mirror of synced 2025-02-25 04:25:16 +00:00

165 lines
5.1 KiB

'use strict';
var assert = require('assert');
var utils = require('./utils');
// Set this to true to compare results against Web3 coder
var testWeb3 = false;
var FORMAT_WEB3 = 'web3';
var web3Coder = null;
if (testWeb3) {
web3Coder = require('web3/lib/solidity/coder');
function equals(a, b) {
// Array (treat recursively)
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
if (!Array.isArray(b) || a.length !== b.length) { return false; }
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!equals(a[i], b[i])) { return false; }
return true;
if (testWeb3) {
if (a.toJSON && a.minus) { a = utils.bigNumberify(a.toString(10)); }
if (b.toJSON && b.minus) { b = utils.bigNumberify(b.toString(10)); }
// BigNumber
if (a.eq) {
if (!a.eq(b)) { return false; }
return true;
// Uint8Array
if (a.buffer) {
if (!utils.isHexString(b)) { return false; }
b = utils.arrayify(b);
if (!b.buffer || a.length !== b.length) { return false; }
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; }
return true;
if (testWeb3) {
if (a.match && a.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$/)) { a = a.toLowerCase(); }
if (b.match && b.match(/^0x[0-9A-Fa-f]{40}$/)) { b = b.toLowerCase(); }
// Something else
return a === b;
function getValues(object, format) {
if (Array.isArray(object)) {
var result = [];
object.forEach(function(object) {
result.push(getValues(object, format));
return result;
switch (object.type) {
case 'number':
if (format === FORMAT_WEB3) {
var value = utils.bigNumberify(object.value);
value.round = function() {
return this;
value.lessThan = function(other) {
return this.lt(other);
var toString = value.toString.bind(value);
var toHexString = value.toHexString.bind(value);
Object.defineProperty(value, 'toString', {
value: function(format) {
if (format === 16) { return toHexString().substring(2); }
return toString();
return value;
return utils.bigNumberify(object.value);
case 'boolean':
case 'string':
return object.value;
case 'buffer':
if (format === FORMAT_WEB3) {
return object.value.toLowerCase();
return utils.arrayify(object.value);
throw new Error('invalid type - ' + object.type);
describe('Contract Interface ABI Encoding', function() {
var Interface = require('../contracts/index.js').Interface;
var tests = utils.loadTests('contract-interface');
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var values = getValues(JSON.parse(test.normalizedValues));
var types = JSON.parse(test.types);
var result = test.result;
var title = test.name + ' => (' + test.types + ') = (' + test.normalizedValues + ')';
it(('encodes paramters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function() {
var encoded = Interface.encodeParams(types, values);
assert.equal(encoded, result, 'encoded data - ' + title);
if (testWeb3) {
var valuesWeb3 = getValues(JSON.parse(test.normalizedValues), FORMAT_WEB3);
var web3Encoded = '0x' + web3Coder.encodeParams(types, valuesWeb3);
assert.equal(web3Encoded, result, 'web3 encoded data - ' + title);
describe('Contract Interface ABI Decoding', function() {
var Interface = require('../contracts/index.js').Interface;
var tests = utils.loadTests('contract-interface');
tests.forEach(function(test) {
var values = getValues(JSON.parse(test.normalizedValues));
var valuesWeb3 = getValues(JSON.parse(test.normalizedValues), FORMAT_WEB3);
var types = JSON.parse(test.types);
var result = test.result;
var title = test.name + ' => (' + test.types + ') = (' + test.normalizedValues + ')';
it(('decodes parameters - ' + test.name + ' - ' + test.types), function() {
var decoded = Interface.decodeParams(types, result);
var decodedArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(decoded);;
assert.ok(equals(values, decodedArray), 'decoded parameters - ' + title);
if (testWeb3) {
var badWeb3 = [ 'random-1116' ];
if (badWeb3.indexOf(test.name) >= 0) {
asset.ok(false, 'This testcase hangs in Web3');
} else {
var web3Decoded = web3Coder.decodeParams(types, result.substring(2));
//console.dir(valuesWeb3, { depth: null });
//console.dir(web3Decoded, { depth: null });
assert.ok(equals(valuesWeb3, web3Decoded), 'web3 decoded data - ' + title);