mirror of synced 2025-02-23 11:38:42 +00:00
2019-05-14 18:48:48 -04:00

850 lines
40 KiB

"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
var __generator = (this && this.__generator) || function (thisArg, body) {
var _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (t[0] & 1) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g;
function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
function step(op) {
if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
while (_) try {
if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) && t.call(y), 0) : y.next) && !(t = t.call(y, op[1])).done) return t;
if (y = 0, t) op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
switch (op[0]) {
case 0: case 1: t = op; break;
case 4: _.label++; return { value: op[1], done: false };
case 5: _.label++; y = op[1]; op = [0]; continue;
case 7: op = _.ops.pop(); _.trys.pop(); continue;
if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) { _ = 0; continue; }
if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) { _.label = op[1]; break; }
if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1]; t = op; break; }
if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2]; _.ops.push(op); break; }
if (t[2]) _.ops.pop();
_.trys.pop(); continue;
op = body.call(thisArg, _);
} catch (e) { op = [6, e]; y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; }
if (op[0] & 5) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var fs_1 = __importDefault(require("fs"));
var ethers_1 = require("ethers");
var prompt_1 = require("./prompt");
var UsageError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UsageError, _super);
function UsageError() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return UsageError;
// Signer
var signerFuncs = new WeakMap();
var signers = new WeakMap();
var alwaysAllow = new WeakMap();
// Gets a signer or lazily request it if needed, possibly asking for a password
// to decrypt a JSON wallet
function getSigner(wrapper) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var signerFunc, signer;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
if (!!signers.has(wrapper)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
signerFunc = signerFuncs.get(wrapper);
return [4 /*yield*/, signerFunc()];
case 1:
signer = _a.sent();
signers.set(wrapper, signer);
_a.label = 2;
case 2: return [2 /*return*/, signers.get(wrapper)];
// Throws an error if the user does not allow the operation. If "y" is
// selected, all future operations of that type are automatically accepted
function isAllowed(wrapper, message) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var allowed, allow, error_1;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
if (wrapper.plugin.yes) {
console.log(message + " (--yes => \"y\")");
return [2 /*return*/, true];
allowed = alwaysAllow.get(wrapper) || {};
if (allowed[message]) {
console.log(message + " (previous (a)ll => \"y\")");
return [2 /*return*/, true];
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
_a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
return [4 /*yield*/, prompt_1.getChoice(message, "yna", "n")];
case 2:
allow = _a.sent();
if (allow === "a") {
allowed[message] = true;
alwaysAllow.set(wrapper, allowed);
else if (allow === "n") {
throw new Error("Cancelled.");
return [3 /*break*/, 4];
case 3:
error_1 = _a.sent();
throw new Error("Cancelled.");
case 4: return [2 /*return*/, true];
function repeat(chr, length) {
var result = chr;
while (result.length < length) {
result += result;
return result.substring(0, length);
// @TODO: Make dump recurable for objects
// Dumps key/value pairs in a nice format
function dump(header, info) {
var maxLength = Object.keys(info).reduce(function (maxLength, i) { return Math.max(maxLength, i.length); }, 0);
for (var key in info) {
var value = info[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
console.log(" " + key + ":");
value.forEach(function (value) {
console.log(" " + value);
else {
console.log(" " + key + ":" + repeat(" ", maxLength - key.length) + " " + info[key]);
exports.dump = dump;
// This wraps our signers to prevent the private keys and mnemonics from being exposed.
// It is also in charge of user-interaction, requesting permission before signing or
// sending.
