2019-08-25 02:39:20 -04:00
"use strict";
import { ForkEvent, Provider } from "@ethersproject/abstract-provider";
import { BigNumber } from "@ethersproject/bignumber";
import { arrayify, hexDataLength, hexlify, hexValue, isHexString } from "@ethersproject/bytes";
import { namehash } from "@ethersproject/hash";
import { getNetwork } from "@ethersproject/networks";
import { defineReadOnly, getStatic, resolveProperties } from "@ethersproject/properties";
import { toUtf8String } from "@ethersproject/strings";
import { poll } from "@ethersproject/web";
import { Logger } from "@ethersproject/logger";
import { version } from "./_version";
const logger = new Logger(version);
import { Formatter } from "./formatter";
// Event Serializeing
function checkTopic(topic) {
if (topic == null) {
return "null";
if (hexDataLength(topic) !== 32) {
logger.throwArgumentError("invalid topic", "topic", topic);
return topic.toLowerCase();
function serializeTopics(topics) {
// Remove trailing null AND-topics; they are redundant
topics = topics.slice();
while (topics[topics.length - 1] == null) {
return topics.map((topic) => {
if (Array.isArray(topic)) {
// Only track unique OR-topics
let unique = {};
topic.forEach((topic) => {
unique[checkTopic(topic)] = true;
// The order of OR-topics does not matter
let sorted = Object.keys(unique);
return sorted.join("|");
else {
return checkTopic(topic);
function deserializeTopics(data) {
return data.split(/&/g).map((topic) => {
return topic.split("|").map((topic) => {
return ((topic === "null") ? null : topic);
function getEventTag(eventName) {
if (typeof (eventName) === "string") {
eventName = eventName.toLowerCase();
if (hexDataLength(eventName) === 32) {
return "tx:" + eventName;
if (eventName.indexOf(":") === -1) {
return eventName;
else if (Array.isArray(eventName)) {
return "filter:*:" + serializeTopics(eventName);
else if (ForkEvent.isForkEvent(eventName)) {
logger.warn("not implemented");
throw new Error("not implemented");
else if (eventName && typeof (eventName) === "object") {
return "filter:" + (eventName.address || "*") + ":" + serializeTopics(eventName.topics || []);
throw new Error("invalid event - " + eventName);
// Helper Object
function getTime() {
return (new Date()).getTime();
// Provider Object
* EventType
* - "block"
* - "pending"
* - "error"
* - filter
* - topics array
* - transaction hash
class Event {
constructor(tag, listener, once) {
defineReadOnly(this, "tag", tag);
defineReadOnly(this, "listener", listener);
defineReadOnly(this, "once", once);
pollable() {
return (this.tag.indexOf(":") >= 0 || this.tag === "block" || this.tag === "pending");
let defaultFormatter = null;
let nextPollId = 1;
export class BaseProvider extends Provider {
constructor(network) {
logger.checkNew(new.target, Provider);
this.formatter = new.target.getFormatter();
if (network instanceof Promise) {
defineReadOnly(this, "ready", network.then((network) => {
defineReadOnly(this, "_network", network);
return network;
// Squash any "unhandled promise" errors; that do not need to be handled
this.ready.catch((error) => { });
else {
let knownNetwork = getStatic((new.target), "getNetwork")(network);
if (knownNetwork) {
defineReadOnly(this, "_network", knownNetwork);
defineReadOnly(this, "ready", Promise.resolve(this._network));
else {
logger.throwArgumentError("invalid network", "network", network);
this._lastBlockNumber = -2;
// Events being listened to
this._events = [];
this._pollingInterval = 4000;
this._emitted = { block: -2 };
this._fastQueryDate = 0;
static getFormatter() {
if (defaultFormatter == null) {
defaultFormatter = new Formatter();
return defaultFormatter;
static getNetwork(network) {
return getNetwork((network == null) ? "homestead" : network);
poll() {
let pollId = nextPollId++;
this.emit("willPoll", pollId);
// Track all running promises, so we can trigger a post-poll once they are complete
let runners = [];
this.getBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => {
// If the block has not changed, meh.
