mirror of synced 2025-02-23 19:48:28 +00:00

Added initial flatworm documentation stubs.

This commit is contained in:
Richard Moore 2019-08-21 01:53:47 -04:00
parent 57bf997d33
commit 0333a76f4f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 665176BE8E9DC651
107 changed files with 5314 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
_title: Contracts
_null: Contract @<contract>
_section: Contracts
Explain what contracts are...
_subsection: Buckets

docs.wrm/api/index.wrm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
_title: Application Programming Interface
_section: Application Programming Interface (API)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
_title: API Providers
_section: API Providers
There are many services which offer a web API for accessing
the Ethereum Blockchain. These Providers allow connecting
to them, which simplifies development, since you do not need
to run your own instance or cluster of Ethereum nodes.
However, this reliance on third-party services can reduce
resiliance, security and increase the amount of required trust.
To mitigate these issues, it is recommended you use a
[Default Provider](get-default-provider).
_subsection: EtherscanProvider
Tra la la...
_subsection: InfuraProvider
Tra la la...
_subsection: NodesmithProvider
Tra la la...
_subsection: AlchemyProvider
Tra la la...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// <hide>
const { ethers } = require("./packages/ethers");
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider()
function _inspect(result) {
if (ethers.BigNumber.isBigNumber(result)) {
return `{ BigNumber: ${ JSON.stringify(result.toString()) } }`;
return JSON.stringify(result);
// </hide>
// Get the balance for an account...
// Get the code for a contract...
// Get the storage value at position 0...
provider.getStorageAt("registrar.firefly.eth", 0)
// Get transaction count of an account...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// <hide>
const { ethers } = require("./packages/ethers");
const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider()
// </hide>
// Reverse lookup of an ENS by address...
// Lookup an address of an ENS name...

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
_title: Providers
_section: Providers
A **Provider** is an abstraction of a connection to the
Ethereum network, providing a concise, consistent interface
to standard Ethereum node functionality.
The ethers.js library provides several options which should
cover the vast majority of use-cases, but also includes the
necessary functions and classes for sub-classing if a more
custom configuration is necessary.
Most users should be able to simply use the [[get-default-provider]].
_subsection: Default Provider @<get-default-provider>
The default provider is the safest, easiest way to begin
developing on //Ethereum//, and it is also robust enough
for use in production.
It creates a [[provider-fallback]] connected to as many backend
services as possible. When a request is made, it is sent to
multiple backends simulatenously. As responses from each backend
are returned, they are checked that they agree. Once a quorum
has been reached (i.e. enough of the backends agree), the response
is provided to your application.
This ensures that if a backend has become out-of-sync, or if it
has been compromised that its responses are dropped in favor of
responses that match the majority.
_property: ethers.getDefaultProvider([ network ]) => [[provider]]
Returns a new Provider, backed by multiple services, connected
to //network//. Is no //network// is provided, **homestead**
(i.e. mainnet) is used.
_subsection: Provider Documentation

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
_title: JSON-RPC Provider
_section: JSON-RPC Provider
Explain here...
_subsection: JsonRpcProvider @<jsonrpc-provider>
_property: provider.getSigner([ addressOrIndex ]) => [[jsonrpc-signer]]
Returns a [[jsonrpc-signer]] which is managed by this Ethereum node, at
//addressOrIndex//. If no //addressOrIndex// is provided, the first
account (account #0) is used.
_property: provider.getUncheckSigner([ addressOrIndex ]) => [[jsonrpc-uncheckedsigner]]
_subsection: JsonRpcSigner @<jsonrpc-signer>
TODO... Explain
_subsection: JsonRpcUncheckedSigner @<jsonrpc-uncheckedsigner>
TODO... Explain

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
_title: Other Providers
_section: Other Providers
_subsection: FallbackProvider @<provider-fallback>
_heading: Properties
_property: provider.providers => Array<[[provider]]>
The list of Providers this is connected to.
_property: provider.quorum => number
The quorum the backend responses must agree upon before a result will be
resolved. By default this is //half the sum of the weights//.
_property: provider.weights => Array<number>
The weight each of the Providers adds to a results acceptance.
_subsection: IpcProvider @<provider-ipc>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
_title: Abstract Provider
_section: Provider @<provider>
Explain what a provider is...
_subsection: Accounts Methods
_property: provider.getBalance(address [ , blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise<[[bignumber]]>
Returns the balance of //address// as of the //blockTag// block height.
_property: provider.getCode(address [ , blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise<[[hexstring]]>
Returns the contract code of //address// as of the //blockTag// block height. If there is
no contract currently deployed, the result is ``0x``.
_property: provider.getStorageAt(address, position [ , blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise<[[hexstring]]>
Returns the ``Bytes32`` value of the //position// at //address//, as of the //blockTag//.
_property: provider.getTransactionCount(address [ , blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise<number>
Returns the number of transactions //address// has ever **sent**, as of //blockTag//.
This value is required to be the nonce for the next transaction from //address//
sent to the network.
_heading: Examples
_code: example-account.js
_subsection: Blocks Methods
_property: provider.getBlock(block) => Promise<[[provider-block]]>
Get the //block// from the network, where the ``result.transactions`` is a list
of transaction hashes.
_property: provider.getBlockWithTransactions(block) => Promise<[[provider-blocktxs]]>
Get the //block// from the network, where the ``result.transactions`` is
an Array of [[provider-transactionresponse]] objects.
_subsection: Ethereum Naming Service (ENS) Methods
TODO: Explain ENS here...
_property: provider.lookupAddress(address) => Promise<string>
Performs a reverse lookup of the //address// in ENS using the
//Reverse Registrar//. If the name does not exist, or the
forward lookup does not match, ``null`` is returned.
_property: provider.resovleName(name) => Promise<string>
Looks up the address of //name//. If the name is not owned, or
does not have a //Resolver// configured, or the //Resolver// does
not have an address configured, ``null`` is returned.
_heading: Examples
_code: example-ens.js
_subsection: Logs Methods
_property: provider.getLogs(filter) => Promise<Array<[[provider-log]]>>
Returns the Array of [[provider-log]] matching the //filter//.
Keep in mind that many backends will discard old events, and that requests
which are too broad may get dropped as they require too many resources to
execute the query.
_subsection: Network Status Methods
_property: provider.getNetwork() => Promise<[[provider-network]]>
Returns the [[provider-network]] this Provider is connected to.
_property: provider.getBlockNumber() => Promise<number>
Returns the block number (or height) of the most recently mined block.
_property: provider.getGasPrice() => Promise<[[bignumber]]>
Returns a //best guess// of the [[gas-price]] to use in a transaction.
_subsection: Transactions Methods
_property: provider.call(transaction [ , blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise<[[hexstring]]>
Returns the result of executing the //transaction//, using //call//. A call
does not require any ether, but cannot change any state. This is useful
for calling gettings on Contracts.
_property: provider.estimateGas(transaction) => Promise<[[bignumber]]>
Returns an estimate of the amount of gas that would be required to submit //transaction//
to the network.
An estimate may not be accurate since there could be another transaction
on the network that was not accounted for, but after being mined affected
relevant state.
_property: provider.sendTransaction(transaction) => Promise<[[provider-transactionresponse]]>
Submits //transaction// to the network to be mined. The //transaction// **must** be signed,
and be valid (i.e. the nonce is correct and the account has sufficient balance to pay
for the transaction).
_property: provider.waitForTransaction(transactionHash) => Promise<[[provider-transactionreceipt]]>
Returns a Promise which will not resolve until //transactionHash// is mined.
_subsection: Event Emitter Methods
Explain events here...
_property: provider.on(eventName, listener) => this
Add a //listener// to be triggered for each //eventName//.
_property: provider.once(eventName, listener) => this
Add a //listener// to be triggered for only the next //eventName//,
at which time it be removed.
_property: provider.emit(eventName, ...args) => boolean
Notify all listeners of //eventName//, passing //args// to each listener. This
is generally only used internally.
_property: provider.off(eventName [ , listener ]) => this
Remove a //listener// for //eventName//. If no //listener// is provided,
all listeners for //eventName// are removed.
_property: provider.removeAllListeners([ eventName ]) => this
Remove all the listeners for //eventName//. If no //eventName// is provided,
**all** events are removed.
_property: provider.listenerCount([ eventName ]) => number
Returns the number of listeners for //eventName//. If no //eventName// is
provided, the total number of listeners is returned.
_property: provider.listeners(eventName) => Array<Listener>
Returns the list of Listeners for //eventName//.
_subsection: Inspection Methods
_property: Provider.isProvider(object) => boolean
Returns true if and only if object is a Provider.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
_title: Types
_section: Types
_heading: BlockTag @<provider-blocktag>
A **BlockTag** specifies a specific location in the Blockchain.
- **``"latest"``** -- The most recently mined block
- **``"earliest"``** -- Block #0
- **``"pending"``** -- The block currently being prepared for mining; not all
operations support this BlockTag
- **//number//** -- The block at this height
- **//a negative number//** -- The block this many blocks ago
_heading: Network @<provider-network>
A **Network** represents an Etherem network.
- **name** -- The human-readable name of the network
- **chainId** -- The Chain ID of the network
- **ensAddress** -- The address at which the ENS registry is deployed
_subsection: Blocks
_heading: Block @<provider-block>
_heading: BlockWithTransactions @<provider-blocktxs>
_subsection: Events and Logs
_heading: EventFilter
_heading: EventType
_heading: Filter
_heading: FilterByBlockHash
_heading: Log @<provider-log>
A network...
_subsection: Transactions
_heading: TransactionRequest @<provider-transactionrequest>
A transaction request describes a transaction that is to
be sent to the network or otherwise processed.
It contains the fields:
- **to** --- target address
- **from** --- target address
- **nonce** --- target address
- **gasLimit** --- target address
- **gasPrice** --- target address
- **data** --- target address
- **value** --- target address
- **chainId** --- target address
All fields are optional and may be a promise which resolves
to the required type.
_heading: TransactionResponse @<provider-transactionresponse>
A **TransactionResponse** ..
_heading: TransactionReceipt @<provider-transactionreceipt>

docs.wrm/api/signer.wrm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
_title: Signer
_section: Signers
Tra la la...
_subsection: Signer
_property: signer.connect(provider) => Signer
_heading: Blockchain Methods
_property: signer.getBalance([ blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise(BigNumber)
_property: signer.getTransactionCount([ blockTag = "latest" ]) => Promise(number)
_subsection: Wallet inherits Signer
Wallet is...
_heading: Creating an Instance
_property: new ethers.Wallet(privateKey [ , provider ])
_property: Wallet.fromEncryptedJson(json, password)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
_title: Addresses
_section: Addresses
Explain addresses,formats and checksumming here.
Also see: [Constants.AddressZero](constants)
_heading: Functions
_property: utils.getAddress(address) => string
_property: utils.isAddress(address) => boolean
_property: utils.getIcapAddress(address) => string
_property: utils.getContractAddress(transaction) => string

