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Documentation: html

Sandbox Utility


   ethers [ COMMAND ] [ ARGS ] [ OPTIONS ]

COMMANDS (default: sandbox)
   sandbox                    Run a REPL VM environment with ethers
   init FILENAME              Create a new JSON wallet
      [ --force ]                Overwrite any existing files
   fund TARGET                Fund TARGET with testnet ether
   info [ TARGET ... ]        Dump info for accounts, addresses and ENS names
   send TARGET ETHER          Send ETHER ether to TARGET form accounts[0]
      [ --allow-zero ]           Allow sending to the address zero
      [ --data DATA ]            Include data in the transaction
   sweep TARGET               Send all ether from accounts[0] to TARGET
   sign-message MESSAGE       Sign a MESSAGE with accounts[0]
      [ --hex ]                  The message content is hex encoded
   eval CODE                  Run CODE in a VM with ethers
   run FILENAME               Run FILENAME in a VM with ethers
   wait HASH                  Wait for a transaction HASH to be mined
   wrap-ether VALUE           Deposit VALUE into Wrapped Ether (WETH)
   unwrap-ether VALUE         Withdraw VALUE from Wrapped Ether (WETH)
                              Send VALUE tokens (at TOKEN) to ADDRESS
   compile FILENAME           Compiles a Solidity contract
      [ --no-optimize ]          Do not optimize the compiled output
      [ --warnings ]             Error on any warning
   deploy FILENAME            Compile and deploy a Solidity contract
      [ --no-optimize ]          Do not optimize the compiled output
      [ --contract NAME ]        Specify the contract to deploy

  --account FILENAME          Load from a file (JSON, RAW or mnemonic)
  --account RAW_KEY           Use a private key (insecure *)
  --account 'MNEMONIC'        Use a mnemonic (insecure *)
  --account -                 Use secure entry for a raw key or mnemonic
  --account-void ADDRESS      Use an address as a void signer
  --account-void ENS_NAME     Add the resolved address as a void signer
  --account-rpc ADDRESS       Add the address from a JSON-RPC provider
  --account-rpc INDEX         Add the index from a JSON-RPC provider
  --mnemonic-password         Prompt for a password for mnemonics
  --xxx-mnemonic-password     Prompt for a (experimental) hard password

PROVIDER OPTIONS (default: all + homestead)
  --alchemy                   Include Alchemy
  --etherscan                 Include Etherscan
  --infura                    Include INFURA
  --nodesmith                 Include nodesmith
  --rpc URL                   Include a custom JSON-RPC
  --offline                   Dump signed transactions (no send)
  --network NETWORK           Network to connect to (default: homestead)

TRANSACTION OPTIONS (default: query network)
  --gasPrice GWEI             Default gas price for transactions(in wei)
  --gasLimit GAS              Default gas limit for transactions
  --nonce NONCE               Initial nonce for the first transaction
  --yes                       Always accept Siging and Sending

  --wait                      Wait until transactions are mined
  --debug                     Show stack traces for errors
  --help                      Show this usage and exit
  --version                   Show this version and exit

(*) By including mnemonics or private keys on the command line they are
    possibly readable by other users on your system and may get stored in
    your bash history file. This is NOT recommended.


/home/ethers> ethers init wallet.json
Creating a new JSON Wallet - wallet.json
Keep this password and file SAFE!! If lost or forgotten
it CANNOT be recovered, by ANYone, EVER.
Choose a password: ******
Confirm password: ******
Encrypting... 100%
New account address: 0x485bcC23ae2E5038ec7ec9b8DCB2A6A6291cC003
Saved:               wallet.json

# If you are planning to try out the Ropsten testnet...
/home/ethers> ethers --network ropsten fund 0x485bcC23ae2E5038ec7ec9b8DCB2A6A6291cC003
Transaction Hash: 0x8dc55b8f8dc8076acded97f9e3ed7d6162460c0221e2769806006b6d7d1156e0
# Sending ether
/home/ricmoo> ethers --account wallet.json send ricmoo.firefly.eth 0.123
Password (wallet.json): ******
Decrypting... 100%
  To:         0x8ba1f109551bD432803012645Ac136ddd64DBA72
  From:       0xaB7C8803962c0f2F5BBBe3FA8bf41cd82AA1923C
  Value:      0.123 ether
  Nonce:      96
  Data:       0x
  Gas Limit:  21000
  Gas Price:  1.2 gwei
  Chain ID:   1
  Network:    homestead
Send Transaction? (y/N/a) y
  Hash:  0xc4adf8b379033d7ab679d199aa35e6ceee9a802ca5ab0656af067e911c4a589a

