2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "utils/errors" {
export const MISSING_NEW = "MISSING_NEW";
export function throwError(message: string, code: string, params: any): never;
export function checkNew(self: any, kind: any): void;
declare module "utils/convert" {
* Conversion Utilities
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
export type Arrayish = string | ArrayLike<number>;
export type Signature = {
r: string;
s: string;
v: number;
export function isArrayish(value: any): boolean;
export function arrayify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber): Uint8Array;
export function concat(objects: Array<Arrayish>): Uint8Array;
export function stripZeros(value: Arrayish): Uint8Array;
export function padZeros(value: Arrayish, length: number): Uint8Array;
export function isHexString(value: any, length?: number): boolean;
export function hexlify(value: Arrayish | BigNumber | number): string;
export function hexStripZeros(value: string): string;
export function hexZeroPad(value: string, length: number): string;
export function splitSignature(signature: Arrayish): Signature;
declare module "utils/bignumber" {
* BigNumber
* A wrapper around the BN.js object. We use the BN.js library
* because it is used by elliptic, so it is required regardles.
import _BN from 'bn.js';
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export type BigNumberish = BigNumber | string | number | Arrayish;
export class BigNumber {
readonly _bn: _BN.BN;
constructor(value: BigNumberish);
fromTwos(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
toTwos(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
add(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
sub(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
div(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
mul(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
mod(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
pow(other: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
maskn(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
eq(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
lt(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
lte(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
gt(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
gte(other: BigNumberish): boolean;
isZero(): boolean;
toNumber(): number;
toString(): string;
toHexString(): string;
export function isBigNumber(value: any): boolean;
export function bigNumberify(value: BigNumberish): BigNumber;
export const ConstantNegativeOne: BigNumber;
export const ConstantZero: BigNumber;
export const ConstantOne: BigNumber;
export const ConstantTwo: BigNumber;
export const ConstantWeiPerEther: BigNumber;
declare module "utils/keccak256" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function keccak256(data: Arrayish): string;
declare module "utils/rlp" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function encode(object: any): string;
export function decode(data: Arrayish): any;
declare module "utils/address" {
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function getAddress(address: string, icapFormat?: boolean): string;
export function getContractAddress(transaction: {
from: string;
nonce: Arrayish | BigNumber | number;
}): string;
declare module "utils/utf8" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export enum UnicodeNormalizationForm {
current = "",
NFC = "NFC",
NFD = "NFD",
export function toUtf8Bytes(str: string, form?: UnicodeNormalizationForm): Uint8Array;
export function toUtf8String(bytes: Arrayish): string;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
declare module "utils/properties" {
export function defineReadOnly(object: any, name: any, value: any): void;
export function defineFrozen(object: any, name: any, value: any): void;
export type DeferredSetter = (value: any) => void;
export function defineDeferredReadOnly(object: any, name: any, value: any): DeferredSetter;
export function resolveProperties(object: any): Promise<any>;
export function shallowCopy(object: any): any;
export function jsonCopy(object: any): any;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "utils/abi-coder" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export type CoerceFunc = (type: string, value: any) => any;
export type ParamType = {
name?: string;
type: string;
indexed?: boolean;
components?: Array<any>;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export const defaultCoerceFunc: CoerceFunc;
export type EventFragment = {
type: string;
name: string;
anonymous: boolean;
inputs: Array<ParamType>;
export type FunctionFragment = {
type: string;
name: string;
constant: boolean;
inputs: Array<ParamType>;
outputs: Array<ParamType>;
payable: boolean;
stateMutability: string;
export function parseSignature(fragment: string): EventFragment | FunctionFragment;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export class AbiCoder {
readonly coerceFunc: CoerceFunc;
constructor(coerceFunc?: CoerceFunc);
