// Generated by dts-bundle v0.7.3 declare module 'ethers' { import { Contract, Interface } from 'ethers/contracts'; import * as providers from 'ethers/providers'; import * as errors from 'ethers/utils/errors'; import { getNetwork } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; import * as utils from 'ethers/utils'; import { HDNode, SigningKey, Wallet } from 'ethers/wallet'; import * as wordlists from 'ethers/wordlists'; import { version } from 'ethers/_version'; export { Wallet, HDNode, SigningKey, Contract, Interface, getNetwork, providers, errors, utils, wordlists, version }; const _default: { Wallet: typeof Wallet; HDNode: typeof HDNode; SigningKey: typeof SigningKey; Contract: typeof Contract; Interface: typeof Interface; getNetwork: typeof getNetwork; providers: typeof providers; errors: typeof errors; utils: typeof utils; wordlists: typeof wordlists; version: string; }; export default _default; } declare module 'ethers/contracts' { import { Contract } from 'ethers/contracts/contract'; import { Interface } from 'ethers/contracts/interface'; export { Contract, Interface }; const _default: { Contract: typeof Contract; Interface: typeof Interface; }; export default _default; } declare module 'ethers/providers' { import { Provider, ProviderSigner } from 'ethers/providers/provider'; import { Network } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; import { EtherscanProvider } from 'ethers/providers/etherscan-provider'; import { FallbackProvider } from 'ethers/providers/fallback-provider'; import { IpcProvider } from 'ethers/providers/ipc-provider'; import { InfuraProvider } from 'ethers/providers/infura-provider'; import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'ethers/providers/json-rpc-provider'; import { Web3Provider } from 'ethers/providers/web3-provider'; function getDefaultProvider(network?: Network | string): FallbackProvider; export { Provider, getDefaultProvider, ProviderSigner, FallbackProvider, EtherscanProvider, InfuraProvider, JsonRpcProvider, Web3Provider, IpcProvider }; const _default: { Provider: typeof Provider; getDefaultProvider: typeof getDefaultProvider; ProviderSigner: typeof ProviderSigner; FallbackProvider: typeof FallbackProvider; EtherscanProvider: typeof EtherscanProvider; InfuraProvider: typeof InfuraProvider; JsonRpcProvider: typeof JsonRpcProvider; Web3Provider: typeof Web3Provider; IpcProvider: typeof IpcProvider; }; export default _default; } declare module 'ethers/utils/errors' { export const UNKNOWN_ERROR = "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; export const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; export const MISSING_NEW = "MISSING_NEW"; export const CALL_EXCEPTION = "CALL_EXCEPTION"; export const INVALID_ARGUMENT = "INVALID_ARGUMENT"; export const MISSING_ARGUMENT = "MISSING_ARGUMENT"; export const UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT = "UNEXPECTED_ARGUMENT"; export const NUMERIC_FAULT = "NUMERIC_FAULT"; export const UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = "UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION"; export function throwError(message: string, code: string, params: any): never; export function checkNew(self: any, kind: any): void; export function checkArgumentCount(count: number, expectedCount: number, suffix?: string): void; export function setCensorship(censorship: boolean, permanent?: boolean): void; } declare module 'ethers/providers/networks' { export type Network = { name: string; chainId: number; ensAddress?: string; }; export type Networkish = Network | string | number; /** * getNetwork * * Converts a named common networks or chain ID (network ID) to a Network * and verifies a network is a valid Network.. */ export function getNetwork(network: Networkish): Network; } declare module 'ethers/utils' { import { getAddress, getContractAddress, getIcapAddress } from 'ethers/utils/address'; import { AbiCoder, defaultAbiCoder, parseSignature, parseParamType } from 'ethers/utils/abi-coder'; import * as base64 from 'ethers/utils/base64'; import { BigNumber, bigNumberify } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { arrayify, concat, hexlify, joinSignature, padZeros, splitSignature, stripZeros } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; import { hashMessage, id, namehash } from 'ethers/utils/hash'; import { keccak256 } from 'ethers/utils/keccak256'; import { sha256 } from 'ethers/utils/sha2'; import { keccak256 as solidityKeccak256, pack as solidityPack, sha256 as soliditySha256 } from 'ethers/utils/solidity'; import { randomBytes } from 'ethers/utils/random-bytes'; import { defineFrozen, defineReadOnly, resolveProperties, shallowCopy } from 'ethers/utils/properties'; import * as RLP from 'ethers/utils/rlp'; import { toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8String } from 'ethers/utils/utf8'; import { formatEther, parseEther, formatUnits, parseUnits } from 'ethers/utils/units'; import { fetchJson } from 'ethers/utils/web'; import { parse as parseTransaction } from 'ethers/utils/transaction'; import * as errors from 'ethers/utils/errors'; const etherSymbol = "\u039E"; export { AbiCoder, defaultAbiCoder, parseSignature, parseParamType, RLP, fetchJson, defineReadOnly, defineFrozen, resolveProperties, shallowCopy, etherSymbol, arrayify, concat, padZeros, stripZeros, base64, bigNumberify, BigNumber, hexlify, toUtf8Bytes, toUtf8String, hashMessage, namehash, id, getAddress, getIcapAddress, getContractAddress, formatEther, parseEther, formatUnits, parseUnits, keccak256, sha256, randomBytes, solidityPack, solidityKeccak256, soliditySha256, splitSignature, joinSignature, parseTransaction, errors }; const _default: { AbiCoder: typeof AbiCoder; defaultAbiCoder: AbiCoder; parseSignature: typeof parseSignature; parseParamType: typeof parseParamType; RLP: typeof RLP; fetchJson: typeof fetchJson; defineReadOnly: typeof defineReadOnly; defineFrozen: typeof defineFrozen; resolveProperties: typeof resolveProperties; shallowCopy: typeof shallowCopy; etherSymbol: string; arrayify: typeof arrayify; concat: typeof concat; padZeros: typeof padZeros; stripZeros: typeof stripZeros; base64: typeof base64; bigNumberify: typeof bigNumberify; BigNumber: typeof BigNumber; hexlify: typeof hexlify; toUtf8Bytes: typeof toUtf8Bytes; toUtf8String: typeof toUtf8String; hashMessage: typeof hashMessage; namehash: typeof namehash; id: typeof id; getAddress: typeof getAddress; getIcapAddress: typeof getIcapAddress; getContractAddress: typeof getContractAddress; formatEther: typeof formatEther; parseEther: typeof parseEther; formatUnits: typeof formatUnits; parseUnits: typeof parseUnits; keccak256: typeof keccak256; sha256: typeof sha256; randomBytes: typeof randomBytes; solidityPack: typeof solidityPack; solidityKeccak256: typeof solidityKeccak256; soliditySha256: typeof soliditySha256; splitSignature: typeof splitSignature; joinSignature: typeof joinSignature; parseTransaction: typeof parseTransaction; errors: typeof errors; }; export default _default; } declare module 'ethers/wallet' { import { Wallet } from 'ethers/wallet/wallet'; import * as HDNode from 'ethers/wallet/hdnode'; import { SigningKey } from 'ethers/wallet/signing-key'; export { HDNode, SigningKey, Wallet }; const _default: { HDNode: typeof HDNode; SigningKey: typeof SigningKey; Wallet: typeof Wallet; }; export default _default; } declare module 'ethers/wordlists' { import { Wordlist } from 'ethers/wordlists/wordlist'; const en: Wordlist; const ko: Wordlist; const it: Wordlist; const ja: Wordlist; const zh: Wordlist; const zh_cn: Wordlist; const zh_tw: Wordlist; export { en, it, ja, ko, zh, zh_cn, zh_tw }; const _default: { en: Wordlist; it: Wordlist; ja: Wordlist; ko: Wordlist; zh: Wordlist; zh_cn: Wordlist; zh_tw: Wordlist; }; export default _default; } declare module 'ethers/_version' { export const version = "4.0.0"; } declare module 'ethers/contracts/contract' { import { Interface } from 'ethers/contracts/interface'; import { Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from 'ethers/providers/provider'; import { Signer } from 'ethers/wallet/wallet'; import { ParamType } from 'ethers/utils/abi-coder'; import { BigNumber } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; export type ContractEstimate = (...params: Array) => Promise; export type ContractFunction = (...params: Array) => Promise; export type ContractEvent = (...params: Array) => void; interface Bucket { [name: string]: T; } export type ErrorCallback = (error: Error) => void; export type Contractish = Array | Interface | string; export class Contract { readonly address: string; readonly interface: Interface; readonly signer: Signer; readonly provider: Provider; readonly estimate: Bucket; readonly functions: Bucket; readonly events: Bucket; readonly addressPromise: Promise; readonly deployTransaction: TransactionResponse; constructor(addressOrName: string, contractInterface: Contractish, signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider); onerror: ErrorCallback; fallback(overrides?: TransactionRequest): Promise; connect(signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider): Contract; attach(addressOrName: string): Contract; deploy(bytecode: string, ...args: Array): Promise; } export {}; } declare module 'ethers/contracts/interface' { import { EventFragment, FunctionFragment, ParamType } from 'ethers/utils/abi-coder'; import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; export class Description { readonly type: string; constructor(info: any); } export class Indexed extends Description { readonly hash: string; } export class DeployDescription extends Description { readonly inputs: Array; readonly payable: boolean; encode(bytecode: string, params: Array): string; } export class FunctionDescription extends Description { readonly name: string; readonly signature: string; readonly sighash: string; readonly inputs: Array; readonly outputs: Array; readonly payable: boolean; encode(params: Array): string; decode(data: string): any; } export class EventDescription extends Description { readonly name: string; readonly signature: string; readonly inputs: Array; readonly anonymous: boolean; readonly topic: string; decode(data: string, topics?: Array): any; } class TransactionDescription extends Description { readonly name: string; readonly args: Array; readonly signature: string; readonly sighash: string; readonly decode: (data: string) => any; readonly value: BigNumber; } class LogDescription extends Description { readonly name: string; readonly signature: string; readonly