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.. _api-provider:
Providers API
A Provider abstracts a connection to the Ethereum blockchain, for issuing queries
and sending state changing transactions.
var providers = ethers.providers;
Connecting to Ethereum
There are several ways to connect to the Ethereum blockchain:
new :sup:`providers` . EtherscanProvider( [ testnet ] [ , apiToken ] )
Connect to the `Etherscan`_ blockchain `web service API <etherscan-api>`_.
**default:** *testnet*\ =false, *apiToken*\ =null
new :sup:`providers` . JsonRpcProvider( [ url ] [ , testnet ] [, chainId ] )
Connect to the `JSON-RPC API`_ *url* of an Ethereum node, such as `Parity`_ or `Geth`_.
**default:** *url*\ ="http://localhost:8545/", *testnet*\ =false, *chainId*\ =network default
new :sup:`providers` . InfuraProvider( [ testnet ] [ , apiAccessToken ] )
Connect to the `INFURA`_ hosted network of Ethereum nodes.
**default:** *testnet*\ =false, *apiAccessToken*\ =null
new :sup:`providers` . FallbackProvider( providers )
Improves reliability by attempting each provider in turn, falling back to the
next in the list if an error was encountered.
:sup:`providers` . getDefaultProvider( [ testnet ] )
This automatically creates a FallbackProvider backed by INFURA and Etherscan; recommended
**default:** *testnet*\ =false
var providers = require('ethers').providers;
// Connect to Ropsten (the test network)
var testnet = true;
// Connect to INFUA
var infuraProvider = new providers.InfuraProvider(testnet);
// Connect to Etherscan
var etherscanProvider = new providersInfuraProvider(testnet);
// Creating a provider to automatically fallback onto Etherscan
// if INFURA is down
var fallbackProvider = new providers.FallbackProvider([
// This is equivalent to using the getDefaultProvider
var provider = providers.getDefaultProvider(testnet)
// Connect to a local Parity instance
var provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider('http://localhost:8545', testnet);
All properties are immutable, and reflect their default value if not specified, or if
indirectly populated by child Objects.
.. _provider:
:sup:`prototype` . testnet
Whether the provider is on the testnet (Ropsten)
:sup:`prototype` . chainId
The chain ID (or network ID) this provider is connected as; this is used by
signers to prevent `replay attacks <replay-attack>`_ across compatible networks
FallbackProvider :sup:`( inherits from Provider )`
:sup:`prototype` . providers
A **copy** of the array of providers (modifying this variable will not affect
the providers attached)
JsonRpcProvider :sup:`( inherits from Provider )`
:sup:`prototype` . url
The JSON-RPC URL the provider is connected to
:sup:`prototype` . send ( method , params )
Send the JSON-RPC *method* with *params*. This is useful for calling
non-standard or less common JSON-RPC methods. A :ref:`Promise <promise>` is
returned which will resolve to the parsed JSON result.
EtherscanProvider :sup:`( inherits from Provider )`
:sup:`prototype` . apiToken
The Etherscan API Token (or null if not specified)
InfuraProvider :sup:`( inherits from JsonRpcProvider )`
:sup:`prototype` . apiAccessToken
The INFURA API Access Token (or null if not specified)
Account Actions
:sup:`prototype` . getBalance ( addressOrName [ , blockTag ] )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the balance (as a :ref:`BigNumber <bignumber>`) of
*addressOrName* at *blockTag*. (See: `Block Tags <blocktag>`_)
**default:** *blockTag*\ ="latest"
:sup:`prototype` . getTransactionCount ( addressOrName [ , blockTag ] )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the number of sent transactions (as a Number) from
*addressOrName* at *blockTag*. This is also the nonce required to send a new
transaction. (See: `Block Tags <blocktag>`_)
**default:** *blockTag*\ ="latest"
:sup:`prototype` . resolveName ( ensName )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the address (or null) of that the *ensName* resolves
var provider = providers.getDefaultProvider();
var address = "0x02F024e0882B310c6734703AB9066EdD3a10C6e0";
provider.getBalance(address).then(function(balance) {
// balance is a BigNumber (in wei); format is as a sting (in ether)
var etherString = ethers.utils.formatEther(balance);
console.log("Balance: " + etherString);
provider.getTransactionCount(address).then(function(transactionCount) {
console.log("Total Transactions Ever Send: " + transactionCount);
provider.resolveName("test.ricmoose.eth").then(function(address) {
console.log("Address: " + address);
Blockchain Status
:sup:`prototype` . getBlockNumber ( )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the latest block number (as a Number).
