'use strict'; // See: https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Ethereum-Contract-ABI var throwError = require('../utils/throw-error'); var utils = (function() { var convert = require('../utils/convert'); var properties = require('../utils/properties'); var utf8 = require('../utils/utf8'); return { defineFrozen: properties.defineFrozen, defineProperty: properties.defineProperty, coder: require('../utils/abi-coder').defaultCoder, arrayify: convert.arrayify, concat: convert.concat, isHexString: convert.isHexString, toUtf8Bytes: utf8.toUtf8Bytes, keccak256: require('../utils/keccak256'), }; })(); function parseParams(params) { var names = []; var types = []; params.forEach(function(param) { if (param.components != null) { if (param.type.substring(0, 5) !== 'tuple') { throw new Error('internal error; report on GitHub'); } var suffix = ''; var arrayBracket = param.type.indexOf('['); if (arrayBracket >= 0) { suffix = param.type.substring(arrayBracket); } var result = parseParams(param.components); names.push({ name: (param.name || null), names: result.names }); types.push('tuple(' + result.types.join(',') + ')' + suffix) } else { names.push(param.name || null); types.push(param.type); } }); return { names: names, types: types } } function populateDescription(object, items) { for (var key in items) { utils.defineProperty(object, key, items[key]); } return object; } /** * - bytecode (optional; only for deploy) * - type ("deploy") */ function DeployDescription() { } /** * - name * - signature * - sighash * - * - * - * - * - type: ("call" | "transaction") */ function FunctionDescription() { } /** * - anonymous * - name * - signature * - parse * - topics * - inputs * - type ("event") */ function EventDescription() { } function Indexed(value) { utils.defineProperty(this, 'indexed', true); utils.defineProperty(this, 'hash', value); } function Result() {} function Interface(abi) { if (!(this instanceof Interface)) { throw new Error('missing new'); } if (typeof(abi) === 'string') { try { abi = JSON.parse(abi); } catch (error) { throwError('invalid abi', { input: abi }); } } utils.defineFrozen(this, 'abi', abi); var methods = {}, events = {}, deploy = null; utils.defineProperty(this, 'functions', methods); utils.defineProperty(this, 'events', events); function addMethod(method) { switch (method.type) { case 'constructor': var func = (function() { var inputParams = parseParams(method.inputs); var func = function(bytecode) { if (!utils.isHexString(bytecode)) { throwError('invalid bytecode', { input: bytecode }); } var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); if (params.length < inputParams.types.length) { throwError('missing parameter'); } else if (params.length > inputParams.types.length) { throwError('too many parameters'); } var result = { bytecode: bytecode + utils.coder.encode(inputParams.names, inputParams.types, params).substring(2), type: 'deploy' } return populateDescription(new DeployDescription(), result); } utils.defineFrozen(func, 'inputs', inputParams); utils.defineProperty(func, 'payable', (method.payable == null || !!method.payable)) return func; })(); if (!deploy) { deploy = func; } break; case 'function': var func = (function() { var inputParams = parseParams(method.inputs); var outputParams = parseParams(method.outputs); var signature = '(' + inputParams.types.join(',') + ')'; signature = signature.replace(/tuple/g, ''); signature = method.name + signature; var parse = function(data) { return utils.coder.decode( outputParams.names, outputParams.types, utils.arrayify(data) ); }; var sighash = utils.keccak256(utils.toUtf8Bytes(signature)).substring(0, 10); var func = function() { var result = { name: method.name, signature: signature, sighash: sighash, type: ((method.constant) ? 'call': 'transaction') }; var params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); if (params.length < inputParams.types.length) { throwError('missing parameter'); } else if (params.length > inputParams.types.length) { throwError('too many parameters'); } result.data = sighash + utils.coder.encode(inputParams.names, inputParams.types, params).substring(2); result.parse = parse; return populateDescription(new FunctionDescription(), result); } utils.defineFrozen(func, 'inputs', inputParams); utils.defineFrozen(func, 'outputs', outputParams); utils.defineProperty(func, 'payable', (method.payable == null || !!method.payable)) utils.defineProperty(func, 'parseResult', parse); utils.defineProperty(func, 'signature', signature); utils.defineProperty(func, 'sighash', sighash); return func; })(); // Expose the first (and hopefully unique named function if (method.name && methods[method.name] == null) { utils.defineProperty(methods, method.name, func); } // Expose all methods by their signature, for overloaded functions if (methods[func.signature] == null) { utils.defineProperty(methods, func.signature, func); } break; case 'event': var func = (function() { var inputParams = parseParams(method.inputs); var signature = '(' + inputParams.types.join(',') + ')'; signature = signature.replace(/tuple/g, ''); signature = method.name + signature; var result = { anonymous: (!!method.anonymous), name: method.name, signature: signature, type: 'event' }; result.parse = function(topics, data) { if (data == null) { data = topics; topics = null; } // Strip the signature off of non-anonymous topics if (topics != null && !method.anonymous) { topics = topics.slice(1); } var inputNamesIndexed = [], inputNamesNonIndexed = []; var inputTypesIndexed = [], inputTypesNonIndexed = []; var inputDynamic = []; method.inputs.forEach(function(input, index) { var type = inputParams.types[index]; var name = inputParams.names[index]; if (input.indexed) { if (type === 'string' || type === 'bytes' || type.indexOf('[') >= 0 || type.substring(0, 5) === 'tuple') { inputTypesIndexed.push('bytes32'); inputDynamic.push(true); } else { inputTypesIndexed.push(type); inputDynamic.push(false); } inputNamesIndexed.push(name); } else { inputNamesNonIndexed.push(name); inputTypesNonIndexed.push(type); inputDynamic.push(false); } }); if (topics != null) { var resultIndexed = utils.coder.decode( inputNamesIndexed, inputTypesIndexed, utils.concat(topics) ); } var resultNonIndexed = utils.coder.decode( inputNamesNonIndexed, inputTypesNonIndexed, utils.arrayify(data) ); var result = new Result(); var nonIndexedIndex = 0, indexedIndex = 0; method.inputs.forEach(function(input, index) { if (input.indexed) { if (topics == null) { result[index] = new Indexed(null); } else if (inputDynamic[index]) { result[index] = new Indexed(resultIndexed[indexedIndex++]); } else { result[index] = resultIndexed[indexedIndex++]; } } else { result[index] = resultNonIndexed[nonIndexedIndex++]; } if (input.name) { result[input.name] = result[index]; } }); result.length = method.inputs.length; return result; }; var func = populateDescription(new EventDescription(), result) utils.defineFrozen(func, 'topics', [ utils.keccak256(utils.toUtf8Bytes(signature)) ]); utils.defineFrozen(func, 'inputs', inputParams); return func; })(); // Expose the first (and hopefully unique) event name if (method.name && events[method.name] == null) { utils.defineProperty(events, method.name, func); } // Expose all events by their signature, for overloaded functions if (methods[func.signature] == null) { utils.defineProperty(methods, func.signature, func); } break; case 'fallback': // Nothing to do for fallback break; default: console.log('WARNING: unsupported ABI type - ' + method.type); break; } }; this.abi.forEach(addMethod, this); // If there wasn't a constructor, create the default constructor if (!deploy) { addMethod({type: 'constructor', inputs: []}); } utils.defineProperty(this, 'deployFunction', deploy); } module.exports = Interface;