topic: string; readonly values: Array; } export class Interface { readonly abi: Array; readonly functions: { [name: string]: FunctionDescription; }; readonly events: { [name: string]: EventDescription; }; readonly deployFunction: DeployDescription; constructor(abi: Array | string); parseTransaction(tx: { data: string; value?: BigNumberish; }): TransactionDescription; parseLog(log: { topics: Array; data: string; }): LogDescription; } export {}; } declare module 'ethers/providers/provider' { import { Signer } from 'ethers/wallet/wallet'; import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; import { Network, Networkish } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; import { SignDigestFunc, Transaction } from 'ethers/utils/transaction'; export type BlockTag = string | number; export interface Block { hash: string; parentHash: string; number: number; timestamp: number; nonce: string; difficulty: number; gasLimit: BigNumber; gasUsed: BigNumber; miner: string; extraData: string; transactions: Array; } export type TransactionRequest = { to?: string | Promise; from?: string | Promise; nonce?: number | string | Promise; gasLimit?: BigNumberish | Promise; gasPrice?: BigNumberish | Promise; data?: Arrayish | Promise; value?: BigNumberish | Promise; chainId?: number | Promise; }; export interface TransactionResponse extends Transaction { blockNumber?: number; blockHash?: string; timestamp?: number; from: string; wait: (timeout?: number) => Promise; } export interface TransactionReceipt { contractAddress?: string; transactionIndex?: number; root?: string; gasUsed?: BigNumber; logsBloom?: string; blockHash?: string; transactionHash?: string; logs?: Array; blockNumber?: number; cumulativeGasUsed?: BigNumber; byzantium: boolean; status?: number; } export type Filter = { fromBlock?: BlockTag; toBlock?: BlockTag; address?: string; topics?: Array; }; export interface Log { blockNumber?: number; blockHash?: string; transactionIndex?: number; removed?: boolean; transactionLogIndex?: number; address: string; data?: string; topics?: Array; transactionHash?: string; logIndex?: number; } export type Listener = (...args: Array) => void; export function checkTransactionResponse(transaction: any): TransactionResponse; export class ProviderSigner extends Signer { readonly provider: Provider; readonly signDigest: SignDigestFunc; constructor(address: string | Promise, signDigest: SignDigestFunc, provider: Provider); getAddress(): Promise; signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): Promise; sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; } export class Provider { protected _emitted: any; /** * ready * * A Promise that resolves only once the provider is ready. * * Sub-classes that call the super with a network without a chainId * MUST set this. Standard named networks have a known chainId. * */ protected ready: Promise; constructor(network: Networkish | Promise); resetEventsBlock(blockNumber: number): void; readonly network: Network; getNetwork(): Promise; readonly blockNumber: number; polling: boolean; pollingInterval: number; waitForTransaction(transactionHash: string, timeout?: number): Promise; getBlockNumber(): Promise; getGasPrice(): Promise; getBalance(addressOrName: string | Promise, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise): Promise; getTransactionCount(addressOrName: string | Promise, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise): Promise; getCode(addressOrName: string | Promise, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise): Promise; getStorageAt(addressOrName: string | Promise, position: BigNumberish | Promise, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise): Promise; sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise): Promise; call(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string | Promise): Promise; getTransaction(transactionHash: string): Promise; getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash: string): Promise; getLogs(filter: Filter): Promise>; getEtherPrice(): Promise; _resolveNames(object: any, keys: Array): Promise<{ [key: string]: string; }>; _getResolver(name: string): Promise; resolveName(name: string | Promise): Promise; lookupAddress(address: string | Promise): Promise; doPoll(): void; perform(method: string, params: any): Promise; _startPending(): void; _stopPending(): void; on(eventName: any, listener: Listener): Provider; once(eventName: any, listener: Listener): Provider; emit(eventName: any, ...args: Array): boolean; listenerCount(eventName?: any): number; listeners(eventName: any): Array; removeAllListeners(eventName: any): Provider; removeListener(eventName: any, listener: Listener): Provider; } } declare module 'ethers/providers/etherscan-provider' { import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionResponse } from 'ethers/providers/provider'; import { Networkish } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; export class EtherscanProvider extends Provider { readonly baseUrl: string; readonly apiKey: string; constructor(network?: Networkish, apiKey?: string); perform(method: string, params: any): Promise; getHistory(addressOrName: string | Promise, startBlock?: BlockTag, endBlock?: BlockTag): Promise>; } } declare module 'ethers/providers/fallback-provider' { import { Provider } from 'ethers/providers/provider'; export class FallbackProvider extends Provider { constructor(providers: Array); readonly providers: Array; perform(method: string, params: any): any; } } declare module 'ethers/providers/ipc-provider' { import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'ethers/providers/json-rpc-provider'; import { Networkish } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; export class IpcProvider extends JsonRpcProvider { readonly path: string; constructor(path: string, network?: Networkish); send(method: string, params: any): Promise; } } declare module 'ethers/providers/infura-provider' { import { JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcSigner } from 'ethers/providers/json-rpc-provider'; import { Networkish } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; export class InfuraProvider extends JsonRpcProvider { readonly apiAccessToken: string; constructor(network?: Networkish, apiAccessToken?: string); _startPending(): void; getSigner(address?: string): JsonRpcSigner; listAccounts(): Promise>; } } declare module 'ethers/providers/json-rpc-provider' { import { Networkish } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from 'ethers/providers/provider'; import { Signer } from 'ethers/wallet/wallet'; import { BigNumber } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; import { ConnectionInfo } from 'ethers/utils/web'; export function hexlifyTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): any; export class JsonRpcSigner extends Signer { readonly provider: JsonRpcProvider; constructor(provider: JsonRpcProvider, address?: string); readonly address: string; getAddress(): Promise; getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise; getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise; sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): Promise; unlock(password: string): Promise; } export class JsonRpcProvider extends Provider { readonly connection: ConnectionInfo; constructor(url?: ConnectionInfo | string, network?: Networkish); getSigner(address: string): JsonRpcSigner; listAccounts(): Promise>; send(method: string, params: any): Promise; perform(method: string, params: any): Promise; _startPending(): void; _stopPending(): void; } } declare module 'ethers/providers/web3-provider' { import { Networkish } from 'ethers/providers/networks'; import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'ethers/providers/json-rpc-provider'; export type Callback = (error: any, response: any) => void; export type AsyncProvider = { isMetaMask: boolean; host?: string; path?: string; sendAsync: (request: any, callback: Callback) => void; }; export class Web3Provider extends JsonRpcProvider { readonly _web3Provider: AsyncProvider; constructor(web3Provider: AsyncProvider, network?: Networkish); send(method: string, params: any): Promise; } } declare module 'ethers/utils/address' { import { BigNumber } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export function getAddress(address: string): string; export function getIcapAddress(address: string): string; export function getContractAddress(transaction: { from: string; nonce: Arrayish | BigNumber | number; }): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/abi-coder' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export type CoerceFunc = (type: string, value: any) => any; export type ParamType = { name?: string; type: string; indexed?: boolean; components?: Array; }; export const defaultCoerceFunc: CoerceFunc; export type EventFragment = { type: string; name: string; anonymous: boolean; inputs: Array; }; export type FunctionFragment = { type: string; name: string; constant: boolean; inputs: Array; outputs: Array; payable: boolean; stateMutability: string; }; export function parseParamType(type: string): ParamType; export function parseSignature(fragment: string): EventFragment | FunctionFragment; export class AbiCoder { readonly coerceFunc: CoerceFunc; constructor(coerceFunc?: CoerceFunc); encode(types: Array, values: Array): string; decode(types: Array, data: Arrayish): any; } export const defaultAbiCoder: AbiCoder; } declare module 'ethers/utils/base64' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export function decode(textData: string): Uint8Array; export function encode(data: Arrayish): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/bignumber' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export type BigNumberish = BigNumber | string | number | Arrayish; export class BigNumber { constructor(value: BigNumberish); fromTwos(value: number): BigNumber; toTwos(value: number): BigNumber; add(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber; sub(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber; div(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber; mul(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber; mod(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber; pow(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber; maskn(value: number): BigNumber; eq(other: BigNumberish): boolean; lt(other: BigNumberish): boolean; lte(other: BigNumberish): boolean; gt(other: BigNumberish): boolean; gte(other: BigNumberish): boolean; isZero(): boolean; toNumber(): number; toString(): string; toHexString(): string; } export