:sup:`prototype` . getGasPrice ( )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the current gas price (as a :ref:`BigNumber <bignumber>`).
:sup:`prototype` . getBlock ( blockHashOrBlockNumber )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the block at *blockHashorBlockNumber*. (See: `Block Responses <blockresponse>`_)
:sup:`prototype` . getTransaction ( transactionHash )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the transaction with *transactionHash*. (See: `Transaction Results <transactionresult>`_)
:sup:`prototype` . getTransactionReceipt ( transactionHash )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the transaction receipt with *transactionHash*.
(See: `Transaction Receipts <transactionReceipts>`_)
**Current State**\ ::
var provider = providers.getDefaultProvider();
provider.getBlockNumber().then(function(blockNumber) {
console.log("Current block number: " + blockNumber);
provider.getGasPrice().then(function(gasPrice) {
// gasPrice is a BigNumber; convert it to a decimal string
gasPriceString = gasPrice.toString();
console.log("Current gas price: " + gasPriceString);
**Blocks**\ ::
var provider = providers.getDefaultProvider();
// Block Number
provider.getBlock(3346773).then(function(block) {
// Block Hash
var blockHash = "0x7a1d0b010393c8d850200d0ec1e27c0c8a295366247b1bd6124d496cf59182ad";
provider.getBlock(blockHash).then(function(block) {
**Transactions**\ ::
var provider = providers.getDefaultProvider();
var transactionHash = "0x7baea23e7d77bff455d94f0c81916f938c398252fb62fce2cdb43643134ce4ed";
provider.getTransaction(transactionHash).then(function(transaction) {
provider.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash).then(function(transactionReceipt) {
Contract Execution
These are relatively low-level calls. The :ref:`Contracts API <api-contract>` should
usually be used instead.
:sup:`prototype` . call ( transaction )
Send the **read-only** (constant) *transaction* to a single Ethereum node and
return a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the result (as a :ref:`hex string <hexstring>`) of executing it.
(See `Transaction Requests <transactionrequest>`_)
This is free, since it does not change any state on the blockchain.
:sup:`prototype` . estimateGas ( transaction )
Send a *transaction* to a single Ethereum node and return a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the
estimated amount of gas required (as a :ref:`BigNumber <bignumber>`) to send it.
(See `Transaction Requests <transactionrequest>`_)
This is free, but only an estimate. Providing too little gas will result in a
transaction being rejected (while still consuming all provided gas).
:sup:`prototype` . sendTransaction ( signedTransaction )
Send the *signedTransaction* to the **entire** Ethereum network and returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>`
with the transaction hash.
**This will consume gas** from the account that signed the transaction.
Contract State
:sup:`prototype` . getCode ( addressOrName )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the bytecode (as a :ref:`hex string <hexstring>`)
at *addressOrName*.
:sup:`prototype` . getStorageAt ( addressOrName, position [ , blockTag ] )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the value (as a :ref:`hex string <hexstring>`) at
*addressOrName* in *position* at *blockTag*. (See `Block Tags <blocktag>`_)
default: *blockTag*\ = "latest"
:sup:`prototype` . getLogs ( filter )
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with an array (possibly empty) of the logs that
match the *filter*. (See `Filters <filter>`_)
These methods allow management of callbacks on certain events on the blockchain
and contracts. They are largely based on the `EventEmitter API <events>`_.
