'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var through = require('through'); var gulp = require("gulp"); var ts = require("gulp-typescript"); var tsProject = ts.createProject("tsconfig.json"); var browserify = require("browserify"); var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); var tsify = require("tsify"); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'); function createTransform(transforms) { function padding(length) { let pad = ''; while (pad.length < length) { pad += ' '; } return pad; } function transformFile(path) { for (var pattern in transforms) { if (path.match(new RegExp('/' + pattern + '$'))) { return transforms[pattern]; } } return null; } return function(path, options) { var data = ''; return through(function(chunk) { data += chunk; }, function () { var transformed = transformFile(path); var shortPath = path; if (shortPath.substring(0, __dirname.length) == __dirname) { shortPath = shortPath.substring(__dirname.length); } var size = fs.readFileSync(path).length; if (transformed != null) { console.log('Transformed:', shortPath, padding(70 - shortPath.length), size, padding(6 - String(size).length), '=>', transformed.length); data = transformed; } else if (shortPath === '/src.ts/wordlists/wordlist.ts') { data += '\n\nexportWordlist = true;' } else { console.log('Preserved: ', shortPath, padding(70 - shortPath.length), size); } this.queue(data); this.queue(null); }); } } /** * Bundled Library (browser) * * Source: src.ts/index.ts src.ts/{contracts,providers,utils,wallet}/*.ts src.ts/wordlists/lang-en.ts * Target: dist/ethers{.min,}.js */ function taskBundle(name, options) { // The elliptic package.json is only used for its version var ellipticPackage = require('elliptic/package.json'); ellipticPackage = JSON.stringify({ version: ellipticPackage.version }); var version = require('./package.json').version; var undef = "module.exports = undefined;"; var empty = "module.exports = {};"; // This is only used in getKeyPair, which we do not use; but we'll // leave it in tact using the browser crypto functions var brorand = "module.exports = function(length) { var result = new Uint8Array(length); (global.crypto || global.msCrypto).getRandomValues(result); return result; }"; // setImmediate is installed globally by our src.browser/shims.ts, loaded from src.ts/index.ts var process = "module.exports = { browser: true };"; var timers = "module.exports = { setImmediate: global.setImmediate }; "; function readShim(filename) { return fs.readFileSync('./shims/' + filename + '.js').toString(); } var transforms = { // Remove the precomputed secp256k1 points "elliptic/lib/elliptic/precomputed/secp256k1.js": undef, // Remove curves we don't care about "elliptic/curve/edwards.js": empty, "elliptic/curve/mont.js": empty, "elliptic/lib/elliptic/eddsa/.*": empty, // We only use the version from this JSON package "elliptic/package.json" : ellipticPackage, // Remove RIPEMD160 and unneeded hashing algorithms "hash.js/lib/hash/ripemd.js": "module.exports = {ripemd160: null}", "hash.js/lib/hash/sha/1.js": empty, "hash.js/lib/hash/sha/224.js": empty, "hash.js/lib/hash/sha/384.js": empty, // Swap out borland for the random bytes we already have "brorand/index.js": brorand, "xmlhttprequest/lib/XMLHttpRequest.js": readShim("xmlhttprequest"), // Used by sha3 if it exists; (so make it no exist) "process/browser.js": process, "timers-browserify/main.js": timers, "ethers.js/utils/base64.js": readShim("base64"), "ethers.js/providers/ipc-provider.js": readShim("empty"), "ethers.js/utils/hmac.js": readShim("hmac"), "ethers.js/utils/pbkdf2.js": readShim("pbkdf2"), "ethers.js/utils/random-bytes.js": readShim("random-bytes"), "ethers.js/utils/shims.js": readShim("shims"), "ethers.js/wordlists/index.js": readShim("wordlists"), }; gulp.task(name, function () { var result = browserify({ basedir: '.', debug: false, entries: [ './index.js' ], cache: { }, packageCache: {}, standalone: "ethers", transform: [ [ createTransform(transforms), { global: true } ] ], }) .bundle() .pipe(source(options.filename)) if (options.minify) { result = result.pipe(buffer()) .pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true })) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(sourcemaps.write('./')) } result = result.pipe(gulp.dest(options.dest)); return result; }); } // Creates dist/ethers.js taskBundle("default", { filename: "ethers.js", dest: 'dist', minify: false }); // Creates dist/ethers.js taskBundle("default-test", { filename: "ethers.js", dest: 'tests/dist', minify: false }); // Creates dist/ethers.min.js taskBundle("minified", { filename: "ethers.min.js", dest: 'dist', minify: true }); // Creates dist/ethers.min.js taskBundle("minified-test", { filename: "ethers.min.js", dest: 'tests/dist', minify: true }); /* // Dump the TypeScript definitions to dist/types/ gulp.task("types", function() { return gulp.src(['./src.ts/index.ts', './src.ts / * * / * . ts']) .pipe(ts({ declaration: true, esModuleInterop: true, moduleResolution: "node", lib: [ "es2015", "es5", "dom" ], module: "commonjs", outDir: './dist/types', target: "es5", })) .dts .pipe(gulp.dest("dist/types/")) }); */ /** * Browser Friendly BIP39 Wordlists * * source: src.ts/wordlist/lang-*.ts * target: dist/wordlist-*.js * * Since all of the functions these wordlists use is already * available from the global ethers library, we use this to * target the global ethers functions directly, rather than * re-include them. */ function taskLang(locale) { function transformBip39(path, options) { var data = ''; return through(function(chunk) { data += chunk; }, function () { var shortPath = path; if (shortPath.substring(0, __dirname.length) == __dirname) { shortPath = shortPath.substring(__dirname.length); } // Word list files... if (shortPath.match(/^\/src\.ts\/wordlists\//)) { // If it is the wordlist class, register should export the wordlist if (shortPath === '/src.ts/wordlists/wordlist.ts') { data += '\n\nexportWordlist = true;' } shortPath = '/'; } switch (shortPath) { case '/src.ts/utils/errors.ts': data = "module.exports = global.ethers.utils.errors"; break; case '/src.ts/utils/bytes.ts': case '/src.ts/utils/hash.ts': case '/src.ts/utils/properties.ts': case '/src.ts/utils/utf8.ts': data = "module.exports = global.ethers.utils"; break; case '/': break; default: throw new Error('unhandled file: ' + shortPath); } this.queue(data); this.queue(null); }); } gulp.task("bip39-" + locale, function() { return browserify({ basedir: '.', debug: false, entries: [ 'src.ts/wordlists/lang-' + locale + ".ts" ], cache: {}, packageCache: {}, transform: [ [ transformBip39, { global: true } ] ], }) .plugin(tsify) .bundle() .pipe(source("wordlist-" + locale + ".js")) .pipe(buffer()) .pipe(uglify()) .pipe(gulp.dest("dist")); }); } taskLang("it"); taskLang("ja"); taskLang("ko"); taskLang("zh"); // Package up all the test cases into tests/dist/tests.json gulp.task("tests", function() { function readShim(filename) { return fs.readFileSync('./tests/' + filename + '.js').toString(); } var transforms = { "tests/utils-ethers.js": readShim('utils-ethers-browser') } // Create a mock-fs module that can load our gzipped test cases var data = {}; fs.readdirSync('tests/tests').forEach(function(filename) { if (!filename.match(/\.json\.gz$/)) { return; } filename = 'tests/tests/' + filename; data['/' + filename] = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString('base64'); }); fs.readdirSync('tests/tests/easyseed-bip39').forEach(function(filename) { if (!filename.match(/\.json$/)) { return; } filename = 'tests/tests/easyseed-bip39/' + filename; data['/' + filename] = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString('base64'); }); fs.readdirSync('tests/wordlist-generation').forEach(function(filename) { if (!filename.match(/\.txt$/)) { return; } filename = 'tests/wordlist-generation/' + filename; data['/' + filename] = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString('base64'); }); fs.writeFileSync('./tests/dist/tests.json', JSON.stringify(data)); return browserify({ basedir: './', debug: false, entries: [ "./tests/browser.js" ], cache: {}, packageCache: {}, standalone: "tests", transform: [ [ createTransform(transforms), { global: true } ] ], }) .bundle() .pipe(source("tests.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest("tests/dist/")); });