encode(types: Array<string | ParamType>, values: Array<any>): string;
decode(types: Array<string | ParamType>, data: Arrayish): any;
export const defaultAbiCoder: AbiCoder;
declare module "contracts/interface" {
import { ParamType } from "utils/abi-coder";
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
export class Indexed {
readonly hash: string;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
constructor(value: string);
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export class Description {
readonly type: string;
readonly inputs: Array<ParamType>;
constructor(info: any);
export class DeployDescription extends Description {
readonly payable: boolean;
encode(bytecode: string, params: Array<any>): string;
export class FunctionDescription extends Description {
readonly name: string;
readonly signature: string;
readonly sighash: string;
readonly outputs: Array<ParamType>;
readonly payable: boolean;
encode(params: Array<any>): string;
decode(data: string): any;
export type CallTransaction = {
args: Array<any>;
signature: string;
sighash: string;
decode: (data: string) => any;
value: BigNumber;
export class EventDescription extends Description {
readonly name: string;
readonly signature: string;
readonly anonymous: boolean;
readonly topic: string;
decode(data: string, topics?: Array<string>): any;
export class Interface {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
readonly abi: Array<any>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
readonly functions: Array<FunctionDescription>;
readonly events: Array<EventDescription>;
readonly deployFunction: DeployDescription;
constructor(abi: Array<string | ParamType> | string);
parseTransaction(tx: {
data: string;
value?: BigNumberish;
}): CallTransaction;
declare module "utils/namehash" {
export function namehash(name: string): string;
declare module "providers/networks" {
export type Network = {
name: string;
chainId: number;
ensAddress?: string;
export const networks: {
"unspecified": {
"chainId": number;
"name": string;
"homestead": {
"chainId": number;
"ensAddress": string;
"name": string;
"mainnet": {
"chainId": number;
"ensAddress": string;
"name": string;
"morden": {
"chainId": number;
"name": string;
"ropsten": {
"chainId": number;
"ensAddress": string;
"name": string;
"testnet": {
"chainId": number;
"ensAddress": string;
"name": string;
"rinkeby": {
"chainId": number;
"name": string;
"kovan": {
"chainId": number;
"name": string;
"classic": {
"chainId": number;
"name": string;
* getNetwork
* If the network is a the name of a common network, return that network.
* Otherwise, if it is a network object, verify the chain ID is valid
* for that network. Otherwise, return the network.
export function getNetwork(network: Network | string | number): Network;
declare module "providers/provider" {
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
export type BlockTag = string | number;
export type Block = {
hash: string;
parentHash: string;
number: number;
timestamp: number;
nonce: string;
difficulty: string;
gasLimit: BigNumber;
gasUsed: BigNumber;
miner: string;
extraData: string;
transactions: Array<string>;
export type TransactionRequest = {
to?: string | Promise<string>;
from?: string | Promise<string>;
nonce?: number | string | Promise<number | string>;
gasLimit?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>;
gasPrice?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>;
data?: Arrayish | Promise<Arrayish>;
value?: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>;
chainId?: number | Promise<number>;
export type TransactionResponse = {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
timestamp?: number;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
hash: string;
to?: string;
from?: string;
nonce?: number;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
data?: string;
value: BigNumber;
chainId?: number;
r?: string;
s?: string;
v?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export type TransactionReceipt = {
contractAddress?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
root?: string;
gasUsed?: BigNumber;
logsBloom?: string;
blockHash?: string;
transactionHash?: string;
logs?: Array<Log>;
blockNumber?: number;
cumulativeGasUsed?: BigNumber;
status?: number;
export type Filter = {
fromBlock?: BlockTag;
toBlock?: BlockTag;
address?: string;
topics?: Array<any>;
export type Log = {
blockNumber?: number;
blockHash?: string;
transactionIndex?: number;
removed?: boolean;
address: string;
data?: string;
topics?: Array<string>;
transactionHash?: string;
logIndex?: number;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function checkTransactionResponse(transaction: any): TransactionResponse;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export class Provider {
private _network;
protected ready: Promise<Network>;
private _events;
protected _emitted: any;
private _pollingInterval;
private _poller;
private _lastBlockNumber;
private _balances;
* Sub-classing notes