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// <hide>
const { BigNumber } = require("./packages/ethers");
const { constants } = require("./packages/ethers");
function _inspect(result) {
if (BigNumber.isBigNumber(result)) {
return `{ BigNumber: ${ JSON.stringify(result.toString()) } }`;
return result;
// </hide>
// From a decimal string...
// From a hexstring...
// From a negative hexstring...
// From an Array (or Uint8Array)...
BigNumber.from([ 42 ])
// From an existing BigNumber...
let one1 = constants.One;
let one2 = BigNumber.from(one1)
// ...which returns the same instance
one1 === one2
// From a (safe) number...
// From a ES2015 BigInt... (only on platforms with BigInt support)
// Numbers outside the safe range fail:
//! error

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
// <hide>
const { BigNumber } = require("./packages/ethers");
function _inspect(result) {
if (BigNumber.isBigNumber(result)) {
return `{ BigNumber: ${ JSON.stringify(result.toString()) } }`;
return result;
// </hide>
let a = BigNumber.from(42);
let b = BigNumber.from("91");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 2 - 2) == (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// CommonJS:
// From the Umbrella ethers package...
const { BigNumber } = require("ethers");
// From the bignumber pacakge...
const { BigNumber } = require("@ethersproject/bignumber");
// ES6 and TypeScript:
// From the Umbrella ethers package...
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
// From the bignumber pacakge...
import { BigNumber } from "@ethersproject/bignumber";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
_title: Big Number
_section: BigNumber @<bignumber>
Explain about BigNumber here...
_heading: Importing
_code: bignumber-import.source
_subsection: Types
_heading: BigNumberish @<bignumberish>
Many functions and methods in this library take in values which
can be non-ambiguously and safely converted to a BigNumber. These
values can be sepcified as:
_definition: **//string//**
A [hexstring](hexstring) or a decimal string, either of which may
be negative.
_definition: **//BytesLike//**
A [BytesLike](byteslike) Object, such as an Array or Uint8Array.
_definition: **//BigNumber//**
An existing BigNumber instance.
_definition: **//number//**
A number that is within the safe range for JavaScript numbers.
_definition: **//BigInt//**
A JavaScript [BigInt](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt)
object, on environments that support BigInt.
_subsection: Creating Instances
The constructor of BigNumber cannot be called directly. Instead, Use the static ``BigNumber.from``.
_property: BigNumber.from(aBigNumberish) => [[bignumber]]
Returns an instance of a **BigNumber** for //aBigNumberish//.
_heading: Examples:
_code: bignumber-create.js
_subsection: Methods
The BigNumber class is immutable, so no operations can change the value
it represents.
_heading: Math Operations
_property: bignumber.add(otherValue) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// **+** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.sub(otherValue) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// **&ndash;** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.mul(otherValue) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// **&times;** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.div(divisor) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// **&#247;** //divisor//.
_property: bignumber.mod(divisor) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of the **remainder** of //bignumber// &#247; //divisor//.
_property: bignumber.pow(exponent) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// to the power of //exponent//.
_property: bignumber.abs() => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the absolute value of //bignumber//.
_property: bignumber.maskn(bitcount) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// with bits beyond
the //bitcount// least significant bits set to zero.
_heading: Two's Compliment
[Two's Complicment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement)
is a method used to encode and decode fixed-width values which can be
positive or negative, without requiring a separate sign bit. Most users
will not need to interact with these.
_property: bignumber.fromTwos(bitwidth) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// converted from twos-compliment with //bitwidth//.
_property: bignumber.toTwos(bitwidth) => [[bignumber]]
Returns a BigNumber with the value of //bignumber// converted to twos-compliment with //bitwidth//.
_heading: Comparison and Equivalence
_property: bignumber.eq(otherValue) => boolean
Returns true if and only if the value of //bignumber// is equal to //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.lt(otherValue) => boolean
Returns true if and only if the value of //bignumber// **<** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.lte(otherValue) => boolean
Returns true if and only if the value of //bignumber// **&le;** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.gt(otherValue) => boolean
Returns true if and only if the value of //bignumber// **>** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.gte(otherValue) => boolean
Returns true if and only if the value of //bignumber// **&ge;** //otherValue//.
_property: bignumber.isZero() => boolean
Returns true if and only if the value of //bignumber// is zero.
_heading: Conversion
_property: bignumber.toNumber() => number
Returns the value of //bignumber// as a JavaScript value.
This will **throw an error**
if the value is greater than or equal to //Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER// or less than or
equal to //Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER//.
_property: bignumber.toString() => string
Returns the value of //bignumber// as a base-10 string.
_property: bignumber.toHexString() => string
Returns the value of //bignumber// as a base-16, `0x`-prefixed [hexstring](hexstring).
_heading: Inspection
_property: BigNumnber.isBigNumber(object) => boolean
Returns true if and only if the //object// is a BigNumber object.
_heading: Examples
_code: bignumber-examples.js
_subsection: Notes
A few short notes on numbers...
_heading: Why can't I just use numbers?
The first problem many encounter when dealing with Ethereum is
the concept of numbers. Most common currencies are broken down
with very little granularity. For example, there are only 100
cents in a single dollar. However, there are 10^^18^^ **wei** in a
single **ether**.
JavaScript uses [IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format)
numbers to represent numeric values. As a result, there are //holes//
in the integer set after 9,007,199,254,740,991; which is
problematic for //Ethereum// because that is only around 0.009
ether (in wei), which means any value over that will begin to
experience rounding errors.
To demonstrate how this may be an issue in your code, consider:
_code: bignumber-ieee754.js
To remedy this, all numbers (which can be large) are stored
and manipulated as [Big Numbers](bignumber).
The functions [parseEther( etherString )](http://linkto) and
[formatEther( wei )](http://linkto) can be used to convert
between string representations, which are displayed to or entered
by the user and Big Number representations which can have
mathematical operations handled safely.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// <hide>
const { ethers } = require("./packages/ethers");
const { arrayify, hexlify, hexValue } = ethers.utils;
function _inspect(result) {
if (result && typeof(result.length) === "number" && typeof(result) !== "string") {
return "[ " + Array.prototype.map.call(result, (i) => _inspect(i)).join(", ") + " ]";
return result;
// </hide>
// Convert a hexstring to a Uint8Array
// Convert an Array to a hexstring
hexlify([1, 2, 3, 4])
// Convert an Object to a hexstring
hexlify({ length: 2, "0": 1, "1": 2 })
// Convert an Array to a hexstring
hexlify([ 1 ])
// Convert a number to a stripped hex value
// Convert an Array to a stripped hex value
hexValue([ 1, 2 ])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
_title: Byte Manipulation
_section: Byte Manipulation
Tra la la...
_subsection: Types
_heading: Bytes @<bytes>
A Bytes object is any object which is an
[Array](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) or
[TypedArray](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray) with
each value in the valid byte range (i.e. between 0 and 255 inclusive),
or is an Object with a ``length`` property where each indexed property
is in the valid byte range.
_heading: BytesLike @<byteslike>
A **BytesLike** can be either a [[bytes]] or a [[hexstring]].
_heading: Hexstring @<hexstring>
A **hexstring** is a string which has a ``0x`` prefix followed by
_heading: Signature @<signature>
- **r** and **s** --- The x co-ordinate of **r** and the **s** value of the signature
- **v** --- The parity of the y co-ordinate of **r**
- **_vs** --- The [compact representation](https://link_here) of the **(r, s)** and **v**
- **recoveryParam** --- The normalized (i.e. 0 or 1) value of **v**
_heading: SignatureLike @<signaturelike>
A **SignatureLike** is similar to a [[signature]], except redundant properties
may be omitted.
For example, if *_vs* is specified, **(r, s)** and **v** can be omitted. Likewise,
if **recoverParam** is provided, **v** can be omitted (as it can be computed).
_subsection: Inspection
_property: utils.isBytes(object) => boolean
Returns true if and only if //object// is a valid [[bytes]].
_property: utils.isBytesLike(object) => boolean
Returns true if and only if //object// is a [[bytes]] or an Array or TypedArray
where each value is a valid byte (i.e. between 0 and 255 inclusive).
_property: utils.isHexString(object, [ length ] ) => boolean
Returns true if and only if //object// is a valid hex string;
if //length// is specified the length (in bytes) is also verified.
_subsection: Converting between Arrays and Hexstrings
_property: utils.arrayify(hexstringOrArrayish [ , options ]) => Uint8Array
Converts //hexstringOrArrayish// to a Uint8Array. If a [[hexstring]]
is passed in, the length must be even.
_property: utils.hexlify(hexstringOrArrayish) => string
Converts //hexstringOrArrayish// to a [[hexstring]]. The result
will always be zero-padded to even length.
_property: utils.hexValue(aBigNumberish) => string
Converts //aBigNumberish// to a [[hexstring]], with no unecessary leading
zeros. The result of this function can be of odd-length.
_heading: Examples
_code: bytes-conversion.js
_subsection: Array Manipulation
_property: utils.concat(arrayOfBytesLike) => Uint8Array
Concatenates all the [[byteslike]] in //arrayOfBytesLike//
into a single Uint8Array.
_property: utils.stripZeros(aBytesLike) => Uint8Array
Concatenates all the [[byteslike]] in //arrayOfBytesLike//
_property: utils.zeroPad(aBytesLike, length) => Uint8Array
Concatenates all the [[byteslike]] in //arrayOfBytesLike//
_subsection: Hexstring Manipulation
_property: utils.hexConcat(arrayOfBytesLike) => string
Concatenates all the [[byteslike]] in //arrayOfBytesLike//
into a single [[hexstring]]
_property: utils.hexDataLength(aBytesLike) => number
Returns the length (in bytes) of //aBytesLike//.
This will **throw and error** if //aBytesLike// is a [[hexstring]]
but is of odd-length.
_property: utils.hexDataSlice(aBytesLike, offset [ , endOffset ] ) => string
Returns the length (in bytes) of //aBytesLike//.
_property: utils.hexStripZeros(aBytesLike) => string
_property: utils.hexZeroPad(aBytesLike, length) => string
_subsection: Signature Conversion
_property: utils.joinSignature(aSignatureLike) => string
Return the flat-format of a [[signaturelike]], which is
65 bytes (130 nibbles) long, concatenating the **r**, **s** and **v**
of a Signature.
_property: utils.splitSignature(aSignatureLikeOrBytesLike) => Signature
Return the full expanded-format of a [[signaturelike]] or
a flat-format [[hexstring]]. Any missing properties will be

