'use strict'; var utils = require('ethers-utils'); var Provider = require('./provider'); var JsonRpcProvider = require('./json-rpc-provider'); function Web3Signer(provider, address) { if (!(this instanceof Web3Signer)) { throw new Error('missing new'); } utils.defineProperty(this, 'provider', provider); // Statically attach to a given address if (address) { utils.defineProperty(this, 'address', address); utils.defineProperty(this, '_syncAddress', true); } else { Object.defineProperty(this, 'address', { enumerable: true, get: function() { throw new Error('unsupported sync operation; use getAddress'); } }); utils.defineProperty(this, '_syncAddress', false); } } utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer.prototype, 'getAddress', function() { if (this._syncAddress) { return Promise.resolve(this.address); } return this.provider.send('eth_accounts', []).then(function(accounts) { if (accounts.length === 0) { throw new Error('no account'); } return utils.getAddress(accounts[0]); }); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer.prototype, 'getBalance', function(blockTag) { var provider = this.provider; return this.getAddress().then(function(address) { return provider.getBalance(address, blockTag); }); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer.prototype, 'getTransactionCount', function(blockTag) { var provider = this.provider; return this.getAddress().then(function(address) { return provider.getTransactionCount(address, blockTag); }); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer.prototype, 'sendTransaction', function(transaction) { var provider = this.provider; transaction = JsonRpcProvider._hexlifyTransaction(transaction); return this.getAddress().then(function(address) { transaction.from = address.toLowerCase(); return provider.send('eth_sendTransaction', [ transaction ]).then(function(hash) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { function check() { provider.getTransaction(hash).then(function(transaction) { if (!transaction) { setTimeout(check, 1000); return; } resolve(transaction); }); } check(); }); }); }); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer.prototype, 'signMessage', function(message) { var provider = this.provider; var data = ((typeof(message) === 'string') ? utils.toUtf8Bytes(message): message); return this.getAddress().then(function(address) { // https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_sign var method = 'eth_sign'; var params = [ address.toLowerCase(), utils.hexlify(data) ]; // Metamask complains about eth_sign (and on some versions hangs) if (provider._web3Provider.isMetaMask) { // https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_sign method = 'personal_sign'; params = [ utils.hexlify(data), address.toLowerCase() ]; } return provider.send(method, params); }); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer.prototype, 'unlock', function(password) { var provider = this.provider; return this.getAddress().then(function(address) { return provider.send('personal_unlockAccount', [ address.toLowerCase(), password, null ]); }); }); /* @TODO utils.defineProperty(Web3Signer, 'onchange', { }); */ function Web3Provider(web3Provider, network) { if (!(this instanceof Web3Provider)) { throw new Error('missing new'); } // HTTP has a host; IPC has a path. var url = web3Provider.host || web3Provider.path || 'unknown'; // No need to support legacy parameters since this is post-legacy network if (network == null) { network = Provider.networks.homestead; } else if (typeof(network) === 'string') { network = Provider.networks[network]; if (!network) { throw new Error('invalid network'); } } JsonRpcProvider.call(this, url, network); utils.defineProperty(this, '_web3Provider', web3Provider); } JsonRpcProvider.inherits(Web3Provider); utils.defineProperty(Web3Provider.prototype, 'getSigner', function(address) { return new Web3Signer(this, address); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Provider.prototype, 'listAccounts', function() { return this.send('eth_accounts', []).then(function(accounts) { accounts.forEach(function(address, index) { accounts[index] = utils.getAddress(address); }); return accounts; }); }); utils.defineProperty(Web3Provider.prototype, 'send', function(method, params) { var provider = this._web3Provider; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var request = { method: method, params: params, id: 42, jsonrpc: "2.0" }; provider.sendAsync(request, function(error, result) { if (error) { reject(error); return; } if (result.error) { var error = new Error(result.error.message); error.code = result.error.code; error.data = result.error.data; reject(error); return; } resolve(result.result); }); }); }); module.exports = Web3Provider;