if (blockNumber === this._lastBlockNumber) {
// First polling cycle, trigger a "block" events
if (this._emitted.block === -2) {
this._emitted.block = blockNumber - 1;
// Notify all listener for each block that has passed
for (let i = this._emitted.block + 1; i <= blockNumber; i++) {
this.emit("block", i);
// The emitted block was updated, check for obsolete events
if (this._emitted.block !== blockNumber) {
this._emitted.block = blockNumber;
Object.keys(this._emitted).forEach((key) => {
// The block event does not expire
if (key === "block") {
// The block we were at when we emitted this event
let eventBlockNumber = this._emitted[key];
// We cannot garbage collect pending transactions or blocks here
// They should be garbage collected by the Provider when setting
// "pending" events
if (eventBlockNumber === "pending") {
// Evict any transaction hashes or block hashes over 12 blocks
// old, since they should not return null anyways
if (blockNumber - eventBlockNumber > 12) {
delete this._emitted[key];
// First polling cycle
if (this._lastBlockNumber === -2) {
this._lastBlockNumber = blockNumber - 1;
// Find all transaction hashes we are waiting on
this._events.forEach((event) => {
let comps = event.tag.split(":");
switch (comps[0]) {
case "tx": {
let hash = comps[1];
let runner = this.getTransactionReceipt(hash).then((receipt) => {
if (!receipt || receipt.blockNumber == null) {
return null;
this._emitted["t:" + hash] = receipt.blockNumber;
this.emit(hash, receipt);
return null;
}).catch((error) => { this.emit("error", error); });
case "filter": {
let topics = deserializeTopics(comps[2]);
let filter = {
address: comps[1],
fromBlock: this._lastBlockNumber + 1,
toBlock: blockNumber,
topics: topics
if (!filter.address) {
delete filter.address;
let runner = this.getLogs(filter).then((logs) => {
if (logs.length === 0) {
logs.forEach((log) => {
this._emitted["b:" + log.blockHash] = log.blockNumber;
this._emitted["t:" + log.transactionHash] = log.blockNumber;
this.emit(filter, log);
return null;
}).catch((error) => { this.emit("error", error); });
this._lastBlockNumber = blockNumber;
return null;
}).catch((error) => { });
Promise.all(runners).then(() => {
this.emit("didPoll", pollId);
resetEventsBlock(blockNumber) {
this._lastBlockNumber = blockNumber - 1;
if (this.polling) {
get network() {
return this._network;
getNetwork() {
return this.ready;
get blockNumber() {
return this._fastBlockNumber;
get polling() {
return (this._poller != null);
set polling(value) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (value && !this._poller) {
this._poller = setInterval(this.poll.bind(this), this.pollingInterval);
else if (!value && this._poller) {
this._poller = null;
}, 0);
get pollingInterval() {
return this._pollingInterval;
set pollingInterval(value) {
if (typeof (value) !== "number" || value <= 0 || parseInt(String(value)) != value) {
throw new Error("invalid polling interval");
this._pollingInterval = value;
if (this._poller) {
this._poller = setInterval(() => { this.poll(); }, this._pollingInterval);
_getFastBlockNumber() {
let now = getTime();
// Stale block number, request a newer value
if ((now - this._fastQueryDate) > 2 * this._pollingInterval) {
this._fastQueryDate = now;
this._fastBlockNumberPromise = this.getBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => {
if (this._fastBlockNumber == null || blockNumber > this._fastBlockNumber) {
this._fastBlockNumber = blockNumber;
return this._fastBlockNumber;
return this._fastBlockNumberPromise;
_setFastBlockNumber(blockNumber) {
// Older block, maybe a stale request
if (this._fastBlockNumber != null && blockNumber < this._fastBlockNumber) {
// Update the time we updated the blocknumber
this._fastQueryDate = getTime();
// Newer block number, use it
if (this._fastBlockNumber == null || blockNumber > this._fastBlockNumber) {
this._fastBlockNumber = blockNumber;
this._fastBlockNumberPromise = Promise.resolve(blockNumber);
// @TODO: Add .poller which must be an event emitter with a 'start', 'stop' and 'block' event;
// this will be used once we move to the WebSocket or other alternatives to polling
waitForTransaction(transactionHash, confirmations) {
if (confirmations == null) {
confirmations = 1;
if (confirmations === 0) {
return this.getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash);
return new Promise((resolve) => {
let handler = (receipt) => {
if (receipt.confirmations < confirmations) {
this.removeListener(transactionHash, handler);
this.on(transactionHash, handler);
_runPerform(method, params) {
return this.ready.then(() => {
// Execute all the functions now that we are "ready"
Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => {
params[key] = params[key]();
return resolveProperties(params).then((params) => {
return this.perform(method, params);
getBlockNumber() {
return this._runPerform("getBlockNumber", {}).then((result) => {
let value = parseInt(result);
if (value != result) {
throw new Error("invalid response - getBlockNumber");
return value;
getGasPrice() {
return this._runPerform("getGasPrice", {}).then((result) => {
return BigNumber.from(result);
getBalance(addressOrName, blockTag) {
return this._runPerform("getBalance", {
address: () => this._getAddress(addressOrName),
blockTag: () => this._getBlockTag(blockTag)