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
//const { constants } = require("ethers");
// const { constants } = require("@ethersproject/constants");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
_title: Constants
_section: Constants @<constants>
The **ethers.contants** Object contains commonly used values.
_heading: Importing
_code: constants-import.js
_subsection: Bytes
_property: constants.AddressZero
The Address Zero, which is 20 bytes (40 nibbles) of zero.
_property: constants.HashZero
The Hash Zero, which is 32 bytes (64 nibbles) of zero.
_subsection: Strings
_property: constants.EtherSymbol
The Ether symbol, **&Xi;**.
_subsection: BigNumber
_property: constants.NegativeOne
The BigNumber value representing ``"-1"``.
_property: constants.Zero
The BigNumber value representing ``"0"``.
_property: constants.One
The BigNumber value representing ``"1"``.
_property: constants.Two
The BigNumber value representing ``"2"``.
_property: constants.WeiPerEther
The BigNumber value representing ``"1000000000000000000"``, which is the
number of Wei per Ether.
_property: constants.MaxUint256
The BigNumber value representing the maximum ``uint256`` value.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
_title: Display Logic and Input
_section: Display Logic and Input
When creating an Application, it is useful to convert between
user-friendly strings (usually displaying **ether**) and the
machine-readable values that contracts and maths depend on
(usually in **wei**).
For example, a Wallet may specify the balance in ether, and
gas prices in gwei for the User Interface, but when sending
a transaction, both must be specified in wei.
The [parseUnits](unit-conversion) will parse a string representing
ether, such as ``1.1`` into a [BigNumber](bignumber) in wei, and is
useful when a user types in a value, such as sending 1.1 ether.
The [formatUnits](unit-conversion) will format a [BigNumberish](bignumberish)
into a string, which is useful when displaying a balance.
_subsection: Units
_heading: Decimal Count
The //unit// specified may be an integer, which indicates how
many decimal place the unit has. For example, 1 ether has 18 decimal
places for wei, and if this library were used with Bitcoin, 1 BTC
has 8 decimal places for satoshis.
_heading: Named Units
In addition to specifying //unit// as a number of decimals, there
are several common units, which can be passed in as a string:
- **wei** --- 0
- **kwei** --- 3
- **mwei** --- 6
- **gwei** --- 9
- **szabo** --- 12
- **finney** --- 15
- **ether** --- 18
_subsection: Functions
_heading: Formatting
_property: utils.commify(value) => string
Returns a string with value grouped by 3 digits, separated by ``,``.
_heading: Conversion @<unit-conversion>
_property: utils.formatUnits(value [ , unit = "ether" ] ) => string
Returns a string representation of //value// formatted with //unit//
digits (if it is a number) or to the unit specified (if a string).
_property: utils.formatEther(value) => string
The equivalent to calling ``formatUnits(value, "ether")``.
_property: utils.parseUnits(value [ , unit = "ether" ] ) => [BigNumber](bignumber)
Returns a [BigNumber](bignumber) representation of //value//, parsed with
//unit// digits (if it is a number) or from the unit specified (if
a string).
_property: utils.parseEther(value) => [BigNumber](bignumber)
The equivalent to calling ``parseUnits(value, "ether")``.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
_title: Fixed Number
_section: FixedNumber @<fixednumber>
_subsection: Types
_heading: FixedFormat @<fixedformat>
_definition: **//"fixed"//**
A shorthand for ``fixed128x80``.
_subsection: Creating Instances
The FixedNumber constructor cannot be called directly. There are several
static methods for creating a FixedNumber.
_property: BigNumber.from(value [ , format = "fixed" ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// as a //format//.
_property: BigNumber.fromBytes(aBytesLike [ , format = "fixed" ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// as a //format//.
_property: BigNumber.fromString(value [ , format = "fixed" ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// as a //format//. The //value// must
not contain more decimals than the //format// permits.
_property: BigNumber.fromValue(value [ , decimals = 0 [ , format = "fixed" ] ] ) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for //value// with //decimals// as a //format//.
_subsection: Properties
_property: fixednumber.format
The [FixedFormat](fixedformat) of //fixednumber//.
_subsection: Methods
_heading: Math Operations
_property: fixednumber.addUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **+** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.subUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **&ndash;** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.mulUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **&times;** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.divUnsafe(otherValue) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// **&#247;** //otherValue//.
_property: fixednumber.round([ decimals = 0 ]) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// rounded to //decimals//.
_heading: Conversion
_property: fixednumber.toFormat(format) => [[fixednumber]]
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of //fixedvalue// with //format//.
_property: fixednumber.toHexString() => string
Returns a [Hexstring](hexstring) representation of //fixednumber//.
_property: fixednumber.toString() => string
Returns a string representation of //fixednumber//.
_property: fixednumber.toUnsafeFloat() => float
Returns a floating-point JavaScript number value of //fixednumber//.
Due to rounding in JavaScript numbers, the value is only approximate.
_heading: Inspection
_property: BigNumber.isFixedNumber(value) => boolean
Returns true if and only if //value// is a **FixedNumber**.

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
_title: Hashing
_section: Hashing Algorithms
Explain what hash functions are?
_subsection: Cryptographic Hashing
The [Cryptographic Hash Functions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function)
are a specific family of hash functions.
_property: utils.keccak256(aBytesLike) => string
Returns the [KECCAK256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-3) digest //aBytesLike//.
_property: utils.ripemd160(aBytesLike) => string
Returns the [RIPEMD-160](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIPEMD) digest of //aBytesLike//.
_property: utils.sha256(aBytesLike) => string
Returns the [SHA2-256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) digest of //aBytesLike//.
_property: utils.sha512(aBytesLike) => string
Returns the [SHA2-512](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) digest of //aBytesLike//.
_property: utils.computeHmac(algorithm, key, data) => string
Returns the [HMAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC) of //data// with //key//
using the [Algorithm](supported-algorithm) //algorithm//.
_heading: HMAC Supported Algorithms @<supported-algorithm>
_property: utils.SupportedAlgorithms.sha256
Use the [SHA2-256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) hash algorithm.
_property: utils.SupportedAlgorithms.sha512
Use the [SHA2-512](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) hash algorithm.
_subsection: Common Hashing Helpers
_property: utils.hashMessage(message) => string
Computes the Ethereum message digest of //message//. Ethereum messages are
converted to UTF-8 bytes and prefixed with ``\x19Ethereum Signed Message:``
and the length of //message//.
_property: utils.id(text) => string
The Ethereum Identity function computs the keccak256 hash of the //text// bytes.
_property: utils.namehash(name) => string
Returns the [ENS Namehash](https://docs.ens.domains/contract-api-reference/name-processing#hashing-names) of //name//.
_subsection: Solidity Hashing Algorithms
When using the Solidity ``abi.packEncoded(...)`` function, a non-standard
//tightly packed// version of encoding is used. These functions implement
the tightly packing algorithm.
_property: utils.solidityPack(arrayOfTypes, arrayOfValues) => string
Returns the non-standard encoded //arrayOfValues// packed according to
their respecive type in //arrayOfTypes//.
_property: utils.solidityKeccak256(arrayOfTypes, arrayOfValues) => string
Returns the KECCAK256 of the non-standard encoded //arrayOfValues// packed
according to their respective type in //arrayOfTypes//.
_property: utils.soliditySha256(arrayOfTypes, arrayOfValues) => string
Returns the SHA2-256 of the non-standard encoded //arrayOfValues// packed
according to their respective type in //arrayOfTypes//.