:sup:`prototype` . on ( eventType, callback )
Register a callback for any future *eventType*; see below for callback parameters
:sup:`prototype` . once ( eventType, callback)
Register a callback for the next (and only next) *eventType*; see below for callback parameters
:sup:`prototype` . removeListener ( eventType, callback )
Unregister the *callback* for *eventType*; if the same callback is registered
more than once, only the first registered instance is removed
:sup:`prototype` . removeAllListeners ( eventType )
Unregister all callbacks for *eventType*
:sup:`prototype` . listenerCount ( [ eventType ] )
Return the number of callbacks registered for *eventType*, or if ommitted, the
total number of callbacks registered
Event Types
Whenever a new block is mined
``callback( blockNumber )``
any address
When the balance of the coresposding address changes.
``callback( balance )``
any transaction hash
When the coresponding transaction is mined; also see
`Waiting for Transactions <waitForTransaction>`_
``callback( transaction )``
an array of topics
When any of the topics are triggered in a block's logs; when using the
:ref:`Contract API <api-contract>`, this is automatically handled;
``callback( log )``
.. _waitForTransaction:
Waiting for Transactions
:sup:`prototype` . waitForTransaction ( transachtionHash [ , timeout ] )
Return a :ref:`Promise <promise>` which returns the transaction once *transactionHash* is
mined, with an optional *timeout* (in milliseconds)
// Get notified on every new block
provider.on('block', function(blockNumber) {
console.log('New Block: ' + blockNumber);
// Get notified on account balance change
provider.on('0x46Fa84b9355dB0708b6A57cd6ac222950478Be1d', function(blockNumber) {
console.log('New Block: ' + blockNumber);
// Get notified when a transaction is mined
provider.once(transactionHash, function(transction) {
console.log('Transaction Minded: ' + transaction.hash);
// OR equivalently the waitForTransaction() returns a Promise
provider.waitForTransaction(transactionHash).then(function(transaction) {
console.log('Transaction Minded: ' + transaction.hash);
// Get notified when a contract event is logged
provider.on([ eventTopic ], function(log) {
console.log('Event Log');
.. _blocktag:
Block Tag
A block tag is used to uniquely identify a block's position in th blockchain:
a Number or :ref:`hex string <hexstring>`:
Each block has a block number (eg. ``42`` or ``"0x2a``.
The most recently mined block.
The block that is currently being mined.
.. _blockresponse:
Block Responses
parentHash: "0x3d8182d27303d92a2c9efd294a36dac878e1a9f7cb0964fa0f789fa96b5d0667",
hash: "0x7f20ef60e9f91896b7ebb0962a18b8defb5e9074e62e1b6cde992648fe78794b",
number: 3346463,
difficulty: 183765779077962,
timestamp: 1489440489,
nonce: "0x17060cb000d2c714",
extraData: "0x65746865726d696e65202d20555331",
gasLimit: utils.bigNumberify("3993225"),
gasUsed: utils.bigNuberify("3254236"),
miner: "0xEA674fdDe714fd979de3EdF0F56AA9716B898ec8",
transactions: [
... [ 49 more transaction hashes ] ...
.. _transactionrequest:
Transaction Requests
Any property which accepts a number may also be specified as a :ref:`BigNumber <bignumber>`
or :ref:`hex string <hexstring>`.
