/** * BigNumber * * A wrapper around the BN.js object. In the future we can swap out * the underlying BN.js library for something smaller. */ var BN = require('bn.js'); var defineProperty = require('./properties').defineProperty; var convert = require('./convert'); var throwError = require('./throw-error'); function BigNumber(value) { if (!(this instanceof BigNumber)) { throw new Error('missing new'); } if (convert.isHexString(value)) { if (value == '0x') { value = '0x0'; } value = new BN(value.substring(2), 16); } else if (typeof(value) === 'string' && value.match(/^-?[0-9]*$/)) { if (value == '') { value = '0'; } value = new BN(value); } else if (typeof(value) === 'number' && parseInt(value) == value) { value = new BN(value); } else if (BN.isBN(value)) { //value = value } else if (value instanceof BigNumber) { value = value._bn; } else if (convert.isArrayish(value)) { value = new BN(convert.hexlify(value).substring(2), 16); } else { throwError('invalid BigNumber value', { input: value }); } defineProperty(this, '_bn', value); } defineProperty(BigNumber, 'constantNegativeOne', bigNumberify(-1)); defineProperty(BigNumber, 'constantZero', bigNumberify(0)); defineProperty(BigNumber, 'constantOne', bigNumberify(1)); defineProperty(BigNumber, 'constantTwo', bigNumberify(2)); defineProperty(BigNumber, 'constantWeiPerEther', bigNumberify(new BN('1000000000000000000'))); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'fromTwos', function(value) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.fromTwos(value)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'toTwos', function(value) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.toTwos(value)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'add', function(other) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.add(bigNumberify(other)._bn)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'sub', function(other) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.sub(bigNumberify(other)._bn)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'div', function(other) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.div(bigNumberify(other)._bn)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'mul', function(other) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.mul(bigNumberify(other)._bn)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'mod', function(other) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.mod(bigNumberify(other)._bn)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'maskn', function(value) { return new BigNumber(this._bn.maskn(value)); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'eq', function(other) { return this._bn.eq(bigNumberify(other)._bn); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'lt', function(other) { return this._bn.lt(bigNumberify(other)._bn); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'lte', function(other) { return this._bn.lte(bigNumberify(other)._bn); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'gte', function(other) { return this._bn.gte(bigNumberify(other)._bn); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'isZero', function() { return this._bn.isZero(); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'toNumber', function(base) { return this._bn.toNumber(); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'toString', function() { //return this._bn.toString(base || 10); return this._bn.toString(10); }); defineProperty(BigNumber.prototype, 'toHexString', function() { var hex = this._bn.toString(16); if (hex.length % 2) { hex = '0' + hex; } return '0x' + hex; }); function isBigNumber(value) { return (value instanceof BigNumber); } function bigNumberify(value) { if (value instanceof BigNumber) { return value; } return new BigNumber(value); } module.exports = { isBigNumber: isBigNumber, bigNumberify: bigNumberify };