function isBigNumber(value: any): boolean; export function bigNumberify(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber; export const ConstantNegativeOne: BigNumber; export const ConstantZero: BigNumber; export const ConstantOne: BigNumber; export const ConstantTwo: BigNumber; export const ConstantWeiPerEther: BigNumber; } declare module 'ethers/utils/bytes' { /** * Conversion Utilities * */ import { BigNumber } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { Signature } from 'ethers/utils/secp256k1'; export type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike; export function isArrayish(value: any): boolean; export function arrayify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber): Uint8Array; export function concat(objects: Array): Uint8Array; export function stripZeros(value: Arrayish): Uint8Array; export function padZeros(value: Arrayish, length: number): Uint8Array; export function isHexString(value: any, length?: number): boolean; export function hexlify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber | number): string; export function hexDataLength(data: string): number; export function hexDataSlice(data: string, offset: number, length?: number): string; export function hexStripZeros(value: string): string; export function hexZeroPad(value: string, length: number): string; export function splitSignature(signature: Arrayish): Signature; export function joinSignature(signature: Signature): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/hash' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export function namehash(name: string): string; export function id(text: string): string; export function hashMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/keccak256' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export function keccak256(data: Arrayish): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/sha2' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export function sha256(data: Arrayish): string; export function sha512(data: Arrayish): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/solidity' { export function pack(types: Array, values: Array): string; export function keccak256(types: Array, values: Array): string; export function sha256(types: Array, values: Array): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/random-bytes' { export function randomBytes(length: number): Uint8Array; } declare module 'ethers/utils/properties' { export function defineReadOnly(object: any, name: string, value: any): void; export function defineFrozen(object: any, name: string, value: any): void; export function resolveProperties(object: any): Promise; export function shallowCopy(object: any): any; export function jsonCopy(object: any): any; } declare module 'ethers/utils/rlp' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export function encode(object: any): string; export function decode(data: Arrayish): any; } declare module 'ethers/utils/utf8' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export enum UnicodeNormalizationForm { current = "", NFC = "NFC", NFD = "NFD", NFKC = "NFKC", NFKD = "NFKD" } export function toUtf8Bytes(str: string, form?: UnicodeNormalizationForm): Uint8Array; export function toUtf8String(bytes: Arrayish): string; } declare module 'ethers/utils/units' { import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; export function formatUnits(value: BigNumberish, unitType?: string | number, options?: any): string; export function parseUnits(value: string, unitType?: string | number): BigNumber; export function formatEther(wei: BigNumberish, options: any): string; export function parseEther(ether: string): BigNumber; } declare module 'ethers/utils/web' { export type ConnectionInfo = { url: string; user?: string; password?: string; allowInsecure?: boolean; }; export type ProcessFunc = (value: any) => any; export function fetchJson(connection: string | ConnectionInfo, json: string, processFunc: ProcessFunc): Promise; } declare module 'ethers/utils/transaction' { import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; import { Signature } from 'ethers/utils/secp256k1'; export type UnsignedTransaction = { to?: string; nonce?: number; gasLimit?: BigNumberish; gasPrice?: BigNumberish; data?: Arrayish; value?: BigNumberish; chainId?: number; }; export interface Transaction { hash?: string; to?: string; from?: string; nonce: number; gasLimit: BigNumber; gasPrice: BigNumber; data: string; value: BigNumber; chainId: number; r?: string; s?: string; v?: number; } export type SignDigestFunc = (digest: Arrayish) => Signature; export function sign(transaction: UnsignedTransaction, signDigest: SignDigestFunc): string; export function parse(rawTransaction: Arrayish): Transaction; } declare module 'ethers/wallet/wallet' { import { HDNode } from 'ethers/wallet/hdnode'; import { ProgressCallback } from 'ethers/wallet/secret-storage'; import { SigningKey } from 'ethers/wallet/signing-key'; import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest, TransactionResponse } from 'ethers/providers/provider'; import { Wordlist } from 'ethers/wordlists/wordlist'; import { BigNumber } from 'ethers/utils/bignumber'; import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export