var WrappedSigner = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(WrappedSigner, _super);
function WrappedSigner(addressPromise, signerFunc, plugin) {
var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
signerFuncs.set(_this, signerFunc);
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(_this, "addressPromise", addressPromise);
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(_this, "provider", plugin.provider);
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(_this, "plugin", plugin);
return _this;
WrappedSigner.prototype.connect = function (provider) {
throw new Error("unsupported for now...");
//return new WrappedSigner(this.addressPromise, () => getSigner(this).then((s) => s.connect(provider)), provider);
WrappedSigner.prototype.getAddress = function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
return [2 /*return*/, this.addressPromise];
WrappedSigner.prototype.signMessage = function (message) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var signer, info, bytes, i, c, result, signature;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getSigner(this)];
case 1:
signer = _a.sent();
info = {};
if (typeof (message) === "string") {
info["Message"] = JSON.stringify(message);
info["Message (hex)"] = ethers_1.ethers.utils.hexlify(ethers_1.ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes(message));
else {
bytes = ethers_1.ethers.utils.arrayify(message);
for (i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
c = bytes[i];
if (c < 32 || c > 126) {
bytes = null;
if (bytes) {
info["Message"] = ethers_1.ethers.utils.toUtf8String(bytes);
info["Message (hex)"] = ethers_1.ethers.utils.hexlify(message);
dump("Message:", info);
return [4 /*yield*/, isAllowed(this, "Sign Message?")];
case 2:
return [4 /*yield*/, signer.signMessage(message)];
case 3:
result = _a.sent();
signature = ethers_1.ethers.utils.splitSignature(result);
dump("Signature", {
Flat: result,
r: signature.r,
s: signature.s,
vs: signature._vs,
v: signature.v,
recid: signature.recoveryParam,
return [2 /*return*/, result];
WrappedSigner.prototype.signTransaction = function (transactionRequest) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var signer, network, tx, info, result, signature;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getSigner(this)];
case 1:
signer = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, this.provider.getNetwork()];
case 2:
network = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, ethers_1.ethers.utils.resolveProperties(transactionRequest)];
case 3:
tx = _a.sent();
info = {};
if (tx.to != null) {
info["To"] = tx.to;
if (tx.from != null) {
info["From"] = tx.from;
info["Value"] = (ethers_1.ethers.utils.formatEther(tx.value || 0) + " ether");
if (tx.nonce != null) {
info["None"] = tx.nonce;
info["Gas Limit"] = ethers_1.ethers.BigNumber.from(tx.gasLimit || 0).toString();
info["Gas Price"] = (ethers_1.ethers.utils.formatUnits(tx.gasPrice || 0, "gwei") + " gwei"),
info["Chain ID"] = (tx.chainId || 0);
info["Data"] = ethers_1.ethers.utils.hexlify(tx.data || "0x");
info["Network"] = network.name;
dump("Transaction:", info);
return [4 /*yield*/, isAllowed(this, "Sign Transaction?")];
case 4:
return [4 /*yield*/, signer.signTransaction(transactionRequest)];
case 5:
result = _a.sent();
signature = ethers_1.ethers.utils.splitSignature(result);
dump("Signature:", {
Signature: result,
r: signature.r,
s: signature.s,
vs: signature._vs,
v: signature.v,
recid: signature.recoveryParam,
return [2 /*return*/, result];
WrappedSigner.prototype.sendTransaction = function (transactionRequest) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var signer, network, tx, info, response;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getSigner(this)];
case 1:
signer = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, this.provider.getNetwork()];
case 2:
network = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, signer.populateTransaction(transactionRequest)];
case 3:
tx = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, ethers_1.ethers.utils.resolveProperties(tx)];
case 4:
tx = _a.sent();
info = {};
if (tx.to != null) {
info["To"] = tx.to;
if (tx.from != null) {
info["From"] = tx.from;
info["Value"] = (ethers_1.ethers.utils.formatEther(tx.value || 0) + " ether");
if (tx.nonce != null) {
info["None"] = tx.nonce;
info["Gas Limit"] = ethers_1.ethers.BigNumber.from(tx.gasLimit || 0).toString();
info["Gas Price"] = (ethers_1.ethers.utils.formatUnits(tx.gasPrice || 0, "gwei") + " gwei"),
info["Chain ID"] = (tx.chainId || 0);
info["Data"] = ethers_1.ethers.utils.hexlify(tx.data || "0x");
info["Network"] = network.name;
dump("Transaction:", info);
return [4 /*yield*/, isAllowed(this, "Send Transaction?")];
case 5:
return [4 /*yield*/, signer.sendTransaction(tx)];
case 6:
response = _a.sent();
dump("Response:", {
"Hash": response.hash
return [2 /*return*/, response];
WrappedSigner.prototype.unlock = function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getSigner(this)];
case 1:
return [2 /*return*/];
return WrappedSigner;
// Argument Parser
var ArgParser = /** @class */ (function () {
function ArgParser(args) {
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(this, "_args", args);
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(this, "_consumed", args.map(function (a) { return false; }));
ArgParser.prototype._finalizeArgs = function () {
var args = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._args.length; i++) {
if (this._consumed[i]) {
var arg = this._args[i];
// Escaped args, add the rest as args
if (arg === "--") {
for (var j = i + 1; j < this._args.length; j++) {
if (arg.substring(0, 2) === "--") {
throw new UsageError("unexpected option " + arg);
return args;
ArgParser.prototype._checkCommandIndex = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this._args.length; i++) {
if (this._consumed[i]) {
return i;
return -1;
ArgParser.prototype.consumeFlag = function (name) {
var count = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this._args.length; i++) {
var arg = this._args[i];
if (arg === "--") {
if (arg === ("--" + name)) {
this._consumed[i] = true;
if (count > 1) {
throw new UsageError("expected at most one --${name}");
return (count === 1);
ArgParser.prototype.consumeMultiOptions = function (names) {
var result = [];
if (typeof (names) === "string") {
names = [names];
for (var i = 0; i < this._args.length; i++) {
var arg = this._args[i];
if (arg === "--") {
if (arg.substring(0, 2) === "--") {
var name_1 = arg.substring(2);
var index = names.indexOf(name_1);
if (index < 0) {
if (this._args.length === i) {
throw new UsageError("missing argument for --${name}");
this._consumed[i] = true;
result.push({ name: name_1, value: this._args[++i] });
this._consumed[i] = true;
return result;
ArgParser.prototype.consumeOptions = function (name) {
return this.consumeMultiOptions([name]).map(function (o) { return o.value; });
ArgParser.prototype.consumeOption = function (name) {
var options = this.consumeOptions(name);
if (options.length > 1) {
throw new UsageError("expected at most one --" + name);
return (options.length ? options[0] : null);
return ArgParser;
exports.ArgParser = ArgParser;
// Accepts:
// - "-" which indicates to read from the terminal using prompt (which can then be any of the below)
// - JSON Wallet filename (which will require a password to unlock)
// - raw private key
// - mnemonic
function loadAccount(arg, plugin) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var content, signer_1, signer_2, content_1, address;
var _this = this;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
if (!(arg === "-")) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, prompt_1.getPassword("Private Key / Mnemonic:")];
case 1:
content = _a.sent();
return [2 /*return*/, loadAccount(content, plugin)];
case 2:
// Raw private key
if (ethers_1.ethers.utils.isHexString(arg, 32)) {
signer_1 = new ethers_1.ethers.Wallet(arg, plugin.provider);
return [2 /*return*/, Promise.resolve(new WrappedSigner(signer_1.getAddress(), function () { return Promise.resolve(signer_1); }, plugin))];
// Mnemonic
if (ethers_1.ethers.utils.isValidMnemonic(arg)) {
signer_2 = ethers_1.ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(arg).connect(plugin.provider);
return [2 /*return*/, Promise.resolve(new WrappedSigner(signer_2.getAddress(), function () { return Promise.resolve(signer_2); }, plugin))];
// Check for a JSON wallet
try {
content_1 = fs_1.default.readFileSync(arg).toString();
address = ethers_1.ethers.utils.getJsonWalletAddress(content_1);
if (address) {
return [2 /*return*/, Promise.resolve(new WrappedSigner(Promise.resolve(address), function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var password, progressBar;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, prompt_1.getPassword("Password (" + arg + "): ")];
case 1:
password = _a.sent();
progressBar = prompt_1.getProgressBar("Decrypting");
return [2 /*return*/, ethers_1.ethers.Wallet.fromEncryptedJson(content_1, password, progressBar).then(function (wallet) {
return wallet.connect(plugin.provider);
}); }, plugin))];
catch (error) {
if (error.message === "cancelled") {
throw new Error("Cancelled.");
else if (error.message === "wrong password") {
throw new Error("Incorrect password.");
throw new UsageError("unknown account option - [REDACTED]");
var Plugin = /** @class */ (function () {
function Plugin() {
Plugin.getHelp = function () {
return null;
Plugin.getOptionHelp = function () {
return [];
