"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); //let web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('')); //import { compile as _compile } from "solc"; var cli_1 = require("@ethersproject/cli"); var __1 = require(".."); var ethereumjs_util_1 = require("ethereumjs-util"); function hasPrefix(str, prefix) { return (str.substring(0, prefix.length) === prefix); } function repeat(str, count) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { result += str; } return result; } function indent(tabs) { var result = ''; while (result.length < 4 * tabs) { result += " "; } return result; } function getStructName(base) { return "Struct" + ethereumjs_util_1.keccak256(base).slice(0, 4).toString("hex"); } var Code = /** @class */ (function () { function Code() { this.depth = 0; this.lines = []; } Object.defineProperty(Code.prototype, "code", { get: function () { return this.lines.join("\n"); //.replace(/ +\n/g, "\n").replace(/(\}\n\n+)/g, "}\n"); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Code.prototype.comment = function (line) { this.add(""); this.add("/" + "/ " + line); }; Code.prototype.add = function (line) { var open = (line.trim().substring(line.trim().length - 1) === "{"); var close = line.trim()[0] === "}"; if (close) { this.depth--; } this.lines.push(indent(this.depth) + line); //if (close) { this.lines.push(""); } if (open) { this.depth++; } }; return Code; }()); var chars = []; function addChars(start, length) { for (var i = start; i < start + length; i++) { chars.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } } addChars(48, 10); addChars(65, 26); // Returns the functions required to generate code for a specific parameter type and value function getGenCode(testData) { var type = testData.type; var value = (testData.value != null) ? testData.value : "__crash__"; var isArray = type.match(/^(.*)(\[[0-9]*\])$/); if (isArray) { var base_1 = isArray[1]; var suffix_1 = isArray[2]; var isDynamic_1 = (isArray[2] === "[]"); return { assign: function (name, code) { if (isDynamic_1) { //let child = getGenCode({ type: base }); //let decl = child.decl(name).split(" "); var struct = base_1; if (type.substring(0, 5) === "tuple") { struct = getStructName(base_1); } code.add(name + " = new " + struct + "[](" + String(value.length) + ");"); } value.forEach(function (value, index) { console.log("SSS", base_1, value); var child = getGenCode({ type: base_1, value: value }); child.assign(name + "[" + String(index) + "]", code); }); }, decl: function (name) { var child = getGenCode({ type: isArray[1] }); // Inject the array suffix to the type and add memory location // - uint256 p0 => uint256[] memory p0 // - bytes memory p0 => bytes[] memory p0 var result = child.decl(name).split(" "); result[0] = result[0] + suffix_1; if (result[1] !== "memory") { result.splice(1, 0, "memory"); } return result.join(" "); }, structs: function (code) { var child = getGenCode({ type: isArray[1] }); child.structs(code); } }; } var isTuple = type.match(/^tuple\((.*)\)$/); if (isTuple) { var children_1 = []; // Split up the child types var accum = ""; var balance = 0; var types = isTuple[1]; for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var c = types[i]; if (c === "(") { balance++; accum += c; } else if (c === ")") { balance--; accum += c; } else if (c === ",") { if (balance === 0) { children_1.push(accum); accum = ""; } else { accum += c; } } else { accum += c; } } if (accum) { children_1.push(accum); } return { assign: function (name, code) { children_1.forEach(function (child, index) { console.log("TT", child, value[index]); getGenCode({ type: child, value: value[index] }).assign(name + ".m" + String(index), code); }); }, decl: function (name) { return (getStructName(type) + " memory " + name); }, structs: function (code) { // Include any dependency Structs first children_1.forEach(function (child) { getGenCode({ type: child }).structs(code); }); // Add this struct code.add("struct " + getStructName(type) + " {"); children_1.forEach(function (child, index) { var decl = getGenCode({ type: child }).decl("m" + String(index)).replace(" memory ", " "); code.add(decl + ";"); }); code.add("}"); } }; } var isFixedBytes = type.match(/^bytes([0-9]+)$/); var isNumber = type.match(/^(u?)int([0-9]*)$/); var isFixedNumber = type.match(/^(u?)fixed(([0-9]+)x([0-9]+))?