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
_title: Utilities
_section: Utilities
These utilities are used extensively within the library, but
are also quite useful for application developers.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
_title: Strings
_section: Strings
Tra la la
_subsection: Bytes32String @<bytes32-string>
A string in Solidity is length prefixed with its 256-bit (32 byte)
length, which means that even short strings require 2 words (64 bytes)
of storage.
In many cases, we deal with short strings, so instead of prefixing
the string with its length, we can null-terminate it and fit it in a
single word (32 bytes). Since we need only a single byte for the
null termination, we can store strings up to 31 bytes long in a
_definition: **Note:**
Strings that are 31 __//bytes//__ long may contain fewer than 31 __//characters//__,
since UTF-8 requires multiple bytes to encode international characters.
_property: utils.parseBytes32String(aBytesLike) => string
Returns the decoded string represented by the ``Bytes32`` encoded data.
_property: utils.formatBytes32String(text) => string
Returns a ``bytes32`` string representation of //text//. If the
length of //text// exceeds 31 bytes, it will throw an error.
_subsection: UTF-8 Strings @<utf8-string>
_property: utils.toUtf8Bytes(text [ , form = current ] ) => Uint8Array
Returns the UTF-8 bytes of //text//, optionally normalizing it using the
[[unicode-normalization-form]] //form//.
_property: utils.toUtf8CodePoints(aBytesLike [ , form = current ] ) => Array<number>
Returns the Array of codepoints of //aBytesLike//, optionally normalizing it using the
[[unicode-normalization-form]] //form//.
**Note:** This function correctly splits each user-perceived character into
its codepoint, accounting for surrogate pairs. This should not be confused with
``string.split("")``, which destroys surrogate pairs, spliting between each UTF-16
codeunit instead.
_property: utils.toUtf8String(aBytesLike [ , ignoreErrors = false ] ) => string
Returns the string represented by the UTF-8 bytes of //aBytesLike//. This will
throw an error for invalid surrogates, overlong sequences or other UTF-8 issues,
unless //ignoreErrors// is specified.
_heading: UnicodeNormalizationForm @<unicode-normalization-form>
There are several [commonly used forms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_equivalence)
when normalizing UTF-8 data, which allow strings to be compared or hashed in a stable
_property: utils.UnicodeNormalizationForm.current
Maintain the current normalization form.
_property: utils.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFC
The Composed Normalization Form. This form uses single codepoints
which represent the fully composed character.
For example, the **&eacute;** is a single codepoint, ``0x00e9``.
_property: utils.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFD
The Decomposed Normalization Form. This form uses multiple codepoints
(when necessary) to compose a character.
For example, the **&eacute;**
is made up of two codepoints, ``"0x0065"`` (which is the letter ``"e"``)
and ``"0x0301"`` which is a special diacritic UTF-8 codepoint which
indicates the previous character should have an acute accent.
_property: utils.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFKC
The Composed Normalization Form with Canonical Equivalence. The Canonical
representation folds characters which have the same syntactic representation
but different semantic meaning.
For example, the Roman Numeral **I**, which has a UTF-8
codepoint ``"0x2160"``, is folded into the capital letter I, ``"0x0049"``.
_property: utils.UnicodeNormalizationForm.NFKD
The Decomposed Normalization Form with Canonical Equivalence.
See NFKC for more an example.
_definition: **Note:**
Only certain specified characters are folded in Canonical Equivalence, and thus
it should not be considered a method to acheive //any// level of security from
[homoglyph attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDN_homograph_attack).

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
_title: Events
_section: Events
Explain how topics and such work

docs.wrm/concepts/gas.wrm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
_title: Gas
_section: Gas
_subsection: Gas Price @<gas-price>
The gas price is used somewhat like a bid, indicating an amount
you are willing to pay (per unit of execution) to have your transaction
_subsection: Gas Limit @<gas-limit>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
_title: Concepts
_section: Concepts
This is a very breif overview of some aspects of //Ethereum//
which developers can make use of or should be aware of.

docs.wrm/contributing.wrm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
_title: Contributing and Hacking
_section: Contributing and Hacking
The ethers.js library is something that I've written out of necessity,
and has grown somewhat organically over time.
Many things are the way they are for good (at the time, at least) reasons,
but I always welcome criticism, and am completely willing to have my mind
changed on things.
So, pull requests are always welcome, but please keep a few points in mind:
- Backwards-compatibility-breaking changes will not be accepted; they may be
considered for the next major version
- Security is important; adding dependencies require fairly convincing
arguments as to why
- The library aims to be lean, so keep an eye on the dist/ethers.min.js
file size before and after your changes
- Add test cases for both expected and unexpected input
- Any new features need to be supported by me (future issues, documentation,
testing, migration), so anything that is overly complicated or specific
may not be accepted
In general, **please start an issue //before// beginning a pull request**, so we can
have a public discussion and figure out the best way to address to problem/feature.
_subsection: Building
use npm run auto-build
use npm run update-version

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
_title: Cookbook
_section: Cookbook

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
_section: Hello World @<link-to-this-section>
_subsection: Some Example @<link-to-this-subsection>
_heading: Large Bold Text @<link-to-this-heading>
_definition: Flatworm
A phylum of relatively **simple** bilaterian, unsegmented,
soft-bodied invertebrates.
_property: String.fromCharCode(code) => string
Returns a string created from //code//, a sequence of
UTF-16 code units.
_code: filename.js
This breaks out of a directive. For example, to end a
_definition and reset the indentation.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DIRECTIVE: The directive name
VALUE: Optional; the value to pass to the directive
LINK: Optional; a name for internal linking
BODY: Optional; the directive body (certain directives only)

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
_title: Flatworm Docs
_section: Flatworm Docs
The //Flatworm Docs// rendering script is designed to be **very**
simple, but provide enough formatting necessary for documenting
JavaScript libraries.
A lot of its inspiration came from [Read the Docs](https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme) and
the [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/) project.
_subsection: Fragments
Flatworm Docs are made up of fragments. A fragment is either a lone
body of [markdown](flatworm-markdown) text, or a
[directive](flatworm-directive) for specialized formatting, which may
itself have body.
_heading: Directive Format
_code: fragment.txt
_heading: Flatworm Directives @<flatworm-directive>
_definition: **_section:** //TITLE//
A //section// has its **TITLE** in an H1 font. Sections are linked
to in //Table of Contents// and have a dividing line drawn above
them. If an option is specified, it is avaialble as a name for
intern linking. There should only be one ``_section:`` per page.
_definition: **_subsection:** //TITLE//
A //subsection// has its **TITLE** in an H2 font. Subsections are linked
to in //Table of Contents// and have a dividing line drawn above
them. If an option is specified, it is avaialble as a name for
internal linking.
_definition: **_heading:** //TITLE//
A //heading// has its **TITLE** in an H3 font. If an option is specified,
it is available as a name for internal linking.
_definition: **_definition:** //TERM//
A //definition// has its **TERM** bolded and the markdown body is
_definition: **_property:** //SIGNATURE//
A //property// has its JavaScript **SIGNATURE** formatted and the
markdown body is indented.
_definition: **_code:** //FILENAME//
A //code// reads the **FILENAME** and depending on the extension
adjusts it.
For JavaScript files, the file is executed, with ``\/\/!`` replaced
with the result of the last statement and ``\/\/!error`` is replaced
with the throw error. If the error state does not agree, rendering
_definition: **_toc:**
A //toc// injects a Table of Contents, loading each line of the
body as a filename and recursively loads the //toc// if present,
otherwise all the //sections// and //subsections//.
_definition: **_null:**
A //null// is used to terminated a directive. For example, after
a //definition//, the bodies are indented, so a //null// can be
used to reset the indentation.
_heading: Examples
_code: examples.txt
_subsection: Markdown @<flatworm-markdown>
The markdown is simple and does not have the flexibility of
other dialects, but allows for **bold**, //italic//,
__underlined__, ``monospaced``, ^^super-scripted^^ text,
supporting [links](flatworm-markdown) and lists.
_code: markdown.txt

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
**bold text**
//italic text//
__underlined text__
``monospace code``
^^superscript text^^
- This is a list
- With bullet points
- With a total of three items
This is separated by -- an en-dash.
This is separated by --- an em-dash.
This is a [Link to Ethereum](https://ethereum.org) and this
is an [Internal Link](some-link).
This is a self-titled link [[https://ethereumorg]] and this
[[some-link]] will use the title from its directives value.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
_title: Getting Started
_section: Getting Started
_subsection: Installing
The various Classes and Functions are available to be imported
manually from sub-packages under the
but for most projects, the umbrella package is the easiest way to
get started.
_code: installing.txt
_subsection: Importing
_heading: Node.js
_code: importing-node.source
_heading: Web Browser
It is generally better practice (for security reasons) to copy the
[ethers library](https://cdn.ethers.io/lib/ethers-5.0.min.js) to
your own webserver and serve it yourself.
For quick demos or prototyping though, it can be loaded in your
Web Applications from our CDN.
_code: importing-browser.txt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<script src="https://cdn.ethers.io/lib/ethers-5.0.min.js"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// CommonJS
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// ES6 or TypeScript
const { ethers } = require("ethers");

docs.wrm/index.wrm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
_title: Documentation
_section: What is ethers?
The ethers.js library aims to be a complete and compact library for
interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem. It was
originally designed for use with [ethers.io](https://ethers.io/) and
has since expanded into a much more general-purpose library.
_subsection: Features
- Keep your private keys in your client, **safe** and sound
- Import and export **JSON wallets** (Geth, Parity and crowdsale)
- Import and export BIP 39 **mnemonic phrases** (12 word backup
phrases) and HD Wallets (English, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese; more coming soon)
- Meta-classes create JavaScript objects from any contract ABI,
including **ABIv2** and **Human-Readable ABI**
- Connect to Ethereum nodes over
or [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/).
- **ENS names** are first-class citizens; they can be used
anywhere an Ethereum addresses can be used
- **Tiny** (~88kb compressed; 284kb uncompressed)
- **Complete** functionality for all your Ethereum needs
- Extensive [documentation](https://docs.ethers.io/)
- Large collection of **test cases** which are maintained and added to
- Fully **TypeScript** ready, with definition files and full
TypeScript source
- **MIT License** (including //ALL// dependencies); completely open
source to do with as you please
_subsection: Developer Documentation
_subsection: Legacy Documentation
This section will be kept up to date, linking to documentation of
older versions of the library.
- [version 4.0](https://docs.ethers.io/ethers.js)
- [version 3.0](https://docs.ethers.io/ethers.js/v3.0/html/)

docs.wrm/installing.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
/home/ricmoo> npm install --save ethers@next

docs.wrm/license.wrm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
_title: License and Copyright
_section: License and Copyright
The ethers library (including all dependencies) are available
under the [MIT License](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License),
which permits a wide variety of uses.
_heading: MIT License
//Copyright &copy; 2019 [Richard Moore](mailto:me@ricmoo.com).//
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
_title: Migration Guide
_section: Migration Guide
_subsection: From Web3
_subsection: From ethers v4

