mirror of synced 2025-02-22 19:18:32 +00:00

402 lines
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2019-05-14 18:25:46 -04:00
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs");
const resolve = require("path").resolve;
const diff = require("diff");
const semver = require("semver");
const { prompt } = require("../packages/cli");
2019-05-14 18:25:46 -04:00
const build = require("./build");
const changelog = require("./changelog");
const depgraph = require("./depgraph");
const { colorify, colorifyStatus, log } = require("./log");
const config = require("./config")
const git = require("./git");
const local = require("./local");
const npm = require("./npm");
const utils = require("./utils");
async function runChanged(dirnames, callback) {
try {
await callback(dirname, info, npmInfo);
} catch (error) {
console.log(colorify("Aborting! " + error.message));
if (diff) {
} else {
async function runDiff(dirnames) {
// Default to all packages
if (dirnames == null || dirnames.length === 0) { dirnames = local.dirnames; }
for (let i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++) {
let dirname = dirnames[i];
// Get local (update the tarballHash) and remote package.json
let info = await local.loadPackage(dirname);
let npmInfo = await npm.getPackageVersion(info.name);
if (!npmInfo) { npmInfo = { gitHead: "HEAD", version: "NEW" }; }
let delta = await git.getDiff(resolve(__dirname, "../packages", dirname), npmInfo.gitHead);
if (delta.length === 0) { continue; }
// Bump the version if necessary
if (info.version === npmInfo.version) {
info.version = semver.inc(info.version, "prerelease", "beta");
console.log(colorify("<bold:Package>: ") + info.name);
console.log(colorify(" <green:Git Head Changed:> (run update to bump version)"));
console.log(" " + npmInfo.gitHead)
console.log(" " + npmInfo.version + colorify(" => ", "bold") + info.version)
console.log(colorify(" Diff", "bold"));
delta.forEach((line) => {
let color = "blue";
switch (line.substring(0, 1)) {
case '+':
color = "green";
case '-':
color = "red";
case ' ':
color = "normal";
console.log(" " + colorify(line, color));
async function updateChangelog() {
let filename = resolve(local.ROOT, "../CHANGELOG.md");
let lastVersion = await git.getLatestTag();
let newVersion = "v" + local.getVersion("ethers");
let current = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString();
let log = await changelog.generate();
if (log === current) { return; }
let changes = diff.createTwoFilesPatch("CHANGELOG-old.md", "CHANGELOG.md", current, log, lastVersion, newVersion);
try {
let response = await prompt.getChoice(colorify("Accept changes?", "bold"), "yn", "n");
if (response === "n") { throw new Error("Not changing."); }
} catch (error) {
console.log("Abort: " + error.message);
fs.writeFileSync(filename, log);
// Updates the dependency-graph (tsconfig.project.json) so the build order is correct
async function runUpdateDepgraph() {
log(`<bold:Updating dependency-graph build order (tsconfig.project.json)...>`);
let ordered = depgraph.getOrdered();
let path = resolve(local.ROOT, "../tsconfig.project.json")
let projectConfig = local.loadJson(path);
projectConfig.references = ordered.map((name) => ({ path: ("./packages/" + name) }));
local.saveJson(path, projectConfig);
async function runUpdate(dirnames) {
// Check for untracked files...
let untracked = [ ];
if (dirnames == null || dirnames.length === 0) {
dirnames = local.dirnames;
let filenames = await git.getUntracked(resolve(__dirname, ".."));
for (let i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++) {
let filenames = await git.getUntracked(resolve(local.ROOT, dirnames[i]));
for (let j = 0; j < filenames.length; j++) {
// Untracked files! Abort.
if (untracked.length) {
log("<bold:Untracked Files:>");
untracked.forEach((filename) => {
console.log(" " + filename);
log(`<bold:Run TypeScript build...>`);
await build.runBuild()
// @TODO: Root
// Update all the package.json and _version.ts
let progress = prompt.getProgressBar(colorify("Updating versions", "bold"));
2019-05-14 18:25:46 -04:00
for (let i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++) {
progress(i / dirnames.length);
let dirname = dirnames[i];
let path = resolve(__dirname, "../packages/", dirname);
// Get local package.json (update the tarballHash)
let info = await local.updatePackage(dirname);
// Get the remote package.json (or sub in a placeholder for new pacakges)
let npmInfo = await npm.getPackageVersion(info.name);
if (!npmInfo) { npmInfo = { version: "NEW" }; }
if (info.tarballHash === npmInfo.tarballHash) { continue; }
// Bump the version if necessary
if (info.version === npmInfo.version) {
let newVersion = semver.inc(info.version, "prerelease", "beta");
// Write out the _version.ts
if (!info._ethers_skipPrepare) {
let code = "export const version = " + JSON.stringify(newVersion) + ";\n";
fs.writeFileSync(resolve(path, "src.ts/_version.ts"), code);
// Update the package.json (we do this after _version, so if we fail,
// this remains old; which is what triggers the version bump)
info = await local.updatePackage(dirname, { version: newVersion });
// Build the TypeScript sources
log("<bold:Runing TypeScript build...>");
try {
await build.runTsc();
} catch (error) {
// Run the dist
// @TODO:
// Update the tarball hash now that _version and package.json may have changed.