$/); if (type === "address" || type === "bool" || isNumber || isFixedNumber || isFixedBytes) { return { assign: function (name, code) { if (type === "boolean") { code.add(name + " = " + (value ? "true" : "false") + ";"); } else if (isFixedBytes) { code.add(name + " = hex\"" + value.substring(2) + "\";"); } else { code.add(name + " = " + value + ";"); } }, decl: function (name) { return (type + " " + name); }, structs: function (code) { } }; } if (type === "string") { return { assign: function (name, code) { code.add(name + " = " + JSON.stringify(value) + ";"); }, decl: function (name) { return ("string memory " + name); }, structs: function (code) { } }; } if (type === "bytes") { var valueBytes_1 = Buffer.from(value.substring(2), "hex"); return { assign: function (name, code) { code.add("{"); code.add("bytes memory temp = new bytes(" + valueBytes_1.length + ");"); code.add(name + " = temp;"); code.add("assembly {"); // Store the length code.add("mstore(temp, " + valueBytes_1.length + ")"); // Store each byte for (var i = 0; i < valueBytes_1.length; i++) { code.add("mstore8(add(temp, " + (32 + i) + "), " + valueBytes_1[i] + ")"); } code.add("}"); code.add("}"); }, decl: function (name) { return ("bytes memory " + name); }, structs: function (code) { } }; } throw new Error("Could not produce GenCode: " + type); return null; } // Generates a random type and value for the type function generateTest(seed) { var basetype = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-type", 0, 10); switch (basetype) { // Address case 0: return function (seed) { var value = ethereumjs_util_1.toChecksumAddress(__1.randomHexString(seed + "-value", 20)); return { type: "address", value: value }; }; // Boolean case 1: return function (seed) { var value = (__1.randomNumber(seed + "-value", 0, 2) ? true : false); return { type: "bool", value: value }; }; // Number case 2: { var signed_1 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-signed", 0, 2); var width_1 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-width", 0, 33) * 8; var type_1 = (signed_1 ? "" : "u") + "int"; // Allow base int and uint if (width_1) { type_1 += String(width_1); } else { width_1 = 256; } return function (seed) { var hex = __1.randomHexString(seed + "-value", width_1 / 8).substring(2); if (signed_1) { // Sign bit set (we don't bother with 2's compliment var msb = parseInt(hex[0], 16); if (msb >= 8) { hex = "-" + String(msb & 0x7) + hex.substring(1); } } var value = (new ethereumjs_util_1.BN(hex, 16)).toString(); return { type: type_1, value: value }; }; } // Fixed case 3: { // Fixed Point values are not supported yet return generateTest(seed + "-next"); var signed_2 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-signed", 0, 2); var width_2 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-width", 0, 33) * 8; var decimals_1 = 0; var maxDecimals = (new ethereumjs_util_1.BN(repeat("7f", ((width_2 === 0) ? 32 : (width_2 / 8))), 16)).toString().length - 1; var attempt = 0; while (true) { decimals_1 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-decimals" + String(attempt), 0, 80); if (decimals_1 < maxDecimals) { break; } attempt++; } var type_2 = (signed_2 ? "" : "u") + "fixed"; // Allow base int and uint if (width_2) { type_2 += String(width_2) + "x" + String(decimals_1); } else { width_2 = 128; decimals_1 = 18; } return function (seed) { var hex = __1.randomHexString(seed + "-value", width_2 / 8).substring(2); // Use the top bit to indicate negative values var negative = false; if (signed_2) { // Sign bit set (we don't bother with 2's compliment var msb = parseInt(hex[0], 16); if (msb >= 8) { hex = String(msb & 0x7) + hex.substring(1); negative = true; } } // Zero-pad the value so we get at least 1 whole digit var dec = (new ethereumjs_util_1.BN(hex, 16)).toString(); while (dec.length < decimals_1 + 1) { dec = "0" + dec; } // Split the decimals with the decimal point var split = dec.length - decimals_1; var value = dec.substring(0, split) + "." + dec.substring(split); if (negative) { value = "-" + value; } // Prevent ending in a decimal (e.g. "45." if (value.substring(value.length - 1) === ".") { value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1); } return { type: type_2, value: value }; }; } // BytesXX case 4: { var length_1 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-length", 1, 33); var type_3 = "bytes" + String(length_1); return function (seed) { var value = __1.randomHexString(seed + "-value", length_1); return { type: type_3, value: value }; }; } // String case 5: return function (seed) { var length = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-length", 0, 36); var value = ""; while (value.length < length) { value += chars[__1.randomNumber(seed + "-value" + String(value.length), 0, chars.length)]; } return { type: "string", value: value }; }; // Bytes case 6: return function (seed) { var length = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-length", 0, 12); // @TODO: increase this var value = __1.randomHexString(seed + "-value", length); //let