"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = function (d, b) { extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return extendStatics(d, b); }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) result[k] = mod[k]; result["default"] = mod; return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var address_1 = require("@ethersproject/address"); var abstract_provider_1 = require("@ethersproject/abstract-provider"); var abstract_signer_1 = require("@ethersproject/abstract-signer"); var bytes_1 = require("@ethersproject/bytes"); var errors = __importStar(require("@ethersproject/errors")); var hash_1 = require("@ethersproject/hash"); var hdnode_1 = require("@ethersproject/hdnode"); var keccak256_1 = require("@ethersproject/keccak256"); var properties_1 = require("@ethersproject/properties"); var random_1 = require("@ethersproject/random"); var signing_key_1 = require("@ethersproject/signing-key"); var json_wallets_1 = require("@ethersproject/json-wallets"); var transactions_1 = require("@ethersproject/transactions"); function isAccount(value) { return (value != null && bytes_1.isHexString(value.privateKey, 32) && value.address != null); } var Wallet = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(Wallet, _super); function Wallet(privateKey, provider) { var _newTarget = this.constructor; var _this = this; errors.checkNew(_newTarget, Wallet); _this = _super.call(this) || this; if (isAccount(privateKey)) { var signingKey_1 = new signing_key_1.SigningKey(privateKey.privateKey); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "_signingKey", function () { return signingKey_1; }); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "address", transactions_1.computeAddress(_this.publicKey)); if (_this.address !== address_1.getAddress(privateKey.address)) { errors.throwArgumentError("privateKey/address mismatch", "privateKey", "[REDCACTED]"); } if (privateKey.mnemonic != null) { var mnemonic_1 = privateKey.mnemonic; var path = privateKey.path || hdnode_1.defaultPath; properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "_mnemonic", function () { return mnemonic_1; }); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "path", privateKey.path); var node = hdnode_1.HDNode.fromMnemonic(mnemonic_1).derivePath(path); if (transactions_1.computeAddress(node.privateKey) !== _this.address) { errors.throwArgumentError("mnemonic/address mismatch", "privateKey", "[REDCACTED]"); } } else { properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "_mnemonic", function () { return null; }); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "path", null); } } else { if (signing_key_1.SigningKey.isSigningKey(privateKey)) { if (privateKey.curve !== "secp256k1") { errors.throwArgumentError("unsupported curve; must be secp256k1", "privateKey", "[REDACTED]"); } properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "_signingKey", function () { return privateKey; }); } else { var signingKey_2 = new signing_key_1.SigningKey(privateKey); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "_signingKey", function () { return signingKey_2; }); } properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "_mnemonic", function () { return null; }); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "path", null); properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "address", transactions_1.computeAddress(_this.publicKey)); } if (provider && !abstract_provider_1.Provider.isProvider(provider)) { errors.throwError("invalid provider", errors.INVALID_ARGUMENT, { argument: "provider", value: provider }); } properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, "provider", provider || null); return _this; } Object.defineProperty(Wallet.prototype, "mnemonic", { get: function () { return this._mnemonic(); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Wallet.prototype, "privateKey", { get: function () { return this._signingKey().privateKey; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Wallet.prototype, "publicKey", { get: function () { return this._signingKey().publicKey; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Wallet.prototype.getAddress = function () { return Promise.resolve(this.address); }; Wallet.prototype.connect = function (provider) { return new Wallet(this, provider); }; Wallet.prototype.signTransaction = function (transaction) { var _this = this; return properties_1.resolveProperties(transaction).then(function (tx) { if (tx.from != null) { if (address_1.getAddress(tx.from) !== _this.address) { throw new Error("transaction from address mismatch"); } delete tx.from; } var signature = _this._signingKey().signDigest(keccak256_1.keccak256(transactions_1.serialize(tx))); return transactions_1.serialize(tx, signature); }); }; Wallet.prototype.signMessage = function (message) { return Promise.resolve(bytes_1.joinSignature(this._signingKey().signDigest(hash_1.hashMessage(message)))); }; Wallet.prototype.encrypt = function (password, options, progressCallback) { if (typeof (options) === "function" && !progressCallback) { progressCallback = options; options = {}; } if (progressCallback && typeof (progressCallback) !== "function") { throw new Error("invalid callback"); } if (!options) { options = {}; } return json_wallets_1.encryptKeystore(this, password, options, progressCallback); }; /** * Static methods to create Wallet instances. */ Wallet.createRandom = function (options) { var entropy = random_1.randomBytes(16); if (!options) { options = {}; } if (options.extraEntropy) { entropy = bytes_1.arrayify(bytes_1.hexDataSlice(keccak256_1.keccak256(bytes_1.concat([entropy, options.extraEntropy])), 0, 16)); } var mnemonic = hdnode_1.entropyToMnemonic(entropy, options.locale); return Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, options.path, options.locale); }; Wallet.fromEncryptedJson = function (json, password, progressCallback) { return json_wallets_1.decryptJsonWallet(json, password, progressCallback).then(function (account) { return new Wallet(account); }); }; Wallet.fromMnemonic = function (mnemonic, path, wordlist) { if (!path) { path = hdnode_1.defaultPath; } return new Wallet(hdnode_1.HDNode.fromMnemonic(mnemonic, null, wordlist).derivePath(path)); }; return Wallet; }(abstract_signer_1.Signer)); exports.Wallet = Wallet; function verifyMessage(message, signature) { return transactions_1.recoverAddress(hash_1.hashMessage(message), signature); } exports.verifyMessage = verifyMessage;