}).then((result) => {
return BigNumber.from(result);
getTransactionCount(addressOrName, blockTag) {
return this._runPerform("getTransactionCount", {
address: () => this._getAddress(addressOrName),
blockTag: () => this._getBlockTag(blockTag)
}).then((result) => {
return BigNumber.from(result).toNumber();
getCode(addressOrName, blockTag) {
return this._runPerform("getCode", {
address: () => this._getAddress(addressOrName),
blockTag: () => this._getBlockTag(blockTag)
}).then((result) => {
return hexlify(result);
getStorageAt(addressOrName, position, blockTag) {
return this._runPerform("getStorageAt", {
address: () => this._getAddress(addressOrName),
blockTag: () => this._getBlockTag(blockTag),
position: () => Promise.resolve(position).then((p) => hexValue(p))
}).then((result) => {
return hexlify(result);
// This should be called by any subclass wrapping a TransactionResponse
_wrapTransaction(tx, hash) {
if (hash != null && hexDataLength(hash) !== 32) {
throw new Error("invalid response - sendTransaction");
let result = tx;
// Check the hash we expect is the same as the hash the server reported
if (hash != null && tx.hash !== hash) {
logger.throwError("Transaction hash mismatch from Provider.sendTransaction.", Logger.errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR, { expectedHash: tx.hash, returnedHash: hash });
// @TODO: (confirmations? number, timeout? number)
result.wait = (confirmations) => {
// We know this transaction *must* exist (whether it gets mined is
// another story), so setting an emitted value forces us to
// wait even if the node returns null for the receipt
if (confirmations !== 0) {
this._emitted["t:" + tx.hash] = "pending";
return this.waitForTransaction(tx.hash, confirmations).then((receipt) => {
if (receipt == null && confirmations === 0) {
return null;
// No longer pending, allow the polling loop to garbage collect this
this._emitted["t:" + tx.hash] = receipt.blockNumber;
if (receipt.status === 0) {
logger.throwError("transaction failed", Logger.errors.CALL_EXCEPTION, {
transactionHash: tx.hash,
transaction: tx,
receipt: receipt
return receipt;
return result;
sendTransaction(signedTransaction) {
return this._runPerform("sendTransaction", {
signedTransaction: () => Promise.resolve(signedTransaction).then(t => hexlify(t))
}).then((result) => {
return this._wrapTransaction(this.formatter.transaction(signedTransaction), result);
}, (error) => {
error.transaction = this.formatter.transaction(signedTransaction);
if (error.transaction.hash) {
error.transactionHash = error.transaction.hash;
throw error;
_getTransactionRequest(transaction) {
return Promise.resolve(transaction).then((t) => {
let tx = {};
["from", "to"].forEach((key) => {
if (t[key] == null) {
tx[key] = Promise.resolve(t[key]).then(a => (a ? this._getAddress(a) : null));
["data", "gasLimit", "gasPrice", "value"].forEach((key) => {
if (t[key] == null) {
tx[key] = t[key];
return resolveProperties(tx).then((t) => this.formatter.transactionRequest(t));
_getFilter(filter) {
return Promise.resolve(filter).then((f) => {
let filter = {};
if (f.address != null) {
filter.address = this._getAddress(f.address);
if (f.topics) {
filter.topics = f.topics;
if (f.blockHash != null) {
filter.blockHash = f.blockHash;
["fromBlock", "toBlock"].forEach((key) => {
if (f[key] == null) {
filter[key] = this._getBlockTag(f[key]);
return resolveProperties(filter).then((f) => this.formatter.filter(f));
call(transaction, blockTag) {
return this._runPerform("call", {
transaction: () => this._getTransactionRequest(transaction),
blockTag: () => this._getBlockTag(blockTag)
}).then((result) => {
return hexlify(result);
estimateGas(transaction) {
return this._runPerform("estimateGas", {
transaction: () => this._getTransactionRequest(transaction)
}).then((result) => {
return BigNumber.from(result);
_getAddress(addressOrName) {
return this.resolveName(addressOrName).then((address) => {
if (address == null) {
logger.throwError("ENS name not configured", Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, {
operation: `resolveName(${JSON.stringify(addressOrName)})`
return address;
_getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag, includeTransactions) {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return this._getBlockTag(blockHashOrBlockTag).then((blockHashOrBlockTag) => {
let params = {
includeTransactions: !!includeTransactions
// Exactly one of blockHash or blockTag will be set
let blockHash = null;
let blockTag = null;
// If blockTag is a number (not "latest", etc), this is the block number
let blockNumber = -128;
if (isHexString(blockHashOrBlockTag, 32)) {
params.blockHash = blockHashOrBlockTag;
else {
try {
params.blockTag = this.formatter.blockTag(blockHashOrBlockTag);
if (isHexString(params.blockTag)) {
blockNumber = parseInt(params.blockTag.substring(2), 16);
catch (error) {
logger.throwArgumentError("invalid block hash or block tag", "blockHashOrBlockTag", blockHashOrBlockTag);
return poll(() => {
return this.perform("getBlock", params).then((block) => {
// Block was not found
if (block == null) {
// For blockhashes, if we didn't say it existed, that blockhash may
// not exist. If we did see it though, perhaps from a log, we know
// it exists, and this node is just not caught up yet.
