var nodeunit = require('nodeunit'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var fs = require('fs'); var ethereumTx = require('ethereumjs-tx'); var ethereumUtil = require('ethereumjs-util'); var iban = require('./node_modules/web3/lib/web3/iban.js'); var coderWeb3 = require('./node_modules/web3/lib/solidity/coder.js'); coderWeb3._name = 'web3'; var coderSol = require('./thirdparty/solidity.js-master/index.js'); coderSol._name = 'sol'; var coderAbi = require('ethereumjs-abi'); var coderEjs = { encodeParams: function(types, values) { return coderAbi.rawEncode(types, values).toString('hex'); }, decodeParams: function(types, data) { return coderAbi.rawDecode(types, data); }, _name: 'ejs' } var Wallet = require('./index.js'); var BN = Wallet.utils.BN; var utils = require('./lib/utils.js'); function random(lowerRandomInterval, upperOpenInterval) { return lowerRandomInterval + parseInt((upperOpenInterval - lowerRandomInterval) * Math.random()); } function randomBuffer(length) { var buffer = crypto.randomBytes(length); return buffer; } function randomHex(length) { return '0x' + randomBuffer(length).toString('hex'); } exports.testSecretStorage = function(test) { var secretStorage = require('./lib/secret-storage.js'); var crowdsale = [ { address: '0x2e326fA404Fc3661de4F4361776ed9bBABDC26E3', data: fs.readFileSync('./test-wallets/wallet-test-encseed-foo.json').toString(), password: 'foo', privateKey: '0xcf367fc32bf789b3339c6664af4a12263e9db0e0eb70f247da1d1165e150c487', type: 'crowdsale' }, { address: '0x0b88d4b324ec24C8c078551e6e5075547157E5b6', data: fs.readFileSync('./test-wallets/wallet-test-encseed-no-password.json').toString(), password: '', privateKey: '0xd4375d2a931db84ea8825b69a3128913597744d9236cacec675cc18e1bda4446', type: 'crowdsale' } ] var geth = [ { address: '0x88a5C2d9919e46F883EB62F7b8Dd9d0CC45bc290', data: fs.readFileSync('./test-wallets/wallet-test-geth-foo.json').toString(), password: 'foo', privateKey: '0xf03e581353c794928373fb0893bc731aefc4c4e234e643f3a46998b03cd4d7c5', type: 'version3' }, { address: '0x4A9cf99357F5789251a8D7FaD5b86D0F31EEB938', data: fs.readFileSync('./test-wallets/wallet-test-geth-no-password.json').toString(), password: '', privateKey: '0xa016182717223d01f776149ec0b4a217d0e9930cad263f205427c6d3cd5560e7', type: 'version3' }, ]; test.expect((crowdsale.length * 3) + (geth.length * 3)); // Test crowdsale private key decryption crowdsale.forEach(function(testcase) { // Check wallet type detection test.equal(secretStorage.getWalletType(, testcase.type, 'wrong wallet type detected'); var signingKey = secretStorage.decryptCrowdsalePrivateKey(, testcase.password); test.equal(signingKey.privateKey, testcase.privateKey, 'wrong private key'); test.equal(signingKey.address, testcase.address, 'wrong address'); }); var expecting = 2; function checkAsync() { expecting--; if (expecting === 0) { test.done(); } } geth.forEach(function(testcase) { // Check wallet type detection test.equal(secretStorage.getWalletType(, testcase.type, 'wrong wallet type detected'); // Test private key decryption var password = new Buffer(testcase.password, 'utf8'); secretStorage.decryptPrivateKey(, password, function(error, signingKey, progress) { if (error) { console.log(error); test.ok(false, 'callback return error - ' + error.message); checkAsync(); } else if (signingKey) { test.equals(signingKey.privateKey, testcase.privateKey, 'wrong private key') test.equals(signingKey.address, testcase.address, 'wrong address'); checkAsync(); } }); }); } exports.testCoderParams = function(test) { var libs = { web3: 0x01, sol: 0x02, ejs: 0x04, } function dumpHex(data) { for (var i = 2; i < data.length; i += 64) { console.log(' ' + data.substring(i, i + 64)); } } function recurse(object, calback) { if (Array.isArray(object)) { object.forEach(function(object) { callback(object); }); } else { callback(object); } } function