* - If the network is standard or fully specified, ready will resolve
* - Otherwise, the sub-class must assign a Promise to ready
constructor(network: string | Network);
private _doPoll;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
resetEventsBlock(blockNumber: number): void;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
readonly network: Network;
getNetwork(): Promise<Network>;
readonly blockNumber: number;
polling: boolean;
pollingInterval: number;
waitForTransaction(transactionHash: string, timeout?: number): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
getBlockNumber(): Promise<number>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
getBalance(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<number>;
getCode(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
getStorageAt(addressOrName: string | Promise<string>, position: BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>, blockTag?: BlockTag | Promise<BlockTag>): Promise<string>;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
call(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<string>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag: BlockTag | string | Promise<BlockTag | string>): Promise<Block>;
getTransaction(transactionHash: string): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash: string): Promise<TransactionReceipt>;
getLogs(filter: Filter): Promise<Array<Log>>;
getEtherPrice(): Promise<number>;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
_resolveNames(object: any, keys: Array<string>): Promise<any>;
_getResolver(name: string): Promise<string>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
resolveName(name: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
lookupAddress(address: string | Promise<string>): Promise<string>;
doPoll(): void;
perform(method: string, params: any): Promise<any>;
_startPending(): void;
_stopPending(): void;
on(eventName: any, listener: any): Provider;
once(eventName: any, listener: any): Provider;
emit(eventName: any, ...args: any[]): boolean;
listenerCount(eventName?: any): number;
listeners(eventName: any): Array<any>;
removeAllListeners(eventName: any): Provider;
removeListener(eventName: any, listener: any): Provider;
declare module "contracts/contract" {
import { Interface } from "contracts/interface";
import { Provider, TransactionResponse } from "providers/provider";
import { ParamType } from "utils/abi-coder";
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
interface Signer {
defaultGasLimit?: BigNumber;
defaultGasPrice?: BigNumber;
address?: string;
provider?: Provider;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getTransactionCount(): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(tx: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(tx: any): Promise<any>;
sign(tx: any): string | Promise<string>;
export type ContractEstimate = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<BigNumber>;
export type ContractFunction = (...params: Array<any>) => Promise<any>;
export type ContractEvent = (...params: Array<any>) => void;
interface Bucket<T> {
[name: string]: T;
export type Contractish = Array<string | ParamType> | Interface | string;
export class Contract {
readonly address: string;
readonly interface: Interface;
readonly signer: Signer;
readonly provider: Provider;
readonly estimate: Bucket<ContractEstimate>;
readonly functions: Bucket<ContractFunction>;
readonly events: Bucket<ContractEvent>;
readonly addressPromise: Promise<string>;
readonly deployTransaction: TransactionResponse;
constructor(addressOrName: string, contractInterface: Contractish, signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider);
connect(signerOrProvider: Signer | Provider): Contract;
deploy(bytecode: string, ...args: Array<any>): Promise<Contract>;
declare module "contracts/index" {
import { Contract } from "contracts/contract";
import { Interface } from "contracts/interface";
export { Contract, Interface };
declare module "utils/base64" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function decode(textData: string): Uint8Array;
export function encode(data: Arrayish): string;
declare module "utils/web" {
export type ConnectionInfo = {
url: string;
user?: string;
password?: string;
allowInsecure?: boolean;
export type ProcessFunc = (value: any) => any;
export function fetchJson(url: string | ConnectionInfo, json: string, processFunc: ProcessFunc): Promise<any>;
declare module "providers/etherscan-provider" {
import { Provider } from "providers/provider";
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
export class EtherscanProvider extends Provider {
readonly baseUrl: string;
readonly apiKey: string;
constructor(network?: Network | string, apiKey?: string);
perform(method: string, params: any): Promise<any>;
getHistory(addressOrName: any, startBlock: any, endBlock: any): Promise<any[]>;
declare module "providers/fallback-provider" {
import { Provider } from "providers/provider";
export class FallbackProvider extends Provider {
private _providers;