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
_title: Testing
_section: Testing
Here goes info about testing

docs/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
What is ethers?
The ethers.js library aims to be a complete and compact library for
interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain and its ecosystem. It was
originally designed for use with [ethers.io](https://ethers.io/) and
has since expanded into a much more general-purpose library.
* Keep your private keys in your client, **safe** and sound
* Import and export **JSON wallets** (Geth, Parity and crowdsale)
* Import and export BIP 39 **mnemonic phrases** (12 word backup phrases) and HD Wallets (English, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese; more coming soon)
* Meta-classes create JavaScript objects from any contract ABI, including **ABIv2** and **Human-Readable ABI**
* Connect to Ethereum nodes over [JSON-RPC](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC), [INFURA](https://infura.io/), [Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/), [Nodesmith](https://nodesmith.io), [Alchemy](https://alchemyapi.io), or [MetaMask](https://metamask.io/).
* **ENS names** are first-class citizens; they can be used anywhere an Ethereum addresses can be used
* **Tiny** (~88kb compressed; 284kb uncompressed)
* **Complete** functionality for all your Ethereum needs
* Extensive [documentation](https://docs.ethers.io/)
* Large collection of **test cases** which are maintained and added to
* Fully **TypeScript** ready, with definition files and full TypeScript source
* **MIT License** (including *ALL* dependencies); completely open source to do with as you please
Developer Documentation
* [Getting Started](getting-started)
* [Installing](getting-started)
* [Importing](getting-started)
* [Concepts](concepts)
* [Events](concepts/events)
* [Gas](concepts/gas)
* [Gas Price](concepts/gas)
* [Gas Limit](concepts/gas)
* [Application Programming Interface](api)
* [Contracts](api/contract)
* [Buckets](api/contract)
* [Signers](api/signer)
* [Signer](api/signer)
* [Wallet inherits Signer](api/signer)
* [Providers](api/providers)
* [Provider](api/providers/provider)
* [Accounts Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Blocks Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Ethereum Naming Service (ENS) Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Logs Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Network Status Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Transactions Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Event Emitter Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [Inspection Methods](api/providers/provider)
* [JSON-RPC Provider](api/providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcProvider](api/providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcSigner](api/providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcUncheckedSigner](api/providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [API Providers](api/providers/api-providers)
* [EtherscanProvider](api/providers/api-providers)
* [InfuraProvider](api/providers/api-providers)
* [NodesmithProvider](api/providers/api-providers)
* [AlchemyProvider](api/providers/api-providers)
* [Other Providers](api/providers/other)
* [FallbackProvider](api/providers/other)
* [IpcProvider](api/providers/other)
* [Types](api/providers/types)
* [Blocks](api/providers/types)
* [Events and Logs](api/providers/types)
* [Transactions](api/providers/types)
* [Utilities](api/utils)
* [Addresses](api/utils/address)
* [BigNumber](api/utils/bignumber)
* [Types](api/utils/bignumber)
* [Creating Instances](api/utils/bignumber)
* [Methods](api/utils/bignumber)
* [Notes](api/utils/bignumber)
* [Byte Manipulation](api/utils/bytes)
* [Types](api/utils/bytes)
* [Inspection](api/utils/bytes)
* [Converting between Arrays and Hexstrings](api/utils/bytes)
* [Array Manipulation](api/utils/bytes)
* [Hexstring Manipulation](api/utils/bytes)
* [Signature Conversion](api/utils/bytes)
* [Constants](api/utils/constants)
* [Bytes](api/utils/constants)
* [Strings](api/utils/constants)
* [BigNumber](api/utils/constants)
* [Display Logic and Input](api/utils/display-logic)
* [Units](api/utils/display-logic)
* [Functions](api/utils/display-logic)
* [FixedNumber](api/utils/fixednumber)
* [Types](api/utils/fixednumber)
* [Creating Instances](api/utils/fixednumber)
* [Properties](api/utils/fixednumber)
* [Methods](api/utils/fixednumber)
* [Hashing Algorithms](api/utils/hashing)
* [Cryptographic Hashing](api/utils/hashing)
* [Common Hashing Helpers](api/utils/hashing)
* [Solidity Hashing Algorithms](api/utils/hashing)
* [Strings](api/utils/strings)
* [Bytes32String](api/utils/strings)
* [UTF-8 Strings](api/utils/strings)
* [Cookbook](cookbook)
* [Migration Guide](migration)
* [From Web3](migration)
* [From ethers v4](migration)
* [Testing](testing)
* [Contributing and Hacking](contributing)
* [Building](contributing)
* [Flatworm Docs](documentation)
* [Fragments](documentation)
* [Markdown](documentation)
* [License and Copyright](license)
Legacy Documentation
This section will be kept up to date, linking to documentation of
older versions of the library.
* [version 4.0](https://docs.ethers.io/ethers.js)
* [version 3.0](https://docs.ethers.io/ethers.js/v3.0/html/)
**Content Hash:** 488687b8320fc7da1517bdf2b1ac582250593622aca6b0b3244f61fc14973e42

