""" BLS test vectors generator Usage: "python tgen_bls path/to/output.yml" """ # Standard library import sys from typing import Tuple # Third-party import yaml # Ethereum from eth_utils import int_to_big_endian, big_endian_to_int # Local imports from py_ecc import bls def int_to_hex(n: int) -> str: return '0x' + int_to_big_endian(n).hex() def hex_to_int(x: str) -> int: return int(x, 16) # Note: even though a domain is only an uint64, # To avoid issues with YAML parsers that are limited to 53-bit (JS language limit) # It is serialized as an hex string as well. DOMAINS = [ 0, 1, 1234, 2**32-1, 2**64-1 ] MESSAGES = [ b'\x00' * 32, b'\x56' * 32, b'\xab' * 32, ] PRIVKEYS = [ # Curve order is 256 so private keys are 32 bytes at most. # Also not all integers is a valid private key, so using pre-generated keys hex_to_int('0x00000000000000000000000000000000263dbd792f5b1be47ed85f8938c0f29586af0d3ac7b977f21c278fe1462040e3'), hex_to_int('0x0000000000000000000000000000000047b8192d77bf871b62e87859d653922725724a5c031afeabc60bcef5ff665138'), hex_to_int('0x00000000000000000000000000000000328388aff0d4a5b7dc9205abd374e7e98f3cd9f3418edb4eafda5fb16473d216'), ] def hash_message(msg: bytes, domain: int) ->Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]: """ Hash message Input: - Message as bytes - domain as uint64 Output: - Message hash as a G2 point """ return [ [ int_to_hex(fq2.coeffs[0]), int_to_hex(fq2.coeffs[1]), ] for fq2 in bls.utils.hash_to_G2(msg, domain) ] def hash_message_compressed(msg: bytes, domain: int) -> Tuple[str, str]: """ Hash message Input: - Message as bytes - domain as uint64 Output: - Message hash as a compressed G2 point """ z1, z2 = bls.utils.compress_G2(bls.utils.hash_to_G2(msg, domain)) return [int_to_hex(z1), int_to_hex(z2)] if __name__ == '__main__': # Order not preserved - https://github.com/yaml/pyyaml/issues/110 metadata = { 'title': 'BLS signature and aggregation tests', 'summary': 'Test vectors for BLS signature', 'test_suite': 'bls', 'fork': 'phase0-0.5.0', } case01_message_hash_G2_uncompressed = [] for msg in MESSAGES: for domain in DOMAINS: case01_message_hash_G2_uncompressed.append({ 'input': {'message': '0x' + msg.hex(), 'domain': int_to_hex(domain)}, 'output': hash_message(msg, domain) }) case02_message_hash_G2_compressed = [] for msg in MESSAGES: for domain in DOMAINS: case02_message_hash_G2_compressed.append({ 'input': {'message': '0x' + msg.hex(), 'domain': int_to_hex(domain)}, 'output': hash_message_compressed(msg, domain) }) case03_private_to_public_key = [] #  Used in later cases pubkeys = [bls.privtopub(privkey) for privkey in PRIVKEYS] #  Used in public key aggregation pubkeys_serial = ['0x' + pubkey.hex() for pubkey in pubkeys] case03_private_to_public_key = [ { 'input': int_to_hex(privkey), 'output': pubkey_serial, } for privkey, pubkey_serial in zip(PRIVKEYS, pubkeys_serial) ] case04_sign_messages = [] sigs = [] # used in verify for privkey in PRIVKEYS: for message in MESSAGES: for domain in DOMAINS: sig = bls.sign(message, privkey, domain) case04_sign_messages.append({ 'input': { 'privkey': int_to_hex(privkey), 'message': '0x' + message.hex(), 'domain': int_to_hex(domain) }, 'output': '0x' + sig.hex() }) sigs.append(sig) # TODO: case05_verify_messages: Verify messages signed in case04 # It takes too long, empty for now case06_aggregate_sigs = [] for domain in DOMAINS: for message in MESSAGES: sigs = [] for privkey in PRIVKEYS: sig = bls.sign(message, privkey, domain) sigs.append(sig) case06_aggregate_sigs.append({ 'input': ['0x' + sig.hex() for sig in sigs], 'output': '0x' + bls.aggregate_signatures(sigs).hex(), }) case07_aggregate_pubkeys = [ { 'input': pubkeys_serial, 'output': '0x' + bls.aggregate_pubkeys(pubkeys).hex(), } ] # TODO # Aggregate verify # TODO # Proof-of-possession with open(sys.argv[2] + "test_bls.yml", 'w') as outfile: # Dump at top level yaml.dump(metadata, outfile, default_flow_style=False) # default_flow_style will unravel "ValidatorRecord" and "committee" line, # exploding file size yaml.dump( {'case01_message_hash_G2_uncompressed': case01_message_hash_G2_uncompressed}, outfile, ) yaml.dump( {'case02_message_hash_G2_compressed': case02_message_hash_G2_compressed}, outfile, ) yaml.dump( {'case03_private_to_public_key': case03_private_to_public_key}, outfile, ) yaml.dump({'case04_sign_messages': case04_sign_messages}, outfile) # Too time consuming to generate # yaml.dump({'case05_verify_messages': case05_verify_messages}, outfile) yaml.dump({'case06_aggregate_sigs': case06_aggregate_sigs}, outfile) yaml.dump({'case07_aggregate_pubkeys': case07_aggregate_pubkeys}, outfile)