.. _api-wallet: Wallets ******* A **wallet** manages a private/public key pair which is used to cryptographically sign transactions and prove ownership on the Ethereum network. :: var Wallet = ethers.Wallet; ----- Creating Instances ================== new :sup:`ethers` . Wallet( privateKey [ , provider ] ) Creates a new instance from *privateKey* and optionally connect a provider :sup:`Wallet` . createRandom ( [ options ] ) Creates a new random wallet; *options* may specify ``extraEntropy`` to stir into the random source (make sure this wallet is stored somewhere safe; if lost there is no way to recover it) :sup:`Wallet` . fromEncryptedWallet ( json, password [ , progressCallback ] ) Decrypt an encrypted Secret Storage JSON Wallet (from Geth, or that was created using *prototype.encrypt* ) :sup:`Wallet` . fromMnemonic ( mnemonic [ , path ] ) Generate a BIP39 + BIP32 wallet from a *mnemonic* deriving path **default:** *path*\ ="m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" :sup:`Wallet` . fromBrainWallet ( username, password [ , progressCallback ] ) Generate a wallet from a username and password *Examples* ---------- **Private Key** :: var privateKey = "0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123"; var wallet = new Wallet(privateKey); console.log("Address: " + wallet.address); // "Address: 0x14791697260E4c9A71f18484C9f997B308e59325" **Random Wallet** :: var wallet = Wallet.createRandom(); console.log("Address: " + wallet.address); // "Address: ... this will be different every time ..." **Secret Storage Wallet** (e.g. Geth) :: var data = { id: "fb1280c0-d646-4e40-9550-7026b1be504a", address: "88a5c2d9919e46f883eb62f7b8dd9d0cc45bc290", Crypto: { kdfparams: { dklen: 32, p: 1, salt: "bbfa53547e3e3bfcc9786a2cbef8504a5031d82734ecef02153e29daeed658fd", r: 8, n: 262144 }, kdf: "scrypt", ciphertext: "10adcc8bcaf49474c6710460e0dc974331f71ee4c7baa7314b4a23d25fd6c406", mac: "1cf53b5ae8d75f8c037b453e7c3c61b010225d916768a6b145adf5cf9cb3a703", cipher: "aes-128-ctr", cipherparams: { iv: "1dcdf13e49cea706994ed38804f6d171" } }, "version" : 3 }; var json = JSON.stringify(data); var password = "foo"; Wallet.fromEncryptedWallet(json, password).then(function(wallet) { console.log("Address: " + wallet.address); // "Address: 0x88a5C2d9919e46F883EB62F7b8Dd9d0CC45bc290" }); **Mnemonic Phrase** :: var mnemonic = "radar blur cabbage chef fix engine embark joy scheme fiction master release"; var wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic); console.log("Address: " + wallet.address); // "Address: 0xaC39b311DCEb2A4b2f5d8461c1cdaF756F4F7Ae9" **Brain Wallet** :: var username = "support@ethers.io"; var password = "password123"; Wallet.fromBrainWallet(username, password).then(function(wallet) { console.log("Address: " + wallet.address); // "Address: 0x7Ee9AE2a2eAF3F0df8D323d555479be562ac4905" }); ----- Prototype ========= .. _address: :sup:`prototype` . address The public address of a wallet :sup:`prototype` . privateKey The private key of a wallet; keep this secret :sup:`prototype` . provider Optional; a connected :ref:`provider` which allows the wallet to connect to the Ethereum network to query its state and send transactions :sup:`prototype` . getAddress ( ) A function which returns the address; for Wallet, this simple returns the `address`_ property :sup:`prototype` . sign ( transaction ) Signs *transaction* and returns the signed transaction as a :ref:`hex string `. See :ref:`Transaction Requests `. :sup:`prototype` . encrypt ( password [ , options ] [ , progressCallback ] ) Returns a Promise with the wallet encrypted as a Secret Storage JSON Wallet; *options* may include overrides for the scypt parameters. *Examples* ---------- **Signing Transactions** :: var privateKey = "0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123"; var wallet = new Wallet(privateKey); console.log('Address: ' + wallet.address); // "Address: 0x14791697260E4c9A71f18484C9f997B308e59325". var transaction = { nonce: 0, gasLimit: 21000, gasPrice: utils.bigNumberify("20000000000"), to: "0x88a5C2d9919e46F883EB62F7b8Dd9d0CC45bc290", value: utils.parseEther("1.0"), data: "0x", // This ensures the transaction cannot be replayed on different networks chainId: providers.Provider.chainId.homestead }; var signedTransaction = wallet.sign(transaction); console.log(signedTransaction); // "0xf86c808504a817c8008252089488a5c2d9919e46f883eb62f7b8dd9d0cc45bc2" + // "90880de0b6b3a7640000801ca0d7b10eee694f7fd9acaa0baf51e91da5c3d324" + // "f67ad827fbe4410a32967cbc32a06ffb0b4ac0855f146ff82bef010f6f2729b4" + // "24c57b3be967e2074220fca13e79" // This can now be sent to the Ethereum network provider.sendTransaction(signedTransaction).then(function(hash) { console.log('Hash: ' + hash); // Hash: }); **Encrypting** :: var password = "password123"; function callback(percent) { console.log("Encrypting: " + parseInt(percent * 100) + "% complete"); } var encryptPromise = wallet.encrypt(password, callback); encryptPromise.then(function(json) { console.log(json); }); ----- Blockchain Operations ===================== These operations require the wallet have a provider attached to it. :sup:`prototype` . getBalance ( [ blockTag ] ) Returns a Promise with the balance of the wallet (as a :ref:`BigNumber `, in **wei**) at the :ref:`blockTag `. **default:** *blockTag*\ ="latest" :sup:`prototype` . getTransactionCount ( [ blockTag ] ) Returns a Promise with the number of transactions this account has ever sent (also called the *nonce*) at the :ref:`blockTag `. **default:** *blockTag*\ ="latest" :sup:`prototype` . estimateGas ( transaction ) Returns a Promise with the estimated cost for *transaction* (in **gas**, as a :ref:`BigNumber `) :sup:`prototype` . sendTransaction ( transaction ) Sends the *transaction* to the network and returns a Promise with the transaction details. It is highly recommended to omit *transaction.chainId*, it will be filled in by *provider*. :sup:`prototype` . send ( addressOrName, amountWei [ , options ] ) Sends *amountWei* to *addressOrName* on the network and returns a Promise with the transaction details. *Examples* ---------- **Query the Network** :: var privateKey = '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123'; var wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey); wallet.provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(); var balancePromise = wallet.getBalance(address); balancePromise.then(function(balance) { console.log(balance); }); var transactionCountPromise = wallet.getTransactionCount(address); transactionCountPromise.then(function(transactionCount) { console.log(transactionCount); }); **Transfer Ether** :: var privateKey = '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123'; var wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey); wallet.provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(); // We must pass in the amount as wei (1 ether = 1e18 wei), so we use // this convenience function to convert ether to wei. var amount = ethers.parseEther('1.0'); var sendPromise = wallet.send(address, amount); sendPromise.then(function(transactionHash) { console.log(transactionHash); }); // These will query the network for appropriate values var options = { //gasLimit: 21000 //gasPrice: utils.bigNumberify("20000000000") }; var promiseSend = wallet.send(address, amount, options); promiseSend.then(function(transaction) { console.log(transaction); }); **Sending (Complex) Transactions** :: var privateKey = '0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123'; var wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey); wallet.provider = ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider(); var transaction = { // Recommendation: omit nonce; the provider will query the network // nonce: 0, // Gas Limit; 21000 will send ether to another use, but to execute contracts // larger limits are required. The provider.estimateGas can be used for this. gasLimit: 1000000 // Recommendations: omit gasPrice; the provider will query the network //gasPrice: utils.bigNumberify("20000000000"), // Required; unless deploying a contract (in which case omit) to: "0x88a5C2d9919e46F883EB62F7b8Dd9d0CC45bc290", // Optional data: "0x", // Optional value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1.0"), // Recommendation: omit chainId; the provider will populate this // chaindId: providers.Provider.chainId.homestead }; // Estimate the gas cost for the transaction //var estimateGasPromise = wallet.estimateGas(transaction); //estimateGasPromise.then(function(gasEstimate) { // console.log(gasEstimate); //}); // Send the transaction var sendTransactionPromise = wallet.sendTransaction(transaction); sendTransactionPromise.then(function(transactionHash) { console.log(transactionHash); }); ----- Parsing Transactions ==================== :sup:`Wallet` . parseTransaction ( hexStringOrArrayish ) Parses a raw *hexStringOrArrayish* into a Transaction. *Examples* ---------- :: // Mainnet: var raw = "0xf87083154262850500cf6e0083015f9094c149be1bcdfa69a94384b46a1f913" + "50e5f81c1ab880de6c75de74c236c8025a05b13ef45ce3faf69d1f40f9d15b007" + "0cc9e2c92f" var transaction = { to: 0123... value: 0123... }; var signedTransaction = wallet.sign(transaction); var transaction = Wallet.parseTransaction(signedTransaction); console.log(transaction); // { // to: "0xc149Be1bcDFa69a94384b46A1F91350E5f81c1AB", // from: "0xEA674fdDe714fd979de3EdF0F56AA9716B898ec8", // // chainId: 1, // // gasLimit: utils.bigNumberify("90000"), // gasPrice: utils.bigNumberify("21488430592"), // // nonce: 1393250 // data: "0x", // value: utils.parseEther("1.0017071732629267"), // // r: "0x5b13ef45ce3faf69d1f40f9d15b0070cc9e2c92f3df79ad46d5b3226d7f3d1e8", // s: "0x535236e497c59e3fba93b78e124305c7c9b20db0f8531b015066725e4bb31de6", // v: 37, // } ----- .. 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