docs/api/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Application Programming Interface (API)
* [Contracts](contract)
* [Buckets](contract)
* [Signers](signer)
* [Signer](signer)
* [Wallet inherits Signer](signer)
* [Providers](providers)
* [Provider](providers/provider)
* [Accounts Methods](providers/provider)
* [Blocks Methods](providers/provider)
* [Ethereum Naming Service (ENS) Methods](providers/provider)
* [Logs Methods](providers/provider)
* [Network Status Methods](providers/provider)
* [Transactions Methods](providers/provider)
* [Event Emitter Methods](providers/provider)
* [Inspection Methods](providers/provider)
* [JSON-RPC Provider](providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcProvider](providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcSigner](providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcUncheckedSigner](providers/jsonrpc-provider)
* [API Providers](providers/api-providers)
* [EtherscanProvider](providers/api-providers)
* [InfuraProvider](providers/api-providers)
* [NodesmithProvider](providers/api-providers)
* [AlchemyProvider](providers/api-providers)
* [Other Providers](providers/other)
* [FallbackProvider](providers/other)
* [IpcProvider](providers/other)
* [Types](providers/types)
* [Blocks](providers/types)
* [Events and Logs](providers/types)
* [Transactions](providers/types)
* [Utilities](utils)
* [Addresses](utils/address)
* [BigNumber](utils/bignumber)
* [Types](utils/bignumber)
* [Creating Instances](utils/bignumber)
* [Methods](utils/bignumber)
* [Notes](utils/bignumber)
* [Byte Manipulation](utils/bytes)
* [Types](utils/bytes)
* [Inspection](utils/bytes)
* [Converting between Arrays and Hexstrings](utils/bytes)
* [Array Manipulation](utils/bytes)
* [Hexstring Manipulation](utils/bytes)
* [Signature Conversion](utils/bytes)
* [Constants](utils/constants)
* [Bytes](utils/constants)
* [Strings](utils/constants)
* [BigNumber](utils/constants)
* [Display Logic and Input](utils/display-logic)
* [Units](utils/display-logic)
* [Functions](utils/display-logic)
* [FixedNumber](utils/fixednumber)
* [Types](utils/fixednumber)
* [Creating Instances](utils/fixednumber)
* [Properties](utils/fixednumber)
* [Methods](utils/fixednumber)
* [Hashing Algorithms](utils/hashing)
* [Cryptographic Hashing](utils/hashing)
* [Common Hashing Helpers](utils/hashing)
* [Solidity Hashing Algorithms](utils/hashing)
* [Strings](utils/strings)
* [Bytes32String](utils/strings)
* [UTF-8 Strings](utils/strings)
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Explain what contracts are...
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A **Provider** is an abstraction of a connection to the
Ethereum network, providing a concise, consistent interface
to standard Ethereum node functionality.
The ethers.js library provides several options which should
cover the vast majority of use-cases, but also includes the
necessary functions and classes for sub-classing if a more
custom configuration is necessary.
Most users should be able to simply use the [Default Provider](./).
Default Provider
The default provider is the safest, easiest way to begin
developing on *Ethereum*, and it is also robust enough
for use in production.
It creates a [FallbackProvider](other) connected to as many backend
services as possible. When a request is made, it is sent to
multiple backends simulatenously. As responses from each backend
are returned, they are checked that they agree. Once a quorum
has been reached (i.e. enough of the backends agree), the response
is provided to your application.
This ensures that if a backend has become out-of-sync, or if it
has been compromised that its responses are dropped in favor of
responses that match the majority.
#### *ethers* . **getDefaultProvider** ( [ network ] ) **=>** *[Provider](provider)*
Returns a new Provider, backed by multiple services, connected
to *network*. Is no *network* is provided, **homestead**
(i.e. mainnet) is used.
Provider Documentation
* [Provider](provider)
* [Accounts Methods](provider)
* [Blocks Methods](provider)
* [Ethereum Naming Service (ENS) Methods](provider)
* [Logs Methods](provider)
* [Network Status Methods](provider)
* [Transactions Methods](provider)
* [Event Emitter Methods](provider)
* [Inspection Methods](provider)
* [JSON-RPC Provider](jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcProvider](jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcSigner](jsonrpc-provider)
* [JsonRpcUncheckedSigner](jsonrpc-provider)
* [API Providers](api-providers)
* [EtherscanProvider](api-providers)
* [InfuraProvider](api-providers)
* [NodesmithProvider](api-providers)
* [AlchemyProvider](api-providers)
* [Other Providers](other)
* [FallbackProvider](other)
* [IpcProvider](other)
* [Types](types)
* [Blocks](types)
* [Events and Logs](types)
* [Transactions](types)
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API Providers
There are many services which offer a web API for accessing
the Ethereum Blockchain. These Providers allow connecting
to them, which simplifies development, since you do not need
to run your own instance or cluster of Ethereum nodes.
However, this reliance on third-party services can reduce
resiliance, security and increase the amount of required trust.
To mitigate these issues, it is recommended you use a
[Default Provider](..).
Tra la la...
Tra la la...
Tra la la...
Tra la la...
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JSON-RPC Provider
Explain here...
#### *provider* . **getSigner** ( [ addressOrIndex ] ) **=>** *[JsonRpcSigner](./)*
Returns a [JsonRpcSigner](./) which is managed by this Ethereum node, at
*addressOrIndex*. If no *addressOrIndex* is provided, the first
account (account #0) is used.
#### *provider* . **getUncheckSigner** ( [ addressOrIndex ] ) **=>** *[JsonRpcUncheckedSigner](./)*
TODO... Explain
TODO... Explain
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Other Providers
### Properties
#### *provider* . **providers** **=>** *Array< [Provider](../provider) >*
The list of Providers this is connected to.
#### *provider* . **quorum** **=>** *number*
The quorum the backend responses must agree upon before a result will be
resolved. By default this is *half the sum of the weights*.
#### *provider* . **weights** **=>** *Array< number >*
The weight each of the Providers adds to a results acceptance.
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### BlockTag
A **BlockTag** specifies a specific location in the Blockchain.
* **`"latest"`** -- The most recently mined block
* **`"earliest"`** -- Block #0
* **`"pending"`** -- The block currently being prepared for mining; not all operations support this BlockTag
* ***number*** -- The block at this height
* ***a negative number*** -- The block this many blocks ago
### Network
A **Network** represents an Etherem network.
* **name** -- The human-readable name of the network
* **chainId** -- The Chain ID of the network
* **ensAddress** -- The address at which the ENS registry is deployed
### Block
### BlockWithTransactions
Events and Logs
### EventFilter
### EventType
### Filter
### FilterByBlockHash
### Log
A network...
### TransactionRequest
A transaction request describes a transaction that is to
be sent to the network or otherwise processed.
It contains the fields:
* **to** --- target address
* **from** --- target address
* **nonce** --- target address
* **gasLimit** --- target address
* **gasPrice** --- target address
* **data** --- target address
* **value** --- target address
* **chainId** --- target address
All fields are optional and may be a promise which resolves
to the required type.
### TransactionResponse
A **TransactionResponse** ..
### TransactionReceipt
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Tra la la...
#### *signer* . **connect** ( provider ) **=>** *Signer*
### Blockchain Methods
#### *signer* . **getBalance** ( [ blockTag="latest" ] ) **=>** *Promise(BigNumber)*
#### *signer* . **getTransactionCount** ( [ blockTag="latest" ] ) **=>** *Promise(number)*
Wallet inherits Signer
Wallet is...
### Creating an Instance
#### **new** *ethers* . **Wallet** ( privateKey [ , provider ] )
#### *Wallet* . **fromEncryptedJson** ( json , password )
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These utilities are used extensively within the library, but
are also quite useful for application developers.
* [Addresses](address)
* [BigNumber](bignumber)
* [Types](bignumber)
* [Creating Instances](bignumber)
* [Methods](bignumber)
* [Notes](bignumber)
* [Byte Manipulation](bytes)
* [Types](bytes)
* [Inspection](bytes)
* [Converting between Arrays and Hexstrings](bytes)
* [Array Manipulation](bytes)
* [Hexstring Manipulation](bytes)
* [Signature Conversion](bytes)
* [Constants](constants)
* [Bytes](constants)
* [Strings](constants)
* [BigNumber](constants)
* [Display Logic and Input](display-logic)
* [Units](display-logic)
* [Functions](display-logic)
* [FixedNumber](fixednumber)
* [Types](fixednumber)
* [Creating Instances](fixednumber)
* [Properties](fixednumber)
* [Methods](fixednumber)
* [Hashing Algorithms](hashing)
* [Cryptographic Hashing](hashing)
* [Common Hashing Helpers](hashing)
* [Solidity Hashing Algorithms](hashing)
* [Strings](strings)
* [Bytes32String](strings)
* [UTF-8 Strings](strings)
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Explain addresses,formats and checksumming here.
Also see: [Constants.AddressZero](../constants)
### Functions
#### *utils* . **getAddress** ( address ) **=>** *string*
#### *utils* . **isAddress** ( address ) **=>** *boolean*
#### *utils* . **getIcapAddress** ( address ) **=>** *string*
#### *utils* . **getContractAddress** ( transaction ) **=>** *string*
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Explain about BigNumber here...
### Importing
// CommonJS:
// From the Umbrella ethers package...
const { BigNumber } = require("ethers");
// From the bignumber pacakge...
const { BigNumber } = require("@ethersproject/bignumber");
// ES6 and TypeScript:
// From the Umbrella ethers package...
import { BigNumber } from "ethers";
// From the bignumber pacakge...
import { BigNumber } from "@ethersproject/bignumber";
### BigNumberish
Many functions and methods in this library take in values which
can be non-ambiguously and safely converted to a BigNumber. These
values can be sepcified as:
#### ***string***
A [hexstring](../bytes) or a decimal string, either of which may
be negative.
#### ***BytesLike***
A [BytesLike](../bytes) Object, such as an Array or Uint8Array.
#### ***BigNumber***
An existing BigNumber instance.
#### ***number***
A number that is within the safe range for JavaScript numbers.
#### ***BigInt***
A JavaScript [BigInt](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt)
object, on environments that support BigInt.
Creating Instances
The constructor of BigNumber cannot be called directly. Instead, Use the static `BigNumber.from`.
#### *BigNumber* . **from** ( aBigNumberish ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns an instance of a **BigNumber** for *aBigNumberish*.
### Examples:
// From a decimal string...
// { BigNumber: "42" }</span>
// From a hexstring...
// { BigNumber: "42" }</span>
// From a negative hexstring...
// { BigNumber: "-42" }</span>
// From an Array (or Uint8Array)...
BigNumber.from([ 42 ])
// { BigNumber: "42" }</span>
// From an existing BigNumber...
let one1 = constants.One;
let one2 = BigNumber.from(one1)
// { BigNumber: "1" }</span>
// ...which returns the same instance
one1 === one2
// true</span>
// From a (safe) number...
// { BigNumber: "42" }</span>
// From a ES2015 BigInt... (only on platforms with BigInt support)
// { BigNumber: "42" }</span>
// Numbers outside the safe range fail:
// Error: overflow (fault="overflow", operation="BigNumber.from", value=9007199254740991, version=bignumber/5.0.0-beta.129)</span>
The BigNumber class is immutable, so no operations can change the value
it represents.
### Math Operations
#### *bignumber* . **add** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* **+** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **sub** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* **&ndash;** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **mul** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* **&times;** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **div** ( divisor ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* **&#247;** *divisor*.
#### *bignumber* . **mod** ( divisor ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of the **remainder** of *bignumber* &#247; *divisor*.
#### *bignumber* . **pow** ( exponent ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* to the power of *exponent*.
#### *bignumber* . **abs** ( ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the absolute value of *bignumber*.
#### *bignumber* . **maskn** ( bitcount ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* with bits beyond
the *bitcount* least significant bits set to zero.
### Two's Compliment
[Two's Complicment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two%27s_complement)
is a method used to encode and decode fixed-width values which can be
positive or negative, without requiring a separate sign bit. Most users