# Sending a token (SAI)
# NOTE: the contract address could be used instead but
#       popular token contract addresses are also managed
#       by ethers
/home/ricmoo> ethers --account wallet.json send-token sai.tokens.ethers.eth ricmoo.firefly.eth 1.0
Sending Tokens:
  To:              0x8ba1f109551bD432803012645Ac136ddd64DBA72
  Token Contract:  0x89d24A6b4CcB1B6fAA2625fE562bDD9a23260359
  Value:           1.0
Password (wallet.json): ******
Decrypting... 100%
  To:         0x89d24A6b4CcB1B6fAA2625fE562bDD9a23260359
  From:       0xaB7C8803962c0f2F5BBBe3FA8bf41cd82AA1923C
  Value:      0.0 ether
  Nonce:      95
  Data:       0xa9059cbb0000000000000000000000008ba1f109551bd432803012645ac136ddd64dba720000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de0b6b3a7640000
  Gas Limit:  37538
  Gas Price:  1.0 gwei
  Chain ID:   1
  Network:    homestead
Send Transaction? (y/N/a) y
  Hash:  0xd609ecb7e3b5e8d36fd781dffceede3975ece6774b6322ea56cf1e4d0a17e3a1
/home/ethers> ethers --account wallet.json sign-message 'Hello World'
Password (wallet.json): ******
Decrypting... 100%
  Message:        "Hello World"
  Message (hex):  0x48656c6c6f20576f726c64
Sign Message? (y/N/a) y
  Flat:   0xca3f0b32a22a5ab97ca8be7e4a36b1e81d565c6822465d769f4faa4aa24539fb122ee5649c8a37c9f5fc8446593674159e3a7b039997cd6ee697a24b787b1a161b
  r:      0xca3f0b32a22a5ab97ca8be7e4a36b1e81d565c6822465d769f4faa4aa24539fb
  s:      0x122ee5649c8a37c9f5fc8446593674159e3a7b039997cd6ee697a24b787b1a16
  vs:     0x122ee5649c8a37c9f5fc8446593674159e3a7b039997cd6ee697a24b787b1a16
  v:      27
  recid:  0


/home/ethers> ethers --network ropsten \
               --account wallet.json \
               eval \
               'accounts[0].getBalance().then(b => formatEther(b))'
/home/ethers> ethers --network rinkeby \
               eval "provider.getBlockNumber()"
/home/ethers> ethers eval 'utils.Fragment.from(
               "function balanceOf(address) view returns (uint)"
              ).format("json")' | json_pp
   "inputs" : [
         "type" : "address",
         "name" : "owner"
   "type" : "function",
   "payble" : false,
   "stateMutability" : "view",
   "ouputs" : [
         "type" : "uint256"
   "name" : "balanceOf",
   "constant" : true
/home/ricmoo> ethers eval 'id("Transfer(address,address,uint256")'
/home/ricmoo> ethers eval 'Wallet.createRandom().mnemonic'
useful pond inch knock ritual matrix giggle attend dilemma convince coach amazing

Using Mnemonics (with a password)

/home/ricmoo> ethers --account mnemonic.txt --mnemonic-password
Password (mnemonic): ******
network: homestead (chainId: 1)
homestead> accounts[0].getAddress()
<Promise id=0 resolved>

Using Mnemonics (with experimental memory-hard passwords)

/home/ricmoo> ethers --account mnemonic.txt --xxx-mnemonic-password
Password (mnemonic; experimental - hard): ******
Decrypting... 100%
network: homestead (chainId: 1)
homestead> accounts[0].getAddress()
<Promise id=0 resolved>


This is still an experimental feature (hence the xxx).