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_title: Fixed Number
_section: FixedNumber @<fixednumber>
_subsection: Types
_heading: FixedFormat @<fixedformat>
_definition: **//"fixed"//**
A shorthand for ``fixed128x80``.
_subsection: Creating Instances
The FixedNumber constructor cannot be called directly. There are several
static methods for creating a FixedNumber.
_property: BigNumber.from(value [ , format = "fixed" ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// as a //format//.
_property: BigNumber.fromBytes(aBytesLike [ , format = "fixed" ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// as a //format//.
_property: BigNumber.fromString(value [ , format = "fixed" ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// as a //format//. The //value// must
not contain more decimals than the //format// permits.
_property: BigNumber.fromValue(value [ , decimals = 0 [ , format = "fixed" ] ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// with //decimals// as a //format//.
_subsection: Properties
_property: fixednumber.format
The [FixedFormat](fixedformat) of //fixednumber//.
_subsection: Methods
_heading: Math Operations
_property: fixednumber.addUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **+** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.subUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **&ndash;** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.mulUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **&times;** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.divUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **&#247;** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.round([ decimals = 0 ]) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// rounded to //decimals//.
_heading: Conversion
_property: fixednumber.toFormat(format) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// with //format//.
_property: fixednumber.toHexString() => string
Returns a [Hexstring](hexstring) representation of //fixednumber//.
_property: fixednumber.toString() => string
Returns a string representation of //fixednumber//.
_property: fixednumber.toUnsafeFloat() => float
Returns a floating-point JavaScript number value of //fixednumber//.
Due to rounding in JavaScript numbers, the value is only approximate.
_heading: Inspection
_property: BigNumber.isFixedNumber(value) => boolean
Returns true if and only if //value// is a **FixedNumber**.