will not need to interact with these.
#### *bignumber* . **fromTwos** ( bitwidth ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* converted from twos-compliment with *bitwidth*.
#### *bignumber* . **toTwos** ( bitwidth ) **=>** *[BigNumber](./)*
Returns a BigNumber with the value of *bignumber* converted to twos-compliment with *bitwidth*.
### Comparison and Equivalence
#### *bignumber* . **eq** ( otherValue ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *bignumber* is equal to *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **lt** ( otherValue ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *bignumber* **<** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **lte** ( otherValue ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *bignumber* **&le;** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **gt** ( otherValue ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *bignumber* **>** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **gte** ( otherValue ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *bignumber* **&ge;** *otherValue*.
#### *bignumber* . **isZero** ( ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the value of *bignumber* is zero.
### Conversion
#### *bignumber* . **toNumber** ( ) **=>** *number*
Returns the value of *bignumber* as a JavaScript value.
This will **throw an error**
if the value is greater than or equal to *Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER* or less than or
equal to *Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER*.
#### *bignumber* . **toString** ( ) **=>** *string*
Returns the value of *bignumber* as a base-10 string.
#### *bignumber* . **toHexString** ( ) **=>** *string*
Returns the value of *bignumber* as a base-16, `0x`-prefixed [hexstring](../bytes).
### Inspection
#### *BigNumnber* . **isBigNumber** ( object ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if the *object* is a BigNumber object.
### Examples
let a = BigNumber.from(42);
let b = BigNumber.from("91");
// { BigNumber: "3822" }</span>
A few short notes on numbers...
### Why can't I just use numbers?
The first problem many encounter when dealing with Ethereum is
the concept of numbers. Most common currencies are broken down
with very little granularity. For example, there are only 100
cents in a single dollar. However, there are 10*18* **wei** in a
single **ether**.
JavaScript uses [IEEE 754 double-precision binary floating point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-precision_floating-point_format)
numbers to represent numeric values. As a result, there are *holes*
in the integer set after 9,007,199,254,740,991; which is
problematic for *Ethereum* because that is only around 0.009
ether (in wei), which means any value over that will begin to
experience rounding errors.
To demonstrate how this may be an issue in your code, consider:
(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 2 - 2) == (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
// false</span>
To remedy this, all numbers (which can be large) are stored
and manipulated as [Big Numbers](./).
The functions [parseEther( etherString )](http://linkto) and
[formatEther( wei )](http://linkto) can be used to convert
between string representations, which are displayed to or entered
by the user and Big Number representations which can have
mathematical operations handled safely.
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Byte Manipulation
Tra la la...
### Bytes
A Bytes object is any object which is an
[Array](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) or
[TypedArray](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/TypedArray) with
each value in the valid byte range (i.e. between 0 and 255 inclusive),
or is an Object with a `length` property where each indexed property
is in the valid byte range.
### BytesLike
A **BytesLike** can be either a [Bytes](./) or a [Hexstring](./).
### Hexstring
A **hexstring** is a string which has a `0x` prefix followed by
### Signature
* **r** and **s** --- The x co-ordinate of **r** and the **s** value of the signature
* **v** --- The parity of the y co-ordinate of **r**
* **_vs** --- The [compact representation](https://link_here) of the **(r, s)** and **v**
* **recoveryParam** --- The normalized (i.e. 0 or 1) value of **v**
### SignatureLike
A **SignatureLike** is similar to a [Signature](./), except redundant properties
may be omitted.
For example, if *_vs* is specified, **(r, s)** and **v** can be omitted. Likewise,
if **recoverParam** is provided, **v** can be omitted (as it can be computed).
#### *utils* . **isBytes** ( object ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if *object* is a valid [Bytes](./).
#### *utils* . **isBytesLike** ( object ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if *object* is a [Bytes](./) or an Array or TypedArray
where each value is a valid byte (i.e. between 0 and 255 inclusive).
#### *utils* . **isHexString** ( object , [ length ] ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if *object* is a valid hex string;
if *length* is specified the length (in bytes) is also verified.
Converting between Arrays and Hexstrings
#### *utils* . **arrayify** ( hexstringOrArrayish [ , options ] ) **=>** *Uint8Array*
Converts *hexstringOrArrayish* to a Uint8Array. If a [Hexstring](./)
is passed in, the length must be even.
#### *utils* . **hexlify** ( hexstringOrArrayish ) **=>** *string*
Converts *hexstringOrArrayish* to a [Hexstring](./). The result
will always be zero-padded to even length.
#### *utils* . **hexValue** ( aBigNumberish ) **=>** *string*
Converts *aBigNumberish* to a [Hexstring](./), with no unecessary leading
zeros. The result of this function can be of odd-length.
### Examples
// Convert a hexstring to a Uint8Array
// [ 18, 52 ]</span>
// Convert an Array to a hexstring
hexlify([1, 2, 3, 4])
// 0x01020304</span>
// Convert an Object to a hexstring
hexlify({ length: 2, "0": 1, "1": 2 })
// 0x0102</span>
// Convert an Array to a hexstring
hexlify([ 1 ])
// 0x01</span>
// Convert a number to a stripped hex value
// 0x1</span>
// Convert an Array to a stripped hex value
hexValue([ 1, 2 ])
// 0x102</span>
Array Manipulation
#### *utils* . **concat** ( arrayOfBytesLike ) **=>** *Uint8Array*
Concatenates all the [BytesLike](./) in *arrayOfBytesLike*
into a single Uint8Array.
#### *utils* . **stripZeros** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *Uint8Array*
Concatenates all the [BytesLike](./) in *arrayOfBytesLike*
#### *utils* . **zeroPad** ( aBytesLike , length ) **=>** *Uint8Array*
Concatenates all the [BytesLike](./) in *arrayOfBytesLike*
Hexstring Manipulation
#### *utils* . **hexConcat** ( arrayOfBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
Concatenates all the [BytesLike](./) in *arrayOfBytesLike*
into a single [Hexstring](./)
#### *utils* . **hexDataLength** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *number*
Returns the length (in bytes) of *aBytesLike*.
This will **throw and error** if *aBytesLike* is a [Hexstring](./)
but is of odd-length.
#### *utils* . **hexDataSlice** ( aBytesLike , offset [ , endOffset ] ) **=>** *string*
Returns the length (in bytes) of *aBytesLike*.
#### *utils* . **hexStripZeros** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
#### *utils* . **hexZeroPad** ( aBytesLike , length ) **=>** *string*
Signature Conversion
#### *utils* . **joinSignature** ( aSignatureLike ) **=>** *string*
Return the flat-format of a [SignatureLike](./), which is
65 bytes (130 nibbles) long, concatenating the **r**, **s** and **v**
of a Signature.
#### *utils* . **splitSignature** ( aSignatureLikeOrBytesLike ) **=>** *Signature*
Return the full expanded-format of a [SignatureLike](./) or
a flat-format [Hexstring](./). Any missing properties will be
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The **ethers.contants** Object contains commonly used values.
### Importing
//const { constants } = require("ethers");
// const { constants } = require("@ethersproject/constants");
#### *constants* . **AddressZero**
The Address Zero, which is 20 bytes (40 nibbles) of zero.
#### *constants* . **HashZero**
The Hash Zero, which is 32 bytes (64 nibbles) of zero.
#### *constants* . **EtherSymbol**
The Ether symbol, **&Xi;**.
#### *constants* . **NegativeOne**
The BigNumber value representing `"-1"`.
#### *constants* . **Zero**
The BigNumber value representing `"0"`.
#### *constants* . **One**
The BigNumber value representing `"1"`.
#### *constants* . **Two**
The BigNumber value representing `"2"`.
#### *constants* . **WeiPerEther**
The BigNumber value representing `"1000000000000000000"`, which is the
number of Wei per Ether.
#### *constants* . **MaxUint256**
The BigNumber value representing the maximum `uint256` value.
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Display Logic and Input
When creating an Application, it is useful to convert between
user-friendly strings (usually displaying **ether**) and the
machine-readable values that contracts and maths depend on
(usually in **wei**).
For example, a Wallet may specify the balance in ether, and
gas prices in gwei for the User Interface, but when sending
a transaction, both must be specified in wei.
The [parseUnits](./) will parse a string representing
ether, such as `1.1` into a [BigNumber](../bignumber) in wei, and is
useful when a user types in a value, such as sending 1.1 ether.
The [formatUnits](./) will format a [BigNumberish](../bignumber)
into a string, which is useful when displaying a balance.
### Decimal Count
The *unit* specified may be an integer, which indicates how
many decimal place the unit has. For example, 1 ether has 18 decimal
places for wei, and if this library were used with Bitcoin, 1 BTC
has 8 decimal places for satoshis.
### Named Units
In addition to specifying *unit* as a number of decimals, there
are several common units, which can be passed in as a string:
* **wei** --- 0
* **kwei** --- 3
* **mwei** --- 6
* **gwei** --- 9
* **szabo** --- 12
* **finney** --- 15
* **ether** --- 18
### Formatting
#### *utils* . **commify** ( value ) **=>** *string*
Returns a string with value grouped by 3 digits, separated by `,`.
### Conversion
#### *utils* . **formatUnits** ( value [ , unit="ether" ] ) **=>** *string*
Returns a string representation of *value* formatted with *unit*
digits (if it is a number) or to the unit specified (if a string).
#### *utils* . **formatEther** ( value ) **=>** *string*
The equivalent to calling `formatUnits(value, "ether")`.
#### *utils* . **parseUnits** ( value [ , unit="ether" ] ) **=>** *[BigNumber](../bignumber)*
Returns a [BigNumber](../bignumber) representation of *value*, parsed with
*unit* digits (if it is a number) or from the unit specified (if
a string).
#### *utils* . **parseEther** ( value ) **=>** *[BigNumber](../bignumber)*
The equivalent to calling `parseUnits(value, "ether")`.
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### FixedFormat
#### ***"fixed"***
A shorthand for `fixed128x80`.
Creating Instances
The FixedNumber constructor cannot be called directly. There are several
static methods for creating a FixedNumber.
#### *BigNumber* . **from** ( value [ , format="fixed" ] ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for *value* as a *format*.
#### *BigNumber* . **fromBytes** ( aBytesLike [ , format="fixed" ] ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for *value* as a *format*.
#### *BigNumber* . **fromString** ( value [ , format="fixed" ] ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for *value* as a *format*. The *value* must
not contain more decimals than the *format* permits.
#### *BigNumber* . **fromValue** ( value [ , decimals=0 [ , format="fixed" ] ] ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns an instance of a **FixedNumber** for *value* with *decimals* as a *format*.
#### *fixednumber* . **format**
The [FixedFormat](./) of *fixednumber*.
### Math Operations
#### *fixednumber* . **addUnsafe** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of *fixedvalue* **+** *otherValue*.
#### *fixednumber* . **subUnsafe** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of *fixedvalue* **&ndash;** *otherValue*.
#### *fixednumber* . **mulUnsafe** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of *fixedvalue* **&times;** *otherValue*.
#### *fixednumber* . **divUnsafe** ( otherValue ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of *fixedvalue* **&#247;** *otherValue*.
#### *fixednumber* . **round** ( [ decimals=0 ] ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of *fixedvalue* rounded to *decimals*.
### Conversion
#### *fixednumber* . **toFormat** ( format ) **=>** *[FixedNumber](./)*
Returns a new FixedNumber with the value of *fixedvalue* with *format*.
#### *fixednumber* . **toHexString** ( ) **=>** *string*
Returns a [Hexstring](../bytes) representation of *fixednumber*.
#### *fixednumber* . **toString** ( ) **=>** *string*
Returns a string representation of *fixednumber*.
#### *fixednumber* . **toUnsafeFloat** ( ) **=>** *float*
Returns a floating-point JavaScript number value of *fixednumber*.
Due to rounding in JavaScript numbers, the value is only approximate.