constructor(providers: Array<Provider>);
readonly providers: Provider[];
perform(method: string, params: any): any;
declare module "providers/json-rpc-provider" {
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
import { BlockTag, Provider, TransactionRequest } from "providers/provider";
import { BigNumber } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { ConnectionInfo } from "utils/web";
export function hexlifyTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): any;
export class JsonRpcSigner {
readonly provider: JsonRpcProvider;
readonly _address: string;
constructor(provider: JsonRpcProvider, address?: string);
readonly address: string;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
getBalance(blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(blockTag: any): Promise<number>;
sendTransaction(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<any>;
signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): Promise<string>;
unlock(password: any): Promise<boolean>;
export class JsonRpcProvider extends Provider {
readonly connection: ConnectionInfo;
private _pendingFilter;
constructor(url?: ConnectionInfo | string, network?: Network | string);
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
getSigner(address: string): JsonRpcSigner;
listAccounts(): Promise<Array<string>>;
send(method: string, params: any): Promise<any>;
perform(method: string, params: any): Promise<any>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
_startPending(): void;
_stopPending(): void;
declare module "providers/infura-provider" {
import { JsonRpcProvider, JsonRpcSigner } from "providers/json-rpc-provider";
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
export class InfuraProvider extends JsonRpcProvider {
readonly apiAccessToken: string;
constructor(network?: Network | string, apiAccessToken?: string);
_startPending(): void;
getSigner(address?: string): JsonRpcSigner;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
listAccounts(): Promise<Array<string>>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "providers/web3-provider" {
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
import { JsonRpcProvider } from "providers/json-rpc-provider";
export type Callback = (error: any, response: any) => void;
export type AsyncProvider = {
isMetaMask: boolean;
host?: string;
path?: string;
sendAsync: (request: any, callback: Callback) => void;
export class Web3Provider extends JsonRpcProvider {
readonly _web3Provider: AsyncProvider;
constructor(web3Provider: AsyncProvider, network?: Network | string);
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
send(method: string, params: any): Promise<any>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "providers/index" {
import { Provider } from "providers/provider";
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
import { EtherscanProvider } from "providers/etherscan-provider";
import { FallbackProvider } from "providers/fallback-provider";
import { InfuraProvider } from "providers/infura-provider";
import { JsonRpcProvider } from "providers/json-rpc-provider";
import { Web3Provider } from "providers/web3-provider";
function getDefaultProvider(network?: Network | string): FallbackProvider;
export { Provider, getDefaultProvider, FallbackProvider, EtherscanProvider, InfuraProvider, JsonRpcProvider, Web3Provider, };
declare module "utils/id" {
export function id(text: string): string;
declare module "utils/sha2" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export function sha256(data: Arrayish): string;
export function sha512(data: Arrayish): string;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "utils/solidity" {
export function pack(types: Array<string>, values: Array<any>): string;
export function keccak256(types: Array<string>, values: Array<any>): string;
export function sha256(types: Array<string>, values: Array<any>): string;
declare module "utils/random-bytes" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function randomBytes(length: number): Uint8Array;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "utils/units" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
export function formatUnits(value: BigNumberish, unitType?: string | number, options?: any): string;
export function parseUnits(value: string, unitType?: string | number): BigNumber;
export function formatEther(wei: BigNumberish, options: any): string;
export function parseEther(ether: string): BigNumber;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "utils/index" {
import { getAddress, getContractAddress } from "utils/address";
import { AbiCoder, parseSignature } from "utils/abi-coder";
import * as base64 from "utils/base64";
import * as bigNumber from "utils/bignumber";
import * as convert from "utils/convert";
import { id } from "utils/id";
import { keccak256 } from "utils/keccak256";
import { namehash } from "utils/namehash";
import * as sha2 from "utils/sha2";
import * as solidity from "utils/solidity";