Plugin.prototype.prepareOptions = function (argParser) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var runners, network, providers, rpc, accounts, accountOptions, _loop_1, this_1, i, gasPrice, gasLimit, nonce, value, data, error_2;
var _this = this;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
runners = [];
this.yes = argParser.consumeFlag("yes");
network = (argParser.consumeOption("network") || "homestead");
providers = [];
rpc = [];
argParser.consumeOptions("rpc").forEach(function (url) {
var provider = new ethers_1.ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(url);
if (argParser.consumeFlag("alchemy")) {
providers.push(new ethers_1.ethers.providers.AlchemyProvider(network));
if (argParser.consumeFlag("etherscan")) {
providers.push(new ethers_1.ethers.providers.EtherscanProvider(network));
if (argParser.consumeFlag("infura")) {
providers.push(new ethers_1.ethers.providers.InfuraProvider(network));
if (argParser.consumeFlag("nodesmith")) {
providers.push(new ethers_1.ethers.providers.NodesmithProvider(network));
if (providers.length === 1) {
this.provider = providers[0];
else if (providers.length) {
this.provider = new ethers_1.ethers.providers.FallbackProvider(providers);
else {
this.provider = ethers_1.ethers.getDefaultProvider(network);
accounts = [];
accountOptions = argParser.consumeMultiOptions(["account", "account-rpc", "account-void"]);
_loop_1 = function (i) {
var account, _a, wrappedSigner, signer_3, addressPromise, signerPromise_1;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
account = accountOptions[i];
_a = account.name;
switch (_a) {
case "account": return [3 /*break*/, 1];
case "account-rpc": return [3 /*break*/, 3];
case "account-void": return [3 /*break*/, 4];
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 1: return [4 /*yield*/, loadAccount(account.value, this_1)];
case 2:
wrappedSigner = _b.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 3:
if (rpc.length !== 1) {
this_1.throwUsageError("--account-rpc requires exactly one JSON-RPC provider");
try {
signer_3 = null;
if (account.value.match(/^[0-9]+$/)) {
signer_3 = rpc[0].getSigner(parseInt(account.value));
else {
signer_3 = rpc[0].getSigner(ethers_1.ethers.utils.getAddress(account.value));
accounts.push(new WrappedSigner(signer_3.getAddress(), function () { return Promise.resolve(signer_3); }, this_1));
catch (error) {
this_1.throwUsageError("invalid --account-rpc - " + account.value);
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
case 4:
addressPromise = this_1.provider.resolveName(account.value);
signerPromise_1 = addressPromise.then(function (addr) {
return new ethers_1.ethers.VoidSigner(addr, _this.provider);
accounts.push(new WrappedSigner(addressPromise, function () { return signerPromise_1; }, this_1));
return [3 /*break*/, 5];
_b.label = 5;
case 5: return [2 /*return*/];
this_1 = this;
i = 0;
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
if (!(i < accountOptions.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
return [5 /*yield**/, _loop_1(i)];
case 2:
_a.label = 3;
case 3:
return [3 /*break*/, 1];
case 4:
this.accounts = accounts;
gasPrice = argParser.consumeOption("gas-price");
if (gasPrice) {
this.gasPrice = ethers_1.ethers.utils.parseUnits(gasPrice, "gwei");
gasLimit = argParser.consumeOption("gas-limit");
if (gasLimit) {
this.gasLimit = ethers_1.ethers.BigNumber.from(gasLimit);
nonce = argParser.consumeOption("nonce");
if (nonce) {
this.nonce = ethers_1.ethers.BigNumber.from(nonce).toNumber();
value = argParser.consumeOption("value");
if (value) {
this.value = ethers_1.ethers.utils.parseEther(value);
data = argParser.consumeOption("data");
if (data) {
this.data = ethers_1.ethers.utils.hexlify(data);
// Now wait for all asynchronous options to load
runners.push(this.provider.getNetwork().then(function (network) {
_this.network = network;
}, function (error) {
_this.network = {
chainId: 0,
name: "no-network"
_a.label = 5;
case 5:
_a.trys.push([5, 7, , 8]);
return [4 /*yield*/, Promise.all(runners)];
case 6:
return [3 /*break*/, 8];
case 7:
error_2 = _a.sent();
return [3 /*break*/, 8];
case 8: return [2 /*return*/];
Plugin.prototype.prepareArgs = function (args) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
Plugin.prototype.run = function () {
return null;
Plugin.prototype.getAddress = function (addressOrName, message, allowZero) {
var _this = this;
try {
return Promise.resolve(ethers_1.ethers.utils.getAddress(addressOrName));
catch (error) { }
return this.provider.resolveName(addressOrName).then(function (address) {
if (address == null) {
_this.throwError("ENS name not configured - " + addressOrName);
if (address === ethers_1.ethers.constants.AddressZero && !allowZero) {
return address;
Plugin.prototype.throwUsageError = function (message) {
throw new UsageError(message);
Plugin.prototype.throwError = function (message) {
throw new Error(message);
return Plugin;