### Inspection
#### *BigNumber* . **isFixedNumber** ( value ) **=>** *boolean*
Returns true if and only if *value* is a **FixedNumber**.
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Hashing Algorithms
Explain what hash functions are?
Cryptographic Hashing
The [Cryptographic Hash Functions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function)
are a specific family of hash functions.
#### *utils* . **keccak256** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
Returns the [KECCAK256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-3) digest *aBytesLike*.
#### *utils* . **ripemd160** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
Returns the [RIPEMD-160](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIPEMD) digest of *aBytesLike*.
#### *utils* . **sha256** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
Returns the [SHA2-256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) digest of *aBytesLike*.
#### *utils* . **sha512** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
Returns the [SHA2-512](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) digest of *aBytesLike*.
#### *utils* . **computeHmac** ( algorithm , key , data ) **=>** *string*
Returns the [HMAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC) of *data* with *key*
using the [Algorithm](./) *algorithm*.
### HMAC Supported Algorithms
#### *utils* . *SupportedAlgorithms* . **sha256**
Use the [SHA2-256](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) hash algorithm.
#### *utils* . *SupportedAlgorithms* . **sha512**
Use the [SHA2-512](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) hash algorithm.
Common Hashing Helpers
#### *utils* . **hashMessage** ( message ) **=>** *string*
Computes the Ethereum message digest of *message*. Ethereum messages are
converted to UTF-8 bytes and prefixed with `x19Ethereum Signed Message:`
and the length of *message*.
#### *utils* . **id** ( text ) **=>** *string*
The Ethereum Identity function computs the keccak256 hash of the *text* bytes.
#### *utils* . **namehash** ( name ) **=>** *string*
Returns the [ENS Namehash](https://docs.ens.domains/contract-api-reference/name-processing#hashing-names) of *name*.
Solidity Hashing Algorithms
When using the Solidity `abi.packEncoded(...)` function, a non-standard
*tightly packed* version of encoding is used. These functions implement
the tightly packing algorithm.
#### *utils* . **solidityPack** ( arrayOfTypes , arrayOfValues ) **=>** *string*
Returns the non-standard encoded *arrayOfValues* packed according to
their respecive type in *arrayOfTypes*.
#### *utils* . **solidityKeccak256** ( arrayOfTypes , arrayOfValues ) **=>** *string*
Returns the KECCAK256 of the non-standard encoded *arrayOfValues* packed
according to their respective type in *arrayOfTypes*.
#### *utils* . **soliditySha256** ( arrayOfTypes , arrayOfValues ) **=>** *string*
Returns the SHA2-256 of the non-standard encoded *arrayOfValues* packed
according to their respective type in *arrayOfTypes*.
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Tra la la
A string in Solidity is length prefixed with its 256-bit (32 byte)
length, which means that even short strings require 2 words (64 bytes)
of storage.
In many cases, we deal with short strings, so instead of prefixing
the string with its length, we can null-terminate it and fit it in a
single word (32 bytes). Since we need only a single byte for the
null termination, we can store strings up to 31 bytes long in a
#### **Note:**
Strings that are 31 **bytes** long may contain fewer than 31 **characters**,
since UTF-8 requires multiple bytes to encode international characters.
#### *utils* . **parseBytes32String** ( aBytesLike ) **=>** *string*
Returns the decoded string represented by the `Bytes32` encoded data.
#### *utils* . **formatBytes32String** ( text ) **=>** *string*
Returns a `bytes32` string representation of *text*. If the
length of *text* exceeds 31 bytes, it will throw an error.
UTF-8 Strings
#### *utils* . **toUtf8Bytes** ( text [ , form=current ] ) **=>** *Uint8Array*
Returns the UTF-8 bytes of *text*, optionally normalizing it using the
[UnicodeNormalizationForm](./) *form*.
#### *utils* . **toUtf8CodePoints** ( aBytesLike [ , form=current ] ) **=>** *Array< number >*
Returns the Array of codepoints of *aBytesLike*, optionally normalizing it using the
[UnicodeNormalizationForm](./) *form*.
**Note:** This function correctly splits each user-perceived character into
its codepoint, accounting for surrogate pairs. This should not be confused with
`string.split("")`, which destroys surrogate pairs, spliting between each UTF-16
codeunit instead.
#### *utils* . **toUtf8String** ( aBytesLike [ , ignoreErrors=false ] ) **=>** *string*
Returns the string represented by the UTF-8 bytes of *aBytesLike*. This will
throw an error for invalid surrogates, overlong sequences or other UTF-8 issues,
unless *ignoreErrors* is specified.
### UnicodeNormalizationForm
There are several [commonly used forms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_equivalence)
when normalizing UTF-8 data, which allow strings to be compared or hashed in a stable
#### *utils* . *UnicodeNormalizationForm* . **current**
Maintain the current normalization form.
#### *utils* . *UnicodeNormalizationForm* . **NFC**
The Composed Normalization Form. This form uses single codepoints
which represent the fully composed character.
For example, the **&eacute;** is a single codepoint, `0x00e9`.
#### *utils* . *UnicodeNormalizationForm* . **NFD**
The Decomposed Normalization Form. This form uses multiple codepoints
(when necessary) to compose a character.
For example, the **&eacute;**
is made up of two codepoints, `"0x0065"` (which is the letter `"e"`)
and `"0x0301"` which is a special diacritic UTF-8 codepoint which
indicates the previous character should have an acute accent.
#### *utils* . *UnicodeNormalizationForm* . **NFKC**
The Composed Normalization Form with Canonical Equivalence. The Canonical
representation folds characters which have the same syntactic representation
but different semantic meaning.
For example, the Roman Numeral **I**, which has a UTF-8
codepoint `"0x2160"`, is folded into the capital letter I, `"0x0049"`.
#### *utils* . *UnicodeNormalizationForm* . **NFKD**
The Decomposed Normalization Form with Canonical Equivalence.
See NFKC for more an example.
#### **Note:**
Only certain specified characters are folded in Canonical Equivalence, and thus
it should not be considered a method to acheive *any* level of security from
[homoglyph attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDN_homograph_attack).
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
This is a very breif overview of some aspects of *Ethereum*
which developers can make use of or should be aware of.
* [Events](events)
* [Gas](gas)
* [Gas Price](gas)
* [Gas Limit](gas)
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Explain how topics and such work
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Gas Price
The gas price is used somewhat like a bid, indicating an amount
you are willing to pay (per unit of execution) to have your transaction
Gas Limit
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Contributing and Hacking
The ethers.js library is something that I've written out of necessity,
and has grown somewhat organically over time.
Many things are the way they are for good (at the time, at least) reasons,
but I always welcome criticism, and am completely willing to have my mind
changed on things.
So, pull requests are always welcome, but please keep a few points in mind:
* Backwards-compatibility-breaking changes will not be accepted; they may be considered for the next major version
* Security is important; adding dependencies require fairly convincing arguments as to why
* The library aims to be lean, so keep an eye on the dist/ethers.min.js file size before and after your changes
* Add test cases for both expected and unexpected input
* Any new features need to be supported by me (future issues, documentation, testing, migration), so anything that is overly complicated or specific may not be accepted
In general, **please start an issue *before* beginning a pull request**, so we can
have a public discussion and figure out the best way to address to problem/feature.
use npm run auto-build
use npm run update-version
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Flatworm Docs
The *Flatworm Docs* rendering script is designed to be **very**
simple, but provide enough formatting necessary for documenting
JavaScript libraries.
A lot of its inspiration came from [Read the Docs](https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme) and
the [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/) project.
Flatworm Docs are made up of fragments. A fragment is either a lone
body of [markdown](./) text, or a
[directive](./) for specialized formatting, which may
itself have body.
### Directive Format
DIRECTIVE: The directive name
VALUE: Optional; the value to pass to the directive
LINK: Optional; a name for internal linking
BODY: Optional; the directive body (certain directives only)
### Flatworm Directives
#### **_section:** *TITLE*
A *section* has its **TITLE** in an H1 font. Sections are linked
to in *Table of Contents* and have a dividing line drawn above
them. If an option is specified, it is avaialble as a name for
intern linking. There should only be one `_section:` per page.
#### **_subsection:** *TITLE*
A *subsection* has its **TITLE** in an H2 font. Subsections are linked
to in *Table of Contents* and have a dividing line drawn above
them. If an option is specified, it is avaialble as a name for
internal linking.
#### **_heading:** *TITLE*
A *heading* has its **TITLE** in an H3 font. If an option is specified,
it is available as a name for internal linking.
#### **_definition:** *TERM*
A *definition* has its **TERM** bolded and the markdown body is
#### **_property:** *SIGNATURE*
A *property* has its JavaScript **SIGNATURE** formatted and the
markdown body is indented.
#### **_code:** *FILENAME*
A *code* reads the **FILENAME** and depending on the extension
adjusts it.
For JavaScript files, the file is executed, with `//!` replaced
with the result of the last statement and `//!error` is replaced
with the throw error. If the error state does not agree, rendering
#### **_toc:**
A *toc* injects a Table of Contents, loading each line of the
body as a filename and recursively loads the *toc* if present,
otherwise all the *sections* and *subsections*.
#### **_null:**
A *null* is used to terminated a directive. For example, after
a *definition*, the bodies are indented, so a *null* can be
used to reset the indentation.
### Examples
_section: Hello World @<link-to-this-section>
_subsection: Some Example @<link-to-this-subsection>
_heading: Large Bold Text @<link-to-this-heading>
_definition: Flatworm
A phylum of relatively **simple** bilaterian, unsegmented,
soft-bodied invertebrates.
_property: String.fromCharCode(code) => string
Returns a string created from //code//, a sequence of
UTF-16 code units.
_code: filename.js
This breaks out of a directive. For example, to end a
_definition and reset the indentation.
The markdown is simple and does not have the flexibility of
other dialects, but allows for **bold**, *italic*,
*underlined*, `monospaced`, *super-scripted* text,
supporting [links](./) and lists.
**bold text**
//italic text//
__underlined text__
``monospace code``
^^superscript text^^
- This is a list
- With bullet points
- With a total of three items
This is separated by -- an en-dash.
This is separated by --- an em-dash.
This is a [Link to Ethereum](https://ethereum.org) and this
is an [Internal Link](some-link).
This is a self-titled link [[https://ethereumorg]] and this
[[some-link]] will use the title from its directives value.
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Getting Started
The various Classes and Functions are available to be imported
manually from sub-packages under the
but for most projects, the umbrella package is the easiest way to
get started.
/home/ricmoo> npm install --save ethers@next
### Node.js
// CommonJS
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
// ES6 or TypeScript
const { ethers } = require("ethers");
### Web Browser
It is generally better practice (for security reasons) to copy the
[ethers library](https://cdn.ethers.io/lib/ethers-5.0.min.js) to
your own webserver and serve it yourself.
For quick demos or prototyping though, it can be loaded in your
Web Applications from our CDN.
<script src="https://cdn.ethers.io/lib/ethers-5.0.min.js"
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License and Copyright
The ethers library (including all dependencies) are available
under the [MIT License](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License),
which permits a wide variety of uses.
### MIT License
*Copyright &copy; 2019 [Richard Moore](mailto:me@ricmoo.com).*
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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Migration Guide
From Web3
From ethers v4
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Binary file not shown.

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