import { randomBytes } from "utils/random-bytes";
import * as RLP from "utils/rlp";
import * as utf8 from "utils/utf8";
import * as units from "utils/units";
import { fetchJson } from "utils/web";
const _default: {
AbiCoder: typeof AbiCoder;
defaultAbiCoder: AbiCoder;
parseSignature: typeof parseSignature;
RLP: typeof RLP;
fetchJson: typeof fetchJson;
etherSymbol: string;
arrayify: typeof convert.arrayify;
concat: typeof convert.concat;
padZeros: typeof convert.padZeros;
stripZeros: typeof convert.stripZeros;
base64: typeof base64;
bigNumberify: typeof bigNumber.bigNumberify;
BigNumber: typeof bigNumber.BigNumber;
hexlify: typeof convert.hexlify;
toUtf8Bytes: typeof utf8.toUtf8Bytes;
toUtf8String: typeof utf8.toUtf8String;
namehash: typeof namehash;
id: typeof id;
getAddress: typeof getAddress;
getContractAddress: typeof getContractAddress;
formatEther: typeof units.formatEther;
parseEther: typeof units.parseEther;
formatUnits: typeof units.formatUnits;
parseUnits: typeof units.parseUnits;
keccak256: typeof keccak256;
sha256: typeof sha2.sha256;
randomBytes: typeof randomBytes;
solidityPack: typeof solidity.pack;
solidityKeccak256: typeof solidity.keccak256;
soliditySha256: typeof solidity.sha256;
splitSignature: typeof convert.splitSignature;
export default _default;
declare module "wallet/secp256k1" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
export type Signature = {
r: string;
s: string;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
recoveryParam: number;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export class KeyPair {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly compressedPublicKey: string;
readonly publicKeyBytes: Uint8Array;
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish);
sign(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function recoverPublicKey(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computePublicKey(key: Arrayish, compressed?: boolean): string;
export const N: string;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "wallet/words" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function getWord(index: number): string;
export function getWordIndex(word: string): number;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "utils/hmac" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
interface HashFunc {
(): HashFunc;
update(chunk: Uint8Array): HashFunc;
digest(encoding: string): string;
digest(): Uint8Array;
export interface HmacFunc extends HashFunc {
(hashFunc: HashFunc, key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function createSha256Hmac(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function createSha512Hmac(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
declare module "utils/pbkdf2" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { HmacFunc } from "utils/hmac";
export interface CreateHmacFunc {
(key: Arrayish): HmacFunc;
export function pbkdf2(password: Arrayish, salt: Arrayish, iterations: number, keylen: number, createHmac: CreateHmacFunc): Uint8Array;
declare module "wallet/hdnode" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { KeyPair } from "wallet/secp256k1";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export class HDNode {
private readonly keyPair;
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
readonly chainCode: string;
readonly index: number;
readonly depth: number;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
constructor(keyPair: KeyPair, chainCode: Uint8Array, index: number, depth: number, mnemonic: string, path: string);
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
private _derive;
derivePath(path: string): HDNode;
export function fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string): HDNode;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function fromSeed(seed: Arrayish): HDNode;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export function mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic: string, password?: string): string;
export function mnemonicToEntropy(mnemonic: string): string;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function entropyToMnemonic(entropy: Arrayish): string;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export function isValidMnemonic(mnemonic: string): boolean;
declare module "wallet/signing-key" {
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
* SigningKey
import { Signature } from "wallet/secp256k1";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { HDNode } from "wallet/hdnode";
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
export class SigningKey {
readonly privateKey: string;
readonly publicKey: string;
readonly address: string;
readonly mnemonic: string;
readonly path: string;
private readonly keyPair;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
constructor(privateKey: Arrayish | HDNode);
signDigest(digest: Arrayish): Signature;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function recoverAddress(digest: Arrayish, signature: Signature): string;