abstract class Signer { provider?: Provider; abstract getAddress(): Promise; abstract signMessage(transaction: Arrayish | string): Promise; abstract sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; } export class Wallet extends Signer { readonly provider: Provider; constructor(privateKey: SigningKey | HDNode | Arrayish, provider?: Provider); readonly address: string; readonly mnemonic: string; readonly path: string; readonly privateKey: string; /** * Create a new instance of this Wallet connected to provider. */ connect(provider: Provider): Wallet; getAddress(): Promise; sign(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): Promise; getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise; getTransactionCount(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise; sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise; encrypt(password: Arrayish | string, options: any, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise; /** * Static methods to create Wallet instances. */ static createRandom(options: any): Wallet; static fromEncryptedJson(json: string, password: Arrayish, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise; static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, path?: string, wordlist?: Wordlist): Wallet; /** * Determine if this is an encryped JSON wallet. */ static isEncryptedWallet(json: string): boolean; /** * Verify a signed message, returning the address of the signer. */ static verifyMessage(message: Arrayish | string, signature: string): string; } } declare module 'ethers/wallet/hdnode' { import { Wordlist } from 'ethers/wordlists/wordlist'; import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export const defaultPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"; export class HDNode { readonly privateKey: string; readonly publicKey: string; readonly mnemonic: string; readonly path: string; readonly chainCode: string; readonly index: number; readonly depth: number; /** * This constructor should not be called directly. * * Please use: * - fromMnemonic * - fromSeed */ constructor(privateKey: Arrayish, chainCode: Uint8Array, index: number, depth: number, mnemonic: string, path: string); derivePath(path: string): HDNode; } export function fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, wordlist?: Wordlist): HDNode; export function fromSeed(seed: Arrayish): HDNode; export function mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic: string, password?: string): string; export function mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic: string, wordlist?: Wordlist): string; export function entropyToMnemonic(entropy: Arrayish, wordlist?: Wordlist): string; export function isValidMnemonic(mnemonic: string, wordlist?: Wordlist): boolean; } declare module 'ethers/wallet/signing-key' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; import { HDNode } from 'ethers/wallet/hdnode'; import { Signature } from 'ethers/utils/secp256k1'; export class SigningKey { readonly privateKey: string; readonly publicKey: string; readonly address: string; readonly mnemonic: string; readonly path: string; constructor(privateKey: Arrayish | HDNode); signDigest(digest: Arrayish): Signature; } export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string; export function computeAddress(key: string): string; } declare module 'ethers/wordlists/wordlist' { export abstract class Wordlist { locale: string; constructor(locale: string); abstract getWord(index: number): string; abstract getWordIndex(word: string): number; split(mnemonic: string): Array; join(words: Array): string; } export function register(lang: Wordlist): void; } declare module 'ethers/utils/secp256k1' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; export const N: string; export interface Signature { r: string; s: string; recoveryParam: number; v?: number; } export class KeyPair { readonly privateKey: string; readonly publicKey: string; readonly compressedPublicKey: string; readonly publicKeyBytes: Uint8Array; constructor(privateKey: Arrayish); sign(digest: Arrayish): Signature; } export function recoverPublicKey(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string; export function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string; export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string; export function computeAddress(key: string): string; } declare module 'ethers/wallet/secret-storage' { import { Arrayish } from 'ethers/utils/bytes'; import { SigningKey } from 'ethers/wallet/signing-key'; export interface ProgressCallback { (percent: number): void; } export function isCrowdsaleWallet(json: string): boolean; export function isValidWallet(json: string): boolean; export function decryptCrowdsale(json: string, password: Arrayish | string): SigningKey; export function decrypt(json: string, password: Arrayish, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise; export type EncryptOptions = { iv?: Arrayish; entropy?: Arrayish; mnemonic?: string; path?: string; client?: string; salt?: Arrayish; uuid?: string; scrypt?: { N?: number; r?: number; p?: number; }; }; export function encrypt(privateKey: Arrayish | SigningKey, password: Arrayish | string, options?: EncryptOptions, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise; }