if (blockHash) {
if (this._emitted["b:" + blockHash] == null) {
return null;
// For block tags, if we are asking for a future block, we return null
if (blockTag) {
if (blockNumber > this._emitted.block) {
return null;
// Retry on the next block
return undefined;
// Add transactions
if (includeTransactions) {
return this.formatter.blockWithTransactions(block);
return this.formatter.block(block);
}, { onceBlock: this });
getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag) {
return (this._getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag, false));
getBlockWithTransactions(blockHashOrBlockTag) {
return (this._getBlock(blockHashOrBlockTag, true));
getTransaction(transactionHash) {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ transactionHash: transactionHash }).then(({ transactionHash }) => {
let params = { transactionHash: this.formatter.hash(transactionHash, true) };
return poll(() => {
return this.perform("getTransaction", params).then((result) => {
if (result == null) {
if (this._emitted["t:" + transactionHash] == null) {
return null;
return undefined;
let tx = this.formatter.transactionResponse(result);
if (tx.blockNumber == null) {
tx.confirmations = 0;
else if (tx.confirmations == null) {
return this._getFastBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => {
// Add the confirmations using the fast block number (pessimistic)
let confirmations = (blockNumber - tx.blockNumber) + 1;
if (confirmations <= 0) {
confirmations = 1;
tx.confirmations = confirmations;
return this._wrapTransaction(tx);
return this._wrapTransaction(tx);
}, { onceBlock: this });
getTransactionReceipt(transactionHash) {
return this.ready.then(() => {
return resolveProperties({ transactionHash: transactionHash }).then(({ transactionHash }) => {
let params = { transactionHash: this.formatter.hash(transactionHash, true) };
return poll(() => {
return this.perform("getTransactionReceipt", params).then((result) => {
if (result == null) {
if (this._emitted["t:" + transactionHash] == null) {
return null;
return undefined;
// "geth-etc" returns receipts before they are ready
if (result.blockHash == null) {
return undefined;
let receipt = this.formatter.receipt(result);
if (receipt.blockNumber == null) {
receipt.confirmations = 0;
else if (receipt.confirmations == null) {
return this._getFastBlockNumber().then((blockNumber) => {
// Add the confirmations using the fast block number (pessimistic)
let confirmations = (blockNumber - receipt.blockNumber) + 1;
if (confirmations <= 0) {
confirmations = 1;
receipt.confirmations = confirmations;
return receipt;
return receipt;
}, { onceBlock: this });
getLogs(filter) {
return this._runPerform("getLogs", {
filter: () => this._getFilter(filter)
}).then((result) => {
return Formatter.arrayOf(this.formatter.filterLog.bind(this.formatter))(result);
getEtherPrice() {
return this._runPerform("getEtherPrice", {}).then((result) => {
return result;
_getBlockTag(blockTag) {
if (blockTag instanceof Promise) {
return blockTag.then((b) => this._getBlockTag(b));
if (typeof (blockTag) === "number" && blockTag < 0) {
if (blockTag % 1) {
logger.throwArgumentError("invalid BlockTag", "blockTag", blockTag);
return this._getFastBlockNumber().then((bn) => {
bn += blockTag;
if (bn < 0) {
bn = 0;
return this.formatter.blockTag(bn);
return Promise.resolve(this.formatter.blockTag(blockTag));
_getResolver(name) {
// Get the resolver from the blockchain
return this.getNetwork().then((network) => {
// No ENS...
