pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; import "../interfaces/IDepositExecute.sol"; import "./HandlerHelpers.sol"; import "../tokens/ERC20Safe.sol"; /** @title Handles ERC20 deposits and deposit executions. @author ChainSafe Systems. @notice This contract is intended to be used with the Bridge contract. */ contract ERC20Handler is IDepositExecute, HandlerHelpers, ERC20Safe { struct DepositRecord { address _tokenAddress; uint8 _destinationChainID; bytes32 _resourceID; bytes _destinationRecipientAddress; address _depositer; uint _amount; } // destId => depositNonce => Deposit Record mapping (uint8 => mapping(uint64 => DepositRecord)) public _depositRecords; /** @param bridgeAddress Contract address of previously deployed Bridge. @param initialResourceIDs Resource IDs are used to identify a specific contract address. These are the Resource IDs this contract will initially support. @param initialContractAddresses These are the addresses the {initialResourceIDs} will point to, and are the contracts that will be called to perform various deposit calls. @param burnableContractAddresses These addresses will be set as burnable and when {deposit} is called, the deposited token will be burned. When {executeProposal} is called, new tokens will be minted. @dev {initialResourceIDs} and {initialContractAddresses} must have the same length (one resourceID for every address). Also, these arrays must be ordered in the way that {initialResourceIDs}[0] is the intended resourceID for {initialContractAddresses}[0]. */ constructor( address bridgeAddress, bytes32[] memory initialResourceIDs, address[] memory initialContractAddresses, address[] memory burnableContractAddresses ) public { require(initialResourceIDs.length == initialContractAddresses.length, "initialResourceIDs and initialContractAddresses len mismatch"); _bridgeAddress = bridgeAddress; for (uint256 i = 0; i < initialResourceIDs.length; i++) { _setResource(initialResourceIDs[i], initialContractAddresses[i]); } for (uint256 i = 0; i < burnableContractAddresses.length; i++) { _setBurnable(burnableContractAddresses[i]); } } /** @param depositNonce This ID will have been generated by the Bridge contract. @param destId ID of chain deposit will be bridged to. @return DepositRecord which consists of: - _tokenAddress Address used when {deposit} was executed. - _destinationChainID ChainID deposited tokens are intended to end up on. - _resourceID ResourceID used when {deposit} was executed. - _destinationRecipientAddress Address tokens are intended to be deposited to on desitnation chain. - _depositer Address that initially called {deposit} in the Bridge contract. - _amount Amount of tokens that were deposited. */ function getDepositRecord(uint64 depositNonce, uint8 destId) external view returns (DepositRecord memory) { return _depositRecords[destId][depositNonce]; } /** @notice A deposit is initiatied by making a deposit in the Bridge contract. @param destinationChainID Chain ID of chain tokens are expected to be bridged to. @param depositNonce This value is generated as an ID by the Bridge contract. @param depositer Address of account making the deposit in the Bridge contract. @param data Consists of: {resourceID}, {amount}, {lenRecipientAddress}, and {recipientAddress} all padded to 32 bytes. @notice Data passed into the function should be constructed as follows: amount uint256 bytes 0 - 32 recipientAddress length uint256 bytes 32 - 64 recipientAddress bytes bytes 64 - END @dev Depending if the corresponding {tokenAddress} for the parsed {resourceID} is marked true in {_burnList}, deposited tokens will be burned, if not, they will be locked. */ function deposit( bytes32 resourceID, uint8 destinationChainID, uint64 depositNonce, address depositer, bytes calldata data ) external override onlyBridge { bytes memory recipientAddress; uint256 amount; uint256 lenRecipientAddress; (amount, lenRecipientAddress) = abi.decode(data, (uint, uint)); recipientAddress = bytes(data[64:64 + lenRecipientAddress]); address tokenAddress = _resourceIDToTokenContractAddress[resourceID]; require(_contractWhitelist[tokenAddress], "provided tokenAddress is not whitelisted"); if (_burnList[tokenAddress]) { burnERC20(tokenAddress, depositer, amount); } else { lockERC20(tokenAddress, depositer, address(this), amount); } _depositRecords[destinationChainID][depositNonce] = DepositRecord( tokenAddress, destinationChainID, resourceID, recipientAddress, depositer, amount ); } /** @notice Proposal execution should be initiated when a proposal is finalized in the Bridge contract. by a relayer on the deposit's destination chain. @param data Consists of {resourceID}, {amount}, {lenDestinationRecipientAddress}, and {destinationRecipientAddress} all padded to 32 bytes. @notice Data passed into the function should be constructed as follows: amount uint256 bytes 0 - 32 destinationRecipientAddress length uint256 bytes 32 - 64 destinationRecipientAddress bytes bytes 64 - END */ function executeProposal(bytes32 resourceID, bytes calldata data) external override onlyBridge { uint256 amount; uint256 lenDestinationRecipientAddress; bytes memory destinationRecipientAddress; (amount, lenDestinationRecipientAddress) = abi.decode(data, (uint, uint)); destinationRecipientAddress = bytes(data[64:64 + lenDestinationRecipientAddress]); bytes20 recipientAddress; address tokenAddress = _resourceIDToTokenContractAddress[resourceID]; assembly { recipientAddress := mload(add(destinationRecipientAddress, 0x20)) } require(_contractWhitelist[tokenAddress], "provided tokenAddress is not whitelisted"); if (_burnList[tokenAddress]) { mintERC20(tokenAddress, address(recipientAddress), amount); } else { releaseERC20(tokenAddress, address(recipientAddress), amount); } } /** @notice Used to manually release ERC20 tokens from ERC20Safe. @param tokenAddress Address of token contract to release. @param recipient Address to release tokens to. @param amount The amount of ERC20 tokens to release. */ function withdraw(address tokenAddress, address recipient, uint amount) external override onlyBridge { releaseERC20(tokenAddress, recipient, amount); } }