import sys import function_puller def build_spec(sourcefile, outfile): code_lines = [] code_lines.append("from build.utils.minimal_ssz import *") code_lines.append("from build.utils.bls_stub import *") for i in (1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 32, 48, 96): code_lines.append("def int_to_bytes%d(x): return x.to_bytes(%d, 'little')" % (i, i)) code_lines.append("SLOTS_PER_EPOCH = 64") # stub, will get overwritten by real var code_lines.append("def slot_to_epoch(x): return x // SLOTS_PER_EPOCH") code_lines.append(""" from typing import ( Any, Callable, List, NewType, Tuple, ) Slot = NewType('Slot', int) # uint64 Epoch = NewType('Epoch', int) # uint64 Shard = NewType('Shard', int) # uint64 ValidatorIndex = NewType('ValidatorIndex', int) # uint64 Gwei = NewType('Gwei', int) # uint64 Bytes32 = NewType('Bytes32', bytes) # bytes32 BLSPubkey = NewType('BLSPubkey', bytes) # bytes48 BLSSignature = NewType('BLSSignature', bytes) # bytes96 Any = None Store = None """) code_lines += function_puller.get_lines(sourcefile) code_lines.append(""" # Monkey patch validator shuffling cache _get_shuffling = get_shuffling shuffling_cache = {} def get_shuffling(seed: Bytes32, validators: List[Validator], epoch: Epoch) -> List[List[ValidatorIndex]]: param_hash = (seed, hash_tree_root(validators, [Validator]), epoch) if param_hash in shuffling_cache: # print("Cache hit, epoch={0}".format(epoch)) return shuffling_cache[param_hash] else: # print("Cache miss, epoch={0}".format(epoch)) ret = _get_shuffling(seed, validators, epoch) shuffling_cache[param_hash] = ret return ret # Monkey patch hash cache _hash = hash hash_cache = {} def hash(x): if x in hash_cache: return hash_cache[x] else: ret = _hash(x) hash_cache[x] = ret return ret """) with open(outfile, 'w') as out: out.write("\n".join(code_lines)) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 3: print("Error: spec source and outfile must defined") build_spec(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])