progress = prompt.getProgressBar(colorify("Updating tarballHash", "bold"));
2019-05-14 18:25:46 -04:00
for (let i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++) {
progress(i / dirnames.length);
await local.updatePackage(dirnames[i]);
// Show the changed files (compared to npm)
for (let i = 0; i < dirnames.length; i++) {
let dirname = dirnames[i];
// Get local package.json
let info = await local.loadPackage(dirname);
let path = resolve(__dirname, "../packages/", dirname);
// Get the remote package.json (or sub in a placeholder for new pacakges)
let npmInfo = await npm.getPackageVersion(info.name);
if (!npmInfo) { npmInfo = { version: "NEW" }; }
// No change
if (info.tarballHash === npmInfo.tarballHash) { continue; }
let gitHead = await git.getGitTag(path);
log(`<bold:Package>: ${info.name}`);
log(` <green:Tarball Changed:> (bumping version)`);
log(` ${npmInfo.version} => ${info.version}`)
log(` <blue:Changed:>`);
let filenames = await git.getDiff(resolve(__dirname, "../packages", dirname), npmInfo.gitHead, true);
filenames.forEach((filename) => {
let short = filename.split("/").slice(1).join("/");
if (short.indexOf("/src.ts/") >= 0) {
log(` <bold:${short}>`);
} else {
log(` ${short}`);
// @TODO: Changelog
await updateChangelog();
async function runAdd(type, names) {
let latest = await git.getLatestTag();
console.log(colorify("<bold:Latest Published>: ") + latest);
let changes = await git.getChanges("HEAD");
if (!names || names.length === 0) {
names = Object.keys(changes);
let filenames = [ ];
for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
let name = names[i];
let change = changes[name] || changes[(packages[name] || {}).name];
if (!change) { return; }
change[type].forEach((filename) => {
if (filenames.length === 0) {
console.log(colorify("<bold:Nothing to add.>"));
for (let i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {
let filename = filenames[i];
let status = await git.getStatus(filename);
console.log(" " + colorifyStatus(status) + ": " + utils.repeat(" ", 10 - status.length) + filename);
try {
let response = await prompt.getChoice(colorify("Add these files?", "bold"), "yn", "n");
if (response === "n") { throw new Error("Not adding."); }
} catch (error) {
console.log("Abort: " + error.message);
let params = filenames.map((f) => f); //resolve(ROOT, f));
console.log("git " + params.join(" "));
try {
await git.run(params);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error: (status: " + error.code + ")");
console.log(" " + error.stderr);
function runDist() {
// Run npm dist
// Generate changelog
// run status to update all the package
// add dist files?
async function runPublish(dirnames) {
// @TODO: Make sure there are no staged files
// @TODO: Make sure the repo has been pushed
// @TODO: Run the publish in the correct order
// Get the authentication token from our encrypted store
let token = await config.get("token");
token = token.trim().split("=");
let options = {
npmVersion: "ethers-dist@0.0.0",
tag: "next"
// Set the authentication token
options[token[0]] = token[1];
if (dirnames == null || dirnames.length === 0) { dirnames = local.dirnames; }
await runChanged(dirnames, async (dirname, info, npmInfo) => {
console.log(colorify("<bold:Publishing:> ") + info.name + "...")
console.log(colorify(" Version: ", "blue") + npmInfo.version + colorify(" => ", "bold") + info.version);
let success = await npm.publish(dirname, options);
if (!success) {
console.log(colorify(" <red:FAILED! Aborting.>"));
throw new Error("");
console.log(colorify(" <green:Done.>"));
async function runTest() {
let r = await git([ "tag", "--porcelain", "-a", "-m", "Title of Release\n\nHello\n-----\n\nTesting 4 **bold** #1\nHello World", "test6", "HEAD" ]);
try {
r = await git([ "push", "--tags" ])
} catch(e) { console.log(e); }
(function() {
let args = process.argv.slice(2);
switch (args[0]) {
// Compare published to current stage
case "diff":
return runDiff(args.slice(1));
// Add unchecked-in source files
case "add-source":
return runAdd("src", args.slice(1));
// Update all package.json. the changelog and dist files
case "update":
return runUpdate(args.slice(1));
// Update dependency graph (./tsconfig-project.json)
case "update-depgraph":
return runUpdateDepgraph();
// Add unchecked-in dist files
case "add-dist":
return runAdd("dist", args.slice(1));
// Add unchecked-in source files
case "changelog":
return updateChangelog();
// Add unchecked-in source files
case "publish":
return runPublish(args.slice(1));
case "test":
return runTest();