export function computeAddress(key: string): string;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "wallet/secret-storage" {
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
export interface ProgressCallback {
(percent: number): void;
export function isCrowdsaleWallet(json: string): boolean;
export function isValidWallet(json: string): boolean;
export function decryptCrowdsale(json: string, password: Arrayish | string): SigningKey;
export function decrypt(json: string, password: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<SigningKey>;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export function encrypt(privateKey: Arrayish | SigningKey, password: Arrayish | string, options?: any, progressCallback?: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "wallet/wallet" {
import { HDNode } from "wallet/hdnode";
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { ProgressCallback } from "wallet/secret-storage";
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { BlockTag } from "providers/provider";
import { BigNumber, BigNumberish } from "utils/bignumber";
import { Arrayish } from "utils/convert";
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
interface Provider {
chainId: number;
getBalance(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(address: string, blockTag: number | string): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: any): Promise<BigNumber>;
getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(Bytes: any): Promise<string>;
resolveName(address: string): Promise<string>;
waitForTransaction(Bytes32: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
interface TransactionRequest {
nonce?: number;
to?: string;
from?: string;
data?: string;
gasLimit?: BigNumber;
gasPrice?: BigNumber;
r?: string;
s?: string;
chainId?: number;
v?: number;
value?: BigNumber;
interface TransactionResponse extends TransactionRequest {
hash?: string;
blockHash?: string;
block?: number;
wait?: (timeout?: number) => Promise<TransactionResponse>;
export class Wallet {
readonly address: string;
readonly privateKey: string;
private mnemonic;
private path;
private readonly signingKey;
provider: any;
defaultGasLimit: number;
constructor(privateKey: SigningKey | HDNode | Arrayish, provider?: Provider);
sign(transaction: TransactionRequest): string;
static parseTransaction(rawTransaction: Arrayish): TransactionRequest;
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
getBalance(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<BigNumber>;
getTransactionCount(blockTag: BlockTag): Promise<number>;
estimateGas(transaction: TransactionRequest): Promise<BigNumber>;
sendTransaction(transaction: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
send(addressOrName: string, amountWei: BigNumberish, options: any): Promise<TransactionResponse>;
static hashMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
signMessage(message: Arrayish | string): string;
static verifyMessage(message: Arrayish | string, signature: string): string;
encrypt(password: Arrayish | string, options: any, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<string>;
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static createRandom(options: any): Wallet;
static isEncryptedWallet(json: string): boolean;
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static fromEncryptedWallet(json: string, password: Arrayish, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
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static fromMnemonic(mnemonic: string, path?: string): Wallet;
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static fromBrainWallet(username: Arrayish | string, password: Arrayish | string, progressCallback: ProgressCallback): Promise<Wallet>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "wallet/index" {
import { Wallet } from "wallet/wallet";
import * as HDNode from "wallet/hdnode";
import { SigningKey } from "wallet/signing-key";
export { HDNode, SigningKey, Wallet };
declare module "index" {
import { Contract, Interface } from "contracts/index";
import * as providers from "providers/index";
import * as errors from "utils/errors";
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
import { networks } from "providers/networks";
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
import utils from "utils/index";
import { HDNode, SigningKey, Wallet } from "wallet/index";
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
export { Wallet, HDNode, SigningKey, Contract, Interface, networks, providers, errors, utils, };
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
declare module "providers/ipc-provider" {
import { JsonRpcProvider } from "providers/json-rpc-provider";
import { Network } from "providers/networks";
export class IpcProvider extends JsonRpcProvider {
readonly path: string;
constructor(path: string, network?: Network | string);
2018-06-15 04:18:17 -04:00
send(method: string, params: any): Promise<any>;
2018-06-14 05:38:37 -04:00
//# sourceMappingURL=ethers.d.ts.map