'use strict'; var Wallet = require('../wallet/wallet.js'); function testAccounts(test) { var testcases = require('./tests/private-keys.json'); testcases.forEach(function(testcase) { var wallet = new Wallet(testcase.privateKey); test.equal(wallet.address, testcase.checksumAddress, 'Wallet failed converting private key to an address'); }); test.done(); } function testBrainWallet(test) { var username = 'ricmoo'; var password = 'password'; Wallet.summonBrainWallet(username, password).then(function(wallet) { test.equal(wallet.address, '0xbed9d2E41BdD066f702C4bDB86eB3A3740101acC', 'wrong wallet generated'); test.done(); }, function(error) { test.ok(false, 'Failed to generarte brain wallet'); test.done(); }); } function testWallets(test) { var utils = require('./make-tests/utils.js'); var promises = []; var testcases = require('./tests/wallets.json'); testcases.forEach(function(testcase) { test.ok(Wallet.isValidWallet(testcase.json), 'failed to detect secret storage wallet'); var promise = Wallet.decrypt(testcase.json, testcase.password).then(function(wallet) { test.equal(wallet.privateKey, testcase.privateKey, 'failed to generate correct private key'); test.equal(wallet.address.toLowerCase(), testcase.address, 'failed to generate correct address'); }, function(error) { test.ok(false, 'failed to decrypt wallet - ' + testcase.address); }); promises.push(promise); }); // A few extra test cases to test encrypting/decrypting ['one', 'two', 'three'].forEach(function(i) { var password = 'foobar' + i; var wallet = new Wallet(utils.randomHexString('test-' + i, 32)); var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { wallet.encrypt(password).then(function(json) { Wallet.decrypt(json, password).then(function(decryptedWallet) { test.equal(decryptedWallet.address, wallet.address, 'failed to decrypt encrypted wallet - ' + wallet.address); decryptedWallet.encrypt(password).then(function(encryptedWallet) { var parsedWallet = JSON.parse(encryptedWallet); test.equal(decryptedWallet.address.toLowerCase().substring(2), parsedWallet.address, 'failed to re-encrypt wallet - ' + wallet.address); resolve(); }, function(error) { console.log(error); reject(new Error('failed to re-encrypt - ' + wallet.address)); }); }, function(error) { console.log(error); reject('failed to decrypt - ' + wallet.address); }); }, function(error) { console.log(error); reject('failed to encrypt - ' + wallet.address); }); }); promises.push(promise); }); Promise.all(promises).then(function() { test.done(); }, function(error) { console.log(error); test.ok(false, 'error occurred'); test.done(); }); } function testTransactions(test) { var utils = (function() { var bigNumber = require('../utils/bignumber.js'); var convert = require('../utils/convert.js'); return { isBigNumber: bigNumber.isBigNumber, bigNumberify: bigNumber.bigNumberify, getAddress: require('../utils/address.js').getAddress, hexlify: convert.hexlify, } })(); var testcases = require('./tests/transactions.json'); testcases.forEach(function(testcase) { var wallet = new Wallet(testcase.privateKey); var transaction = {}; var parsedTransaction = Wallet.parseTransaction(testcase.signedTransaction); ['nonce', 'gasLimit', 'gasPrice', 'to', 'value', 'data'].forEach(function(key) { var expected = testcase[key]; var value = parsedTransaction[key]; if ({gasLimit: 1, gasPrice: 1, value: 1}[key]) { if (utils.isBigNumber(value)) { test.ok(true, 'parse into a big number - ' + key + ' - ' + testcase.name); value = value.toHexString(); if (!expected || expected === '0x') { expected = '0x00'; } } else { test.ok(false, 'parse into a big number - ' + key + ' - ' + testcase.name); return; } } else if (key === 'nonce') { if (typeof(value) === 'number') { test.ok(true, 'parse into a number - nonce - ' + testcase.name); value = utils.hexlify(value); if (!expected || expected === '0x') { expected = '0x00'; } } else { test.ok(false, 'parse into a number - nonce - ' + testcase.name); return; } } else if (key === 'data') { if (!expected) { expected = '0x'; } } else if (key === 'to') { if (value) { try { utils.getAddress(value); } catch (error) { test.ok(false, 'create checksum address - to - ' + testcase.name); } value = value.toLowerCase(); } } test.equal(value, expected, 'parse - ' + key + ' - ' + testcase.name); transaction[key] = testcase[key]; }); test.equal(parsedTransaction.from, utils.getAddress(testcase.accountAddress), 'compute - from - ' + testcase.name); test.equal(parsedTransaction.chainId, 0, 'parse - chainId - ' + testcase.name); var signedTransaction = wallet.sign(transaction); test.equal(signedTransaction, testcase.signedTransaction, 'sign transaction - ' + testcase.name); // EIP155 var parsedTransactionChainId5 = Wallet.parseTransaction(testcase.signedTransactionChainId5); ['data', 'from', 'nonce', 'to'].forEach(function (key) { test.equal(parsedTransaction[key], parsedTransactionChainId5[key], 'eip155 parse - ' + key + ' - ' + testcase.name); }); ['gasLimit', 'gasPrice', 'value'].forEach(function (key) { test.ok(parsedTransaction[key].eq(parsedTransactionChainId5[key]), 'eip155 parse - ' + key + ' - ' + testcase.name); }); test.equal(parsedTransactionChainId5.chainId, 5, 'eip155 parse - chainId - ' + testcase.name); transaction.chainId = 5; var signedTransactionChainId5 = wallet.sign(transaction); test.equal(signedTransactionChainId5, testcase.signedTransactionChainId5, 'eip155 sign transaction - ' + testcase.name); }); test.done(); } module.exports = { "accounts": testAccounts, "brainwallet": testBrainWallet, "transactions": testTransactions, "wallets": testWallets, }