_section: React Native (and ilk) @ The [[link-react-native]] framework has become quite popular and has many popular forks, such as [[link-expo]]. React Native is based on [[link-javascriptcore]] (part of WebKit) and does not use Node.js or the common Web and DOM APIs. As such, there are many operations missing that a normal web environment or Node.js instance would provide. For this reason, there is a [[link-npm-ethersproject-shims]] module provided to fill in the holes. _subsection: Installing @ To use ethers in React Native, you must either provide shims for the needed missing functionality, or use the ethers.js shim. It is **HIGHLY RECOMMENDED** you check out the [security section](cookbook-reactnative-security> below for instructions on installing pacakges which can affect the security of your application. After installing packages, you may need to restart your packager and company. _code: Installing @lang /home/ricmoo/my-react-project> npm install @ethersproject/shims --save _code: Importing @lang