valueBytes = Buffer.from(value.substring(2), "hex"); return { type: "bytes", value: value }; }; // Fixed-Length Array (e.g. address[4]) case 7: // Falls-through // Dynamic-Length Array (e.g. address[]) case 8: { var dynamic_1 = (basetype === 8); var subType_1 = generateTest(seed + "-subtype"); var length_2 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-length", 1, 3); var suffix = "[" + ((!dynamic_1) ? length_2 : "") + "]"; var type_4 = subType_1("-index0").type + suffix; return function (seed) { if (dynamic_1) { length_2 = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-length", 0, 3); } var children = []; for (var i = 0; i < length_2; i++) { children.push(subType_1(seed + "-index" + String(i))); } return { type: type_4, value: children.map(function (data) { return data.value; }) }; }; } // Tuple case 9: { var count = __1.randomNumber(seed + "-count", 1, 8); var subTypes_1 = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var cSeed = seed + "-subtype" + String(i); subTypes_1.push(generateTest(cSeed)); } var type_5 = "tuple(" + subTypes_1.map(function (s) { return s("-index0").type; }).join(",") + ")"; var struct_1 = "Struct" + __1.randomHexString(seed + "-name", 4).substring(2); return function (seed) { var children = []; subTypes_1.forEach(function (subType) { children.push(subType(seed + "-value")); }); return { type: type_5, struct: struct_1, value: children.map(function (c) { return c.value; }), }; }; } } throw new Error("bad things"); return null; } // Returns true iff the types are able to be non-standard pack encoded function checkPack(types) { for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i]; if (hasPrefix(type, "tuple")) { return false; } if (hasPrefix(type, "bytes[")) { return false; } if (hasPrefix(type, "string[")) { return false; } var firstDynamic = type.indexOf("[]"); if (firstDynamic >= 0 && firstDynamic != type.length - 2) { return false; } } return true; } // Generates a Solidity source files with the parameter types and values function generateSolidity(params) { var plist = []; for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { plist.push("p" + String(i)); } var genCodes = params.map(function (p) { return getGenCode(p); }); var code = new Code(); /////////////////// // Pragma code.add("pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;"); code.add("pragma solidity ^0.5.5;"); code.add(""); /////////////////// // Header code.add("contract Test {"); /////////////////// // Structs genCodes.forEach(function (genCode) { genCode.structs(code); }); /////////////////// // test function code.add("function test() public pure returns (" + genCodes.map(function (g, i) { return (g.decl("p" + String(i))); }).join(", ") + ") {"); genCodes.forEach(function (genCode, index) { genCode.assign("p" + index, code); }); code.add("}"); /////////////////// // encode code.add("function encode() public pure returns (bytes memory data){"); code.comment("Declare all parameters"); genCodes.forEach(function (genCode, index) { code.add(genCode.decl("p" + index) + ";"); }); code.comment("Assign all parameters"); genCodes.forEach(function (genCode, index) { genCode.assign("p" + index, code); }); code.add(""); code.add("return abi.encode(" + params.map(function (p, i) { return ("p" + i); }).join(", ") + ");"); code.add("}"); /////////////////// // encodePacked if (checkPack(params.map(function (p) { return p.type; }))) { code.add("function encodePacked() public pure returns (bytes memory data){"); code.comment("Declare all parameters"); genCodes.forEach(function (genCode, index) { code.add(genCode.decl("p" + index) + ";"); }); code.comment("Assign all parameters"); genCodes.forEach(function (genCode, index) { genCode.assign("p" + index, code); }); code.add(""); code.add("return abi.encodePacked(" + params.map(function (p, i) { return ("p" + i); }).join(", ") + ");"); code.add("}"); } /////////////////// // Footer code.add("}"); return code.code; } for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { var params = []; console.log(i, __1.randomNumber(String(i) + "-length", 1, 6)); var length_3 = __1.randomNumber(String(i) + "-length", 1, 6); for (var j = 0; j < length_3; j++) { params.push(generateTest(String(i) + String(j) + "-type")(String(i) + String(j) + "-test")); } var solidity = generateSolidity(params); console.log(solidity); console.log(i); var bytecode = cli_1.solc.compile(solidity)[0].bytecode; //console.log(params.map(p => p.type).join(", ")); //console.log(bytecode); var testcase = { //solidity: solidity, bytecode: bytecode, types: params.map(function (p) { return p.type; }), value: params.map(function (p) { return p.value; }), }; console.log(testcase); }