if (!network.ensAddress) {
2019-09-08 02:46:53 -04:00
logger.throwError("network does not support ENS", Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: "ENS", network: network.name });
2019-08-25 02:39:20 -04:00
// keccak256("resolver(bytes32)")
let data = "0x0178b8bf" + namehash(name).substring(2);
let transaction = { to: network.ensAddress, data: data };
return this.call(transaction).then((data) => {
return this.formatter.callAddress(data);
resolveName(name) {
// If it is a promise, resolve it then recurse
if (name instanceof Promise) {
return name.then((addressOrName) => this.resolveName(addressOrName));
// If it is already an address, nothing to resolve
try {
return Promise.resolve(this.formatter.address(name));
catch (error) { }
// Get the addr from the resovler
return this._getResolver(name).then((resolverAddress) => {
if (!resolverAddress) {
return null;
// keccak256("addr(bytes32)")
let data = "0x3b3b57de" + namehash(name).substring(2);
let transaction = { to: resolverAddress, data: data };
return this.call(transaction).then((data) => {
return this.formatter.callAddress(data);
lookupAddress(address) {
if (address instanceof Promise) {
return address.then((address) => this.lookupAddress(address));
address = this.formatter.address(address);
let name = address.substring(2) + ".addr.reverse";
return this._getResolver(name).then((resolverAddress) => {
if (!resolverAddress) {
return null;
// keccak("name(bytes32)")
let data = "0x691f3431" + namehash(name).substring(2);
return this.call({ to: resolverAddress, data: data }).then((data) => {
let bytes = arrayify(data);
// Strip off the dynamic string pointer (0x20)
if (bytes.length < 32 || !BigNumber.from(bytes.slice(0, 32)).eq(32)) {
return null;
bytes = bytes.slice(32);
if (bytes.length < 32) {
return null;
let length = BigNumber.from(bytes.slice(0, 32)).toNumber();
bytes = bytes.slice(32);
if (length > bytes.length) {
return null;
let name = toUtf8String(bytes.slice(0, length));
// Make sure the reverse record matches the foward record
return this.resolveName(name).then((addr) => {
if (addr != address) {
return null;
return name;
perform(method, params) {
return logger.throwError(method + " not implemented", Logger.errors.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, { operation: method });
_startPending() {
console.log("WARNING: this provider does not support pending events");
_stopPending() {
// Returns true if there are events that still require polling
_checkPolling() {
this.polling = (this._events.filter((e) => e.pollable()).length > 0);
_addEventListener(eventName, listener, once) {
this._events.push(new Event(getEventTag(eventName), listener, once));
if (eventName === "pending") {
// Do we still now have any events that require polling?
return this;
on(eventName, listener) {
return this._addEventListener(eventName, listener, false);
once(eventName, listener) {
return this._addEventListener(eventName, listener, true);
emit(eventName, ...args) {
let result = false;
let eventTag = getEventTag(eventName);
this._events = this._events.filter((event) => {
if (event.tag !== eventTag) {
return true;
setTimeout(() => {
event.listener.apply(this, args);
}, 0);
result = true;
return !(event.once);
// Do we still have any events that require polling? ("once" events remove themselves)
return result;
listenerCount(eventName) {
if (!eventName) {
return this._events.length;
let eventTag = getEventTag(eventName);
return this._events.filter((event) => {
return (event.tag === eventTag);
listeners(eventName) {
if (eventName == null) {
return this._events.map((event) => event.listener);
let eventTag = getEventTag(eventName);
return this._events
.filter((event) => (event.tag === eventTag))
.map((event) => event.listener);
off(eventName, listener) {
if (listener == null) {
return this.removeAllListeners(eventName);
let found = false;
let eventTag = getEventTag(eventName);
this._events = this._events.filter((event) => {
if (event.tag !== eventTag || event.listener != listener) {
return true;
if (found) {
return true;
found = true;
return false;
if (eventName === "pending" && this.listenerCount("pending") === 0) {
// Do we still have any events that require polling?
return this;
removeAllListeners(eventName) {
if (eventName == null) {
this._events = [];
else {
let eventTag = getEventTag(eventName);
this._events = this._events.filter((event) => {
return (event.tag !== eventTag);
if (eventName === "pending") {
// Do we still have any events that require polling?
return this;