// Example:
// Required unless deploying a contract (in which case omit)
to: addressOrName, // the target address or ENS name
// These are optional/meaningless for call and estimateGas
nonce: 0, // the transaction nonce
gasLimit: 0, // the maximum gas this transaction may spend
gasPrice: 0, // the price (in wei) per unit of gas
// These are always optional (but for call, data is usually specified)
data: "0x", // extra data for the transaction, or input for call
value: 0, // the amount (in wei) this transaction is sending
chainId: 3 // the network ID; usually added by a signer
.. _transactionresult:
Transaction Results
// Example:
// Only available for mined transactions
blockHash: "0x7f20ef60e9f91896b7ebb0962a18b8defb5e9074e62e1b6cde992648fe78794b",
blockNumber: 3346463,
transactionIndex: 51,
// Exactly one of these will be present (send vs. deploy contract)
creates: null,
to: "0xc149Be1bcDFa69a94384b46A1F91350E5f81c1AB",
// The transaction hash
hash: "0xf517872f3c466c2e1520e35ad943d833fdca5a6739cfea9e686c4c1b3ab1022e",
// See above (Transaction Requests) for these explained
data: "0x",
from: "0xEA674fdDe714fd979de3EdF0F56AA9716B898ec8",
gasLimit: utils.bigNumberify("90000"),
gasPrice: utils.bigNumberify("21488430592"),
nonce: 0,
value: utils.parseEther(1.0017071732629267),
// The network ID (or chain ID); 0 indicates replay-attack vulnerable
// (eg. 1 = Homestead mainnet, 3 = Ropsten testnet)
networkId: 1,
// The signature of the transaction
r: "0x5b13ef45ce3faf69d1f40f9d15b0070cc9e2c92f3df79ad46d5b3226d7f3d1e8",
s: "0x535236e497c59e3fba93b78e124305c7c9b20db0f8531b015066725e4bb31de6",
v: 37,
// The raw transaction
raw: "0xf87083154262850500cf6e0083015f9094c149be1bcdfa69a94384b46a1f913" +
"50e5f81c1ab880de6c75de74c236c8025a05b13ef45ce3faf69d1f40f9d15b0" +
"070cc9e2c92f3df79ad46d5b3226d7f3d1e8a0535236e497c59e3fba93b78e1" +
.. _transactionReceipt:
Transaction Receipts
// Example
transactionHash: "0x7dec07531aae8178e9d0b0abbd317ac3bb6e8e0fd37c2733b4e0d382ba34c5d2",
// The block this transaction was mined into
blockHash: "0xca1d4d9c4ac0b903a64cf3ae3be55cc31f25f81bf29933dd23c13e51c3711840",
blockNumber: 3346629,
// The index into this block of the transaction
transactionIndex: 1,
// The address of the contract (if one was created)
contractAddress: null,
// Gas
cumulativeGasUsed: utils.bigNumberify("42000"),
gasUsed: utils.bigNumberify("21000"),
// Logs
log: [ ],
logsBloom: "0x00" ... [ 256 bytes of 0 ] ... "00",
// State root
root: "0x8a27e1f7d3e92ae1a01db5cce3e4718e04954a34e9b17c1942011a5f3a942bf4",
.. _filter:
Filtering on topics supports a `somewhat complicated <api-topics>`_ specification, however,
for the vast majority of filters, a single topic is usually sufficient (see the example below).
The *EtherscanProvider* only supports a single topic.
// Example
// Optional; The range of blocks to limit querying (See: Block Tags above)
fromBlock: "latest",
toBlock: "latest",
// Optional; An address (or ENS name) to filter by
address: addressOrName,
// Optional; A (possibly nested) list of topics
topics: [ topic1 ]
Provider Specific Extra API Calls
:sup:`EtherscanProvider` . getEtherPrice()
Returns a :ref:`Promise <promise>` with the price of ether in USD.
provider.EtherscanProvider.getEtherPrice().then(function(price) {
console.log("Ether price in USD: " + price);
.. _Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/apis
.. _etherscan-api: https://etherscan.io/apis
.. _INFURA: https://infura.io
.. _Parity: https://ethcore.io/parity.html
.. _Geth: https://geth.ethereum.org
.. _JSON-RPC API: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC
.. _events: https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v6.x/docs/api/events.html
.. _replay-attack: https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/155
.. _api-topics: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#a-note-on-specifying-topic-filters
.. EOF