp: number;
nonce: string;
difficulty: number;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasUsed: BigNumber;
miner: string;
extraData: string;
transactions: Array<string>;
export type Filter = {
fromBlock?: BlockTag,
toBlock?: BlockTag,
address?: string,
topics?: Array<string | Array<string>>,
export interface Log {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
removed?: boolean;
transactionLogIndex?: number,
address: string;
data: string;
topics: Array<string>;
transactionHash?: string;
logIndex?: number;
export interface TransactionReceipt {
contractAddress?: string,
transactionIndex?: number,
root?: string,
gasUsed?: BigNumber,
logsBloom?: string,
blockHash?: string,
transactionHash?: string,
logs?: Array<Log>,
blockNumber?: number,
cumulativeGasUsed?: BigNumber,
byzantium: boolean,
status?: number
export type TransactionRequest = {
to?: string | Promise<string>,
from?: string | Promise<string>,
nonce?: number | string | Promise<number | string>,
gasLimit?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,
gasPrice?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,
data?: Arrayish | Promise<Arrayish>,
value?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,
chainId?: number | Promise<number>,
export interface TransactionResponse extends Transaction {
// Only if a transaction has been mined
blockNumber?: number,
blockHash?: string,
timestamp?: number,
// Not optional (as it is in Transaction)
from: string;
// The raw transaction
raw?: string,
// This function waits until the transaction has been mined
wait: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionReceipt>
// Interface
export abstract class Indexed {
readonly hash: string;
export interface DeployDescription {
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
readonly payable: boolean;
encode(bytecode: string, params: Array<any>): string;
export interface FunctionDescription {
readonly type: "call" | "transaction";
readonly name: string;
readonly signature: string;
readonly sighash: string;
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
readonly outputs: Array<ParamType>;
readonly payable: boolean;
encode(params: Array<any>): string;
decode(data: string): any;
export interface EventDescription {
readonly name: string;
readonly signature: string;
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
readonly anonymous: boolean;
readonly topic: string;
encodeTopics(params: Array<any>): Array<string>;
decode(data: string, topics?: Array<string>): any;
export interface LogDescription {
readonly name: string;
readonly signature: string;
readonly topic: string;
readonly values: Array<any>
export interface TransactionDescription {
readonly name: string;
readonly args: Array<any>;
readonly signature: string;
readonly sighash: string;
readonly decode: (data: string) => any;
readonly value: BigNumber;
// Contract
export type EventFilter = {
address?: string;
topics?: Array<string>;
// @TODO: Support OR-style topcis; backwards compatible to make this change
//topics?: Array<string | Array<string>>
// The (n + 1)th parameter passed to contract event callbacks
export interface Event extends Log {
args: Array<any>;
decode: (data: string, topics?: Array<string>) => any;
event: string;
eventSignature: string;
removeListener: () => void;
getBlock: () => Promise<Block>;
getTransaction: () => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
getTransactionReceipt: () => Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
// Provider
export type EventType = string | Array<string> | Filter;
export type Listener = (...args: Array<any>) => void;
* Provider
* Note: We use an abstract class so we can use instanceof to determine if an
* object is a Provider.
export abstract class MinimalProvider implements OnceBlockable {
abstract getNetwork(): Promise<Network>;
abstract getBlockNumber(): Promise<number>;
abstract getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
abstract getBalance(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<BigNumber>;
abstract getTransactionCount(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<number>;
abstract getCode(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string> ;
abstract getStorageAt(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, position: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
abstract sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
abstract call(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<string>;
abstract estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
abstract getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string | Promise<BlockTag | string>): Promise<Block>;
abstract getTransaction(transactionHash: string): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
abstract getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
abstract getLogs(filter: Filter): Promise<Array<Log>>;
abstract resolveName(name: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
abstract lookupAddress(address: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
abstract on(eventName: EventType, listener: Listener): MinimalProvider;
abstract once(eventName: EventType, listener: Listener): MinimalProvider;
abstract listenerCount(eventName?: EventType): number;
abstract listeners(eventName: EventType): Array<Listener>;
abstract removeAllListeners(eventName: EventType): MinimalProvider;
abstract removeListener(eventName: EventType, listener: Listener): MinimalProvider;
// @TODO: This *could* be implemented here, but would pull in events...
abstract waitForTransaction(transactionHash: string, timeout?: number): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
export type AsyncProvider = {
isMetaMask?: boolean;
host?: string;
path?: string;
sendAsync: (request: any, callback: (error: any, response: any) => void) => void
// Signer
export type ProgressCallback = (percent: number) => void;
export type EncryptOptions = {
iv?: Arrayish;
entropy?: Arrayish;
mnemonic?: string;
path?: string;
client?: string;
salt?: Arrayish;
uuid?: string;
scrypt?: {
N?: number;
r?: number;
p?: number;
* Signer
* Note: We use an abstract class so we can use instanceof to determine if an
* object is a Signer.
export abstract class Signer {
provider?: MinimalProvider;
abstract getAddress(): Promise<string>
abstract signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): Promise<string>;
abstract sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
// HDNode
export abstract class HDNode {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly chainCode: string;
readonly index: number;
readonly depth: number;
abstract derivePath(path: string): HDNode;
// Wordlist (BIP39 mnemonic)
export interface Wordlist {
locale: string;
getWord(index: number): string;
getWordIndex(word: string): number;
split(mnemonic: string): Array<string>;
join(words: Array<string>): string;