exports.Plugin = Plugin;
// Command Line Runner
var CLI = /** @class */ (function () {
function CLI(defaultCommand) {
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(this, "defaultCommand", defaultCommand || null);
ethers_1.ethers.utils.defineReadOnly(this, "plugins", {});
CLI.prototype.addPlugin = function (command, plugin) {
this.plugins[command] = plugin;
CLI.prototype.showUsage = function (message, status) {
// Limit: | |
var lines = [];
for (var cmd in this.plugins) {
var plugin = this.plugins[cmd];
var help = (plugin.getHelp ? plugin.getHelp() : null);
if (help == null) {
var helpLine = " " + help.name;
if (helpLine.length > 28) {
lines.push(repeat(" ", 30) + help.help);
else {
helpLine += repeat(" ", 30 - helpLine.length);
lines.push(helpLine + help.help);
var optionHelp = (plugin.getOptionHelp ? plugin.getOptionHelp() : []);
optionHelp.forEach(function (help) {
lines.push(" " + help.name + repeat(" ", 27 - help.name.length) + help.help);
if (lines.length) {
if (this.defaultCommand) {
console.log(" ethers [ COMMAND ] [ ARGS ] [ OPTIONS ]");
console.log("COMMANDS (default: " + this.defaultCommand + ")");
else {
console.log(" ethers COMMAND [ ARGS ] [ OPTIONS ]");
lines.forEach(function (line) {
console.log("ACCOUNT OPTIONS");
console.log(" --account FILENAME Load a JSON Wallet (crowdsale or keystore)");
console.log(" --account RAW_KEY Use a private key (insecure *)");
console.log(" --account 'MNEMONIC' Use a mnemonic (insecure *)");
console.log(" --account - Use secure entry for a raw key or mnemonic");
console.log(" --account-void ADDRESS Udd an address as a void signer");
console.log(" --account-void ENS_NAME Add the resolved address as a void signer");
console.log(" --account-rpc ADDRESS Add the address from a JSON-RPC provider");
console.log(" --account-rpc INDEX Add the index from a JSON-RPC provider");
console.log("PROVIDER OPTIONS (default: getDefaultProvider)");
console.log(" --alchemy Include Alchemy");
console.log(" --etherscan Include Etherscan");
console.log(" --infura Include INFURA");
console.log(" --nodesmith Include nodesmith");
console.log(" --rpc URL Include a custom JSON-RPC");
console.log(" --network NETWORK Network to connect to (default: homestead)");
console.log("TRANSACTION OPTIONS (default: query the network)");
console.log(" --gasPrice GWEI Default gas price for transactions(in wei)");
console.log(" --gasLimit GAS Default gas limit for transactions");
console.log(" --nonce NONCE Initial nonce for the first transaction");
console.log(" --value VALUE Default value (in ether) for transactions");
console.log(" --yes Always accept Siging and Sending");
console.log("OTHER OPTIONS");
console.log(" --help Show this usage and quit");
console.log("(*) By including mnemonics or private keys on the command line they are");
console.log(" possibly readable by other users on your system and may get stored in");
console.log(" your bash history file.");
if (message) {
process.exit(status || 0);
throw new Error("never reached");
CLI.prototype.run = function (args) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var command, argParser_1, commandIndex, argParser, debug, plugin, error_3;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
args = args.slice();
command = null;
// We run a temporary argument parser to check for a command by processing standard options
argParser_1 = new ArgParser(args);
["debug", "help", "yes"].forEach(function (key) {
["alchemy", "etherscan", "infura", "nodesmith"].forEach(function (flag) {
["network", "rpc", "account", "account-rpc", "account-void", "gas-price", "gas-limit", "nonce", "data"].forEach(function (option) {
commandIndex = argParser_1._checkCommandIndex();
if (commandIndex === -1) {
command = this.defaultCommand;
else {
command = args[commandIndex];
args.splice(commandIndex, 1);
argParser = new ArgParser(args);
if (argParser.consumeFlag("help")) {
return [2 /*return*/, this.showUsage()];
debug = argParser.consumeFlag("debug");
plugin = null;
try {
plugin = new this.plugins[command]();
catch (error) {
if (command) {
this.showUsage("unknown command - " + command);
return [2 /*return*/, this.showUsage("no command provided", 1)];
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
_a.trys.push([1, 5, , 6]);
return [4 /*yield*/, plugin.prepareOptions(argParser)];
case 2:
return [4 /*yield*/, plugin.prepareArgs(argParser._finalizeArgs())];
case 3:
return [4 /*yield*/, plugin.run()];
case 4:
return [3 /*break*/, 6];
case 5:
error_3 = _a.sent();
if (debug) {
console.log("----- <DEBUG> ------");
console.log("----- </DEBUG> -----");
if (error_3 instanceof UsageError) {
return [2 /*return*/, this.showUsage(error_3.message, 1)];
console.log("Error: " + error_3.message);
return [3 /*break*/, 6];
case 6: return [2 /*return*/];
return CLI;
exports.CLI = CLI;