recursiveEqual(a, b) { function fail() { if (a.eq) { a = a.toString(10); } if (b.eq) { b = b.toString(10); } if (Buffer.isBuffer(a)) { a = a.toString('hex'); } if (Buffer.isBuffer(b)) { b = b.toString('hex'); } //console.log('A='); //console.log(a, {depth: null}); //console.log('B='); //console.log(b, {depth: null}); return false; } if (typeof(a) === 'number') { a = new BN(a); } if (typeof(b) === 'number') { b = new BN(b); } if (utils.isHexString(a)) { a = utils.hexOrBuffer(a); } if (utils.isHexString(b)) { b = utils.hexOrBuffer(b); } if (a.eq) { if (!b.eq || !a.eq(b)) { return fail(); } return true; } if (Buffer.isBuffer(a)) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b) ||, b) !== 0) { return fail(); } return true; } if (Array.isArray(a)) { if (!Array.isArray(b) || a.length !== b.length) { return fail(); } for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (!recursiveEqual(a[i], b[i])) { return fail(); } } return true; } if (a !== b) { return fail(); } return true; } function checkLib(types, values, coder) { //console.log(types, values, coder._name); var officialData = '0x' + coder.encodeParams(types, values); var ethersData = Wallet._Contract.Interface.encodeParams(types, values); if (officialData !== ethersData) { console.log('coder=' + coder._name); console.log('types=' + JSON.stringify(types, {depth: null})); console.log('values=' + JSON.stringify(values, {depth: null})); console.log('officialData='); dumpHex(officialData); console.log('ethersData='); dumpHex(ethersData); throw new Error('test case failed'); } var ethersValues = Wallet._Contract.Interface.decodeParams(types, officialData); if (!recursiveEqual(values, ethersValues)) { console.log('coder=' + coder._name); console.log('types=' + JSON.stringify(types, {depth: null})); console.log('values=' + JSON.stringify(values, {depth: null})); console.log('officialData='); dumpHex(officialData); console.log('ethersValues=' + JSON.stringify(ethersValues, {depth: null})); throw new Error('test case failed'); } } function check(types, values, skipLibs) { // First make sure we agree with ourself var ethersData = Wallet._Contract.Interface.encodeParams(types, values); var ethersValues = Wallet._Contract.Interface.decodeParams(types, ethersData); if (!recursiveEqual(values, ethersValues)) { throw new Error('self-decode fail'); } var checkTypes = types.join(','); function has(regex) { return checkTypes.match(regex); } var hasDynamic = (has(/\[\]/) || has(/bytes([^0-9]|$)/) || has(/string/)); var hasArray = has(/\[[0-9]+\]/); console.log(types, checkTypes, hasDynamic, hasArray); if ((!hasDynamic || !hasArray) && !has(/bool\[/)) { checkLib(types, values, coderEjs); } else { console.log('skipping'); } } // Test cases: check(['int'], [new BN(1)]); check(['int'], [new BN(16)]); check(['int'], [new BN(-1)]); check(['int256'], [new BN(1)]); check(['int256'], [new BN(16)]); check(['int256'], [new BN(-1)]); check(['int8'], [new BN(16)]); check(['int32'], [new BN(16)]); check(['int64'], [new BN(16)]); check(['int128'], [new BN(16)]); check(['uint'], [new BN(1)]); check(['uint'], [new BN(16)]); check(['uint'], [new BN(-1)]); check(['uint256'], [new BN(1)]); check(['uint256'], [new BN(16)]); check(['uint256'], [new BN(-1)]); check(['uint8'], [new BN(16)]); check(['uint32'], [new BN(16)]); check(['uint64'], [new BN(16)]); check(['uint128'], [new BN(16)]); test.done(); return; check(['int', 'int'], [new BN(1), new BN(2)]); check(['int', 'int'], [new BN(1), new BN(2)]); check(['int[2]', 'int'], [[new BN(12), new BN(22)], new BN(3)]); // check(['int[2]', 'int[]'], [[new BN(32), new BN(42)], [new BN(3), new BN(4), new BN(5)]]); check( ['bytes32'], ['0x6761766f66796f726b0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'] ); check( ['bytes'], [new Buffer('6761766f66796f726b', 'hex')] ); /* check( ['address', 'string', 'bytes6[4]', 'int'], [ "0x97916ef549947a3e0d321485a31dd2715a97d455", "foobar2", ["0xa165ab0173c6", "0xf0f37bee9244", "0xc8dc0bf08d2b", "0xc8dc0bf08d2b"], 34 ] ); */ check( ['bytes32'], ['0x731a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b'] ); check( ['bytes'], [new Buffer('731a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b')] ); /* check( ['bytes32[2]'], [['0x731a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b', '0x731a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b']] ); */ check( ['bytes'], [new Buffer('131a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b' + '231a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b' + '331a3afc00d1b1e3461b955e53fc866dcf303b3eb9f4c16f89e388930f48134b')] ); function randomTypeValue(onlyStatic) { switch (random(0, (onlyStatic ? 5: 8))) { case 0: var size = random(1, 33); return { type: 'bytes' + size, value: function() { return '0x' + randomBuffer(size).toString('hex'); }, skip: 0 } case 1: var signed = (random(0, 2) === 0); var type = (signed ? 'u': '') + 'int'; if (random(0, 4) > 0) { type += 8 * random(1, 33); } return { type: type, value: function() { var value = random(-500, 1000); //var value = random(-5, 10) + (signed ? 5: 0); if (random(0, 2)) { value = new BN(value); } return value }, skip: 0, } case 2: return { type: 'address', value: function() { return '0x' + randomBuffer(20).toString('hex'); }, skip: 0 } case 3: return { type: 'bool', value: function() { return (random(0, 2) === 0); }, skip: 0 } case 4: var size = random(1, 6); /// @TODO: Support random(0, 6)... Why is that even possible? var subTypeValue = randomTypeValue(true); return { type: subTypeValue.type + '[' + size + ']', value: function() { var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { values.push(subTypeValue.value()); } return values; }, skip: (subTypeValue.skip | libs.web3 | libs.sol) } case 5: return { type: 'bytes', value: function() { return randomBuffer(random(0, 100)); }, skip: 0 } case 6: //var text = '\uD835\uDF63abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\u2014ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZFOOBARfoobar' var text = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\u2014ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZFOOBARfoobar' return { type: 'string', value: function() { return text.substring(0, random(0, 60)); }, skip: 0 } case 7: var size = random(0, 6); var subTypeValue = randomTypeValue(true); return { type: subTypeValue.type + '[]', value: function() { var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { values.push(subTypeValue.value()); } return values; }, skip: subTypeValue.skip | libs.ejs } } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var count = random(0, 8); var types = [], values = []; for (var j = 0; j < count; j++) { var type = randomTypeValue(); types.push(type.type); values.push(type.value()); //console.log('TEST', {types: types, values: values}); check(types, values); } } } exports.testContract = function(test) { var abi = { "SimpleStorage": [ { "constant":true, "inputs":[], "name":"getValue", "outputs":[{"name":"","type":"string"}], "type":"function" }, { "constant":false, "inputs":[{"name":"value","type":"string"}], "name":"setValue", "outputs":[], "type":"function" }, { "anonymous":false, "inputs":[ {"indexed":false,"name":"oldValue","type":"string"}, {"indexed":false,"name":"newValue","type":"string"} ], "name":"valueChanged", "type":"event" } ] } /* var privateKey = Wallet.utils.Buffer(32); privateKey.fill(0x42); var wallet = new Wallet(privateKey); */ var contract = new Wallet._Contract.Interface(abi.SimpleStorage); var getValue = contract.getValue() var setValue = contract.setValue("foobar"); var valueChanged = contract.valueChanged() console.log(getValue, setValue, valueChanged); // @TODO test.done(); }; exports.testChecksumAddress = function(test) { for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var privateKey = randomBuffer(32, true); var official = '0x' + ethereumUtil.privateToAddress(privateKey).toString('hex'); var ethers = (new Wallet(privateKey)).address; test.equal(ethers, ethereumUtil.toChecksumAddress(official), 'wrong address'); } test.done(); } exports.testIcapAddress = function(test) { function testAddress(address) { var officialIban = (iban.fromAddress(address))._iban; var ethersAddress = Wallet.getAddress(officialIban); var officialAddress = ethereumUtil.toChecksumAddress(address) var ethersIban = Wallet.getIcapAddress(address); test.equal(ethersAddress, officialAddress, 'wrong address'); test.equal(ethersIban, officialIban, 'wrong ICAP address'); } test.expect(2 * (2 + 10000)); testAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'); testAddress('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { testAddress(randomHex(20)); } test.done(); }; exports.testAddress = function(test) { function testAddress(address) { var official = ethereumUtil.toChecksumAddress(address); var ethers = Wallet.getAddress(address); test.equal(ethers, official, 'wrong address'); } test.expect(2 + 10000); testAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'); testAddress('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'); for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { testAddress(randomHex(20)); } test.done(); }; exports.testTransaction = function(test) { function testTransaction(privateKey, transaction, signature) { var rawTransaction = new ethereumTx(transaction); rawTransaction.sign(privateKey); var official = '0x' + rawTransaction.serialize().toString('hex'); var ethers = (new Wallet(privateKey)).sign(transaction); test.equal(ethers, official, 'invalid transaction'); } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { var transaction = { to: randomHex(20), data: randomHex(parseInt(10 * Math.random())), gasLimit: randomHex(parseInt(10 * Math.random())), gasPrice: randomHex(parseInt(10 * Math.random())), value: randomHex(parseInt(10 * Math.random())), nonce: randomHex(parseInt(10 * Math.random())), }; testTransaction(randomBuffer(32, true), transaction); } // See: testTransaction(new Buffer('164122e5d39e9814ca723a749253663bafb07f6af91704d9754c361eb315f0c1', 'hex'), { nonce: "0x", gasPrice: "0x09184e72a000", gasLimit: "0x2710", to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", value: "0x", data: "0x7f7465737432000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600057", }, { v: "0x1c", r: "0x5e1d3a76fbf824220eafc8c79ad578ad2b67d01b0c2425eb1f1347e8f50882ab", s: "0x5bd428537f05f9830e93792f90ea6a3e2d1ee84952dd96edbae9f658f831ab13" }); testTransaction(new Buffer('e0a462586887362a18a318b128dbc1e3a0cae6d4b0739f5d0419ec25114bc722', 'hex'), { nonce: "0x06", gasPrice: "0x09184e72a000", gasLimit: "0x01f4", to: "0xbe862ad9abfe6f22bcb087716c7d89a26051f74c", value: "0x016345785d8a0000", data: "0x", }, { v: "0x1c", r: "0x24a484bfa7380860e9fa0a9f5e4b64b985e860ca31abd36e66583f9030c2e29d", s: "0x4d5ef07d9e73fa2fbfdad059591b4f13d0aa79e7634a2bb00174c9200cabb04d" }); testTransaction(new Buffer('164122e5d39e9814ca723a749253663bafb07f6af91704d9754c361eb315f0c1', 'hex'), { nonce: "0x06", gasPrice: "0x09184e72a000", gasLimit: "0x0974", to: "0xbe862ad9abfe6f22bcb087716c7d89a26051f74c", value: "0x016345785d8a0000", data: "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000fafa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000dfa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000dfa00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ad000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000df000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000df000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000d", }, { v: "0x1c", r: "0x5e9361ca27e14f3af0e6b28466406ad8be026d3b0f2ae56e3c064043fb73ec77", s: "0x29ae9893dac4f9afb1af743e25fbb6a63f7879a61437203cb48c997b0fcefc3a" }); test.done(); };